Daoist Qian's face was as gloomy as water, and his heart was bleeding.

The gossip plate is his most important magic weapon, and it just broke! ! !


The female ghost looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, very wildly,

"In the bronze mirror, you guys still want to fight me, it's just a dream!"

Immediately, the female ghost leaped into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the female ghost's body glowed red, and then, a powerful force shot out from the female ghost's body,

Lin Kaiyun felt an extremely terrifying force and rushed towards him.

Lin Kaiyun immediately cast the Golden Light Curse to resist, as if he was covered with golden armor,

All of a sudden, it resisted this force, but Lin Kaiyun's Golden Light Curse seemed to be unable to support this force.


Lin Kaiyun was directly shocked by this powerful force for a few steps, spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale,

Seeing this, the female ghost smiled coldly, and then, her body swayed suddenly, turning into an afterimage, and came directly in front of Daoist Qian.

Seeing this, Daoist Qian retreated quickly.

The female ghost looked at Daoist Qian coldly, then raised her arm, and patted Daoist Qian directly.

Daoist Qian was startled, and blocked it with the mahogany sword in his hand.


Qian Daochang's mahogany sword was grasped, and then the female ghost's arm exerted strength, and directly threw Qian Daochang out.

Qian Daochang's body was thrown 20 meters away, and then fell heavily on the ground.


Daoist Qian spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground.

Qian Daochang's eyes were full of disbelief, he didn't expect the strength of this female ghost to become so terrifying.

Chapter 508 Dazzling

In this bronze mirror, the strength of this female ghost is naturally very strong, and now both Lin Kaiyun and Qian Daochang are aware of this.

And after the female ghost beat Daoist Qian into the air, her feet floated in the air, as if she was stepping on something, and she landed not far from the two of them.

The female ghost opened her hands, exuding a cold ghostly air all over her body, and at the same time, the hair hanging under her feet stood up.

Very fierce, but also very proud to provoke Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian, roaring in his mouth,

"You two Taoists, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you come and vote. I didn't bother you, but you actually came to me to trouble me."

"I think you guys really lived too long and want to die."

Although the female ghost knocked Daoist Qian away, she didn't immediately make up for it, but taunted Daoist Qian and Lin Kaiyun.

From this, it can be seen that this female ghost is very confident in her own strength, and she doesn't believe that Lin Kaiyun and Qian Daochang can make any splashes.

Facing the ridicule of this female ghost, Lin Kaiyun didn't say anything, he directly helped Daoist Qian and asked,

"How is it? Daoist Qian, are you okay? Didn't you suffer any injuries?"

"Cough cough!"

Daoist Qian was lifted up by Lin Kaiyun, coughed twice, spit out two mouthfuls of bloody phlegm, then shook his head and said,

"Fortunately, I can survive, but the power of this female ghost in the bronze mirror is too great. My master also left me the gossip plate. It should also be regarded as a good quality magic weapon. I didn't expect it to be destroyed by him."

While talking, Qian Daochang's face was very pale, and he didn't know whether it was because of the internal injury he suffered from being beaten by the female ghost, or because of the broken gossip disk that his master left him.

After seeing this scene, Lin Kaiyun shook his head helplessly, because he didn't feel the same way, so he didn't know how to persuade him.

It is estimated that the usual words of comfort, to Daoist Qian, are just the performance of standing and talking without back pain.

Knowing this well, Lin Kaiyun did not comfort him, but patted Daoist Qian on the shoulder and said,

"Daoist Qian, go back and rest for a while, I'll deal with this female ghost, no matter how powerful he is in this bronze mirror, but we can only get out of this bronze mirror world by eliminating him."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Daoist Qian looked at Lin Kaiyun gratefully, but he did not choose to rest at the back, but said very decisively,

"Fellow Daoist Xiaolin, you don't need to persuade me. Our two inheritances are from the same sect, and we have experienced life and death together today, so no matter what, I can't watch you from behind to fight for life and death alone. If you don't mind In my case, let the two of us join forces!"

"I don't believe it, how powerful a mere female ghost can be!"

Daoist Qian glared at the female ghost fiercely while saying this. Of course, Daoist Qian already knew from the beginning of the fight that it was easy for the female ghost to kill him, but he said this. In order to cheer myself up, after all, even if you can't beat someone, you can't admit defeat first.

Seeing Daoist Qian's resolute look, Lin Kaiyun no longer tried to persuade him, but turned directly to face the female ghost.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian not giving up, the female ghost sneered and said,

"Hey, you two Taoist priests still want to fight with me, are you two fools? I can't see that I want to kill you just by raising my hands!"

At this time, Li Bold also realized that the current situation is not the same as before, it seems that Lin Kaiyun and Qian Daochang are not the opponents of this female ghost.

This Li Bold's thinking is very simple, if you can't beat it, then run away, so he didn't think much, and quickly shouted at Lin Kaiyun and Qian Daochang,

"Mr. Lin, Daoist Qian, run away!!!"

If it is other circumstances, Lin Kaiyun will definitely run away, because he is not a person who is not ignorant of current affairs.

As the saying goes, a man can bend and stretch, if Lin Kaiyun encounters someone he can't beat, he will not risk his life to fight recklessly.

But now the words of being able to bend and stretch are no longer applicable, because they are already in this path, if this female ghost is not killed, then he will never be able to get out.

So I can't run now, I can only destroy this female ghost.

Daoist Qian also knew this, so he didn't have the slightest thought of running away.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of all qi, extensively cultivated for thousands of kalpas, has no supernatural powers!"

Lin Kaiyun was holding the formula in his hand, and with plausible words in his mouth, he immediately cast the Golden Light Curse.

With a buzzing sound, the golden light seemed to emerge out of thin air, wrapping Lin Kaiyun inside like an airtight shield.

Although Daoist Qian was not able to use the Golden Light Curse proficiently, he also took out a few talisman papers and pasted them on his body. Although these talisman papers could not resist all damage like the Golden Light Curse, they could at least resist it. The erosion of Yin Qi and ghost Qi.

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