Lin Kaiyun thought secretly.

At this time, the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva leaped violently, jumped down from the void, and landed on the ground. Then, he opened his bloody mouth and bit towards Lin Kaiyun.

Seeing the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva attacking him, Lin Kaiyun quickly waved the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword in his hand, and slashed at the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva.


Lin Kaiyun was blown away by the body of Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva and hit the wall.


Lin Kaiyun spat out a mouthful of blood.

The power of Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva is too strong, Lin Kaiyun can't resist at all, his current situation is very dangerous.


Lin Kaiyun took a deep breath, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and instantly cast the Golden Light Curse.

The talisman paper was constantly thrown out between his hands, and then it fell on his body. The talisman exploded instantly, turned into a little golden light, and entered his body.


Lin Kaiyun roared angrily, and his aura rose instantly.


As if the thunder was roaring, the soil on the ground floated up one after another, like snow falling, splashing towards the surroundings.


The boss's face changed slightly, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

However, he still didn't believe that the Taoist priest in front of him was the opponent of Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva.

The shopkeeper clasped his hands together and kept muttering,

"Master Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva, I have given you so many sacrifices, don't let your chain slip!"

Immediately, his eyes turned to Lin Kaiyun again, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

He just waited to see how this Taoist priest was devoured by this hungry ghost bodhisattva until not even the dregs remained.

Lin Kaiyun took a deep breath, formed mudras with his hands, and recited the mantra.

A majestic aura surged towards him frantically, and his cultivation was growing at an astonishing speed.


On Lin Kaiyun's fist, lines were condensed, and each line was emitting a dazzling light.


Lin Kaiyun hit the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva's stomach with a heavy punch, and sent him flying.


At this moment, there was a cracking sound in the belly of the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva.

The sound was getting louder and louder, and Lin Kaiyun felt that the sound seemed to be like the sound made by some wild beasts when they were chewing food, full of ferocity and tyranny.


Lin Kaiyun wailed in pain, his body was twitching violently.

"Crack, click!"

Lin Kaiyun felt his stomach was about to burst.

"how is this possible?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't know why, but he shared the painful feeling with this hungry ghost Bodhisattva.

Obviously he was the one who punched Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva, but he felt that he was also suffering from the punch.

At the same time, Daoist Qian who was at Li Bold's house also felt something strange.

For a moment, he felt that there was an evil atmosphere in this town.

Just when Taoist Qian was about to continue to identify, Li Daoshi's voice interrupted him.

"Daozhang, do you know something? That bamboo pole forced me to bet with him again. I didn't want to agree to it."

"But I don't know what's wrong. At that time, when my brain got hot, I didn't refute it, and I agreed in a daze."

"Daozhang, you have to save me! I don't want to meet zombies anymore."

Chapter 498 Is someone whispering behind my back?

Daoist Qian was directly interrupted by Li Bold.

By the time he was about to sense whether there was an evil smell in the town, it was already too late.

"Did I get it wrong?"

Daoist Qian was also very puzzled. Now that he had carefully perceived it, he didn't have any evil feeling.

For a moment, I wondered if I had made a mistake.

Seeing that Daoist Qian was stunned in place, Li Daoda was very anxious and shouted directly,

"Daozhang, what's going on? Are you talking?"

"Don't worry, I'm just asking casually, but you'd better tell me the matter, otherwise I can't help you!"

Daoist Qian was not thinking about what happened just now, but turned to look at Li Bold with a smile on his face.

This Li Bold's Yintang turned black, obviously he was going to be unlucky, and even his life was in danger in severe cases.

However, Li Bold has nothing to do, and Daoist Qian is sure that Li Bold definitely didn't get any great opportunity to turn danger into good luck.

In Qian Daochang's view, there must be someone who helped Li Bold, and the person who helped him should be very powerful.

Because Daoist Qian, as a cultivator, can see what Li Bold is facing, even if he is allowed to come to this crisis, it is impossible to solve it perfectly.

Of course, Daoist Li didn't know Daoist Qian's thoughts. After all, he had calmed down now, especially Daoist Qian was stunned in place just now. This abnormal behavior made Li Boldness feel a little uncomfortable. OK.

If he hadn't met Daoist Qian before, Li Bold would have thought that this person was a liar.

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