Seeing this scene, the eight-armed gibbon couldn't help but feel worried.

In the sky, the battlefield is about to be controlled by the Suzaku clan. If the Suzakus completely control the battlefield, their army on land will face a huge crisis.

You must climb the tower before the sky is completely controlled!

The Octopus said to the enemy fighters under its command: "Get ready to attack! All the warriors of the Long Ape Clan listen carefully, this is a battle that concerns the life and death of the core area, you must use all your strength to wipe out all the enemies !""yes!"

The warriors of the long ape tribe had been preparing for a long time, and when they heard the words of the eight-armed long ape, they replied neatly.


The Long Ape Clan has also joined the battlefield!rumbling

One after another of the giant great apes, they rushed towards the front. They were equipped with extremely elite equipment, including armor, shields, helmets, and spears in their hands. They were armed to the teeth!

The Long Ape Clan is the most powerful race in the core area, not only rich in resources, but also unquestionable in its own strength.

Regardless of speed, strength, or defense, it is the most powerful of all races in the deep forest when compared comprehensively!

Their speed was also very astonishing. It didn't take long for them to rush past the bombardment of the equipment on the tower and came to the bottom of the tower.Seeing this, General Heihu's face became gloomy, "This is not good, the Long Ape Clan has also joined the battle!" "General, what should we do?"

The lieutenant general ran over and asked, "It is impossible for our army to deal with the two major armies, we can't stand it!"

General Heihu naturally understood this, but if he retreated now, it would obviously put more pressure on the soldiers on the tower.The city tower is about to be climbed up, and the equipment troops will be completely useless at that time... "Hold on, let the soldiers have to hold on!"

"Even if you die in battle, you must hold back the enemy's progress!" The lieutenant was stunned for a moment, then nodded after a moment of silence: "Yes!"

Once this order is issued, it means that the Black Tiger Legion will suffer huge casualties.

This is the first time since the start of the war...

However, such a large-scale engagement, especially a fateful battle, cannot be without casualties.

On the side of the racial coalition forces, many racial legions have been wiped out...

The black tiger fighters who received the order began to fight back vigorously, attacking the White Elephants desperately. Suddenly, the casualties of the White Elephants increased greatly.Until the Long Ape Clan Legion also completely joined the battle...

Chapter 396 Intensified, fight to the death!

The appearance of the Long Ape Legion undoubtedly changed the pattern of the entire land battlefield.

The individual strength of the Long Ape Warriors is not inferior to that of the Black Tiger Clan at all, and their speed is even faster. When the Black Tiger Clan is mobilizing, they can often catch up immediately, cut into the formation of the Black Tiger Army, and hold back Black Tiger Clan.

The Black Tiger Legion had no choice but to fight back bravely and fought a deadly battle with the Great Ape Clan army!

Facing the siege of the two race legions, the Black Tiger Clan naturally had no benefit.

Seeing that the situation has begun to reverse, General Suzaku hurriedly said to General Heihu: "Exit the battlefield, you go to the other side!" "Okay!"

General Heihu instantly understood what General Suzaku meant.

It is to let the black tiger army withdraw from the frontal battlefield and go to the side of the city, leaving only one battlefield.

In this way, the open space in front of the city is given up to the enemy, but at least it can guarantee the safety of the main force of the Black Tiger Army...

After reaching the side, the situation of the Black Tiger Legion improved a lot. Here, they only need to face the enemy on one side. If the White Elephants and Long Apes continue to catch up, the main force of the coalition forces will be empty in front of the city.

At that time, if the Black Tiger Clan continues to retreat, it will be able to delay a lot of time and secure the victory of this battle! "Brothers, withdraw, follow me to the left side of Centipede City, and open up a battlefield there!" General Heihu decisively issued a new order. "yes!"

The Black Tiger soldiers replied neatly, and immediately followed the Black Tiger General to quickly withdraw from the frontal battlefield.

As a result, the entire front of the city... was given up to the racial coalition forces!

On the city tower, the left behind Zhuquejun and Heihujun faced even greater pressure.

The head of the White Elephant Army said to the Octopus: "What should we do next? Should we pursue it or continue to attack the city?"

"If we attack the city, we will definitely be able to climb the tower, but the problem is that the black tiger army will always harass our army from the side, and the losses will be very heavy~々!" "If we chase... the city may not be defeated Already!" After speaking, the head of the White Elephant Clan quietly waited for the decision of the Octopus.

There was cruelty in the eyes of the eight-armed gibbon, and he said: "Our long ape clan is in charge of attacking the city, and you go to resist the black tiger clan!" "Okay!"

The head of the White Elephant Army nodded in response.

Their white elephants have no specific distinction between their hands and feet, and they can't climb at all. Except for a very small number of very powerful white elephants who can fly into the air, most of them can only stand and watch from the tower.This is also why, when the battle started, the White Elephant Legion did not participate in the battle immediately, because they were useless at all... At this time, the battle in the sky was about to come to an end. Su Cheng glanced down, and suddenly frowned wrinkle.

The open space in front of the city tower has been completely occupied by the coalition forces.

The equipment of the two sides is still bombarding each other, but there are not many boulders on each other, and it can be seen that the number of boulders flying in the air has decreased significantly.

However, after such a long period of bombardment, the tower of Centipede City also suffered serious damage...

The part reinforced by Suzaku and Heihu has been completely destroyed, revealing many potholes, and some places have even collapsed.

If the Long Ape Clan is going to climb the city, they can make good use of these potholes and use their strength to unload their strength. They can even climb up the tower without building a ladder. "The Seventh Legion listens to the order, follow me back to support!" Su Cheng decisively issued the support order.

The overall situation of the battlefield in the sky has been decided, there are not many giant eagles left, and the other races of the army are unable to pose much threat. "yes!"

The soldiers of the Seventh Legion replied neatly.

So just like that, Su Cheng landed with the Seventh Army and began to support the soldiers on the tower...

Many long apes were violently attacked by the Suzaku warriors while they were climbing.

Although they were nimble, they couldn't be very fast when they climbed the city tower. In this way, they became living targets for the Suzaku army! "Damn it, those Suzaku armies in the sky are back to support them!" the deputy head of the Long Ape Army said to the Octopus.

The eight-armed gibbon glanced at the sky, with helpless eyes, and said, "Let the other main force go up the building with us, and the rest of the army will be responsible for the cover. Use bows, arrows, and spears to shoot down these miscellaneous hairs!" "Yes !"

The lieutenant immediately conveyed the Octopus's order.

The scene became even more chaotic. When the Suzaku army was attacking the long apes climbing the tower, they began to be attacked by the army below the tower, and their spears flew high into the sky.The Suzaku warriors were not paying attention, and were shot by spears and fell down.The fate can be imagined...

However, the Long Ape Clan also had other main forces climbing the towers, and they were not much better.

Facing the ferocious flames of the Suzaku army, they were burned screaming, one after another fell from above, and fell into a pile of meat.

However, the number of ethnic coalition forces is very large, and they rushed forward one after another. Even if the defenders on the tower defended with all their strength, they could not stop the enemy from going up the tower.

At the same time, on the frontal battlefield, a second battlefield was also opened up.

The army of the Black Tiger Clan met the legion of the White Elephant Clan!

The White Elephant Clan can't climb the city tower, so they can only be responsible for driving away the army of the Black Tiger Clan...

However, the army of the Black Tiger Clan was supposed to stay on the top of the city tower. The General of the Black Tiger ordered all the soldiers to jump down to prevent the coalition forces from ascending the city. Now, they couldn't go back by themselves.

They can only start a decisive battle with the White Elephant Clan in an open area not far from the front of the tower.

"." General Black Tiger, we meet again! "

The head of the White Elephant Army came to the Black Tiger General and said with a ferocious expression.General Heihu smiled faintly, "I don't want to see you again!"

During the ambush in Scorpion City (Wang Zhao's), General Black Tiger fought against the head of the White Elephant Clan, and he knew how powerful the opponent was.

This guy, with rough skin and thick flesh, is completely an unbeatable monster!

But right now, both the Black Tiger Clan and the White Elephant Clan have no room to back down, only one side can survive! "bring it on!"

The head of the White Elephant Army let out a roar, and rushed towards the Black Tiger General.Immediately, the two powerhouses began to fight fiercely...

And the rest of the soldiers rushed forward one after another, fighting the enemy to the death!

On the battlefield, there was a bloody smell everywhere. At this time, the situation had entered a white-hot stage. It could be seen that the corpses were piled up like a mountain, and blood flowed everywhere.

It's like purgatory on earth!

Finally, on this side, the defenders on the tower could no longer resist, and the Suzaku army failed to stop the advance of the coalition army. A long ape in black armor took the lead on the tower!body.

Chapter 397 Life in Despair!


The long ape warrior showed ecstasy in excitement, and rushed directly towards the pile of Suzaku warriors.

However, the Suzaku Legion had already arranged enough soldiers to stay on the tower.

Following Su Cheng's battalion to fly into the high altitude to fight, there were only four legions of troops, and there were still six legions left on the tower. In addition, there were also some fighters from the Black Tiger Clan.

The warrior of the long ape tribe was only a few breaths away from excitement before he was overwhelmed by the swarming Suzaku army. "Brothers, you must guard the tower and don't let them come up!" A general of the Vermilion Bird Clan shouted.

And in the sky, the rest of the legion chiefs also gathered together and ordered the part of the Suzaku army in the air to focus their fire on the long ape warriors who were about to climb the tower.


In the Long Ape Clan Legion, every time a soldier ascended the tower, he was mercilessly slaughtered by the Suzaku army, or kicked down with his claws!

However, the number of the long ape army is terrifying, with more than [-] troops, on the side of the Suzaku Legion, a part has to be allocated to control the equipment and fight with the opponent's equipment army.

On the other hand, 670 creatures of other races have also approached the city, attacking the Suzaku Legion on the tower in various ways.

Some threw spears, some took out bows and arrows behind their backs, and some followed the long ape clan to climb the tower.

What's more... a hole was dug under the tower!

What the Suzaku Legion was facing was a force several times larger than theirs!

The remaining fighters of the Black Tiger Clan also desperately resisted on the tower, but finally, more and more enemies climbed the tower...

Su Cheng was also powerless to reverse the entire situation of the battle. Even the peak power of the Witch King still seemed very small and fragile in such a large-scale war.

In the end, the battlefield expanded to the tower, and the armies of both sides fought on the tower.

At this time, the equipment on both sides had completely used up all the pills, and finally there were no more boulders flying across the air..."Kill!"

Su Cheng couldn't help feeling anxious, and led the soldiers of the Seventh Legion to land on the tower, and began to fight to the death with the enemy.

On the other side of the battlefield, the battle between the Black Tiger Clan and the White Elephant Clan has also entered a fierce stage.

This time, both sides (bfed) have no retreat, the Black Tiger Legion dare not let the White Elephant Legion move freely, and similarly, the White Elephant Legion dare not let the Black Tiger Legion pose a threat to the ethnic army of other regions.

The two sides launched a battle to the death!

The bloodiness of the Black Tiger warriors was aroused at this moment. Their eyes were blood red, their teeth were bared, their white fangs were exposed, and they rushed towards the white elephant like a black storm like lightning.

As for the White Elephant Clan, because their bodies were not flexible enough, they basically couldn't dodge to avoid the attacks of the Black Tiger Warriors.

They could only keep waving their long noses, trying to trap the black tiger before it pounced on it, and then entangled it to death.

Or throw it into the pile of white elephants behind and trample it hard with your limbs!

Some fast-moving and nimble black tigers can often successfully avoid the long arms of the white elephants, and bite their fangs fiercely on the opponent's body... However, the strong defensive capabilities of the white elephants give the black tiger fighters a headache endlessly.

It often takes three or four black tigers to bite a white elephant into serious injuries.

And after getting close, they themselves will become very threatening. After some black tigers bit the body of the white elephant, they would not let go. As a result, the white elephant rolled over like a carp, and fell directly to the ground, pressing the black tiger to the ground. !

The huge and heavy body directly pressed Heihu, unable to move, almost suffocating!The battle was extremely fierce, and the smell of blood was everywhere...

I saw black tigers and white elephants falling down one after another, the corpses piled up like mountains, and the blood flowed like rivers.

And as the battle continued, the cruel scene continued to deteriorate. Countless corpses were thrown from the city tower, some from the allied races, some from the Suzaku Legion and the Black Tiger Clan!

Su Cheng kept waving the bone sword in his hand, numb and tired, like a machine.

He didn't even know how many coalition soldiers he had killed. There was only blood in his eyes. Looking around, there were corpses everywhere!

Noy, Annuo, and Monica are also fighting desperately. As powerhouses at the level of the Witch King, they naturally receive the attention of the racial coalition forces.

The three creatures, as well as the other commanders of the Suzaku Legion, were all besieged by the racial coalition forces!

On the contrary, it was the strong fighters in the racial coalition who were eyeing their ordinary fighters.

('4:) The coalition's calculation is very simple, as long as the ordinary soldiers are killed as much as possible, the remaining strong men like them will not be able to defend the tower...

It is, yes.

As a result, the Suzaku army and the army of the Black Tiger Clan suffered even more heavy casualties. When the Witch King-level powerhouses want to support their comrades, they are often intercepted by the enemy's army, and they fall into a quagmire from which they cannot extricate themselves.

Time passed little by little.

The sky went from early morning to dark, and the battle lasted for a whole day. I don't know how many brave soldiers died in this battle.

Above the city tower, the armies of both sides were still fighting, and it was still impossible to tell the winner.

This is a battle that concerns the life and death of the core area, and the fate of all races and creatures rests on this battle!

Many ethnic legions, even though they were afraid of the flame attack of the Suzaku tribe, still rushed up bravely, even if they died, they would drag the Suzaku warriors to die together.

Under such circumstances, it has become more and more difficult to defend the city tower!


With a loud noise, the city gate finally couldn't withstand the huge bombardment, and was forcibly smashed through by the coalition army's siege vehicles!


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