If Zhang Xiaofan can really mobilize the power of the Black Water Profound Snake perfectly, then Zhang Xiaofan's strength can be regarded as the top powerhouse in the world!

Daoxuan wanted to go and have a look curiously, Luo Hang naturally had no intention of refusing!

Then, Daoxuan chatted with Luo Hang about the information about the imminent move of the Demon Dao!

"Elder Luo, it seems that the day when the evil ways attack the righteous way may not be far away!" Daoxuan said to Luo Hang with a solemn expression!

"Oh? How is the head determined?" Luo Hang asked Daoxuan curiously.

Of course Luo Hang knew about the news of the demonic invasion.

In the original book, Zhang Xiaofan betrayed Qing Yunmen during this great battle.

Then Baguio broke out He Huanling's infatuation curse, and blocked Zhang Xiaofan's fatal blow from Zhu Xianjian?

It's just that if I know this news, it's nothing more than "[-]". How did the head of Daoxuan know?

"One is the news that Zhang Xiaofan and the others found this time, so I can confirm this point!"

"In addition, the most outstanding disciple under my seat is also my most important candidate for the next head of the Qingyun Sect, Xiao Yicai. He has already left the Qingyun Sect and has been lurking in the demonic way."

"The news that has been inquired over the past few years also points to this point!"

When facing Luo Hang, Daoxuan really had no intention of hiding anything, and replied very frankly!

After the words fell, Dao Xuan looked at Luo Hang.

He has the top physicist ability, although the information he inquired is true, but Daoxuan still wants Luo Hang to calculate, the more certain the situation is, the better.

Hearing what Daoxuan said, Luo Hang of course understood what he meant, closed his eyes slightly, put on a show, and after concentrating for a moment, opened his eyes!

The head of Daoxuan also stared at Luo Hang curiously!

"Master, if there are no accidents, perhaps, the Ghost King Sect will join forces with the Wandu Sect and Changshengtang to attack Qingyun Sect!"

"Also, the head, don't forget the real Cangsong before. If he is used as a counter-spy, he may be able to receive miraculous effects!"

"In addition, Xiao Yicai's alias is Xiao Zhou, right? His role is indeed not small!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and said a few words to Daoxuan based on the plot trend in the original book!

What Luo Hang said completely confirmed the conjecture in Daoxuan's heart.

Sure enough, Mo Dao had the idea of ​​invading Qing Yunmen!

Moreover, it turned out that the Wandumen, Changshengtang and Guiwangzong joined forces to deal with Qingyunmen?

The news is not good!

Also, how could Xiao Yicai calculate Xiao Zhou's alias?

Fortunately, Luo Hang is a member of Qingyun Sect. If he is a member of the Demonic Way, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Elder Luo's words are reasonable. If Junior Brother Cangsong is used as a counter-spy, it will indeed be able to play a great role!" Nodding his head, Daoxuan said in agreement! "in addition……"

Speaking of this, Daoxuan moved slightly, and then said: "Although Qingyun Sect is faintly the head of the three decent sects, the Demonic Dao Sect who came to attack came together after all." "Elder Luo thinks, should we How about joining forces with Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley to fight against the evil way?" "This..." Hearing what Daoxuan said, Luo Hang opened his mouth, originally wanting to say that it was unnecessary.

After all, Qingyunmen has Zhuxian Sword Formation, which can be said to be an invincible force in this world.

However, thinking of Tianyin Temple's unscripted jade biscuits is what I want to plan.

On the side of Fenxiang Valley, I also promised Three-Tailed Fox that I would rescue Nine-Tailed Fox!

So, when the words came to his lips, Luo Hang nodded and said, "What the head said is not unreasonable!" "If that's the case, it seems that we have to send people to Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley to explain the situation in detail." Come on!" Since Luo Hang also nodded in agreement with his point of view, Daoxuan nodded his head! "I'll go and run this mission myself!" Thinking about activating the teleportation point, Luo Hang asked Daoxuan to invite him.

"Oh, is Elder Luo willing to go for a trip in person? If that's the case, I'll trouble Elder Luo!" Hearing that Luo Hang took the initiative to invite Ying, Daoxuan was slightly taken aback, but then nodded and said!

Immediately afterwards, Daoxuan wrote two letters with his own hand, and sent them to Master Puhong, the abbot of Tianyin Temple, and Yun Yilan, the owner of Fenxiang Valley, respectively!

However, Luo Hang has just returned to Qing Yunmen, of course Luo Hang has no intention of leaving immediately!

The donkeys produced are not so capable, right?

After chatting with Daoxuan about some other detailed issues, Luo Hang left the main hall.

Then, Daoxuan recruited the other leaders of the peak veins to discuss the matter of fighting against the invasion of the evil way!

After returning to his residence, Luo Hang continued to practice!

Although Taiji Xuanqing Dao is unfathomable, but after getting the first volume of heavenly scriptures...

With the help of the Heavenly Book, Luo Hang gained a lot of new insights into Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!

This is like treating Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao as one's major textbook.

And what about the first volume of the Heavenly Book?It's as if Luo Hang got a corresponding tutorial book!

The textbooks of the teaching materials and the tutorial books naturally have different gains!

With the new understanding, combined with his own practice, Luo Hang could feel that his Taiji Xuanqing Dao was progressing more smoothly, and his soul became more and more condensed.

Vaguely, it seems to be able to feel the existence of the void!

The way of practice can be roughly divided into three realms: Refining Essence and Transforming Qi, Refining Qi and Transforming Spirit, and Practicing Spirit to Return to Void!

Now, Luo Hang's practice has reached the realm of Yuanshen, as if he has reached the peak of refining Qi and transforming God.

If you continue to break through, the core of your practice will become the practice of returning to the void!

Taiji Xuanqing Dao has a total of nine layers of Yuqing Realm!

The sixth floor of Shangqingjing and the third floor of Taiqingjing!

When you reach the Taiqing Realm, it's time to cultivate your mind and return to the Void!

Luo Hang still remembered that when he first became a Yang God, he happened to meet Daoxuan's primordial spirit.

At that time, Daoxuan's primordial spirit was like an immortal above the heavens.

In the void, endless aura continuously infused and washed Daoxuan's primordial spirit.

Taiqing Realm is divided into three levels: Dongxu, Anti-emptiness and Kongming. Daoxuan is the existence of Dongxu Realm, who can absorb vitality from the endless void for his own use.

At this level, let's not talk about the strength of the attack power. In terms of games, at this level, it's like drinking blue bottles all the time.

As long as you don't use a super big move that consumes your own power instantly, there will be almost no shortage of mana!

The battery life of Taiqingjing can be seen!

What's more, when one reaches the point of returning to the Void after practicing the spirit, one can begin to get in touch with the mysteries of the Void!

If you reach the peak, break the void and go away, you should be cultivating to become a fairy, right?

It should be able to ascend to the fairyland, right?

Therefore, on the road of cultivating immortals, it is a very important step to practice the spirit and return to the void!

In this way, going away in samadhi, combined with the comprehension of the first volume of the Heavenly Book, Luo Hang does not know how long he has been practicing in samadhi...

When he opened his eyes again, he could find that his primordial spirit had become much stronger.

In terms of cultivation, it can be regarded as breaking through 1000 years of cultivation!

These 1000 years are not about martial arts level cultivation, but the cultivation level of immortality.

"Not bad, no wonder it's very important for people who are cultivating immortals to retreat into samadhi. My cultivation base has soared a lot after entering samadhi!" Sensing his improvement, Luo Hang nodded in satisfaction.

After finishing the practice, Luohang's soul stayed in the Lingtai of the Purple Mansion. Sitting in the middle, he felt refreshed and full of energy.

When Luo Hang walked out of the room, he found that Zhang Xiaofan was already waiting here! "Xiaofan, what are you?"

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan who was staying at his door, Luo Hang asked in surprise!

"Master Luo, you're done meditating. It seems that you've gained a lot from meditating this time, right?" Seeing Luo Hang walking out, Zhang Xiaofan asked with a smile on his face.

"Well, the cultivation level has indeed improved a lot!" Luo Hang nodded and said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Luo, it took nine days for you to get into samadhi. I originally wanted to learn how to control the power of the black water snake!" Zhang Xiaofan followed up!

"It turns out that it took me another nine days to get into samadhi?" Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, this meditation will not notice the passage of time at all!

It's only thanks to my current cultivation that I can refine Qi to transform into a god. What if I wait until I reach the realm of a fairy?

It may be several years, decades, has it passed?

Regarding immortals, there is a legend that there is no Jiazi in the mountains, and the world has been around for thousands of years!

Secretly sighing in his heart, Luo Hang looked at Zhang Xiaofan, nodded, and said at 5.9: "Okay, I'll take a look with you now!" After the words fell, he looked at the time, although the sky had already darkened Now, but it's not too late.

Immediately, a magic portal was opened, linking to the main hall of Tongtian Peak!

Since he agreed to the head of Daoxuan and let him have a look, it is natural to keep his word!

The disciples guarding Tongtian Peak just paid more attention to this gorgeous magic portal, and there was no change!

These disciples of Tongtian Peak have already understood that this gorgeous Taoist technique can travel between two places at will. This seems to be the unique secret technique of Elder Luohang!

Sensing Luo Hang's arrival, the head of Daoxuan also came out.

"Master, let's go, let's go and have a look together!" After greeting Daoxuan, Luo Hang stretched out his hand.

Immediately, the void shattered like a mirror.

mirror space.

Teaching Zhang Xiaofan to control the power of the black water mysterious snake, I don't know what will happen, so it's safer to enter the mirror space! "This is? Broken Void? No, you, have you reached the Taiqing Realm!?"

I didn't see the magic portal, but the ability of this mirror space made Daoxuan look shocked. .

Chapter 330: Inlaid Xuanhuojian, Summoning the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon

The Taiqing Realm is the realm of practicing spirit and returning to the void. Daoxuan can get in touch with the mysteries of the void, and even draw power from the void to use!

However, isn't Luo Hang's cultivation only at the Qing Dynasty?He actually shattered the void directly?

How could he use a technique that he didn't even know how to do?

It's like someone who has ten years of skill, but still can't release his internal energy and external energy.

However, a person with only two or three years of skill suddenly shot out a sword energy?

This makes people look confused! ?

To Daoxuan's surprise, Luo Hang just smiled and didn't explain much!

This is the difference brought about by the different cultivation systems!

The mirror space and the magic portal are not considered advanced magic in Karma Taj's magic system!

In addition, in Zhu Xian's world, it is too difficult to achieve thousands of miles of sound transmission, but in the modern technological world, can a phone easily solve it?

This is the difference between different systems!

Closer to home, after entering the mirror space with Luo Hang, Luo Hang waved his hand lightly!

It is too difficult to easily arrange, reorganize and manipulate substances and rules in the real world.

However, it is much easier in this mirror space.

Following his movements, the matter was controlled by him, and soon turned into a big platform and appeared!

Daoxuan looked around curiously, everything in this mirrored space surprised him.

Moreover, as a cultivation base of the Hollow Void Realm, Daoxuan often observes the situation of this mirror image space, which seems to be helpful to his cultivation base.

My own understanding of void can also go up to 12 floors!

"Xiaofan, let's start!" Luo Hang came to Zhang Xiaofan and said.

Immediately, he stretched out his finger and tapped on Zhang Xiaofan's chest!

A pitch-black sealing formula appeared, and then, as if Luo Hang had caught some entity, he held onto the sealing formula and rotated half a circle counterclockwise.

The seal was not completely opened, but it was half opened!


Full of savage and violent aura, it erupted from Zhang Xiaofan's body in an instant.

Under this terrifying aura, Zhang Xiaofan seemed to be possessed by a demon, a powerful force pervaded in a way visible to the naked eye.

Vaguely, he seemed to be able to feel the phantom of a black water snake behind him.

"Master Luo, I feel so uncomfortable, this power is too fierce!" Zhang Xiaofan's pupils turned into vertical snake pupils, giving a cold feeling, at the same time, he said to Luo Hang. "Luo Hang, this power is too dangerous! After all, Xiaofan has just entered the Supreme Purity Realm, and his divine sense is not strong enough!" Sensing something strange about Zhang Xiaofan, Daoxuan's expression changed slightly!

The black water mysterious snake is an ancient fierce beast after all, its power is too strong and too evil, with Zhang Xiaofan's cultivation of spiritual sense, even if he wants to maintain his own heart, it is not easy, right? "Xiaofan, Dafan Prajna, Buddhist exercises have a more prominent effect on stabilizing one's mind!" Hearing that Zhang Xiaofan could still speak to himself, Luo Hang didn't care much, and reminded Zhang Xiaofan!

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