However, Lin Kaiyun killed the ghost king Chaochi.

Although there were some twists and turns, it seemed that Lin Kaiyun hadn't suffered any injuries, as if he still had strength left.

Chapter 516 The Inverse Scale of Touch

After the matter in the medicine garden was resolved, Lin Kaiyun didn't delay, and immediately asked the female ghost general to lead the way.

Now the ghost king Chaochi who guarded the medicine garden and the soul guards were all killed.

But this kind of thing can be hidden for a while, but it cannot be hidden for a lifetime.

Therefore, before the matter is exposed, those living people must be rescued as soon as possible.

The female ghost general released a handful of will-o'-the-wisps, burning all traces, and then hurriedly led the way.

Soon, several people passed through the medicine garden, and a high wall appeared in front of everyone.

Following the unguarded door, several people directly entered the high wall.

At this time, Daoist Qian, who was following behind, had erratic eyes and looked very nervous.

Although in the current situation, they have no way out, and it is tantamount to breaking the boat.

But even so, it does not mean that you are not nervous or afraid.

Lin Kaiyun, who was walking in front, saw that there was something wrong with Daoist Qian's expression, so he slowed down and comforted in a low voice,

"Daoist Qian, we have already reached this point, we have no choice, but, believe me, we should all get out alive this time."

Lin Kaiyun did not clearly say that as long as he is there again, he will be fine.

Because that seemed too loud, and besides, Lin Kaiyun didn't know what kind of opponent he would have in the future, what if he was very strong?

In fact, Lin Kaiyun has already felt in his heart that this underworld seems to be somewhat different from what he understands.

Originally, Lin Kaiyun thought that this underworld should be the underworld where the ferryman Zhao Li was.

And that Acha Lin Kaiyun also knows a little bit, but now it seems that it doesn't seem to be here.

But why have the same name?

Of course, now is not just the time to think about this, it's time to get down to business.

After hearing what Lin Kaiyun said, Daoist Qian felt a lot more at ease.

But he still couldn't figure out why Lin Kaiyun looked so indifferent, as if he was playing in the countryside.

Is it because of its strength?

Could it be that strong strength really makes people so confident?

However, self-confidence is a good thing, but this time it was only the two of them.

After all, there are still many people to save, and the standard of saving should be to protect everyone's life, otherwise it is not considered saving people!

Seeing that the expression on Daoist Qian's face was still not relaxed enough, Lin Kaiyun raised his hand and patted Daoist Qian on the shoulder.

This time Lin Kaiyun didn't say anything, but sent a warm current into Qian Daochang's body.

This warm feeling made Daoist Qian a lot more comfortable, and his chilly body gradually relaxed.

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun put down his hand, ignored Daoist Qian, walked to the side of the female ghost leading the way, and asked in a cold voice,

"Where are you going to take? Why haven't you arrived yet, you can't play tricks!!!"

The female ghost ghost general was injured by the ghost general Chaochi, and her body has not recovered yet.

As a result, after hearing Lin Kaiyun's icy words, there was an instant chill down the spine.

At this time, they also came to a fork in the road.

This fork in the road is very interesting, it can completely determine the fate of the female ghost and ghost general.

turn left,

It is the part that leads directly to the core of the ghost town, and Acha, the king of the underworld, is in it.

If you bring Lin Kaiyun here, there is no doubt that Hades Ah Cha will see through everything.

However, the female ghost general was also a little uneasy, because if Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, found out everything, she would definitely die.

So after deliberating for a long time, the female ghost general decided not to take any more risks.

There is a [-]% chance that he can hide the truth from Hades Ah Cha, and even kill Lin Kaiyun and Qian Daochang with the help of Hades Ah Cha.

However, she dared not gamble.

"Let's go this way!"

The female ghost will lead Lin Kaiyun and others to the right.

There is another small house on the right. From the perspective of the world, this house is very simple, because it is completely made of strange stones.

However, the shape is like a small palace, just like a garden decoration.

The female ghost general walked up to the house and twisted a mechanism.

This mechanism looks very special, like the skull of some creature.

But Lin Kaiyun was absolutely sure that he didn't know this creature, and Lin Kaiyun also felt that this organ was full of yin.

I saw a huge amount of true energy gushing out of the female ghost general's body, whirling and circling in mid-air, and suddenly fell into the mechanism not far away.

It was a black and cold gas, as if it had a soul, looking around for something.

In an instant,

That black gas quickly circled, like a tornado spinning at high speed.

Eighteen holes suddenly appeared on the wall next to it, and the holes looked like the heads of ferocious ghosts were embedded in the wall.

At the same time, the swirling black gas instantly split into eighteen strands.

And the ferocious ghost heads seemed to have a different magnetic field inside each head, constantly attracting the black gas, slowly and completely integrating it into it.



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