"Familiar feeling, familiar taste, no matter which world you go to, Brother Hang can get acquainted with the top people in this world. Once or twice is luck, it happens every time, this is a skill!"

"Yeah, hahaha, look, I just harvested a blood-devouring bead, and now, the head of Daoxuan of the Qingyun Sect took the initiative to ask Brother Hang what's interesting!"

"So, when your status reaches a certain level, it's really easy to want something!"

"Hahaha, but it's a pity that this method is only suitable for our brother Hang, explorers from other countries? Go eat ashes!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, it can be said that Luo Hang led the gathering of the first seven veins of Qingyunmen.

Now, the head of Daoxuan spoke in person, wanting to give Luo Hang some rewards as a token of his gratitude.

This also made the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room very excited!

This is the reward given by the top sect of Proving Dao.

Not to mention the 190 viewers in the live broadcast room, what kind of thoughts are they feeling at the moment!

"I fell in love with you? Show me all your Qingyunmen's cultivation techniques, okay?" Hearing what Daoxuan said, Luo Hang asked.

"All the cultivation methods, including Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!?" Hearing this, Dao Xuan frowned slightly, showing a look of embarrassment!

"So, can't you?" Looking at Daoxuan's expression, Luo Hang said.

"Mr. Luo, it's not that I'm going back on my word, nor is it that I'm stingy. It's really that Taiji Xuanqing Dao is my Qingyun sect's suppressing technique. If I'm not a member of Qingyun sect, I can't pass it on!"

Daoxuan opened his mouth and explained helplessly!

"But..." Before Luo Hang could answer, Daoxuan seemed to have thought of something, and changed the topic. "The head of Daoxuan said it straight!"

Originally, I thought Qingyunmen's cultivation technique was a missed opportunity, but now hearing Daoxuan's turning point, Luohang asked as if another village was brightening up in the dark. "Mr. Luo is a casual cultivator, right? In other words, he doesn't have his own sect? If Mr. Luo is willing to join my Qingyun sect."

"As the elder of Ke Qing, naturally, he is also a member of my Qingyun sect!" The head of Daoxuan followed up and spoke again, giving his own thoughts! "So what do you say? I've taken a fancy to Qingyunmen's skills, and Daoxuan has taken a fancy to me!?" Hearing what Daoxuan said, how could Luo Hang not understand his thoughts, and secretly said helplessly!However, it's just a matter of joining the Qingyun sect in terms of identity, and it's true that he has no sect restrictions. For Luo Hang, it's not a loss!

"If that's the case, then I'll be a member of Qing Yun Sect from now on!" Luo Hang nodded without thinking too much! "Hahaha, that's good, we will be a family from now on!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Daoxuan really agreed, and Daoxuan was even more excited!

With Qing Yun sect's skills, Luo Hang became the elder Ke Qing?This is really a lucrative business!

Luo Hang's bottomless Taoism cultivation base is nothing more than that.

Even if it is to calculate the past and the future, the role of this intelligence force is difficult to measure!

Regarding the matter of Luo Hang's joining the Qingyunmen, of course it should be announced properly.

After all, a strong man like Luo Hang has joined Qingyunmen, so there is still a sense of ritual!

The previous Master Puzhi sought Taiji Xuanqing Dao because he was a member of Tianyin Temple, so it was impossible for him to defect from Tianyin Temple and join Qingyunmen.

But since Luo Hang is a casual cultivator, he naturally has no worries in this regard!

After choosing a date carefully, Daoxuan asked someone to announce the news.

Announcing the news that Luo Hang joined Qingyunmen and became the elder Keqing of Qingyunmen!

Of course, on the other side, Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu met.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan told Lin Jingyu all the truth about the tragedy in Caomiao Village!

He suddenly learned the truth, and more importantly, his master Master Cangsong was actually one of the murderers in the Caomiao Village tragedy?

This made Lin Jingyu also dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, in the tragedy that year, the reason why he survived was because of attracting Zongmen's attention for Zhang Xiaofan.

Are you just a proper tool man?

Knowing that Cangsong is the murderer, what should I do next to satisfy myself.

Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu discussed for a long time, but they couldn't come up with an exact punishment plan!

Can Cangsong pay for his life?

After all, he was indirectly responsible for the tragedy in Caomiao Village, and Puzhi was the real killer!

Besides, after being nurtured by Master Cangsong for so many years, Lin Jingyu still has a teacher-student relationship in his heart!

Therefore, counseling comes, counseling goes.

One has a mentor-student relationship with Cangsong, and the other is kind-hearted.

In the end, it was just that Master Cangsong went to Caomiao Village to pay homage to all the dead villagers.

Also, another survivor in Caomiao Village, Second Uncle Wang, who has gone crazy, let Master Cangsong be responsible for his treatment (bcfj) situation!

That's it, it's the punishment for Cangsong!

Of course, Master Cangsong had no objection to such a punishment.

When we arrived at Caomiao Village, Master Cangsong sincerely offered incense to all the graves in Caomiao Village.

Then, he brought Second Uncle Wang with him and was responsible for the treatment!

In the blink of an eye, nine days have passed!

On this day, the entire Qing Yun Sect was very lively!

Because, the head Daoxuan personally announced that there is a monk named Luo Hang who will join the Qingyun Sect and become the elder Keqing of the Qingyun Sect!

This news made Qing Yunmen very curious.

Luohang?Who is it?Never heard of this guy.

How could an unknown person become the elder Ke Qing of Qingyun Sect?

Even let the head of Daoxuan make such a big announcement?

All of a sudden, except for those who already knew Luo Hang's identity, the disciples of the Qing Yun Sect were very curious!

When it came to the day when he officially became the elder of Ke Qing, the entire Qingyun Sect was even decorated with lights and festoons.

With this appearance, how can Luo Hang want to become the elder Ke Qing of Qingyun sect?

It is simply the meaning of Qing Yunmen begging Luo Hang to be the elder guest!

...At the foot of Qingyunmen Tongtian Peak, a man was waiting anxiously.

It has been half a month since I came to this world, and I finally came to Qingyunmen.

As one of the three righteous sects, if he can join the Qingyun sect... "Young master, please go back!"

However, the longing in his heart was not over yet, suddenly, the Tongtian Peak disciple spoke up, interrupting his thoughts.

"Ah!?" Hearing this, the man's expression was startled.

"You are already very old, and you are still leading an art investment teacher. This does not conform to the rules of our Qingyun sect, so please go back!" The Tongtian Peak disciple shook his head and rejected the man's application!

"This, this..." Originally, I thought that if I became a disciple of Qingyun Sect, I should be able to get in touch with the cultivation techniques of this world.

Not only can it make people stronger, but the most important thing is to prolong their lifespan!

However, is it so difficult to join this sect of cultivating immortals? "Well, brother, can you please accommodate me?"

After thinking about it, the man secretly took out two gems and stuffed them into the hands of the Tongtian Peak disciple!

"No, don't, just go back!" However, this move made the disciples of Tongtian Peak even more disgusted!

"Aw!" At this moment, suddenly, a dragon roar sounded.

Everyone in Qingyunmen raised their heads and saw a green dragon hundreds of meters long appearing in the sky.

As for Luo Hang's figure, he stood on top of the dragon's head of the green dragon!

This is the day when Luo Hang became the elder of Qing Yun Sect Ke Qing, Luo Hang finally made his debut.

And with his appearance, Qingyunmen's festive music became even louder! ?

"Is this the elder Ke Qing of my Qingyun sect? To be able to use a dragon as a mount, this, this is really amazing!" Seeing the scene of Luo Hang standing on the dragon's head, the disciple of Tongtian Peak whispered whispered. "well……"

The explorer next to him felt even more uncomfortable when he saw Luo Hang's card, and heaved a long sigh.

Everyone is also an explorer, and I am begging my grandpa to sue my grandma here to become the most ordinary disciple of Qingyunmen, but I can't get in!

But what about Luo Hang?But he can become the elder Keqing of Qingyunmen.

Even, the whole Qing Yun Sect specially held such a lively ceremony, which is enough to show that Qing Yun Sect attaches great importance to him!

They are all explorers, why is the gap so big?

There are two types of explorers in the world.

One is Luo Hang, and the other is other explorers besides Luo Hang!

For the meaning of this sentence, this explorer now has a truly profound understanding.

Not to mention the thoughts of the explorers at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Luo Hang had already jumped off the dragon's head and stood on the square outside the main hall of the master!

Qimai gathered for the first time, and all the elite disciples of Qimai also arrived!

With this lineup, it can be seen that Qingyunmen attaches great importance to it.

Those who don't know, still think this is the succession ceremony of the old and new leaders. .

Chapter 308: Yangshen Realm, Condensed Golden Elixir

This ceremony is very lively.

But mainly, it was for Luo Hang and the disciples of Qingyunmen to meet each other.

It can be said that all the disciples under Qing Yun's sect know that there is such an elder Ke Qing as Luo Hang.

Of course, it's also to express the importance I attach to Luohang~!

This ceremony, - went very smoothly.

There is no need for Luo Hang to prove his ability, just from the fact that he came riding a dragon, this way of appearance is enough to see that his ability must be extraordinary!

Everything goes well, after the ceremony is over, Luo Hang has officially joined Qingyunmen!

Regarding Luo Hang's situation, the entire Qing Yun Sect naturally had a lot of discussions.

First of all, Luo Hang looks a little too young.

In his 20s, he looks similar to disciples like Lu Xueqi and Zeng Shushu!

In addition, many people are talking about how much Luo Hang's Taoism has been cultivated!

Some people think that Luo Hang's cultivation must be very profound.

Otherwise, how can you use Shenlong as a mount?

Of course, some people think that Luo Hang's cultivation should not be too high.

After all, judging from his appearance, he was too young.

He was able to use the dragon as a mount, maybe it wasn't his own ability to subdue it?

However, Luo Hang didn't pay attention to what the disciples of Qing Yunmen talked about him.

After becoming a Ke Qing, isn't he a member of Qing Yun Sect?

Regarding Qingyunmen's cultivation techniques, naturally there are no restrictions!

First of all, Luo Hang obtained Taiji Xuanqingdao from Qingyunmen.

Take a look, the cultivation of Taiji Xuanqing Dao is divided into three realms: Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing.

And these three realms also correspond to the three realms of refining essence and transforming qi, refining qi and transforming spirit, and practicing spirit to return to the void!

All in all, this Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao technique can directly cooperate with the internal skills such as the Sacred Heart Jue!

Luo Hang himself has reached the point of refining Qi and turning into a god.

However, in terms of cultivation, it is not as refined as Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

It was like eating, and the first savage ate it with his hands.

Then I felt that I should be more civilized, so I ate with chopsticks!

It's just that no one taught you how to use chopsticks by yourself, which seems very irregular!

What about Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao?It is like teaching you how to use various tableware in a more standardized manner.

In addition to chopsticks, how to use bone saucers, wine glasses, etc.!

Therefore, for Luo Hang, practicing Taiji Xuanqing Dao does not conflict with his own internal strength cultivation.

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