This little Taoist priest panicked when he had never seen his master like this.

But after a while, Zhao Quan slowly opened his eyes.

"Zhao Daochang, what's the matter?" Although Mr. Zhang had never seen it before.The real Taoism of Maoshan, but he also asked Taoist priests to do it before, and he heard it in the book in the tavern.The scene in front of him seemed to be the result of internal injury and backlash, so he couldn't help becoming nervous when he thought about it.

Although Master Zhang doesn't care about Zhao Quan's life and death, he also spent money, and he spent a lot of money. For a businessman, there is always a reward for paying. It didn't work out.

When Butler Yu saw this scene, he couldn't help but have some conflicts in his heart, because he had guaranteed Zhao Quan's powerful mana before, so he introduced Zhao Quan to his old man, and he also made a lot of money from it. , what is the situation now?

"Zhao Daochang, how do you feel now? What happened?"

Yu housekeeper.Squatting beside Zhao Quan, looking at Zhao Quan nervously, he thought to himself, "Don't make any mistakes, if there is any problem, Mr. Zhang will be the first person to blame!"

"Cough cough..."

Zhao Quan slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The little Taoist priest at the side saw that his master was in good health, so he hurried over and handed a cup of tea to Zhao Quan.Zhao Quan took the tea and drank a couple of sips, only to recover after half a minute.

Zhao Quan sensed the condition of his body, just as Mr. Zhang had guessed, he had exhausted his mana, which was why he suffered serious internal injuries.

However, the backlash has not yet reached that level, because Lin Kaiyun has not yet made a move. If Lin Kaiyun makes a move, even if Lin Kaiyun uses a little mana, it is impossible for Zhao Quan to breathe now.

Due to the excessive consumption of Zhao Quan's law, his own mental power was also connected to the two zombies in the wing suit.

As Lin Kaiyun kept spinning the zombie, because of the connection of mental power, Zhao Quan was dizzy because of the spinning just now.Just when Zhao Quan fainted, before he had time to recover his mana, the result was that his mana was extremely overdrawn.

Although Zhao Quan is very wise in learning Maoshan Taoism, Zhao Quan's master died early and did not teach him the more advanced Maoshan Taoism. Now Zhao Quan can learn this level entirely by himself The current achievements are based on the experience gained through extensive learning and word of mouth.

In the past, when Zhao Quan dealt with mountain ghosts, he didn't have such a hard work. Maybe the ghosts he encountered before were just formed, so he was able to survive until now.

But this time, Zhao Quan was indeed a little overwhelmed.

Half a minute later, Zhao Quan's face gradually became rosy, and only a trace of blood appeared on his lips.

He clasped his fists and exhaled twice, and then said to Master Zhang beside him, "Please don't mind the situation today, Master Zhang, I don't have the energy to deal with Li Bolder today.

Just please rest assured, Mr. Zhang, since I have received the money from the poor, I will definitely settle this matter.

I also ask Master Zhang to give me a grace period of two days, and I will definitely kill that Li Bold. "

While Zhao Quan was talking, he thought about the Taoism he had learned, which was very complicated, and the doorways inside were more certified and more stylish. Now that this kind of formation can't work, just use another kind of formation instead.

Thinking that Li Daudao must have not reached his limit today, he is just an ordinary person, even if he knows a little bit.The kung fu on hands and feet, so what, if he is serious, then the three Li Bold will surely die.

As for the money he received, it must never be returned.Of course, Zhao Quan never spit out the money that he put in his pocket.

Master Zhang looked at the pale Zhao Quan in front of him, and frowned.Thinking about Zhao Quan's mana, that's the way it is.Although he has just seen the subtleties of Maoshan Taoism, but now even that big fool Li Bold can't handle it, so what's the use?

"Master, you see, Daoist Zhao is also determined to get things done. Now this situation may be due to some accident. You are allowing three days. I think Daoist Zhao will definitely get rid of Li Bold."

Steward Yu at the side saw his master's complexion was not good, and he knew that he had become suspicious of this matter when he thought about it.But he couldn't take out the money he got, so he spoke up for Zhao Quan.

Hearing what Steward Yu said, Mr. Zhang picked up the teacup next to him, took a sip, and thought for a while. If Mr. Zhang is now to find someone to kill Li Boldly without knowing it, it will be too late. It's really a hassle.

For Grandpa Zhang, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. Grandpa Zhang looked at Zhao Quan and said,

"Daoist Qian, I will trust you once more now, but I can't keep me waiting for this matter. You just said three days to the housekeeper. Do you think you can give me a safe explanation within three days? ?”

Hearing this, Zhao Quan was very happy, and couldn't help looking at Steward Yu, his eyes full of gratitude.Then he was mixed up by the little Taoist priest, stood up with difficulty, cupped his hands to Master Zhang and said,

"Master Zhang, don't worry, it's only three days. I will die within three days."

"It's so refreshing. I'll see the results in three days. I hope Daoist Zhao won't let me down." Elder Zhang said as he stood up and gently supported Zhao Quan.

"No problem, there must have been some accident this time. I didn't expect Li Bold to be so cunning. Next time I will be fully prepared and let him play tricks. No tricks will work."

In Yizhuang.

Just when Zhao Quan fainted, the two zombies who were fiercely chasing Li Bolder fell to the ground as if they had been drained of mana.

Li boldly looked at the two fallen zombies, and then he took a deep breath of relief.Although Li Bolder was dizzy from being turned around, his life was saved after all.

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun stood firmly on the ground like a pine and cypress, without moving at all, and directly put Li Bold aside.

Li Boldly stood up with his hands on the ground, slapped himself, his head was still dizzy, walked up to Lin Kaiyun, knelt down to Lin Kaiyun, and said to Lin Kaiyun with three bang bang bang bangs,

"If Engong didn't help save my little life, I'm afraid I would really have to confess to him tonight. I don't know how to call him. If I am prosperous in Japan, I will never forget my life-saving grace."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, looked at Li Dada who was kneeling in front of him, this guy still wants to get rich?Forget it, I don't point to Li Bold to repay.

Lin Kaiyun waved to Li Boldly and said, "Get up quickly."

"Thank you Eng."

When Li Bolder heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he couldn't help but look up, but he was even more curious in his heart, who was the person who saved him?He said that he wanted to repay the person in front of him, but he still had such a calm appearance.Not only is Yunnan popular, as if just now.Carrying myself around in circles, as if it never happened, I can't see any fatigue at all.

In this dark Yizhuang, the previous tranquility has been restored.

The only difference is that Li Dada involuntarily looked at Lin Kaiyun. Under the faint moonlight, Lin Kaiyun's figure was so heroic, as if he was a soldier descended from heaven. Also not afraid at all.

Suddenly Li boldly remembered the Taoist priest he met when he came to Yizhuang. Could it be that his benefactor is also a Taoist priest?

Thinking this way, Li Boldly looked at Lin Kaiyun from top to bottom involuntarily, but Li Boldly was not sure.

The more Lin Kaiyun remained silent, the more curious Li Daudao became, but he still didn't dare to ask.But in the end, I couldn't resist my curiosity.

But facing the indifferent Lin Kaiyun, how should Li Bold speak?

Li Bold couldn't help thinking about it, thinking that Li Bold had shown Master Zhang's car for many years, and it wasn't for nothing, and he had learned half of his glib tongue.Find an interesting topic first, so Li Boldly took a deep breath, looked at Lin Kaiyun in a low voice, and asked,

"Engong, are you a cultivator?"

When Lin Kaiyun heard the question, he turned his head to look at Li Bold, what is this guy doing, and then he said what he said?Lin Kaiyun saw that it was too early, so it would be good to say a few words to him to pass the time.Lin Kaiyun nodded as he thought about it.

Seeing that his benefactor responded, Li boldly felt overjoyed, and continued, "Benefactor, to tell you the truth, I have seen a female ghost before, and the appearance of that female ghost is very terrifying, and I also I had a fight with that female ghost. At that time, I took a big kitchen knife and directly chopped off one of the female ghost's hands.

If that female ghost wasn't so powerful, my friend wouldn't have been captured by him.Fortunately, I moved fast, otherwise I would have finished with it. "

Li Boldly talked about what happened to him the night before, of course, there were some plots in it, and he was a little embellished.

When Li boldly told about this matter, his face couldn't help but beam with joy, but when Lin Kaiyun saw this scene, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and then he frowned and said, "Not bad."

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun did not make any other movements.

Because of Lin Kaiyun.I just saw Li Bold's reaction and knew that Li Bold was not as big as the name said. He was really cowardly, but sometimes he was just holding on.

And the few friends that Li boldly mentioned were nothing more than idlers and stealthy people. It is not surprising that they were captured by the female ghost. I think the female ghost did a good deed.

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