Moreover, the concentration of this aura is extremely high, which is also of great help to his cultivation.

Lin Kaiyun's interest changed from one percent to two percent.

However, Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, was unruly and unruly, so he had to beat her to convince her.

Thinking of this, Lin Kaiyun came to a conclusion and felt a little ridiculous.

The original plan was to rescue the person first, and then escape. If someone stopped him, he would just rush over. Hey, the plan can't keep up with the changes.

"Pluto Ah Cha, if you dare to mess around, don't blame me for killing you!"

Lin Kaiyun roared angrily, and the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand burst into bright golden light. He had to use the fastest speed to let this old ghost know that he was the real man.

The golden glow exploded, and the golden glow enveloped the entire imperial palace, completely covering the pitch-black yin energy, like a golden ocean, and in this golden light, only Lin Kaiyun was alone.

The severe pain stimulated her soul. This time, the golden light on her body was stronger than the Yin Qi condensed before.

Hades King Ah Cha's face changed drastically, and a trace of fear rose in his heart. This is an invincible force.

Bitterness and unwillingness rose from his heart. She had cultivated for more than 1000 years, but she never expected that she would become like this.

If... the blood-refining formation can refine the blood-refining pill, her cultivation will be able to break through the bottleneck, and by that time, the stinky Taoist priest in the world will definitely not be her opponent.

Unfortunately, her plan failed.

at the same time,

In the ghost city, Daoist Qian led a group of people to evacuate. He was still thinking that the yin energy in this ghost city was too heavy, and if he was not careful, he would be frozen to death.

However, when he stepped out, he was enveloped by a strong pure yang force. This breath was very warm and familiar. It was Lin Kaiyun.

Daoist Qian sensed something, and felt something was wrong. The movement in the sky seemed a little loud.

However, there is some weirdness in the scene, as if there is a quarrel?

This is a life-and-death battle, how could you say such a thing?

Chapter 524 Don't blame me if you die

Daoist Qian was talking about Lin Kaiyun, not Pluto Ah Cha, and Ah Cha gritted his teeth, wanting to tear Lin Kaiyun to pieces.

However, Hades Acha obviously couldn't do anything to Lin Kaiyun, so although she couldn't see the details of the battle.

However, it is obvious that the battle between these two people will definitely be very miserable.

Thinking of this, Daoist Qian couldn't help but shudder, he put aside those messy thoughts, and only had one thought, which was to stick to his beliefs.Lin Daoyou is very powerful, and he is also one of the best masters in Yangjian. He risked his life to come to this ghost town. Everything Lin Kaiyun has done has proved his determination and kindness!

The living people in Yangjian, seeing this scene, were all scared out of their wits and fell to their knees.

In their view, this is a battle between gods, people dare not look directly, and their legs are shaking.

However, they also knew that the golden light was the boy who had talked to them before, giving them confidence that they could return to the underworld safely.

Moreover, there are many local ghosts in this city.

Most of the ghosts are dying, dying, with despair on their faces.

They have already seen that Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, is no match for the strong man in the yang world, and there is nothing they can do. They can only use futile anger and fear, and they are very unwilling.

"Pluto Acha, ignore us and kill that Taoist priest in Yangjian!"

"Pluto Ah Cha, this subordinate is not reconciled, there is nothing this subordinate can do!"

"Pluto Ah Cha, if you can survive, I will definitely work hard to avenge you!"


They roared hoarsely, venting the depression in their hearts, all of them were extremely angry.

Some ghosts with higher cultivation levels struggled to get up, and slowly walked towards the center of the battlefield without the slightest hesitation. All the ghosts got up one after another, but when they couldn't bear the force Time, but had to stop.

They were not strong enough to attack Lin Kaiyun head-on, but when they approached, they planned to use explosions to interfere with Lin Kaiyun, so that Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, could take advantage of it.

As long as Pluto is still there, even if they all die, they are willing!

Lin Kaiyun still had enough strength to fight against Hades Ah Cha, so he didn't try his best, but just observed it a little bit.

The behavior of these ghosts touched his nerves.

He never expected that Ah Cha, the beautiful King of Hades who couldn't be more beautiful, with such a violent character, would actually win so much love and love from the people in his own territory.

So many people are willing to fight for her!

It seemed that he still underestimated her.

Lin Kaiyun dispelled the powerful yin energy from Hades Ah Cha, and frowned and said:

"Pluto Ah Cha, look at your people, if you fight me again, don't say you can't beat me, even you will die because of you.

They are all souls, if they die, they will die, and there will be no day of reincarnation!

Do you really want to see it? "

Hades Ah Cha paused for a moment, she lowered her head and looked at Lin Kaiyun, her heart was in confusion, how could she not notice the situation of this city.

There are many ghosts here, and these ghosts lived here when she captured this ghost city for the first time, and they were loyal to her. No matter what choice she made, these ghosts did not have the slightest complaint. her support.

This is their king!

But today, for her own strength, she forcibly captured a living person from Yangjian, and used this formation to raise her strength to a higher level, attracting Taoist priests from Yangjian to attack this city.

Hades Ah Cha knew very well that even if he did not lose this battle, he was doomed to lose.

The stinky Taoist didn't try his best, but seemed to be testing her. She was unwilling and didn't want to lose.

beat?Even if you sacrifice yourself, you have to defend your dignity?

Or throw in the towel?

Pluto Ah Cha kept thinking in his heart, struggling with thoughts, Pluto Ah Cha raised his head, the hostility on his face dissipated a bit, her eyes looking at Lin Kaiyun were still so indifferent, without a trace of emotion, as if she had been trapped by Wan Nian The ice and snow were frozen.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Kaiyun saw that Hades Ah Cha didn't make any more moves, chuckled lightly, and said lightly:

"What am I going to do, what are you going to do?"

Pluto Ah Cha frowned, the expression on his face remained unchanged. With his frowning eyebrows, after a series of ideological struggles, he finally made a decision:

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