After Harik left, the jackal king immediately called all the top leaders of the jackal clan to hold a battle meeting.

At the meeting, Yukos told all the news he got from Hallik.

Immediately, the higher-ups were shocked.

"It turns out that the ancient human race was hidden in the Black Dragon Mountains. No wonder it's been so many years and we haven't been able to find them!" "That Harik even told us how to break the barrier, it's really great!" "Get ready , summon the army, and start a war against the ancient human race!"

"Although the ancient human race has fallen, there are still many resources from the ancient times in their holy land. If we can wipe out the ancient human race, we can make a fortune!" "That's right, since the last leader After the fall of the universe, the strength of our jackal clan has weakened a lot, and we just took advantage of this opportunity to develop again!" The high-level people clamored to launch an attack on the ancient human race.

After all, in their view, the ancient human race was only supported by Chris, a half-baked patriarch, and the rest had almost no masters.

After a long period of development, their jackal king has fallen, but now there are three strong men at the witch king level, who can definitely crush the ancient human race! "Okay, call up the army, and launch a fierce attack on the ancient human race in half a month!" Yukos slapped the table and decided on the battle plan.

On this side, after returning to the holy land of the ancient people, Harik changed his usual posture and kept a much lower profile than usual. "Father, where did you go a while ago?" Khakass asked curiously.

Hallik shook his head and said with a sinister smile: "Son, don't ask if you shouldn't, don't you want Liana? Soon, your wish will come true!" "Those who have humiliated us , I won't let go of any of them!"

"Hahaha, just wait, it will come soon..."

Hallik said, with a crazy smile on his face, as if he was crazy.

Seeing his father suddenly become like this, Khakas felt unreasonable fear in his heart, and he really wanted to know what happened.

But after several consecutive cross-examinations, Hallik never said anything, and Hakas finally had to give up.

On Su Cheng's side, after the duel, he still lived the same life as usual.

Cultivate when it is time to practice, and sleep when it is time to sleep.

Most of the time, I still go with other ancient tribesmen, go outside the holy land, look for powerful monsters around the mountains, kill them, and then bring them back to the holy land as food.

Because of their huge size, the ancient people needed a lot of food every day.

So every few days, Su Cheng would go out to hunt monsters.

('.? 4.') However, now Liana often stays by Su Cheng's side, taking care of Su Cheng's life like a little wife, and even often comes to Su Cheng's house to wash and cook for Su Cheng.

Regarding this, Su Cheng was full of helplessness, but since he had already agreed, it was impossible to refuse Lianna again. ...asking for flowers...

Seeing Lianna often snuggling by his side with a happy smile on her face, Su Cheng felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaobai has also grown a lot during this period of time.

Su Cheng would feed Xiaobai some monster meat every day. The meat is full of energy. After Xiaobai ate it, he grew faster than before!

Now, Xiaobai is already half as tall as Su Cheng, exuding the majesty of the king of beasts!

Moreover, Xiaobai often accompanied Su Cheng to go hunting in the depths of the mountains. Feeling Xiaobai's terrifying aura, the monsters around him trembled, and their strength was obviously suppressed during the battle!

This is the suppression from the blood. As the king of all beasts, Xiaobai can suppress those monsters in the mountains with just his breath!

00 ....

In the holy land, everything developed according to the normal order, and no one noticed at all. Halike, who was extremely arrogant before, seemed to have disappeared during this period of time, and he never appeared in the sight of everyone again.

until this day...

Suddenly, a group of powerful wolf creatures appeared outside the barrier of the ancient human holy land. "It's here!"

Standing at the forefront of the wolf army, Yukos glanced across the mountain range in front of him, trying to find out something, but in the end, he found nothing.

It has to be admitted that the enchantment of the ancient human race is very delicate, and even the powerhouse of the Witch King level cannot discover the mystery of it.

Behind Yukos, an army of tens of thousands of wolves lined up neatly.

This time, he made up his mind to destroy the ancient human race, so he brought out all the elite jackals.

Most of them are at the peak level of true gods, even if they rely on quantity, they are enough to kill Chris...

And according to their calculations, among the ancient human race, there were less than 5000 people who could display their combat effectiveness!

With a terrifying combat power several times that of the opponent, Yukos believes that this time he will be able to completely wipe out the ancient human race!

At the foot of the mountain range, Yukos uttered a long and complicated incantation while muttering words.

This incantation was exactly what Halike gave him back then, the method to break the enchantment of the ancient human holy land!


As the spell was uttered, the void in front of Yukos twisted... Beg...

Chapter 305 The Holy Land is destroyed, a disaster for the ancient human race!

"The enchantment has been opened!"

Behind Yukos, the powerhouses of the jackal clan shouted in surprise.

Yukos narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing his brilliance, and said, "Brothers, the time has ended for the hatred between us and the ancient human race for so many years!" "Kill all the ancient human race!"

"Avenge our predecessors!"

"Let the ancient human race completely disappear from the mainland!"

The warriors of the jackal tribe bared their teeth and claws excitedly, eager to rush into the barrier immediately and start killing the ancient human tribe. "Okay, let's go in!"

Yukos couldn't bear it any longer. As the newly recognized jackal king, if he could really destroy the ancient human race, it would definitely be a great achievement during his tenure.

For a long time to come, the Jackal King who succeeded him would not make such a great achievement!

"Six Zero Zero" thought of this, and Yukos felt a burst of excitement, leading the army and rushing directly into the barrier of the ancient human race...


Tens of thousands of huge and burly jackals instantly entered the mountains near the ancient human holy land. "It's right ahead, follow this king!"

Yukos waved his claws excitedly, and roared at the soldiers behind him.

The army of jackals, like a torrent of steel, passed through layers of mountains, approaching the holy land of the ancient human race!

At this moment, Su Cheng happened to be hunting monsters in the deep mountains and preparing food for the ancient human race.

He came alone. After practicing Dragon Bone Strength, Su Cheng is now very powerful, and has been recognized by the ancient human race, and he is allowed to hunt alone.

Of course, another main reason is that he has too many secrets, and Su Cheng doesn't like to get too close to other ancient people.

As for Liana, there is no other way. On the one hand, she is the daughter of the patriarch, not to mention her own status. Because of the previous duel with Khakass, everyone now recognizes that Liana will become his future wife.

Under such circumstances, Su Cheng had no choice but to get in touch with Liana, and even got closer.

He doesn't dislike Liana himself, after all, Liana is very beautiful, and has a lively and lovely personality, which is lovable.

"Unknowingly, I have been here for several years. I don't know the time flow rate of the seventh universe and the first universe. How much is the comparison..." Su Cheng often misses the Eternal Continent, and at the same time pays attention to the seventh universe. The war waged by the First Universe.

If the first universe is really captured, he must go back to help.

Just as he was thinking wildly, suddenly, Su Cheng's ears moved, and he heard a huge movement coming from the forest not far ahead! "What's going on? Are there monsters?"

Su Cheng was overjoyed, and quickly jumped onto an old tree, looking down from a high position.

As a result, Su Cheng was taken aback when he saw this. Not far ahead, an army of jackals suddenly appeared!

Densely packed black wolves occupied the entire mountain, there were tens of thousands of them!

Moreover, most of them have reached the level of true gods and are extremely powerful.

"What's going on, this is in the enchantment of the ancient human race, how could there be so many wolves suddenly appear!"

Su Cheng's eyeballs were about to pop out, and it took him a while to realize that the jackal clan must have used some method to break the barrier of the ancient human race.

Right now, it is time to launch a war against the ancient human race!

"No, the jackals are invading, I have to go back and inform Chris and them!"

Su Cheng's face darkened, and he was about to return to the Holy Land, but suddenly realized that it was too late for him to go back now.

His speed is indeed much faster than that of the wolf clan, but even if he rushes back, it will be too late for the ancient human clan to organize defenses, and it will make a mess instead!

"No, according to the current speed of the wolves, at most one hour later, they will launch an attack on the Holy Land..."

"Instead of going back now, it's better to find a way to take Liana away after the war starts!"

Su Cheng began to think about what happened after the war started.

No need to think about it, it must be a traitor in the ancient human race that the wolf clan can enter the barrier.

With the current strength of the ancient human race, it is impossible to fight the wolf clan head-on.

There were no more than [-] warriors in the ancient human race, but this time, the jackal tribe sent all their elite soldiers, more than [-] warriors, most of whom were powerful in the realm of true gods!

As for Su Cheng, even if his strength reaches the level of the upper Lord God, equivalent to the upper witch king, it is impossible to deal with such a large army of wolves!

Although Su Cheng didn't want to admit it, the facts were right before his eyes. The demise of the ancient human race was only a matter of time...

It depends on how many ancient human races can escape from the Holy Land!

Thinking about it, Su Cheng's heart became a little heavy. After all, he has lived here for several years, and he still has a little affection for these creatures of the seventh universe...

On this side, Yukos did not perceive Su Cheng who was hiding in the deep forest, and excitedly led the army all the way to conquer. Soon, he saw a huge city appearing in front of him.

Here is the last holy place of the ancient human race.

"Hahaha, we finally found the holy land of the ancient human race!"

"My lord, hurry up and order the attack, I can't wait!"

"From now on, the ancient human race will be completely extinct!"

"Tremble, ancients..."

The jackal warrior screamed excitedly, and kept making howls.

Yukos couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he suddenly shouted: "Kill!"


"Kill all the ancient human races, leaving no one behind!"

"From now on, the ancient human race will disappear completely!"

A group of giant wolves charged towards the city.

The ancient human race has been hiding in the holy land for tens of thousands of years, and so far no outside creatures have discovered their enchantment.

Therefore, the ancient human race living in the holy land in 4.3 has almost no defense.

Even outside the city, there are no guards!

Under such circumstances, the jackals easily broke through the gate...


With a loud noise, the huge city gate collapsed, and groups of hungry wolves rushed into the city, launching a fierce attack on the ancient human race!

In the city, the ancient people were busy with their own affairs, and many old and weak women and children of the ancient people were walking on the streets.

Seeing the army of jackals rushing in suddenly, the eyes of all the ancient human race showed extremely incredible expressions.

"Jackal family? Damn it, why did they appear in the Holy Land!"

"Not good, the jackal clan attacked in..."

"What about our enchantment, how could it be entered by them!".

Chapter 306 Liana's Crisis, Su Cheng Takes Action!

On the street, the ancient people screamed and ran away in a panic.

And the warriors in those clans rushed out of the house one after another, began to assemble, and prepared to fight.

But it was too late to react at this time!

After rushing into the city, the jackal clan started a crazy killing without hesitation!

They rushed into the street, massacred those old and weak women and children frantically, and one corpse after another fell to the ground...

And those ancient giants who resisted in their prime were besieged by the wolves. The wolves were stronger than the ancient giants. They besieged an ancient giant in groups of three or four. After a while, the ancient giant was besieged and died. !

The [-] ancient warriors were no match for the jackal army at all. It could be said that this was a one-sided massacre. The jackals were crushing the ancient humans from beginning to end!

On the other side, Su Cheng sneaked into the city from a corner.

After entering, I saw a raging fire in the city. The streets, buildings, and many houses around were all ablaze... The warriors of the jackal tribe rushed into the houses of the ancient human tribe, and opened their mouths wide open when they saw living people. Killing ring, the scene is cruel and bloody.

The ancient tribe fell one by one, and those ancient warriors who rushed out were also besieged by the jackal tribe, and they couldn't hold on for a while! "All the fighters in the clan gather immediately and protect the clansmen to leave!"

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