Now, since he wanted to show off Kaido's abilities, it was natural for Luo Hang to come to the holy land of Mary Gioia to show off!

The video phone bug was built first, and then, on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, Luo Hang's video appeared on the big screen!

Not only the Whitebeard Pirates, but even many surrounding islands have received the images here.

Then, it was projected on the big screen!

"Huh? What is this? Why did the picture suddenly change!?"

On an island, the inhabitants of the island clearly felt the change of the image!

Moreover, in the image, first of all, a close-up of the magic portal!

This made countless residents understand that the image was about a magician.Luohang's! ?

Did he do something else?

"Is it Luohang? Where is this place?" Trafalgar asked.The pirate group that Lao is in happened to see the change of scene here, secretly surprised in his heart, and stopped to check! "Marshal, it's not good, Luo Hang, Luo Hang has appeared in the holy land of Mariejoya again!"

On Marin Fanduo's side, the news about Luohang, and the news that it appeared in Marie Gioia, was naturally sent to the Warring States in the first place! "Alarm, alert, mobilize all protective forces!"

Of course, Marie Gioia also knew the news of Luohang's invasion. The whole Marie Gioia was like a calm lake, as if a big stone had been thrown down!

Whether it's a pirate, a navy, or an ordinary resident, after knowing the information that happened here, all eyes are gathered for a while!

Two months ago, Luo Hang went to Ghost Island alone, and killed Kaido, one of the Four Emperors.

Make the whole sea tremble!

Now, after two months of silence, Luo Hang once again appeared in the Holy Land Mariejoya alone.

Why is he here! ?

"Everyone keep an eye on me, big news, this is definitely the big news on the front page, we don't know the situation on Ghost Island, here, we must report it truthfully!" the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, Morgans, shouted loudly Then, all the reporters from the newspaper office came to stare at the live broadcast on the big screen.

In many places where the signal cannot be received, video phone bugs are spontaneously used to take pictures of the things on the screen and carry out physical broadcasting!

There is quite a sense of sight that I don’t know how to download a small video, just play it on the computer, and then turn on the video recording function of the mobile phone to download it physically.

Not to mention the sensation this live broadcast brought.

Luo Hang didn't even pay attention at this time!

Looking at Mary Gioia who sounded the alarm because of his appearance, the corners of Luo Hang's mouth slightly raised. "Luo Hang, you, what is your purpose of coming to Mary Gioia!?"

Soon, Rob Lucci in white came over, stared at Luo Hang and asked!

As a survivor of CP0, Rob Lucci's job here is of course to protect the Tianlong people!

"Oh, it's nothing, I just got a new toy and I need to test it out, I think it's pretty good here!" Luo Hang replied with a calm expression!

"Is Mary Gioia a place to test new toys casually?" Rob Lucci said with a strange look on his face!

"No, no, your lines are wrong!" Luo Hang shook his head upon hearing this!Rob Lucci: "..."

Black question mark face, said his lines were wrong?What does it mean?

"What you should ask is, what does my new toy look like!" Luo Hang followed up!

"You, what is your new toy!?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Rob Lucci also came to his senses.

Indeed, did you specifically ask Mary Joya to test?

This so-called new toy must be extraordinary, right?

"I'll let you see it!" Luo Hang nodded in relief, as if you had finally memorized the lines, Luo Hang nodded and said!

After the words were finished, Luo Hang raised his hands, made seals with both hands, and then slapped the ground hard! "Spiritualism!"

A puff of white smoke flashed past, and then, in Lu Qi's eyes, a tall figure could be seen appearing.

This figure can be said to be as strong as a bull, with a pair of tall horns on its head, and a mace in its hand.

However, the eyes are the same reincarnation eyes as Luo Hang.

Obviously, this is a scene controlled by the pupil power of the reincarnation eye! "This is!? Beasts. Kaido!?"

Seeing the puppet that Luo Hang summoned, Lu Qi's face changed in horror, and he exclaimed!

Not only Lu Qi, but everyone who was watching the live broadcast gasped at the moment!

Two months ago, Luo Hang successfully killed Kaido, which caused a terrible shock in the sea.

Now, Luo Hang actually summoned Kaido?

"Didn't you say? Has Kaido been killed by Luo Hang? Why is he still alive!?"

"No, it looks like Kaido is probably dead, look at his eyes, they are the same as Luo Hang's!"

"And, didn't Luo Hang say that just now? This is his new toy, so after Luo Hang killed Kaido, did he still make him into such a toy?"

The people before the live broadcast saw that Luo Hang actually summoned the dead Kaido, they were all horrified, and there was a lot of discussion!

Not to mention what these discussions were like, after summoning Kaido, Luo Hang felt like controlling a shadow clone, controlling Kaido's figure and walking forward!

"There are a lot of people here!"

Kaido looked at more and more guards around him, and said!

After the words fell, an extremely powerful aura suddenly erupted from Kaido, sweeping around like a hurricane.

Six puppets, similar to the reincarnation ability of the dirty soil, can exert all the power before birth. Kaido's domineering and domineering, of course, 177 has perfectly inherited it!

The surrounding guards felt Kaido's domineering look, and many of them rolled their eyes, and were stunned to the ground in the blink of an eye.

It's like cutting wheat!

Even Rob Lucci felt as if someone had hit his head with a hammer, and his body couldn't help shaking.Immediately, he looked at Kaido in horror: "Domineering and domineering!?"

"How is it? Isn't this ability good?" Kaido Puppet grinned and said to Lu Qi!

After the voice fell, Kaido followed suit and rushed towards the core of Marie Gioia.

At the same time, the sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder bursts.

"Stop!" Seeing Kaido's figure rushing towards Marie Gioia, Lu Qi yelled in horror, chasing after him!

Holding the mace high, he swung it forward fiercely.

Thunder gossip!

With a loud rumbling sound, this mace fell, and a huge crack appeared in the whole of Mary Gioia, as if it had turned into a grand canyon.

Kaido hit with all his strength, almost splitting Marie Gioia in two!

This kind of power made countless people dumbfounded. Is this the power of the Four Emperors?


Kaido seemed to be in no man's land, with a mace in his hand, destroying everywhere.

Throughout Mariejoa, countless Tianlong people have thrown away their lofty attitude, and ran for their lives in a panic like a bereaved dog!

Yes, I had to run for my life.

Facing the crazy destruction of the Kaido puppet, what else can they do if they don't run for their lives?

In just half an hour, most of Marie Gioia was reduced to ruins.

Among them, there are countless casualties, and many Tianlong people died under Kaido's mace! "Very good, let's try the new ability again!"

After attacking like venting for half an hour, Luo Hang nodded in satisfaction seeing that most of Mary Gioia had been reduced to ruins.

Immediately afterwards, Kaido's figure changed!

Fish fruit.Phantom beast species.Qinglong form!

The dragon is turned on! .

Chapter 296: The Return

"Hey, hey, isn't this a bit exaggerated? Domineering look and domineering? Do you have such an ability!?"

"Thunder gossip? Isn't this a combination of Kaido's physical skills combined with the ability of the devil fruit? The ability of the devil fruit also has it?" The power of life." "Today's puppet is somewhat similar to the original resurrection."

"The difference is that one has the original soul, and the other doesn't, it's just controlled by Luo Hang!"

"Isn't this scary? Calculated in this way, if any strong man dies in the future, the corpse falls into Luo Hang's hands, doesn't it all become his power!?" "The ability of this magician is too terrifying Have you got some!?"

The red-haired pirates, seeing the strength Luo Hang showed, several members of the pirates showed shocking expressions on their faces.

They were all shocked by the strength Luo Hang showed!

"It is impossible to have invincible power in the world. Luo Hang's ability must have his own limitations, but we don't know what such limitations are yet!" As the deputy captain, he is also the chief think tank of the pirate group. .Beckman opened his mouth to analyze and said!

This remark made everyone in the Pirate Group nod in agreement.

I still think his analysis is indeed reasonable!

It's not just the tricks of domineering domineering and thunderous gossip. After venting for half an hour, most of Marie Gioia was wiped out.

Luo Hang controls Kaido and completes the dragon transformation.

A green dragon hundreds of meters long, staring at a pair of eyes of reincarnation, flew into the sky, once again making all the people in Marie Gioia lose their voices.

It also made everyone who watched before the live broadcast dumbfounded!

Shenlong! ?

It has long been rumored that Kaido possesses the ability of the phantom beast dragon, but after all, it is just a legend, and not many people have really seen it.

Now, I have seen it with my own eyes, Kaido can really transform a dragon! ?

Moreover, such an ability actually died in Luo Hang's hands?

More importantly, this ability has now become Luo Hang's ability?

Isn't Luo Hang's ability invincible in the world?

In addition to his own power, now he has also added a hundred beasts.The power of Kaido! "Bachiqiong, Gouyu!"

With a flash of light, the yellow ape appeared in Marie Gioia. Looking at the damage on Marie Gioia's side, he sighed silently in his heart, and immediately raised his hand.

Countless lasers turned into countless light bullets and shot towards Kaido!

However, with Kaido's almost indestructible defense, these light bullets falling on Kaido's body are not enough to hurt him!

"General Huang Yuan, so, do you want to fight me?"

Shenlong turned his head, stared at Huang Yuan and said.

"Should I call you Kaido now, or Luo Hang?" Hearing this, Huang Yuan stopped his attack and asked!

"Of course it's Luohang!" " Kaido replied in his mouth!

"Your ability is a bit scary, do you have all of Kaido's power?"

From this answer, Kizaru confirmed the identity of Kaido in front of him, nodded slightly, and asked.

"Well, it's not bad, give it a try!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

Indeed, after half an hour of the show, Luo Hang is quite satisfied with the power of Kaido, the puppet.

In terms of pure defense and physical strength, Kaido is completely above his own body!

"You originally said that it was just to test your own toys. Now, after so long, you have tested everything that should be tested, right?"

Huang Yuan really didn't want to fight Luo Hang, so he asked.

This is to make Luo Hang stop quickly!

"No, no, there's still one last move that hasn't been tested yet!" said the huge Shenlong shaking his head.

While speaking, Shenlong opened its mouth wide, and hot and violent power condensed in its mouth!

"This is!?" Seeing Luo Hang's behavior in front of him, Huang Yuan's expression changed in shock, and he hurriedly opened his mouth to stop him!

However, Shenlong didn't pay attention to his shout.

The breath gathered in the mouth is also condensed to the extreme, and it is also terrifyingly huge!

Dragon Breath!

Finally, a scarlet dragon's breath condensed to the extreme was spit out from Shenlong's mouth.

In terms of destructive power, the destructive power of the dragon's breath is no less than that of the tailed beast jade.

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