Although Lin Kaiyun's body didn't move a bit, the mana around him had gradually flowed in the direction of the female ghost.

This kind of interesting baby, Lin Kaiyun wants to play with it clearly.

At the moment when the female ghost general turned around, a strong mana immediately entangled the female ghost general.

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun didn't have any compassion in his heart.In Lin Kaiyun's eyes, this female ghost general was not a fun thing in the first place, and it was still useful before. Lin Kaiyun saved the female ghost general's life, but now that he has come here, this female ghost general is not very useful.

However, at this time,

The female ghost and general directly rejected Lin Kaiyun's request, which was equivalent to giving Lin Kaiyun an excuse to kill her. Moreover, in Lin Kaiyun's eyes, the life of the female ghost and general was like nothing.

"Please, you want to kill me, don't blow my soul away."

However, just as the voice of the female ghost and ghost fell to Lin Kaiyun, she did not give her the slightest chance, only to see the mana glowing with golden light entangle the female ghost and ghost even more tightly.

along with.Lin Kaiyun's mana tied the female ghost more and more tightly, the female ghost's eyes suddenly turned outward, and the bloodstains on her face were exposed, the red blood vessels were very ferocious, and the black breath continued to flow from the female Guiguijiang floated out of the top of his head.

"This is the consequence of disobeying me."

Lin Kaiyun's voice was very thick, and the female ghost general sounded like a death talisman.Regarding the female ghost general's begging for mercy, Lin Kaiyun didn't pay any attention to it, and saw a golden long sword formed between the raised hands, hanging high above the female ghost general's head.


Suddenly, the long sword was directly inserted on top of the female ghost general's head, and the black gas could not stop running towards the long sword.And the whole body of the female ghost general seemed to be hollowed out, and her general appearance became even more hideous.

For a moment, the body of the female ghost general continued to shrink, and finally disappeared in front of Lin Kaiyun.


The wooden sign that was shining just now also lost its color and fell directly to the ground.

Lin Kaiyun took back the mana, and the wooden sign on the ground also fell into Lin Kaiyun's hands.

Lin Kaiyun repeatedly checked the reverse side of the wooden sign, and said to himself,

Really a nice baby.

As Lin Kaiyun spoke, he took out a sliver of his spiritual power, poured it into the wooden sign, took the wooden sign directly, and radiated light again. However, the light was not as dim as before, but golden in color, and the inscription on it seemed to be In recognizing the Lord, it is generally blinking non-stop like Lin Kaiyun blinking.

Sure enough, as Lin Kaiyun thought, this wooden sign looks ordinary, but in fact there is a lot of mystery inside.

Lin Kaiyun withdrew his mind, weighed the wooden token twice in his hand, and put it directly into his bosom. Now is not the time to study him, it won't be too late to play with it after going out from here.

However, Daoist Qian, who was not far from Lin Kaiyun, also felt the pure yang energy here.

Daoist Qian felt very tired before, but now he feels very refreshed. He did not expect such a good place in this cold underworld.If you practice here for a few years, the effect will definitely be better than practicing outside for a hundred years.It's just a pity.Even in this underworld, there are countless ghosts. It is simply impossible for me to cultivate here.

Just when Qian Daochang was thinking, Lin Kaiyun had already dealt with the female ghost general, and the reason seemed to be because of a wooden sign.This made Daoist Qian stunned. When he was still outside, Daoist Qian knew that the female ghost general was very powerful, and it was very difficult for him to deal with it. He might not be able to succeed. However, Lin Kaiyun next to him But it was effortless to beat him out of his wits.It happened in an instant, which made Daoist Qian couldn't help but look at Lin Kaiyun differently.

Because it doesn't look like being outside here, this is the territory of the female ghost general, Lin Kaiyuan directly dropped it in seconds.

Thinking of this, Daoist Qian couldn't help swallowing, and looked back at Lin Kaiyun in shock, as if to say, "You are not the closed disciple of some god, are you?

If he hadn't been instructed by some god, he would have been practicing Taoism since his mother's womb, otherwise he wouldn't be so powerful.

Although the female ghost general looks young, but she has been a ghost for a short time, say hundreds of years, and her skill is also very strong, but she lost her soul in just one move of Lin Kaiyun. "

"Hey, Daoist Qian, are you okay?"

When Lin Kaiyun put the wooden sign out of his arms, he turned his head and looked at Daoist Qian. Seeing that Daoist Qian was standing aside, he was very puzzled and asked directly.

Daoist Qian hesitated in his heart, and finally looked at Lin Kaiyun with questioning eyes, and said,

"Actually, I have a doubt in my heart, and I hope Fellow Daoist Lin can give me an answer."

"What?" Lin Kaiyun said.

"Friend Daoist Lin, you said before that your cultivation base is not high, but just now you beat that female general to death with one move.

And the strength of that female ghost general is far above mine, what level are you in now?

Although we have killed the female ghost general at this moment, we haven't rescued anyone yet, and now we are in this underworld again, and there are many very powerful ghosts among them. , is it safe to leave here? "

Lin Kaiyun was not very surprised by Daoist Qian's words.

Because Daoist Qian misunderstood that Lin Kaiyun didn't have much mana, but Lin Kaiyun didn't explain too much. Of course, Lin Kaiyun didn't bother to show off his strength.

And Lin Kaiyun just now.Just using mana, the female ghost general was imprisoned, which made Daoist Qian suspicious.

"Actually, to tell the truth from Daoist Qian, I don't know exactly what my realm is now.

Although I haven't been learning countdown for a long time, my skills are indeed very solid. I don't think there are any ghosts who can stand by my side in this underworld, even the queen is among them.

If he really confronts the empress in the future, Dao Qian doesn't have to worry about me, he just backs off to one side.

And what you just said about saving people, please ask Daoist Qian to continue to be responsible. "

When Lin Kaiyun said this, his expression was very indifferent.

However, Daoist Qian at the side didn't look so natural anymore.Can't help but wonder, did I hear wrong just now?Or is Lin Kaiyun bragging?It's not too good to be able to reach such a state after practicing for a short time!

Think about Daoist Qian's master, although he said he died earlier, but according to his masters, in the entire Maoshan Taoist sect, his master is one of the best, although he is not a full-fledged person, but even if Even now, no one can compare to the master.

And my master also said that practicing Taoism has little to do with talent and comprehension.Daoist Qian's master cultivated to that level and returned to the sky because pure yang energy is too rare in today's world.

Daoist Qian looked around, and if he allowed his master to practice in this environment for a few years or even a few years or even a few months, he would surely be able to break through the previous bottleneck.

However, what made the former Taoist even more puzzled was that there was very little vitality left between the heaven and the earth. What could be the reason for the strong pure yang energy in this place now?Still in this cold underworld.

Lin Kaiyun hadn't thought about Daoist Qian's idea.But it doesn't matter, Lin Kaiyun knows that he can always figure it out.

After listening to Lin Kaiyun's words, Daoist Qian didn't know how many images flashed through his mind. Apart from shock, there was more of disbelief.This made the former Daoist take a few breaths, and he didn't recover for a while.


Daoist Qian was already stuttering at this moment, and he didn't know what to say to express his mood at the moment, which was mixed with jealousy, but more sighs.

"You and I are both cultivators."

While talking, Lin Kaiyun walked into Daoist Qian and raised his hand, put it on Daoist Qian's shoulder, patted it lightly twice, and continued,

"I don't know if there is any danger in this place. Let's leave as soon as possible. The most important thing is to rescue those living people."

Chapter 518 I'm All Fat

Daoist Qian at the side heard what Lin Kaiyun said, and expressed his agreement, nodded quickly and said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Friend Daoist Lin, you are right. Our first task is to rescue those people. It is not appropriate to stay here too much to avoid complications."

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