"How could it be possible for you, a stinky Taoist priest, to be defeated? This is a lie. It is absolutely impossible."

Lin Kaiyun glanced at the shopkeeper who was grieving, and he didn't have time to pay attention to this guy right now.

Now Lin Kaiyun's first task is to completely eliminate this Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva.

Lin Kaiyun gritted his teeth and mobilized the innate qi in his body, and chopped fiercely at his feet.

In an instant, a slowly rotating gossip pattern emerged.

"Kun character, earth river cart."

Lin Kaiyun and Jiang Kun spun to the feet of the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva, and then squeezed the magic formula with both hands, and shouted suddenly.

Suddenly the soil in the restaurant loosened, and the whole restaurant seemed to collapse. A thick earth snake like a big tree swam out, opened its mouth and swallowed the struggling Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva inside.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun, holding the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand, jumped up in two steps and slashed fiercely at the mouth of the earth snake.

Zizizi! ! !

The sharp electric light shrouded the entire restaurant under the dazzling light as if destroying the world.

For a split second, time seemed to stand still, and Lin Kaiyun's body seemed to be motionless, but the Seven Star Longyuan Sword cut down accurately.


Like the sound of glass breaking, the scene in the entire restaurant was instantly shattered.

The earth snake turned into fly ash again, and the hungry ghost Bodhisattva swallowed by the earth snake disappeared.

Unlike before, this time Lin Kaiyun clearly felt that the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva had been eliminated by him.

Seeing that the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva was about to be defeated, the shopkeeper had already collapsed. It was even more unacceptable to see the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva being directly eliminated. He knelt down on the ground, as if he had lost his soul. Crazy and silly.

I don't know what was muttering in my mouth, anyway, it was all those unbelievable words, Lin Kaiyun didn't bother to listen carefully.

He walked directly in front of the shopkeeper, grabbed him by the neck and pulled him up, and asked directly,

"Who taught you to make this Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva?"

Lin Kaiyun knew very well in his heart that as far as the shopkeeper looked, he was just an ordinary person, and at most he was just a black-hearted businessman.

It is simply impossible to master the method of shaping the hungry ghost bodhisattva, and those starving ghosts are beyond the control of the shopkeeper.

So Lin Kaiyun is sure that someone handed over the shopkeeper's method.

And Lin Kaiyun came here to find someone, so he naturally put these two things together.

If the elder of the Maoshan inner sect really had collusion with the underworld organization as Mo Ya said, then it is very likely that he has been blackened, and it is normal for the Maoshan inner sect elder to know this method.

"Impossible, this is impossible, no one can fight, blame my Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva."

"That person told me that as long as I guarantee a sacrifice to a hungry ghost every day, this hungry ghost Bodhisattva will become stronger and stronger. At that time, whether it is money, power, land, etc., I can do whatever I want have."

"How can it be easily defeated? This must be fake."

As if the shopkeeper didn't hear Lin Kaiyun's question, he was still muttering foolishly.

Snapped! ! !

Lin Kaiyun directly raised his hand and slapped it, and immediately threw it out. The shopkeeper flew out like a spinning top, and two of his teeth fell to the ground.

Regardless of whether the shopkeeper is really crazy, stupid, or pretending to be Lin Kaiyun, there is no time to spend with him.

So since the shopkeeper didn't open his mouth, Lin Kaiyun would force him to speak.

Two flowers bloomed, one for each branch. While Lin Kaiyun was forcing the shopkeeper, Li Bold on the other side had already chatted enthusiastically with Daoist Qian.

In particular, Daoist Qian was very proactive, because he was very interested in Mr. Lin in the story Li Boldly told.

After all, according to Daoist Qian's analysis, this Mr. Lin is probably a really powerful person, at least far stronger than him.

Now that he met Daoist Qian, he couldn't pretend that nothing happened, and he even wanted to get acquainted and ask for advice.

So Daoist Qian asked Li Boldly very curiously,

"Tell me about the Mr. Lin who saved you, such as how old he is, and whether he has any characteristics? It would be better if he had his full name."

After hearing Daoist Qian's question, Li Bolder blinked, scratched his head, and answered,

"I don't know the information, what information, I just met him a few times, but he is about the same age as me and wears a Taoist robe, but the pattern on the hat is different from yours, I don't know how to describe it .”

"Really? Are you sure you didn't lie to me? Is the Mr. Lin you mentioned about your age? "

After listening to Li Boldly's words, Daoist Qian stretched out his hand to grab his arm, and asked in disbelief.

Do you wonder why Daoist Qian is so excited?

Because in Li Daoda's words, the Mr. Lin who saved him is an absolute master. According to Daoist Qian, such a master should be at least 60 years old.

After all, if he is measured by himself, his current strength is the result of 40 years of penance, so those who are much stronger than him will only practice for longer.

As for whether he is a genius or not, Daoist Qian will not think about it at all. After all, in this era who are still practicing Taoism and have some achievements, who is not a genius?

In Daoist Qian's heart, he himself is a genius, even if he thinks that other people have higher talents, they will not be much better than him.

In the end, he never expected this. The expert he had always thought was about the same age as Li Bold?

Although Li Bold looks tall and thick, with a silly and silly look, he looks to be in his twenties.

If you say that, that Mr. Lin should be in his 20s, which made Daoist Qian a little unbelievable and a little shocked.

In Daoist Qian's eyes, it is impossible for someone in his 20s to be able to chop melons and vegetables and eliminate zombies, so he felt that Li was exaggerating or simply lying to him.

Therefore, Daoist Qian's expression was a bit ugly, he put down his hand, took two steps to the left, squinted at Li Bold, and said in a cold voice,

"I came here to help you sincerely, and I also want to help you tide over the crisis."

"Although my lord is really curious and asked some questions that shouldn't be asked, you shouldn't be fooling me like this?"

No matter how stupid Li Bold was, he could hear the meaning of Qian Daochang's words at this time.

The feeling is that Daoist Qian doesn't believe what he says.

Li boldly explained with dancing,

"Master Daoist, do you think I'm the kind of liar? If I don't want to tell you, I just don't say a word. How could I make up a story to lie to you?"

"Everything I say is true. If you don't believe it, then I can't help it."

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