Don't say that the people in Muye Village were all dumbfounded. At this moment, the people in the Longguo live broadcast room were even more dumbfounded!

It's just half of the body, so huge?

How huge would it be if the whole body were exposed?

And, more importantly, this Susano can be seen to be very unusual at first glance!

"Is it Susano? Why is it not in the form of a perfect body? Is it because this state of reincarnation suppressed your power?"

Looking at Susano in front of him, Luo Hang's mind was also secretly dignified, but on the surface he still had a calm expression!

"That's right, this filthy soil reincarnation technique is a bit weak, it can only exert one-tenth of my power, but it's enough to deal with you!" Uchiha Madara heard the words, nodded and said the same!

"If it's Susano's attack, the eyes of reincarnation should be able to absorb it?"

If Uchiha Madara pretends to be B, Luo Hang has long been used to it, so he asked rhetorically, noncommittal!

If Susano is strong, then he is strong, but it is neither physical skill nor fairy art. Logically speaking, no matter how strong Susano is, he can absorb the power of hungry ghosts, right?

"That's right, that's true! However, I showed Susanoo, not just using this form to fight you, but a ninjutsu that even the Samsara Eyes can't absorb!"

Uchiha Madara is also aloof, controlling everything!

After the voice fell, Uchiha Madara double-faced Susanoo, as if back to back, and, the two Susanoos were actually in the state of seal!

"Oops, this move, could it be..." Seeing Susano's actions, Luo Hang's heart trembled slightly, and he had an idea about the scene in front of him.

In the original book, Uchiha Madara seems to have used this trick!

Sure enough, the development of the facts seemed to confirm Luo Hang's conjecture.

Above the high altitude of Muye Village, the white clouds were suddenly torn apart, and then, a spherical meteorite a hundred meters away appeared, heading towards Luohang, and smashed down fiercely!

Sure enough, it was this trick, the sky hindered Zhenxing!

"Is it only this small? Oh, but it's enough. 113, Luo Hang, can you continue dancing? Do your best to please me!"

Seeing the attack of his own tremor star, Uchiha Madara looked disappointed, shook his head silently, and then said to Luo Hang!

"What, what is this?"

With the appearance of Tianyi Zhenxing's trick, all the people in Konoha Village, whether it is Namikaze Minato and the others who are fighting, or the residents who are taking refuge.

At this moment, everyone raised their heads and looked at the falling meteor in the sky in horror, with expressions of despair on their faces.

This, is this also from the enemy's attack?This is too scary, right?

"Holding the grass, I thought that Uchiha Madara's power is very powerful, but he still has such a trick, Susanoo!?"

"Just looking at the body shape, you know it's very scary, right? Could it be that you were just warming up just now?"

"Stupid, I have already killed, Uchiha Madara said, this is only one-tenth of his ability? Is this true, or is he pretending to be B?"

"Look, Brother Hang didn't even refute it, this, this is probably true!?"

"Judging from Uchiha's domineering appearance, as well as his words and deeds since he appeared on the stage, although he pretends to be B, he never seems to brag!"

"Hold the grass, that is to say? Such a powerful force is really only one-tenth of his heyday?"

"I'm already stupid, it's really unbelievable, if it's a matter of Quansheng, how powerful he must be!"

"This, this directly pulled a meteor down? Is this also the power of Uchiha Madara!?"

"Holding grass, Hungry Ghost Dao can absorb all ninjutsu, but how can such a huge meteor absorb it?"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, everyone was dumbfounded after Susano, especially after the fall of the shocking star!

And the power displayed by Uchiha Madara really made everyone feel deeply horrified...

Chapter 171: Flying Heaven with a Sword, Obstructing the Earthquake

Desperate, looking at the meteor falling from the sky, everyone in Muye Village looked up at the sky, feeling a little desperate.

With such a force falling down, the impact of the acceleration of gravity is enough to destroy the entire Konoha Village! ?

Luo Hang raised his head and looked at the sky, the ability of this move is also dignified.

However, at this moment, Luo Hang's figure moved, and he jumped directly into the sky!

At this moment, Luo Hang is like that brave warrior who is not afraid of death, instantly attracting everyone's attention!

Seeing the ability of the Heaven Obstructing Zhenxing come down, everyone was shocked.

Then, seeing Luo Hang dare to rush towards the sky-blocking Zhenxing, how much admiration he felt in his heart!

"I have to help him!"

After all, he is also the Hokage of Muye Village, facing such an attack, there is no reason for Luo Hang to deal with it alone.

Namikaze Minato's heart moved, and the special Kunai in his hand also shot towards the sky!

With his own sealing technique and the cooperation of Thunder God, even the Tailed Beast Jade can be transferred.

It's just that the meteorite that fell from the sky is really too big, can I transfer it by myself?

Namikaze Minato didn't have any confidence in his heart.

But, you must try it! ?


However, this kunai had just been thrown out, and a small stone hit the kunai instantly, causing the kunai to fall from mid-air, and it happened to be inserted not far from Namikaze Minato!

"Although I'm just a shadow clone, it seems that you underestimate me?"

Blocking the characteristic Kunai of Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Madara's shadow clone said calmly!

Well, with Uchiha Madara's shadow clone entangled nearby, it seems that no one can intervene in the battle between Luo Hang and Uchiha Madara's main body, and can only watch from afar!

Seeing Luo Hang's indomitable momentum, he rushed towards the Zhenxing that day!

Luo Hang's figure was in mid-air, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand was lifted up, and he went up to meet the smashed sky-obstructing Zhenxing!


With a half move, the originally menacing Tianshi Zhenxing fell on Xuanyuanjian, and the downward momentum stopped suddenly!


After launching the second half of the move, Luo Hang waved the hand holding Xuanyuanjian fiercely!

Following his movements, the meteor that fell from the midair unexpectedly soared into the sky at the same speed, and soon disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds!


At this moment, all the people opened their mouths wide, looking at the falling figure in the sky, their faces showed expressions of horror!

The appearance of Tianyi Zhenxing shocked everyone, and this kind of power made everyone despair!

However, Luo Hang charged directly into the sky with one sword and one person, and actually bounced back the huge meteor.

This scene made people even more dumbfounded!

The shock brought by the move of Tianyi Zhenxing to everyone is like a stepping stone, the purpose is to make Luohang's reputation even higher!

The higher the stepping stone, the higher Luo Hang's current reputation will be!

But now, the stepping stone of Tianyi Zhenxing is almost as high as the clouds in the sky, and Luo Hang is like a banished fairy standing on the clouds, overlooking the world!

"He, how did he do it? A sword, actually..."..." Ji Lai also looked at Luo Hang's figure, secretly shocked in his heart! "Can pure physical strength reach such a level?This can't be a humanoid tailed beast! ? Swallowing, even the third Hokage, who was evacuating the survivors, was secretly terrified!

"This kind of power is really terrifying. If Uchiha Madara's power is comparable to that of a god, then Luo Hang's power is enough to kill a god!?" Even Namikaze Minato, also Whispering in a low voice!

The power shown by Uchiha Madara is indeed terrifyingly strong.

However, Luo Hang's power is also shocking.

It's hard to imagine that a person's strength can be so strong! ? "Brother Hang is awesome, I, I'm already on my knees!"

"Brother Hang, YYDS, this move to block and rebound is indeed a true magical skill, a move that gets stronger when it is strong!"

"We all know that Brother Hang relies on the magical skill of blocking and rebounding, but the people in Muye Village don't know it. Look, everyone is scared stupid by Brother Hang's move!" Long Guo In the live broadcast room, all the viewers of the Dragon Kingdom felt extremely shocked when they saw the scene where Luo Hang actually bounced back the meteorite that hindered the shocking star.

Although he already knew the effect of the trick of blocking and rebounding, but watching so many meteorites bounce back with his own eyes, everyone was dumbfounded! "Hahaha……"

When everyone was looking at Luo Hang in shock, at this moment, Uchiha Madara turned over and came directly to the head of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, laughing wildly from his mouth!

When everyone was shocked to death, Uchiha Madara's wild laughter instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone didn't understand, after Luo Hang blocked his powerful attack just now, how could he still be smiling so happily?

"That's right, Luo Hang, besides Hashirama, you are the only opponent that I can value. Very good, you dance very well, and you have already succeeded in pleasing me, so next, I will use my real strength Power!" Looking very happy, Madara Uchiha laughed and said to Luo Hang!

At the same time, Luo Hang's figure also fell from mid-air!

"Is he finally going to unite the power of Kyuubi and do it together?" Seeing Uchiha Madara's appearance, Luo Hang's mood became more dignified than ever!

As if to confirm the conjecture in Luo Hang's mind, after seeing the continuation energy on Uchiha Madara's body change for a while.

Then, the sky-blue Susanoo turned into a huge armor, wrapping around Kyuubi's figure.

Wearing a blue armor, Kyuubi looks even taller and more majestic!

Prestige - One Susano!

After wearing the power of Susanoo on Kyuubi's body, the power of Susanoo and the power of the nine-tailed demon fox perfectly merged together, and a terrible roar came out of his mouth.

Under Uchiha Madara's control, Kyuubi rushed directly in the direction of Luo Hang!

Majestic and majestic, the momentum is extraordinary!

As the most powerful tailed beast, Nine Tails is already terrifyingly strong, but now that it has received Susano's boost, its strength has become unbelievably strong!

Facing the Nine-Tails in this form, Luo Hang didn't dare to hold back any more. He maintained the rocky caress mode. At the same time, all the true energy in Luo Hang's Tanzhong acupoint flowed and quickly dispersed into the limbs and bones. among.

At the same time, according to the refining method, Luo Hang refined all his attacks of more than 500 years into a chakra pattern!

In Jifu mode, the blue chakra coat covering Luohang's body has become much brighter with the conversion of more than 500 years of skill into chakra.

At the same time, Luohang's chakra merged with Jifu's chakra, and the power increased again!

"Eight-door Dunjia, open!"

It's not enough, it's not enough to simply use one's own true essence to refine chakra and fuse it with Sanwei Isofu.

Luo Hang then opened the eight-door Dunjia!

The first door, open the door, open!

The second door, Hugh's door.

Can't open it!

Well, although these days, Luo Hang has also practiced the Bamen Dunjia, but in just a few months, plus the time spent on the practice of the Bamen Dunjia is not much.

Therefore, we can barely open the first door!

Although the first door was opened, Luo Hang's Chakra had a slight increase.

However, with this increase, don't expect it to change the situation!

I also know that Luo Hang's reincarnation eyes have now developed the ability of the hungry ghost way, and can absorb ninjutsu.

Therefore, Uchiha Madara didn't intend to use ninjutsu anymore, and he didn't even use Tailed Beast Jade, the strongest attack method of Kyuubi, after all, these attacks are ineffective against Luo Hang!

Controlling Nine Tails, completely fighting with Nine Tails' powerful body as a weapon!

Nine Tails raised its paw high, and slapped it down with one paw!

Luo Hang's expression changed drastically and he avoided it.

Then, when this paw was shot, a building was smashed to pieces like a biscuit by Kyuubi's paw!

With Kyuubi's huge size, even simple body movements can have the destructive power of powerful ninjutsu!

Under Nine-Tail's attack, Luohang retreated steadily, and Lingbo moved to the extreme with small steps.

Nine Tails chased after Luo Hang, slapping his paws again and again, naturally completely crushing Luo Hang in terms of strength!

In this way, after chasing and fleeing, everything within a few hundred meters around was turned into ruins in just a moment!

". "No, if you continue to fight like this, you will lose if you defend for a long time. It seems that we can only solve the problem of Kyuubi first! "

After hiding for more than ten minutes (well done), Luo Hang murmured secretly in his heart seeing that Nine Tails seemed to never tire.

Then, a battle plan gradually became clear in Luo Hang's mind!

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