Although Lin Kaiyun did not explicitly accuse this person of pretending to be a Taoist priest in Maoshan, but in fact there was still a little displeasure in his words.

Although Daoist Qian is not a slick person, he is not stupid. Naturally, he can hear Lin Kaiyun's tone, something is wrong.

"What's going on? Could it be that I said something wrong? Made this Mr. Lin unhappy?"

Daoist Qian couldn't help muttering in his heart, and then suddenly remembered that he didn't report his family name.

After all, the Taoist system is very chaotic for those who are still walking around in the rivers and lakes. Basically, there are all kinds of people, especially some liars who walk around the streets, wearing Taoist robes, and deceiving people in the name of Taoism.

So over time, I have developed a habit. If people who practice Taoism meet each other, they must announce their family name when they greet each other. In this way, they can also tell the other party that they belong to the orthodox Taoism, and not some liar who walks the rivers and lakes.

After thinking of this, Daoist Qian added another sentence.

"This little fellow daoist is very sorry. I was indeed negligent just now. I forgot to report my family name. Please don't mind. Allow me to introduce myself again."

"My surname is Qian, and outsiders generally call me Qian Zhenren, or Daoist Qian. I come from Pi County, and I am a true disciple of Maoshan Taoist Temple in Pi County."

After Lin Kaiyun heard Daoist Qian said these words, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and asked subconsciously,

"A true disciple of Maoshan Dojo? Don't tell me you're really from Maoshan?"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's questioning words, Daoist Qian's face changed slightly, and then he immediately returned to his original smile and said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Of course not. Why do fellow daoists ask such a question? Do I look like a liar?"

You must know that even if Daoist Qian has a good temper, if he hears people questioning his orthodoxy, he will not give anyone a good face, and he may even get angry.

But facing Lin Kaiyun, Daoist Qian had a preconceived impression that the young man in front of him was a master.

Daoist Qian didn't get angry directly.

When Lin Kaiyun saw Daoist Qian's state, he also realized that he might have gone too far, so he quickly made a mistake.

"I don't mean that, Daoist Qian. Of course, I won't question your orthodoxy."

"It's just because I am also the inheritance of Maoshan Dojo, so I have doubts, and I hope you don't mind."

After listening to Lin Kaiyun's words, Daoist Qian stepped forward with joy and said hastily,

"Really? You are also the inheritance of Maoshan Dojo, do you say that we are still from the same inheritance?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said,

"That's right, Daoist Qian. I'm a disciple of Taoist Master Maoshan in Renjia Township. If nothing else happens, we should all be from Maoshan Mountain at the foot of the mountain. We are indeed our own people."

Because this time I went to Maoshan inner sect Lin Kaiyun, I also learned a lot about Maoshan, such as the difference between the inner disciples who stayed on the mountain and the disciples who chose to open a dojo at the foot of the mountain.

In fact, Lin Kaiyun and the Daoist Qian he met now are all behind the group of Maoshan disciples who opened a dojo at the foot of the mountain.

Although the relationship is not very close, there is no doubt that Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian can be regarded as his own.

"Renjia Town?"

Daoist Qian muttered for a while, but he didn't recall what this place was in his mind, but he didn't delay his enthusiasm, he walked directly in front of Lin Kaiyun, and said with a bright smile,

"It's really an old acquaintance in a foreign land. I didn't expect to meet a Taoist disciple of my colleague Maoshan here. It's so gratifying."

Chapter 503

Daoist Qian had a smile on his whole face, if it wasn't for the sake of face, he would have wished to hug Lin Kaiyun big at this moment.

In fact, although he was walking in the rivers and lakes, Daoist Qian met many fellow Taoists.

But the colleague I met last time, a disciple of Maoshan inheritance, was ten years ago.

At that time, he was dealing with a feng shui problem at the ancestral grave, and he met a disciple of Maoshan.

It is also the Maoshan inheritance that opened a dojo at the foot of the mountain, but because that person had something to do and was just passing by, Daoist Qian didn't have much communication with that person.

After that, Daoist Qian did not meet Maoshan's disciples, so after seeing Lin Kaiyun again this time, Daoist Qian was really happy.

However, Daoist Qian's excessive enthusiasm made Lin Kaiyun a little confused.

I thought to myself, doesn't this guy have some weird hobbies?

Of course, Daoist Le Qian didn't notice any changes in Lin Kaiyun's eyes, he continued to speak enthusiastically,

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper, but I have to say, we are really destined."

"I heard Zhang Boldly say today that he is going to deal with a female ghost. As a cultivator, it is his duty to exorcise demons and catch ghosts."

"So I resolutely decided to stay and help. As the saying goes, good intentions will naturally be rewarded. I didn't expect to meet Maoshan's fellow disciples because of this."

"I'm so happy."

Daoist Qian is telling the truth, he is really happy.

He originally stayed for only two purposes. One was to help others, to help Li Bold get rid of that female ghost. The second was to deal with the expert that Li Bold said. It would be best if he had the opportunity to ask for advice. .

But now, after knowing that the Mr. Lin that Li Boldly said is also a disciple of Maoshan, it can be said that both goals can be achieved.

Because if the Lin Kaiyun in front of him is really as Li boldly said, then the strength must be very strong, and it is no problem to eliminate the female ghost, especially the success rate of the two of them will be very high.

Moreover, Lin Kaiyun is also a colleague of Maoshan, so it should be relatively easier for his own people to ask for advice.

But there is one thing that Daoist Qian doesn't know what to do, that is, Lin Kaiyun is indeed very young, which also makes him a little bit speechless.

After all, he is so old, but he is like a young man asking for advice. Although among the monks in the world, they only talk about Taoism, regardless of age, Daoist Qian still feels a little embarrassed.

And just as he was trying to figure out what to say in order to resolve his embarrassment when asking Lin Kaiyun for advice, Lin Kaiyun suddenly spoke.

But it was not to Daoist Qian, but to Li Boldly who was beside him,

"Li Bold, go find an apple and a knife now, it doesn't matter what style it is."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Li Boldly didn't understand, scratched his head, and asked,

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter? Do you want to eat fruit?"

Lin Kaiyun shouted directly,

"What kind of fruit to eat, you take this apple and the knife to peel the apple in front of that mirror."

Li Bold was obviously reluctant, and asked suspiciously,

"Peeling apples in front of the mirror? Mr. Lin, why are you peeling apples in front of the mirror? How scary!"

Lin Kaiyun explained,

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