The ghost king Chaochi did not dodge or dodge, while blocking the female ghost general's attack with his ghost hand, he sneered, with mockery in his eyes.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

There were bursts of intense muffled sounds, and the female ghost general was shaken back a few steps.

The female ghost ghost general's face was very embarrassed, she didn't expect that the ghost king Chaochi became so powerful.

But she didn't give up fighting, and continued to charge forward, her aura constantly improving.

At this time, Ghost King Chaochi also noticed the changes in the female ghost general's body, and his pupils shrank: "How did your strength become stronger?"

However, the female ghost general ignored it and continued to attack, her speed was frighteningly fast.

Seeing this, Ghost King Chaochi didn't dare to underestimate the female ghost and general, so he quickly dodged.


As a result, when he didn't pay attention, Ghost King Chaochi was punched heavily in the chest, and he staggered backwards, with a painful expression on his face.

Seeing this, the female ghost general immediately seized the opportunity and punched King Chaochi on the head again.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A muffled sound echoed in the air.

Although the Ghost King Chaochi escaped, he was still beaten up by the female ghost general and vomited blood and flew out backwards.

From the looks of it, the female ghost general actually suppressed the troublesome ghost king.

Daoist Qian asked,

"Friend Daoist Lin, according to the previous rules, this female ghost will win, so the ghost king shouldn't be bothering us, right?"

"Yes, but this ghost king Chaochi is not easy to deal with. Although he looks very embarrassed, he is not injured. He should be hiding his clumsiness!"

Lin Kaiyun looked at the female ghost ghost general and Chaochi ghost king, and spoke slowly.

As Lin Kaiyun said, Ghost King Chaochi suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up from the ground with a ferocious expression on his face. A thick black mist emanated from his body, covering the entire area in an instant, wrapping him in Among them, the female ghost general couldn't help but frown.

She also felt this eerie aura, which seemed to devour her soul.

Seeing this scene, the female ghost ghost suddenly felt a huge sense of crisis in her heart.

At this time, the black mist on King Chaochi's body gradually dissipated. He looked at the female ghost general with an evil smile on his lips, and said,

"I didn't expect that the strength of this female ghost general has improved so much compared to before. It's really scary!"

Speaking of this, Ghost King Chaochi showed a mocking smile in his eyes, as if he was playing with this female ghost.

This made the female ghost general feel very angry,

"Hmph, you bastard, how dare you play tricks on me."

The female ghost general shouted loudly, her aura burst out,

It directly shattered the black mist around Ghost King Chaochi's body, and his figure also attacked Ghost King Chaochi again.


The two clashed again,

This confrontation was much, much stronger than last time.

The speed of both of them was extremely fast, and their figures could not be seen clearly at all, only the sound of the two colliding could be heard.

The black energy emanating from Gui Guijiang's body became more and more intense, and her complexion became more and more ugly, because she knew that it was because of her excessive consumption, and if she continued like this, she would definitely lose.

And at this moment, her strength has also decreased a lot.

This situation made the female ghost general feel very uncomfortable, but there was nothing she could do.

She also knew that this Ghost King Chaochi was definitely not easy to deal with.

But at this time, the female ghost general had no choice.

She could only bite the bullet.


At this time, the female ghost suddenly exploded the yin energy in her body, turning into balls of ghost energy, wrapping her tightly, forming a huge vortex of black air.

The black air vortex sucked all the surrounding black air into the vortex, and then it turned rapidly, forming a huge black storm, and charged towards Chao Chi Ghost King.

Seeing this, Ghost King Chaochi sneered: "With your bad move? You want to fight me?"

After that, Ghost King Chaochi didn't dodge, he clenched his fists, two huge black ghost energy converged, and then smashed towards the black storm.


Two strands of black ghost energy collided together.

The black storm of the female ghost general was immediately dispersed and disappeared.

But at this time, the black ghostly aura on Ghost King Chaochi's body was also dissipated, and his figure swayed slightly.

But he didn't care, instead he had a disdainful expression: "With your strength, I'm too lazy to make a move!"

Ghost King Chaochi looked as if he had a winning ticket in his hands,

This made the female ghost very angry.

But there was no other way, the female ghost general could only grit her teeth and curse.


The female ghost will itch with hatred.

"Hmph, since you refuse to admit defeat, don't blame me for being rude."

The ghost king Chaochi stared at the female ghost ghost coldly, with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.

At this time, the Ghost King Chaochi no longer hesitated, and directly rushed towards the female ghost general,

A palm patted the head of the female ghost general.

The female ghost ghost general reacted very quickly, and the black energy surged around her body, directly protecting her,

And she didn't dodge, but punched him head-on.

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