Hallik snorted coldly, and his whole body began to swell and twist rapidly.

And as his body twisted and expanded, the entire space began to twist and expand continuously. "boom!"

A violent explosion resounded throughout the void.

The void collapsed together with the twisted body, turning into nothingness.

And this time.

Su Cheng could no longer perceive Harik's breath.

No, it should be said that according to the information on the hunting and tracking card, he has already sensed Harik's aura, and he has already transferred to a stalwart kingdom of God.

That is the Kingdom of Conspiracy God.

"Christon, help me imprison Dinas, and I will wake her up."

At this time, Eluna cast a divine light curtain towards herself and Su Cheng to protect herself, and then said to Su Cheng.

The current state of Dinas is indistinguishable from friend and foe.

After losing the enemy target, it will lock the target on the other person closest to her. "good!"

Su Cheng nodded, and began to increase the power of time and space.

At this time, Elna flickered behind Dinas in an instant, and stuck a moonlight mark on her back.

In an instant, Dinas stopped struggling, and her eyes began to recover. "Halik escaped? The plan succeeded?"

Looking around, Dinas asked uncertainly when she didn't feel Harik's aura.

"That's right, at the cost of damaging the source, he distorted the entire space and fled back to his own kingdom of God." At this moment, Su Cheng nodded (Li Hao) with a smile on his face. "That's good, it's not in vain for me to enter that state."

"Just entering that state, I have to go back to retreat again and replenish the source of the moon, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no hope of promotion in the future." Dinas sighed, but she was relieved after all. "This time, thank you both."

Su Cheng sincerely faced Dinas, Eluna bowed slightly, and thanked her.

"You don't have to be polite, anyway, the three of us are now grasshoppers on the same rope, and our target is Harik.

Elna watched quickly.

Although she lost a few wooden arrows in the battle against Harik, which made her feel a little distressed, but when she thought that she was about to get rid of her confidant's serious troubles, she felt that it was nothing. "Hunting tracking has started."

"Let's start to mobilize our army of believers according to the original plan, and completely destroy Hallik." "Okay! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

With that said, the three of Su Cheng looked at each other and smiled, and began to mobilize the army of believers that they had already prepared according to the plan they had made before.

the other side.

?! Conspiracy God Kingdom.

Hallik's body was covered with divine blood, and there was even a trace of the divine blood that had just been spit out from the corner of his mouth.

The entire Temple of Conspiracy also smells of blood.

"Damn Christon! Damn Dinas, Elna!" "Today's revenge, I will definitely avenge it!" "I will definitely!"

Hallik's face was cold, full of engraved hatred.

However, a voice full of jokes sounded, which completely changed his angry face into panic and shock. "Huckli, I gave you this chance to take revenge, so I'm here, waiting for your revenge!" Su Cheng's mocking and joking voice resounded throughout the Kingdom of Conspiracy God. .

Chapter 181 Kill the God of Conspiracy!Final revenge! 【First update】

Su Cheng's mocking and mocking voice resounded throughout the Kingdom of Conspiracy.

Above the sky of the Kingdom of Conspiracy, accompanied by lightning, thunder, flames and frost, countless auras and visions intertwined and converged, forming shadows covering the sky and covering the sun. "Christon, how could he know the location of my kingdom of God?"

"Could it be the God of Divination? Or are they in the same group as the God of Divination?" "No, even if they find the God of Divination, they won't be so fast.

"Besides, the God of Divination won't be with them." "In other words, they have a fetish that follows me." In an instant, Hakli thought everything through.

Relying on his extraordinary wisdom and meticulous thinking, he has already guessed how Su Cheng, Danas, and Eluna knew their position in the Kingdom of God.

He even guessed that Su Cheng, Dinas, and Eluna must have designed a trap for him in the small world he knew.

And these three people designed a trap for themselves, in order to completely annihilate themselves and wipe out their power. "It's really a good plan."

At this moment, Hallik was almost trembling with anger.

the first time.

It was the first time since he was born that he was looked down upon so much.

It was also the first time someone had beaten him directly to his hometown.

"You actually want to completely kill me, Hakli, I'll see if you are qualified enough."

Harik's eyes were gloomy, and the aura in his whole body was once again high. In an instant, he stepped on the void and went straight to the sky, looking at Su Cheng outside the plane, and Dinas and Elna with cold eyes. "Two, believers may be assembled?"

Su Cheng's voice was flat, and he didn't turn his head to look at Eluna and Dinas, but just looked at Hallik with an angry face like looking at a dead thing and said. "you still need to ask?"

Dinas smiled slightly, but the smile was very cold, it was aimed at Halike.

And Elna nodded slightly, her whole body became vigilant, and she stopped talking. "Okay, let's come then."

Su Cheng's tone was flat, and a mighty wave of time and space divine power bombarded Hakli.

Facing this divine power, Huckli only moved half an inch and then dodged. "Ant, are you insulting me?" Hallik's eyes almost burst into flames with anger.

He thought Su Cheng was insulting him.

He thought that Su Cheng was opportunistic and accidentally hurt himself, so he thought he was dead, and used this slow-moving move to attack him.

In Halike's eyes, Su Cheng's move just confirmed a sentence of the Endless God Realm in recent years.

Not very harmful, very insulting!

However, this time he really misunderstood Su Cheng.

Su Cheng's attack was not aimed at him.

It's that his position is just right, blocking the target that Su Cheng wants to attack.

The Kingdom of Conspiracy. "Wave!"


A crisp sound sounded, and the light curtain protecting the Conspiracy God Kingdom was directly torn open by the power of time and space.

At this moment, Huckli shrank his pupils and reacted.

He only felt a wave of hot blood continuously gushing countercurrently into his sea of ​​consciousness.

He was played!

No, it should be that he was so overwhelmed by his own anger that he lost his old judgment.

Only when Su Cheng was insulting him.

Unexpectedly, Su Cheng was completely ignoring him. "Christon, I'm going to kill you!"

Hallik roared angrily, and jets of air as black as ink, carrying tens of thousands of distorted breaths, converged into a pair of big hands with a twisted path, and slapped Su Cheng down. "Arrival!"

Su Cheng's eyes flickered coldly, and he murmured softly.

Then the divine body turned into a ball of flames, and emerged from the analysis of the big hands that were as black as ink and full of twisted paths.

This trick is a new trick formed by Su Cheng combining the inheritance of Gandolf and the wizard Salman to construct magic molecules and combine them with the power of flames.

Although this trick is not very powerful, Su Cheng is not familiar with it for the time being.

But the wizard's moves are weird.

Moreover, it was the first time that Hallik faced such a weird move.

Caught off guard, using it once will definitely give Hallik a headache.

That's exactly what happened.

At this moment, Hallik opened his eyes wide.

He didn't know why Su Cheng could escape in that way from his twisted divine power.


"Divine magic?"

Hallik thought secretly.

On the other hand, Dinas and Elna, who had attracted their followers to come and head towards the Kingdom of Conspiracy God, were also surprised. "My God! Gedor joins the battle!" "My God! Monton is here!"

While Halike was still thinking about Su Cheng's weird move, breaths of true gods and thunderous prayers brought his attention back to the Kingdom of Conspiracy God.

I saw that in his plotting kingdom of God, one after another, believers spewed in from the tearing mouth of the void.

In an instant.

Hundreds of millions of believers have gathered in the entire Conspiracy Kingdom.

And when Su Cheng's hundreds of millions of extraordinary believers crowded the vicinity of the temple king capital of the entire Conspiracy God Kingdom, singing and roaring with fanaticism, Dinas and Eluna were completely shocked.

Hundreds of millions of extraordinary believers!

Su Cheng is only a high-end believer, more than the two of them combined.

Not to mention, there are nine lower true god believers.

Especially there is a follower of the Frost Dragon who is the next true god peak.

The talents of other believers shocked them even more.

Earth Titan!

Thunder Titan!

Holy unicorn!

Phantom Fire Holy Dragon!

"I just thought he was powerful in combat, but I didn't expect..."

Danas and Elna glanced at each other, couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and shook their heads.

"I didn't expect it either."

Elna muttered to herself.

"It's normal for the next true god to be subordinate to God. You and I are more subordinate to God than him." "However, believers are promoted to the true god...this..."

There was still a hint of disbelief in Dinas' tone.

And the other side.

Hallik was stunned, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

20 years ago.

Su Cheng was just an ant in his eyes.

But now, Su Cheng is just ashamed as a believer.

How long has Su Cheng grown up?

this moment.

He suddenly regretted it.

He shouldn't have played with Su Cheng like playing with a toy.

Treat Su Cheng as an ant.

At the beginning, he should mobilize all his energy to kill this monster whose strength and talent made him feel chills before it grows.

It's a pity that there is nothing if.

"My believers obey orders. Those who surrender will not be killed. Those who resist and do not accept my belief will be killed without mercy!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

As Su Cheng's divine voice resounded through the Kingdom of Conspiracy, all the extraordinary believers under Su Cheng, headed by Geduo, once again started the killing mode of the Shura Field in the Kingdom of Conspiracy. "you dare!"

Harkley roared angrily.

Su Cheng is cutting off his roots. From the source, he wants to cut off his recovery supply.

"Two goddesses, please help me seal the battlefield, I will personally avenge this battle.

Su Cheng's voice was confident and majestic.

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