Seeing that someone came to save him, there was indeed no trace of joy on his face, but rather numbness and sluggishness.

The people below you look at me, I look at you, can't help but analyze,

"This is the underworld. We are surrounded by ghosts. Can the people in front of us really get us out?"

"Are these two really human? It can't be that ghosts have changed. We eat and drink here. What if those ghosts trap us and let us step out and die on the back foot? ?”

"That's right, how can we trust these two people, seeing that these two people are just ordinary people, how capable are they?"

Another old man sat down directly on the ground and laughed loudly, "Young man, if you want to go, follow them. My old man won't live long by himself. If you don't have to worry about food and clothing here, even if you go back to the world, How many more years can I live? I will stay here and never leave."

As soon as the old man said these words, someone even moved the idea of ​​staying.However, there are still some young people who think about their wives, children or parents who are still alive.

Faced with this choice, everyone's thoughts were not unified, and the discussion on the scene gradually remembered.

However, it became quiet for a while.

It is true that no one stepped forward to answer Lin Kaiyun's words. Lin Kaiyun looked at the people in front of him and said silently in his heart,

Could it be that these people were imprisoned stupidly? Under what circumstances, could it be that they were cast under a spell?

In other words, Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, brainwashed these people, and tempted them with delicious and delicious food, so that there are some fantasies in these people's hearts.

Thinking of this, Lin Kaiyun frowned involuntarily, and said to everyone again,

"You guys have thought about it, if you make up your mind to stay here, what will be your final fate?"

Lin Kaiyun's words made people look at each other, but no one opened their mouths to answer.

Lin Kaiyun was helpless, opened his mouth and said, "I'm not trying to scare you, you have to think clearly in your own mind, if you stay, I promise you that you will be killed by ghosts within three days, remember that all of you will die.

They will suck out the blood flowing in your body, and then take out your soul as a sacrifice. At that time, you can only die in pain.

When a living person dies, they become ghosts and are reincarnated.However, after you die, even your soul will not be left behind. "

As Lin Kaiyun spoke, he stretched out his fingers to point around, and then pointed to the living people off the field, moving back and forth, looking very anxious and helpless,

"Do you think that the ghosts here will keep giving you food and drink, and raise you fat and strong, what good will it do? They wish you had more blood.

What a joke, do you still think this is a treasure land?Once the blood in your body reaches the effect that the ghost wants to achieve, do you think your life will live for one more second?

Do you know pigs?Do you know sheep?We will fatten up the livestock, and then slaughter the blood internal organs, and even the bones will be used to stew the soup.Look at you, in the eyes of Li Gui, what is the difference between you and those pigs and sheep?Or are you still thinking about being able to live here for the rest of your life?

If it is as I said, then you can wait here to die and get better, just pretend that I have never been here and told you this. "

For some reason, Lin Kaiyun was calm at first, but then became angry when he spoke.

I don't know why this group of people are so good, it really made Lin Kaiyun very angry.

However, Daoist Qian next to him clenched his hands into fists when he heard what Lin Taiyun said, wishing that his nails were all in his hands.

Daoist Qian stared closely at the people in front of him, not knowing what to say for a while.

Since starting from Li Bold's house, Daoist Qian knew very well what he had experienced here. If there was a slight mistake, then it would be over for him.

However, in the eyes of Daoist Qian, he and Lin Kaiyun came here to save these people regardless of their lives, but this group of people remained unmoved and enjoyed life here leisurely. Even with Lin Kaiyun's persuasion, the group in front of them But the person didn't feel moved at all, it was resentment in his heart.

Daochang Qian suddenly felt that the decision he made at that time might be wrong.

As the saying goes, ants want to live, and it is better to live than to die. However, the lives in front of them have no energy at all. Even if there is a little hope of living, it is really disappointing.

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he stayed for a while, but when he saw that the people below were not moving, he turned his head and was about to leave.

However, Daoist Qian beside him still wanted to work hard. It could be seen that he was very unwilling to put his life aside. Wouldn't it be a pity to come here to save people and leave without saying a word.

"Friend Daoist Lin, please wait a moment. Maybe they are blindfolded by something."

Daoist Qian grabbed Lin Kaiyun by the hand.

When Lin Kaiyun saw Daoist Qian's eyes, he knew that Daoist Qian still wanted to make an effort. After all, he was here. Lin Kaiyun smiled and nodded, stepped aside, and then said to Daoist Qian,

"Just now I have told them what I should say and what I shouldn't say, as for how they choose to go out with us and continue to live the previous life, or stay here waiting to die, that is their decision.

You and I have done our best to cultivate the Tao at this moment, and we can be regarded as worthy of our hearts.

Daoist Qian, if they don't go with us, you are clear about the outcome, and it has nothing to do with me. "

When Daoist Qian heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he knew what Lin Kaiyun meant, and couldn't help but feel happy. He knew that Lin Kaiyun also wanted to save people, but the people in front of him didn't know what to do.

No matter what, it was impossible for Daoist Qian to speak against Lin Kaiyun. Daoist Qian knew in his heart that if it wasn't for Lin Kaiyun, then it would be foolish to want to get out of here safely.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Lin, I have a sense of proportion."

After Qian Daochang finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the people not far away, and said loudly,

"Everyone, you have heard my fellow Daoist Lin.

It's not so much living and waiting to die in captivity here, in my opinion, it's not as vigorous as death.

I am just an ordinary cultivator. At this moment in this underworld, I am still alive, which can be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

In my heart, it is better to do something that I have never done in my life than to live in vain. Even if I die in the end, I will have no regrets in my life.

You should feel lucky to have someone come to rescue you now.Originally, the only way in front of you is to wait for death.

You need to know that Lin and I are the second person and don't owe you anything, so I have to save you.It's just that we are people who practice the Tao, and what we cultivate is compassion. It's not easy in this treacherous realm of many crises. This opportunity is only once. You must think clearly before making a final decision. "

After the words of Lin Kaiyuan and Daoist Qian, there are already some people below.heartbeat.

In the hearts of those living people, hearing what Lin Kaiyun said, there may be a little touch in their hearts, but more is what Lin Kaiyun said. In the near future, that is to say, within three days, they will be bloodletted , skinned, and then died in great pain, not even the chance of reincarnation.

Even thinking about it is very painful. Before, there were some people who hoped that they would die here and be reincarnated. However, when they heard Lin Kaiyun's words, their hearts suddenly turned cold.

One of the big men walked to the front slowly, looked at Daoist Qian,

"Your words? How can we believe it? Can you guarantee that what you said is true? Even if we go back, can we spend the rest of our lives smoothly?"

After the big man finished speaking, another young woman stepped forward,

"We know exactly where this place is. Although I was unconscious when I was arrested and didn't know anything, some people were sober. According to them, the ones who arrested us were all ghosts. However, there are evil spirits floating around, once we go out from here, we will be eaten by evil spirits? What should we do then?"

"Actually, I also want to go out. I still have my wife and children in Yangjian, and they are all waiting for me to support them. Although there is no need to worry about food and drink here, our life is very limited. We can't go anywhere, so we can only live here. In a small space."

Following the words of the crowd, two or three women kneeled down in front of Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian, dragging the children beside them.

"Daoist, please save me. Even if you don't save me, I will save the children. They are still young, and they will have a great time in the future. I don't want them to be scattered. I don't want them to be reincarnated."

Chapter 520 It's too short

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