Looking at the excited Li Bold,

Lin Kaiyun sighed helplessly, and then said boldly to Li:

"Brother Li, can you be quiet!"

Li Boldly froze when he heard Lin Kaiyun's words.

Immediately, Li Boldly realized that he was so excited just now that he forgot where he was now.

He quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

It's not that Lin Kaiyun wanted to reprimand Li Bold, but he knew that the female ghost was not dead.

Although the female ghost no longer struggled in the flames, the yin and ghost energy did not dissipate.

Daoist Qian at the side also remained silent at this time, but looked at the flames burning in the room seriously.

Daoist Qian could see the flame clearly, it was the fire talisman released by Lin Kaiyun.

But what really puzzled him was that the flame transformed from the fire talisman remained above the room, and it was in an extremely small place.

It can even be said that the flame did not cause any damage to Li Bold's house.

The flame has been kept in front of the bronze mirror, as if it only targeted the female ghost in the bronze mirror, and the rest of Qiu did not offend.

"What kind of control is this?"

Daoist Qian couldn't help sighing,

He has also refined talisman paper before, but he has never seen any talisman paper with such a strong control power.

And Lin Kaiyun didn't know what Daoist Qian was thinking,

Now his mind is full of how to deal with that female ghost.

In the flames, which female ghost actually changed, as if a picture was replayed.

In the picture, the ghost of the female ghost appeared in a pool.

On the edge of that pool, a dry skeleton.

The flesh on the bones has already rotted away,

But it is well preserved and has not been corroded.

At this time, it is slowly sinking.

"Could it be a drowned ghost? Or some other water ghost?"

Just as Lin Kaiyun was muttering, he suddenly felt a few drops of water dripping onto Lin Kaiyun's face.

Not only Lin Kaiyun, but even Li Bold and Qian Daochang in the room felt the water droplets.

"Why is it raining? It was obviously still a big sun just now!!!"

Li Boldly said even more confusedly.

However, after finishing speaking, Li Bold was stunned and covered his mouth nervously.

It wasn't that he said something wrong, but he realized a terrifying fact.

Now they are in the room, even if it is raining, how can it scare their faces?

Li boldly panicked and trembled all over.

And Lin Kaiyun squinted his eyes slightly, observing carefully.

At this time, the water droplets fell on the ground, splashing a cloud of dust, but the dust was not water vapor.

The cold air contained in the water droplets is not ordinary dust.

The problem is that nothing has changed around them, they are still in Li Bold's house.

So, the three of them raised their heads in unison.

I see,

There were some electric sparks above the house, sparks of lightning.

"Oops, is it ghost thunder?"

Seeing the dark cloud that was getting closer, Daoist Qian exclaimed, and his face was distorted by excessive fear.

You must know that ghost thunder is very rare, and not all ghosts can perform it.

Only some ghosts were struck by lightning when they became ghosts before and after death.

Only in this case will the Yin Qi be condensed into thunder.

Because of such harsh conditions, such things basically do not exist.

After all, sometimes people are unlucky, and it is possible to be struck by lightning. Although it is rare, it is not uncommon.

However, it is impossible to be struck by lightning after becoming a ghost.

So there is only one possibility, and that is that the female ghost was struck by lightning on purpose.

Because ghosts are naturally afraid of this kind of thunder and lightning, they must have borrowed the help of external forces.

This also shows that this female ghost may be ganged or organized.

Then the problem is serious.

Who the hell is this organization? It has such a big hand, it can drive ghosts,

And can control everything.

Lin Kaiyun's face also showed a dignified look.

It seems that the power behind this female ghost is very powerful, could it be the elder from the inner sect of Maoshan?

Under the preconceived situation, Lin Kaiyun had no choice but to rely on the elders of Maoshan inner sect for all the strange things.

After all, he had already believed Mo Ya's words, yet an elder from the inner sect of Maoshan colluded with the shitty underworld.

It will definitely not do anything good, it is too possible to control ghosts.

Therefore, Lin Kaiyun's thinking has changed now, that is to catch this female ghost and see if he can force out some clues.

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