Hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Li Bold was stunned, and explained,

"Mr. Lin, the voice in my head didn't tell me where the female ghost is."

"Are you sure there is no sound in your head?" Lin Kaiyun asked unwillingly.

"I'm sure, Mr. Lin, my mind is blank now." Li boldly said with great certainty.

"Are you sure you're not lying?" Lin Kaiyun asked again.

"Mr. Lin, you have to believe me, I really didn't lie." Li boldly replied with a sincere face.

"Well then, since that's the case, let's leave here first and wait until we find that female ghost." Lin Kaiyun said helplessly.

"Well, yes." Li boldly responded.

Just when several people were about to leave.

The red lantern hanging from the tree suddenly fell down.

Lin Kaiyun, Qian Daochang and Li Bold were all startled.

The lantern seemed to be a living thing, as if it was watching the three of them.

The hearts of the three of them jumped wildly, as if they were about to jump out of their chests at any time.

The eyes of the three of them shifted to the lantern at the same time.

At this moment, the flame in the lantern was slowly growing bigger.

The burning sensation became more and more intense, as if it was going to swallow the three of them.

At this time, Qian Daochang and Li Bold were already petrified.

Their brains simply don't know how to react.

Standing there blankly.

At the moment when they were in a daze, the flame in the lantern shot out directly, like a fire snake, drawing a graceful arc in the air, and rushed straight to Daoist Qian and Li Daochang.

Daoist Qian and Li Bold still maintained the terrified expressions just now, but their expressions were already stiff at the moment.

Their eyes were fixed on the direction where the Fire Snake was attacking, and deep fear was revealed in their eyes.

At the moment when the two were about to be surrounded by fire snakes, a figure suddenly stood in front of Qian Daochang and Li Bold.

The two raised their heads and looked at the figure in front of them, it was Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun took the Seven Star Longyuan Sword and chopped off the fire snake.

After the fiery snake was chopped off, it turned into little flames and dissipated into the air.

This scene made Qian Daochang and Li Bold's faces slightly relieved.

Li Boldly patted his chest and thanked Lin Kaiyun,

"Mr. Lin, thank you, you saved me again."

Daoist Qian also thanked him respectfully, "Daoist Xiaolin, thank you so much."

In fact, the flames shot out from the lantern were not very powerful. Logically speaking, Daoist Qian should be able to resist it.

But because Daoist Qian usually deals with Feng Shui, zombies and wandering ghosts are the ones who catch the most ghosts.

It was the first time to face something as weird as this lantern, so I didn't know how to deal with it.

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand, indicating that the two of them should not be polite at this time, and at the same time looked at the lantern.

When they looked up at the red lantern again, their pupils shrank involuntarily.

The lantern actually burned again.

This time the burning speed was many times faster than before, and it turned into a ball of fire in the blink of an eye.

Lin Kaiyun quickly waved the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand to chop the fireball into pieces.

The moment the flame disappeared, his body involuntarily took several steps back.

The burning sensation has not completely dissipated, his clothes are already half wet, and his whole body is covered with sweat.

Lin Kaiyun wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, at this moment he finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Because the power of this fireball is very powerful, although Lin Kaiyun temporarily broke the fireball, but the temperature above it still makes Lin Kaiyun a little difficult to deal with.

If it weren't for his current strength far surpassing that of ordinary Taoist priests, his clothes would have been burned by the flames just now.

This dangerous feeling made him feel a strong sense of crisis.

Before that, Daoist Qian also took out the mahogany sword, calmed himself down quickly, came to Lin Kaiyun's side, and said very seriously,

"Master Kobayashi, I'll help you too."

Seeing this scene, Li Bold was going to step forward to help, but after thinking about it, he was just an ordinary person.

Not to mention helping, it is already thankful to be able to not help.

So Li boldly decided not to go forward and make trouble.

And at this moment, the lantern that turned into a fireball reappeared, standing quietly in front of Lin Kaiyun and others, very strange.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Daoist Qian and said,

"Daoist Qian, what is the situation? I have never seen such a situation."

"I've never seen such a situation!" Daoist Qian shook his head with a wry smile.

"The degree of evil of this thing is far beyond my imagination, Kobayashi Daochang, this is also the first time I have encountered it."

Lin Kaiyun nodded and stopped talking. Although he knew that Daoist Qian's cultivation was definitely not as good as his own, but Daoist Qian had lived for more than 40 years after all, and perhaps he had very rich insights.

This is why Lin Kaiyun asked Daoist Qian, but now it seems that Daoist Qian doesn't know anything.

And at this moment, the lantern suddenly made a strange sound, as if it was some kind of humming.

When Lin Kaiyun, Daoist Qian, and Li Bold heard the voice, they couldn't help shivering.

This weird sound is really weird.

It makes people have a creepy feeling.

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