Lin Kaiyun knew that he must kill the Chaochi ghost king now, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

With a wave of Chi Guiwang's left arm, Lin Kaiyun's attack was directly blocked.


Ghost King Chaochi's body shook slightly, but there was no damage at all.

"Hey, you're still a little too young, relying on your strength, you want to kill me? Go ahead and dream!" Ghost King Chaochi sneered.

"Hehe, is it? That's not necessarily the case." Lin Kaiyun said, and stabbed Chaochi Ghost King with his sword again.


Ghost King Chaochi directly swung his fist and collided with Lin Kaiyun's sword.


Chao Chi Ghost King swayed a few times, but he was not repelled. Instead, Lin Kaiyun took several steps back.

Ghost King Chaochi had a sinister smile on his face, "Hehehe, it looks like you're not very good."

Lin Kaiyun ignored Chaochi Ghost King's provocation, but swung the Seven Star Longyuan Sword again, and slashed towards Chaochi Ghost King.

Of course, this was just a false move. Lin Kaiyun quietly took out the copper coins and prepared to use them to deal with Chaochi Ghost King, but Chaochi Ghost King is a ghost king after all, and he was also very vigilant. Seeing Lin Kaiyun suddenly took out the copper coins and prepared to attack him, Ghost King Chaochi hurriedly dodged.

And Lin Kaiyun also took this opportunity to quickly throw out copper coins.


The copper coins shot towards King Chaochi Ghost like an arrow.


The power of the copper coin is really extraordinary, Ghost King Chaochi couldn't dodge it, he was hit by the copper coin, his body shook violently,


Ghost King Chao Chi let out an angry roar, his figure blurred and disappeared.

Lin Kaiyun was surprised when he saw Chaochi Ghost King disappearing suddenly.

"What kind of move is he, why did he disappear all of a sudden?" Lin Kaiyun guessed secretly.

At this time, Chaochi Ghost King suddenly appeared again,

This time, he held a bone knife in his hand and slashed down towards Lin Kaiyun.


The bone knife slashed towards Lin Kaiyun with a sharp wind.

Lin Kaiyun quickly raised the Seven Star Longyuan Sword to block.



Although the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword blocked the big knife's attack, the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword was also knocked back by it.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

An evil smile appeared on the corner of Ghost King Chaochi's mouth,

"I want to see if your weapon is tougher or my bone knife is tougher, hahahahaha~~~" Chaochi Ghost King laughed and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun saw Ghost King Chaochi rushing towards him, and quickly dodged.

"whoosh whoosh~~"

In a blink of an eye, Ghost King Chao Chi caught up to Lin Kaiyun, and slashed towards Lin Kaiyun with a long knife in his hand.


Lin Kaiyun's Seven Star Longyuan Sword blocked the bone knife in Chaochi Ghost King's hand,


Lin Kaiyun's arm hurt from the shock,

"What a powerful force!" Lin Kaiyun endured the pain and thought to himself.

"Boy, are you quite resistant? But, today you are dead."

Ghost King Chaochi rushed towards Lin Kaiyun again.

Lin Kaiyun didn't dare to neglect, and went up to meet him again.

The two of them fought like this in the air.

Daoist Qian at the side was also a little anxious when he saw this scene.

"Friend Lin, how are you doing? Do you need any help?"

"Almost forgot, there is another human being, Ghost Guard, catch that human being for me."

Ghost King Chaochi gave orders to his ghost guards.

When the ghost guard heard the words, he immediately rushed towards Daoist Qian.

Daoist Qian saw the ghost guard rushing towards him, he knew that this time he would not escape bad luck,

So he quickly sacrificed his mahogany sword,

Prepare to fight the ghost guards to the death,


The ghost guard shattered the mahogany sword with one palm, and rushed towards Daoist Qian.

Seeing this, Daoist Qian quickly dodged to the side.

The ghost guard chased after him, and slapped Daoist Qian on the shoulder with a palm.

Daoist Qian saw the palm print of the ghost guard slapped towards him, and quickly blocked it with the mahogany sword in his hand.


A palm hit on the mahogany sword,

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