And when Lin Kaiyun started to eliminate these starving ghosts, the shopkeeper in the coat had already gone to nowhere.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at the restaurant, and found that there were no other people in the restaurant except for these diners.

And just when Lin Kaiyun was about to leave here, at this moment, a man suddenly appeared behind Lin Kaiyun, and stabbed towards Lin Kaiyun's back with a knife.

Lin Kaiyun had already sensed that there was a sneak attack from behind, and kicked the man unhurriedly, knocking the man over with one kick.


The man clutched his abdomen, cried out in pain, curled up, and fell to the ground.

At this time, Lin Kaiyun saw clearly the person who attacked him.

This person is thin and small, looks like more than 1.6 meters, his face is full of pockmarks, he is wearing a dirty black robe, his hair is loose, and his whole body is full of darkness and weirdness.

He looked at Lin Kaiyun and showed a sinister smile: "Little brother, are you a Taoist priest? I didn't expect you to have some skills."

"However, no matter who you are, you shouldn't meddle in this business. Although these people are sucked by starving ghosts, they may not necessarily die. Why are you asking for trouble?"

"You don't want to use the starving ghost to do something, do you?"

Lin Kaiyun looked at the man and asked with a sneer.

"Ha ha......."

Hearing this, the man immediately burst out laughing, and said while laughing: "It seems that your eyes are quite vicious. That's right, but you can't interfere in this matter, so you should get out obediently."

When Lin Kaiyun heard this, he became angry immediately.

He said with a gloomy face: "So, these starving ghosts are under your control when they harm people?"

"That's right, so what?"

The man opened his hand, and a cloud of black mist rose behind him, and countless starved ghosts emerged from it, densely packed, there were thirty or fifty of them.

"kill him!"

The man waved his hand, and the starving ghost rushed towards Lin Kaiyun.

For a while, the corridors of the restaurant were full of starving ghosts.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, and directly drew out the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword.

Now is not the time to show mercy.

As soon as the Seven Star Longyuan Sword was unsheathed, a strong evil spirit immediately permeated the air, which made people's hair stand on end. In an instant, these starving ghosts were frightened out of their wits.

Lin Kaiyun took a stride and rushed directly towards the starving ghost.

With a sweep of the sword, he directly slashed at the starving ghost nearby.


The Seven Star Longyuan Sword slashed fiercely at the starving ghost's body, and immediately split the starving ghost in half.

Immediately after he jumped up, lightning flashed in his palm, and he fell towards another starving ghost.


Lin Kaiyun slapped the starved ghost's head directly with his palm. Immediately, the starved ghost's brain burst, blood splattered everywhere, and he fell down from the air.

"Little Taoist priest, it's quite difficult!"

Seeing that the starving ghost couldn't help Lin Kaiyun, the man rushed over and punched Lin Kaiyun in the chest.

Lin Kaiyun frowned, shook his hand, and swiped the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand, slashing at the man's head.


The man's fist directly hit Lin Kaiyun's Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and suddenly, there was a sound of metal intermingling.

The man was knocked back several steps by the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in Lin Kaiyun's hand.

Although this man's cultivation base is not high, but his physical body is very strong, he unexpectedly withstood Lin Kaiyun's move abruptly.

Lin Kaiyun's face changed slightly, it seems that this guy is really not simple.

"Little Taoist priest, do you know the consequences of messing with me?"

The man stared at Lin Kaiyun, and smiled sinisterly, his laughter sounded particularly terrifying.

Lin Kaiyun curled his lips in disdain when he heard the words: "It's really shameless for a trash who can't even be considered a cultivator to dare to pretend in front of me."

"Boy, court death!"

The man was irritated by Lin Kaiyun's words, his face changed drastically, and his eyes became even colder.

He directly took out a pill from his arms and threw it into his mouth. Afterwards, his eyes became scarlet, and the blood in his body also boiled, as if it was about to gush out.

Thin blood vessels also began to grow on this man's body.

His face also began to slowly turn green, and the muscles in his body began to swell, as if about to explode, and his whole person became hideous and terrifying.

Chapter 497 Trash, no need to save

The man bombarded Lin Kaiyun with one punch, and the power of this punch was even more ferocious than before.

At this time, the man had only one thought in his mind: kill the uncomfortable guy in front of him.

And Lin Kaiyun's face changed, and he was secretly shocked.


With a loud noise, the man punched Lin Kaiyun's chest.

Although the man's speed was very fast and his strength was strong, he was dodged by Lin Kaiyun, and the man's punch hit the wall.

It didn't hit Lin Kaiyun, on the contrary, it made his arm a little numb.

The man yelled in pain, and he staggered back several steps before barely standing on his feet.

At this moment, the body of the man has turned green, and he looks like a zombie.

He glared at Lin Kaiyun angrily, his eyes filled with hatred.

"Damn it! This kid has the ability not to hide."

The man was extremely angry in his heart, and roared loudly, the expression on his face also appeared a little distorted.

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