"Master's common saying is good, use people's money to eliminate disasters for others, this Daoist Zhao Quan has already received your deposit from you!"

"I will definitely deal with your matter, so don't worry about it."

Master Zhang nodded, the butler's assurance made him feel at ease about the Daoist Zhao Quan.

As for the influence of Zhao Quan and Daoist Zhao's gaffe when doing things, Mr. Zhang doesn't care anymore in his heart.

He spoke slowly,

"It's good to use people's money to eliminate disasters for others. If you wait like this, you can go and get some more oceans and send them directly to Daoist Zhao."

"As for what to say and how to do it, I don't need to teach you!"

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely take care of this matter."

The housekeeper nodded without any hesitation, and went straight out to make arrangements.

At this time, Mr. Zhang no longer worried about this matter. He made himself a cup of tea that cleared the heat and purged the fire. After drinking it, he returned to his bedroom and fell asleep peacefully.

At the same time, Lin Kaiyun pressed the shopkeeper of the restaurant, and finally got results.

The crazy shopkeeper said a name to Lin Kaiyun.

Zhao Quan! ! !

It was Zhao Quan who taught him this method, and the price was that the shopkeeper had to pay Zhao Quan 100 yuan a month.

You must know that in this era, this 100 yuan is a huge sum of money, and it is still 100 yuan a month.

Ordinary merchants can't afford this fee at all, and the reason why the shopkeeper of this restaurant can afford this money is because his family background is strong enough before.

The second is that Zhao Quan told himself the method of refining starving ghosts, and this shopkeeper is useful, and these starving ghosts control the diners who come to eat.

Of course, it wasn't because the shopkeeper's controlling vampire killed all the people who came to eat. If that was the case, he would have been discovered long ago.

Instead, he continued to let these diners eat in his restaurant step by step.

In this way, not only can these guests provide Yang Qi for his vampire, but at the same time, he can sell some very simple meals to these guests and earn a lot of money.

And if the yang energy of these guests is almost absorbed, they will not die immediately, but will be weak after the illness, and finally die slowly.

It makes people feel that they are seriously ill or their life is over.

Moreover, the shopkeeper had a good plan. He would not let all his guests die at the same time, but consciously staggered the time of death of these people.

It is precisely because of these points that his restaurant did not make a big fuss and was not discovered.

As for whether there are other people's protection, such as other dignitaries in this town and the mayor, it's hard to say.

Of course, this Lin Kaiyun is not an imperial envoy, and he is not in the mood to settle the case here.

Now he only cares about the photo that the shopkeeper said, is it the elder from Maoshan?

But for some reason, he always felt that this name was a little familiar, and he didn't know where he had heard it before.

But it seems that I can't remember it.


At this moment, Lin Kaiyun's stomach suddenly growled inappropriately.

Lin Kaiyun touched his stomach helplessly, yes, he was hungry.

After fighting for so long, it took a lot of energy.

Chapter 501 The Bold Woman

People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry!

Although Lin Kaiyun's current state, even if he does not eat for a long time, it will not affect anything.

However, his habit of so many years is not easy to change.

I've been busy all night, and when it's dawn, I just want to eat something, otherwise there will always be a sense of emptiness.

Lin Kaiyun didn't deal with it too much at the scene. He believed that if the mayor found out, he would never fail to guess what happened in this restaurant.

Just these scrawny people and what kind of abnormal food they have is enough for the mayor to file a case.

After Lin Kaiyun walked out of the restaurant, without hesitation, he went straight to the wonton shop where he had eaten before.

Just find a place to sit down,

Lin Kaiyun called Xiao Er: "Xiao Er, here are four bowls of wontons, hurry up!"

"Okay!" Xiao Er replied.

Xiao Er brought the wontons to the table, Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "The wontons are really delicious, I wonder how they taste?"

"Sir, please try it, this is the most famous wonton in our town!" Xiao Er said with a smile.

"Well, I'll try it!" Lin Kaiyun picked up the spoon and was about to dig.

At this moment, a slender figure passed by the door of Wonton Shop.

That was none other than Zhang Xueqi, the daughter of Mr. Zhang in the town.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun was not clear about this.

What caught his attention was that this woman looked like a rich lady in her attire, but she came to this small wonton shop to eat.

It really made Lin Kaiyun a little curious, and he couldn't help but look up.

I saw that woman was wearing a long red dress with a pink shawl on it. She looked noble and sexy, and her beautiful face was also beautiful.

"Not to mention how beautiful she is, but her temperament is also very good, she can be regarded as a beauty!"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help admiring in his heart.

However, he didn't think too much, but buried himself in eating his wonton.

Coincidentally, this woman was also very curious about Lin Kaiyun.

After all, a young man wearing a Taoist robe is very eye-catching no matter where he is.

Zhang Xueqi's eyes fell on Lin Kaiyun.

This Taoist priest looks quite handsome, he looks very gentle, but he has a bit of a tough temperament.

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