The most important thing is to check whether there are any terrible side effects left by the body!

Such a huge increase in cultivation in an instant like this is generally very likely to be the means of the devil!

"Senior brother!?" Suru beside him was also a little worried.

As Tian Buyi withdrew his palm, he looked over inquiringly!

Many disciples of Dazhu Peak also looked at Tian Buyi with apprehensive eyes.

"Strange!" Tian Buyi showed a look of surprise on his face!

"What's the matter? Dad, is Xiaofan alright!?" Tian Linger next to him couldn't help but asked urgently!

"It's okay, Xiaofan's health is very good, nothing happened!" Hearing this, Tian Buyi shook his head and said!

These words made several Dazhufeng disciples heave a sigh of relief.


It's good to be fine, but it's okay to improve your cultivation so quickly?

Tian Buyi felt very surprised, looked at Xiaofan and asked: "What's going on specifically? Tell me, how did you raise your cultivation level to the Upper Purity Realm overnight!?"

"Actually, this was still a month ago. At that time, Mr. Luo gave me a Breaking Evil Pill, saying that there was a [-]% chance that my cultivation would greatly increase..."

"Now, exactly one month has passed, so my cultivation level has been upgraded to the Upper Purity Realm!"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't dare to hide anything, he answered truthfully!

"One pill can raise your cultivation to the Supreme Purity Realm? Xiaofan, go ask Elder Luo if he still has such a pill?" Du Bishu's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

"Xiaofan, you said there is a [-]% chance that your cultivation will improve, so what about the [-]% chance?"

Suru next to him keenly noticed the meaning of Zhang Xiaofan's words, and asked accordingly!

"There is another [-]% possibility that he will be poisoned and die!"

After a little hesitation, Zhang Xiaofan still told the truth!

"So, if you take this elixir, you are risking your life, right? The higher the bet, the greater the chances of winning. No wonder it can raise you to the Supreme Purity Realm!"

Du Bishu next to him became interested.

Well, the main thing is gambling, he is interested in it!

"Forget it, anyone can eat this Po Er Pill, but you absolutely can't!" He Dazhi next to him said to Du Bishu!

"Why? Are you discriminating against me?" Hearing this, Du Bishu became upset.

"Think about your name, Du Bishu, you will lose the bet!"

"In this kind of gambling situation, you will definitely lose!" He Dazhi said.

"This..." Well, what He Dazhi said left Du Bishu speechless.

It seems that this is really the case?

"Wait, you said, it's the Po'er Pill you swallowed a month ago. After swallowing it, your cultivation will disappear temporarily?" "That is to say? When you were in the Qimai Martial Arts Competition, you had no cultivation at all?" Song Song Daren opened his mouth and noticed Zhang Xiaofan's description of Po Erdan just now!

"Yes, that's right!" Zhang Xiaofan still nodded.

These words once again made the disciples of Dazhu Peak envious!

Unexpectedly, without any cultivation base, just relying on a sword, he became the top four in martial arts with seven veins?

So, is Elder Luo's sword too powerful?

But thinking about that sword, not just anyone can pick it up, it seems that I can't envy it! "Okay, now that your cultivation has improved, let's strengthen your cultivation!" Patting Zhang Xiaofan on the shoulder, Tian Buyi encouraged him!

Not to mention, if this is the case, if you think about it carefully, among the disciples under your seat, Zhang Xiaofan has the highest cultivation level?

Who would have thought that the stupefied, originally mediocre, most disliked disciple would undergo such an earth-shaking change?

Mainly because of Naluohang, right?

It seems that these changes of Zhang Xiaofan are inseparable from Luo Hang! "That Luohang is really too!"

On the other hand, Suru, who was beside her, still complained a little: "The normal probability of death? Such a dangerous pill, but Xiaofan also took it?"

"Master, don't worry, Mr. Luo said, even if he was really poisoned and died, he still has a way to save me!" Zhang Xiaofan defended Luo Hang.

Luo Hang didn't know what was going on at the Big Bamboo Peak.

At this time, the matter of Zhang Xiaofan breaking the Evil Pill has also been settled.

Luo Hang felt that if he continued to stay in Qingyunmen, he seemed to have nothing worth gaining.

Therefore, he came before the head of Tongtian Peak Daoxuan.

"Elder Luo, what's the matter?" Seeing that Luo Hang came to find him, Daoxuan asked in surprise!

"Master, I'm here to say goodbye!" Luo Hang replied!

"Farewell? Where is Elder Luo going?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Daoxuan's expression changed slightly.

"Well, I've been staying in Qingyunmen for a while, and I'm really thinking about moving, so I want to go out for a walk!" Nodding his head, Luo Hang replied!

"So that's true, that's right, I almost forgot, Elder Luo, you are still a young man..." Sect Master Daoxuan heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded at the same time. "young people?"

Luo Hang looked at Daoxuan in astonishment, not quite understanding what he meant when he suddenly said that he was a young man!

"Such as the first ones like us, we are not too young, so we generally don't bother to move, and like to stay on Qingyun Mountain to meditate." The head of Daoxuan explained!

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, the head of Daoxuan asked Luo Hang again: "By the way, Elder Luo, you should not be 190 years old now, right!?" "Yes, indeed not!" Luo Hang He nodded in acknowledgment.

"Sure enough, you are young enough. Your age, even among the many disciples of Qingyun Sect, is still considered young!" Daoxuan looked as expected, and felt even more embarrassing!

At such a young age, he has such a cultivation base of Taoism.

I really don't know what kind of cultivation he can achieve if he is given another hundred and eighty years of cultivation!

After deliberately asking Daoxuan's head to say hello, Luo Hang was not stopped, and he was about to turn around and leave! "Wait, Elder Luo..."

Seeing Luo Hang turn and leave, Daoxuan seemed to have thought of something, and yelled!

Luo Hang looked at Daoxuan with a questioning look!

"Nowadays, the world's demon ways are about to move. Disciples who have contacted Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley are coming out of the mountain. My Qingyun sect is also planning to send a few contacted disciples to go down the mountain together!" "If Elder Luo encounters traces of the demon way down the mountain, please help me Pay attention!" Daoxuan said.

"Naturally!" Luo Hang nodded and said.

Immediately waved his hand, left Tongtian Peak main hall, and even went directly through the air, leaving Qingyunmen.

"Brother Hang, is this going to leave Qing Yunmen?"

"It seems that Qingyunmen has gained everything it should have, so Brother Hang is ready to go out for a walk?" "Ding, the player has left Novice Village!"

"The Goddamn Xinshou Village, Qingyun Sect, one of the three great sects, is actually described as a Xinshou Village?" "In any case, Brother Hang left Qingyun Sect, which makes people look forward to it!"

"Yeah, I have gained so much in Qingyunmen, and I don't know what kind of gains Brother Hang can have after leaving!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, watching Luo Hang and Daoxuan bid farewell, and then left in the air, the audience in these live broadcast rooms were all looking forward to it. .

Chapter 316: A Top Physician Meets a Top Physician?

The imperial weapon flew straight up to the sky.

Although Luo Hang has learned how to fly the imperial weapon for a long time.

However, it is still very comfortable to fly a few laps in the sky when you have nothing to do!

Leaving Qing Yunmen, Luo Hang looked down at the scenery under his feet and couldn't stop backing away, feeling refreshed and happy!

Needless to say, the Heavenly Book in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury.

The four volumes of heavenly scriptures outside are Qingyunmen's Zhuxian Sword, but the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao enlightened by the unnamed ancient scrolls that match the Zhuxianjian can be regarded as the heavenly scriptures!

The Dafan Prajna of Tianyin Temple is also a practice learned from the scriptures without words!

Therefore, what I can still plan now is the Dafan Wisdom or Wordless Jade Bi in Tianyin Temple!

The volume of heavenly scripture written by Ghost King Zong.

And the volume of the bleeding hole!

Where is the biggest advantage for yourself and other explorers?

It lies in his ability to predict the plot of the original work.

Therefore, if possible, Luo Hang tried his best to keep the original plot unchanged!

In this way, your own advantages can be maximized!

The scriptures in Dripping Blood Cave should not be far away.

Of the three volumes of heavenly scriptures, in my opinion, the priority should be the volume that plans the blood-dropping hole!

"Huh? Heyang City?"

Flying condescendingly, my mind was full of thoughts, and suddenly, a city appeared in front of Luo Hang!

Speaking of which, the ink and ink of Heyang City in the original work is not small.

Moreover, this is the first time I have encountered a city since I have been in this world for so long, right?

With a slight movement in his mind, Luo Hang's figure landed.

It's quite interesting to walk around and see the customs of this world!

Although they all have the background of the ancient Dragon Kingdom, the scene of Heyang City is completely different from the world of Tianlong and Fengyun before!

After walking for a while, they came to a restaurant.

Luo Hang also wanted to taste the delicacies of this world, so he walked in.

I ordered a small bottle of wine and a few side dishes!

Although with Luo Hang's current cultivation base, he has already been bigu, just like when he first practiced Taiji Xuanqing Dao, he retreated for half a month in one breath, and he was fine if he didn't eat or drink!

But the people of Long Kingdom, the resistance to delicious food is too low!

"No matter how many times you look at this flying long sword, it's very refreshing!"

"Yeah, yeah, you can fly wherever you want, it's so free!"

"The days go by too slowly, wait for Brother Hang to come back quickly, I want to cultivate immortality too!"

"Brother Hang, is this the mentality of traveling in mountains and rivers after leaving Qingyunmen?"

"Come on, come on, Brother Hang has a piece of Huadiao on this point, as well as sauced beef!"

"Xiuxian anchor, have you switched to eating and broadcasting now?"

The audience in Longguo was still very interested in watching Luohang's live broadcast!

And seeing that Luo Hang had a good taste of this world's delicacies in the restaurant, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was also relaxed and cheerful!

That's right, it suddenly became a restaurant to taste food and wine. This is the Xiuxian anchor who suddenly became a food anchor. Isn't this very realistic?

Let's not talk about the liveliness and relaxation of the live broadcast room.

Luo Hang takes a sip of wine and eats a piece of meat, it's a good day!

The wine in this world is all brewed from grain, so don't be afraid that you may drink wine made from alcohol in the real world!

Moreover, the most important point is that the alcohol in this world is not high in alcohol.

So, it doesn't matter if you drink a little more.

"Come, come, let's do the math, if it doesn't work, you don't need money..."..."

Under the restaurant and on the street, there was a burst of yelling, which attracted Luo Hang's attention!

Luo Hang, who was leaning against the window, looked over at him!

I saw an old man with white beard and hair, who looked like a fairy, holding a flag with four big characters "Immortal Guides the Way" written on it!

Beside the old man, he was still talking to this teenage girl.

However, the old man kept yelling, asking people to come to him for fortune-telling.

This kind of behavior just destroyed his original demeanor of immortality!

"This outfit, grandpa and grandson? Could it be? I'm so lucky today?"

Looking at the old and the young downstairs, Luo Hang's heart moved slightly.

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