Chapter 293: Reincarnation of Dirty Earth Played Offensive Ninjutsu?

Kaido's divine dragon writhed crazily in mid-air, trying to shake off Luo Hang from his head.

However, Chakra of the Ninja World reminds me that if you attach your feet to the soles of your feet.

Even on the wall, even hanging upside down, it can be as smooth as walking on the ground.

Therefore, it is impossible for Kaido to throw Luo Hang down!

However, when Luohang's Xuanyuan sword stabbed down, the power of the frost treasure box made Kaido feel very uncomfortable!

After all, Kaido, who is incarnated as a dragon, spits out a mouthful of flames from the dragon's breath, and controlling thunder is also thunder and lightning, which is a proper attribute of rigidity and yang.

The power of this frost treasure box is naturally the power to restrain him.

Not to mention, the cold air in this frost treasure box is enough to freeze the entire planet!

Very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

The coldness of this frost treasure box poured down from Kaido's head crazily, just like taking a train in the twelfth lunar month and sticking out his head~. The terrible freezing breath made Kaido feel like his head-- All a little confused.


Kaido flung himself in mid-air many times, but he couldn't knock Luo Hang off his head. In the end, he just went on a rampage, wanting to rely on impact-to knock Luo Hang off!

However, feeling Kaido's madness, Luo Hang frowned slightly, and simply put the Xuanyuan Sword directly on Kaido's head!

Shenlong's pupils shrank sharply, and Kaido's figure immediately fell from midair!

The huge dragon body struggled frantically on the ground.

However, his head was pressed down by the Xuanyuan Sword, and he couldn't move!

Even Kaido's power is the most powerful in the entire Pirate World.

However, being pressed down by the Xuanyuan Sword, he was still unable to move.

No matter how powerful the power is, it is still not enough to move Xuanyuanjian!

"Invincible, the special effect of Xuanyuan Sword is simply invincible!"

"Kaido's strength can't even lift this Xuanyuan Sword. It seems that the effect of this Xuanyuan Sword cannot be lifted by strength alone!"

"Brother Hang stood on Kaido's head when he was holding the Xuanyuan Sword. Nothing happened, but when he put the Xuanyuan Sword on Kaido's head, he just fell to the ground? This is unscientific!" "Science? Just kidding Right? This weapon refined by the protoss, you actually talk about science?"

"Also, in the previous world, even the Hulk couldn't lift Thor's hammer, but it can hang on the wall, can you believe it?"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, seeing Luo Hang repeating his old tricks, he first used this trick to deal with Jhin, and now he used this trick to deal with Kaido.

Yes, Kaido's power is definitely one of the best in the entire sea.

However, with such power, even if Xuanyuan Sword was pressed on his head, he couldn't move?

Is there anything more interesting than this?

Seeing that Kaido was unable to move under the pressure of his Xuanyuan Sword, Luo Hang followed suit, and all kinds of abilities poured down on Kaido one after another!

Water escape, water blade slash!

Sword 22!

Evil Blood Tribulation!

Under Luo Hang's attack, Kaido just twisted his body, trying to dodge as much as possible.

But the head is being suppressed, how can these attacks be avoided?

None of these attacks failed, they all fell on Kaido's head!

However, this Kaido deserves to be the guy in the original book who would commit suicide at every turn. The defense ability of this body is really terrible.

No matter what method Luo Hang uses to attack, it can only make him feel pain, but it is not enough to cause him too much injury!

Such a situation made Luo Hang helpless!

The strongest creature in the sea, land and air, with its defense ability, is definitely the most terrifying existence in the sea.

However, Kaido was under control at this time, and it can be said that he could not fight back.

Could it be that there is no way to deal with him?

Thinking of this, Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly, and then his expression became much more serious.

"Luo Hang, kill me if you have the ability, if you can't kill me, let me go, let's have a showdown between men!"

After suffering a severe beating, Kaido was still alive and kicking, and at the same time, he sarcastically shouted at Luo Hang.

"Really? If that's the case, then I will satisfy your request!"

Hearing what Kaido said, Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly.

Then, a big formation was drawn under Kaido!

"This Kaido, the physical defense is too terrible, right? Our brother Hang's attack is not enough to kill him?"

"I've heard of Kaido from other live broadcast rooms. This is an existence that plays suicide at every turn, but it can't even kill itself!"

"Even he can't kill himself? Isn't this too scary!?"

"I heard that Kaido used to go to Marlin Vandor at every turn, and was defeated and locked in the city of advancement, but no one could kill him. After he recovered, he would soon make a fuss in the city of advancement, and then escaped. go!"

"So? Even with a lineup like Admiral in the Navy, Admiral of the Warring States Period, and Naval Hero Garp, they can only exhaust him and defeat him, but they can't kill him?"

"Boss, this defensive ability is simply MAX, right?"

"It's over, what should our Brother Hang do now? I can't kill him with the Xuanyuan Sword, and I'm being ridiculed by him like this? This is a bit unbearable!"

"Wait, look, what is Brother Hang doing? The formation under Kaido looks very familiar!"

"Hold the grass, isn't this the formation of reincarnation from the dirty soil? I understand a little bit!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers watched that Luo Hang's attack was ineffective against Kaido.

After hearing about Kaido's many glorious deeds before, many viewers felt helpless.

This kind of situation where you can defeat the opponent, but you can't kill the opponent, really makes people uncomfortable!

However, after seeing that Luo Hang had changed his methods and was recognized as the formation of reincarnation of dirty soil, the whole live broadcast room exploded.

Then, everyone has a sense of anticipation!

Yes, conventional methods cannot kill Kaido, so what about reincarnation?

After recognizing the reincarnation of the dirty soil, everyone understood what kind of means Luo Hang was going to use to deal with Kaido, and many people felt even more emotional.

A ninjutsu that summons the undead and resurrects the dead, in the hands of Luo Hang, has it become the strongest single-body offensive ninjutsu?

Many people secretly sighed in their hearts that Luo Hang's wisdom in using ninjutsu is indeed very high!

"What is this? Do you think these lines alone can kill me?"

Kaido looked at the formation patterns Luo Hang drew under him, twisted his body violently, and shouted loudly at the same time.

However, Luo Hang didn't pay attention to Kaido's shout, as if he didn't hear it! . …ask for flowers.

After all, for people who are about to die, Luo Hang really doesn't need to spend too much time talking nonsense!

There is no way to kill Kaido by conventional means, so what about using the dirty soil to reincarnate and use Kaido as a sacrifice?

Can kill him?

This is almost a rule-based ability, one life for another, Luo Hang is still looking forward to it!

Luo Hang then raised his hand, and fetched the corpse of a pirate next to him who was drowned by his sea escape ninjutsu!

That's it, everything is ready to go!

"He, what is he going to do? What is he going to do!?"

Next to him, the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirates headed by Jhin are all staring at Luo Hang seriously at this moment!

Luo Hang's expression was serious, he made a seal with his hands, and then pressed his hands on the ground: "The dirt is reincarnated!"

The forbidden technique was activated, and the dead pirate's body was used as a medium to directly summon the opponent's soul.

Then, using Kaido's body as a sacrifice, the dead soul fell into Kaido's body!

"Ah!" Kaido felt the threat from the breath of hope for the first time, and he couldn't help but yelled!

Completely ignoring the difference in body size, countless dust appeared out of thin air, covering Kaido's body.

The huge dragon body was actually covered by dust, and then, it turned into a small human form!

"I, what am I? What's wrong? Am I dead?"

The revived pirate looked around in bewilderment, and at the same time, said strangely!

"Ah! This is, this is my body? Then, what's going on with me now!?"

After being stunned, the pirate saw his own body and was even more confused!

Let me ask, who would not be confused after seeing his own dead body?

"The ability of resurrection, this guy, using Master Kaido as a sacrifice, resurrected others!"

Jhin and the others were also dumbfounded when they saw this scene, with expressions of astonishment on their faces!

On the one hand, seeing the resurrection of the dead with their own eyes made them feel horrified.

On the other hand, Luo Hang revived a little guy for no reason, and they could roughly guess the purpose of it!

This little guy's reincarnation in the dirty soil is complete, and Luo Hang's goal has also been achieved.

Without answering the meaning of his words, Luo Hang followed suit and unlocked the forbidden technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil!

Well, I just opened my eyes and resurrected, and the forbidden technique of reincarnation in the dirt was untied.

This pirate's minion is probably the one with the shortest resurrection time among all the forbidden techniques of reincarnation.

Would you like to mention the Dirt Reincarnation Experience Card for a second?

As the filthy soil was reincarnated and unraveled, countless dusts dispersed along with it.

However, after the dust dissipated, Kaido exposed was not in the form of a dragon, but in his human form!

In this dusty ruin, Kaido has no breath.

Obviously, Kaido, who was the reincarnation sacrifice of Dirty Earth, has died!

"Sure enough, the ability to reincarnate in the dirt, this sacrifice, is simply mortal, it has nothing to do with strength or defense!"

Although he had already guessed in his heart, seeing that Kaido was really dead, Luo Hang still nodded secretly satisfied in his heart.

"Lord Kaido, Lord Kaido is actually dead, he, is he really dead!?"

Seeing Kaido's body motionless in the dust, all the Beasts Pirates were dumbfounded!corpse.

Chapter 294: The Second Six Path Puppet

Beast Pirates, everyone was dumbfounded at this moment.

Whether it is a pirate who is frozen by the sea and has no strength.

Still a movable pirate like Jhin.

Everyone was dumbfounded looking at Kaido's body, and the atmosphere dropped to freezing point for a while!

Master Kaido is actually dead?

This is something that everyone can hardly believe.

For a long time, no matter how much Master Kaido tried to die, he would never die!

Today, it was actually a magician.Was Luo Hang killed?

It is said that hearing is false and seeing is true.

However, even after seeing Kaido's death with their own eyes, many pirates still find it unbelievable!

However, for Luo Hang, it doesn't matter whether the Beasts Pirates are willing to believe this.

After Kaido died, Luo Hang directly raised his hand and put away Kaido's body.

Immediately, Luo Hang turned around and left through the magic portal, returning to the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Master Jhin, we, what should we do?"

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