In Long Kingdom's live broadcast room, many Dragon Kingdom viewers were surprised and angry when they found out that Luo Hang was attacked by other explorers.

Now, when they learned that it was an explorer from the Hungry Kingdom who made the move, and that he had already arranged a situation and was waiting for Luo Hang, everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder he couldn't find anyone after he lost a move. It turned out that the earth clone was released!

It's just that the other party has joined Tianyin Temple a long time ago, so is he reporting directly now?

On the other side, Abbot Puhong's expression also changed when he learned that someone had broken into the wordless jade bib.

Then, he quickly rushed over to the wordless jade bi!

Sure enough, I saw a figure here from a distance!

"Heavenly Dragon Chant!"

Pu Hong raised his hand, and the golden Buddha's light turned into a golden dragon, and came towards Luo Hang!

Luo Hang raised his hand, holding the vibrating gold glove in his hand, the glove turned into a shield, blocking the golden dragon!

"Hey, did you still get discovered? It's been a long time!"

After blocking Puhong's attack, Luo Hang sighed silently in his heart!

In the dead of night, there was such a big commotion on the side of the wordless jade disc that even Tianyin Temple was shaken.

Immediately, the eminent monks of Tianyin Temple approached here one by one!

However, when these monks came to the Wuzi Yubi, they were all dumbfounded!

Because, in this forbidden place with no word jade, there are actually two abbots of Puhong!

All the monks looked at each other, not knowing which one was the real one for a while!corpse.

Chapter 334: I'm actually Puhong who traveled back ten years later

"Here, the two senior abbots, which one is the real one?"

Pu Kong came over, looked at Luo Hang and Pu Hong, and said with a look of surprise on his face!

"What's going on here? Who can tell the difference in such a situation?" Master Pu Fang next to him also spoke, and asked in surprise!

Well, even the two eminent monks of the general generation couldn't tell who was the real Abbot Puhong, and the other disciples of Tianyin Temple couldn't tell the difference even more!

"Okay, Luo Hang, at this time, do you still want to hide your identity?"

At this moment, a man shouted towards Luo Hang.

It was Andre, the explorer who informed Abbot Puhong, the explorer of Hungry Country.

"Luo Hang!?" Hearing what Andre said, all the monks present at Tianyin Temple looked at Luo Hang with surprised eyes!

Is the identity of the other abbot of Puhong actually Luo Hang of Qingyun Sect?

Is this true or false? ?

"What Luo Hang, what are you talking about?"

Of course, Luo Hang didn't mean to admit his identity easily, but looked at Andre with a confused look.

This expression is so lifelike, it is really possible to compete for the Oscar statuette!

"Unexpectedly, at this point, you still refuse to admit your identity as "[-]"?"

Hearing that Luo Hang was still holding on at this time, Andre shook his head.

Immediately, he moved to Pukong and the others next to him: "Everyone, even if Luohang can superficially become the abbot of Puhong, he can't pretend to be Dafan Prajna. If he does it, he must Let him reveal himself!"

"Amitabha, don't make a move yet, let this old man try!"

At this time, Abbot Puhong spoke, and said to the other monks of Tianyin Temple next to him.

"Everyone, get ready, don't let anyone escape!" Pukong nodded and waved his hand at the same time.

The surrounding Tianyin Temple monks spontaneously dispersed and surrounded the venue, obviously not giving anyone a chance to escape!

"Amitabha, if you are really the benefactor of Luohang, please undo the Taoism, otherwise, I will have no choice but to act!"

Puhong walked towards Luohang step by step, and following his steps, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

The golden Buddha's light bloomed from his body, and the whole person seemed to have transformed into a Bodhisattva Buddha.

"Okay, it's come to this point, poor monk, confess!"

Seeing that Abbot Puhong was really about to make a move, Luo Hang suddenly shook his head helplessly and said.

"So, this benefactor, are you admitting that you are not a poor monk? Then, who are you!?"

After listening to Luo Hang's words, he was willing to confess, and Abbot Puhong was not in a hurry to act.

"No, actually, I am you!"

However, Luo Hang shook his head, stared at Puhong seriously and said!

Without waiting for Pu Hong to continue to say anything, Luo Hang followed up and said, "Don't deny it too quickly, to be more precise, I come from you ten years later!"

"I traveled through time and space to come here!"

"Absurd, nonsense!" Hearing Luo Hang's explanation, all the monks in Tianyin Temple looked at each other, and soon there was a look of sneer on their faces.

Obviously, no one would believe Luo Hang's ridiculous remarks.

He just thought he was at the end of his rope and couldn't find any other reason, so he started talking nonsense!

"Ten years later, Tianyin Temple will encounter a great disaster. At that time, the foundation of Tianyin Temple will be destroyed."

"The purpose of my coming here is actually to save Tianyin Temple!"

The reaction of the monks in Tianyin Temple can be said to be within Luo Hang's expectation. Therefore, Luo Hang was not surprised by their reaction, and said with a serious face!

"Save Tianyin Temple? As you said, you sneaked into the forbidden area and came to this wordless jade. How do you want to save Tianyin Temple?"

Abbot Puhong asked Luo Hang!

"It's very simple. Ten years later, the surviving monks of my Tianyin Temple have worked hard and united, and have developed new exercises on the basis of the original wordless jade."

"The purpose of my coming here is to engrave the new exercises!"

"If many monks have practiced new exercises and their strength has improved to a higher level, they will definitely be able to survive the future catastrophe!" Luo Hang explained.

"A new exercise? Tell me about it..."

Hearing Luo Hang's words, the monks next to him looked at each other in blank dismay, and they were not in a hurry to make a move!

This Pu Hong who claims to be from ten years later, is his words true or false?

If it was false, why would he tell such an easily exposed lie?

Yes, the scriptures on the wordless jade disc are extensive and profound. On this basis, comprehending new exercises is completely different from the extended exercises on the wordless jade disc?

If Pu Hong in front of him is really a liar, it's impossible to do it, right?

"Okay, I'll engrave the new exercises on it right now, and you'll be able to identify them yourself!" Luo Hang said.

Immediately, he stretched out his finger, and carved a new exercise formula next to the wordless jade bi!

"Oops, Brother Hang, is this really discovered?"

"Abominable hungry country explorer, actually let my brother hang into such a situation!"

"What should I do? No matter how strong my Brother Hang is, it's impossible for one person to fight the entire Tianyin Temple alone, right?"

"Oops, my Brother Hang was captured alive just like that?"

"Oh? What did Brother Hang say? He himself is Puhong? And he came from ten years later? This is a bit of a brain hole, but it is impossible for these monks in Tianyin Temple to make such an absurd statement. Believe it?" "Wait, what did Brother Hang say? On the basis of the wordless Jade Bi Heavenly Book, expand other exercises? I understand, Brother Hang is going to..." "Sure enough, this is the Heavenly Book The first volume, this is the first volume of the Heavenly Book obtained by the Dripping Blood Cave!" "Hahaha, you all looked dumbfounded at the expressions of the monks in Tianyin Temple!" "Brother Hang, bully, This can also be rounded, YYDS!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, all the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room watched with eagerness when they saw so many monks surrounding them.

Could it be that Luo Hang revealed his secrets like this today?

However, hearing Luo Hang say that he is Puhong, and that he was Puhong who traveled through time ten years later, and now that he has engraved the first volume of the Book of Heaven, the audience were all excited.

Is this the reverse of the situation?

Yes, at this time, all the monks in Tianyin Temple stared at Luohang's stone carving with their eyes wide open.

He really couldn't bear to blink his eyes, for fear that he might miss what Luo Hang wrote!Puhong, Pukong, Pufang, and even the oldest and highest-cultivated Pude monks... They have practiced Dafan Prajna to an extremely advanced level.

Not only does he have a very good understanding of Dafan Prajna, but of course he also has a very good understanding of the heavenly scriptures on the wordless jade bi!

However, because of this, looking at the first volume of the Heavenly Book written by Luo Hang, everyone was even more dumbfounded!

The first volume of this Tianshu written by Luo Hang is also broad and profound.

And the most important thing is that it is indeed completely consistent with the original content on the wordless jade bi!

This is like a TV series, people in Tianyin Temple have watched it hundreds of times, they treat this TV series as a movie!

But who can know?At this time, Luo Hang played another episode?

Two episodes that are completely different, but perfectly linked together.

Let the people of Tianyin Temple understand that the content of the first volume of the Heavenly Book written by Luo Hang is indeed perfectly connected with the content on the wordless jade disc!

And this also gave all the monks some confidence in Luo Hang's identity!

If the Puhong in front of him didn't come from ten years later, why was he able to write such content?

Tianyin Temple has been built for so many years, and no one has ever been able to expand more content on the wordless jade bi!

Moreover, this is definitely not something that can be filled by one person, right?

Luo Hang's writing speed is not fast, but he is very careful.

The monks of Tianyin Temple next to him, without anyone urging Luo Hang, just quietly looked at his writing.

One minute and one second passed, so, in the blink of an eye, half an hour passed!

It took a full half an hour for the first volume of Tianshu, and Luo Hang just finished writing it!

Of course, taking advantage of the half an hour of writing silently, Luo Hang also slowly memorized the content on the wordless jade disc firmly in his heart!

"Amitabha, you, are you actually me ten years from now?"

After taking a deep look at the content on the wordless jade bi, Pu Hong proclaimed a Buddha's name, and then said to Luo Hang!

"Abbot, don't trust him, he is really Luo Hang!"

Andre next to him, seeing Luohang's operation, actually made all the 5.9 monks in Tianyin Temple believe him, and shouted with a changed face.

"Impossible, if he is really Luo Hang, how could he write these things!"

Pukong next to him was the most fiery. Hearing this, he was the first to speak and directly denied Andre's words!

That's right, the perfect connection of the contents on the wordless jade bib, this new heavenly book, in addition to gathering all the power of Tianyin Temple and painstakingly creating it, it is possible to appear...

Absolutely no one in the world, or even any other force, can create it!

"Amitabha, the mission I came to ten years ago has been completed, and it's time to go back. Wait, you should study with all your heart and work together to have a chance to resist the crisis in the future..."

Luo Hang's acting skills are online, and he said to all the monks of Tianyin Temple with earnestness.

After leaving these words, Luo Hang raised his hand, and in the blink of an eye constructed the magic portal to the Dripping Blood Cave.

Then, step in and walk in!

"Wait, where does the future enemy of my Tianyin Temple come from!" Seeing that Pu Hong transformed by Luo Hang really tore apart time and space and left, Pu Kong asked Luo Hang loudly.

However, the magic portal dissipated in an instant, and Luo Hang seemed to have no time to answer. .

Chapter 335: Comprehending the Book of Heaven, the Skill Power Increases Again

Longguo live broadcast room, this time is particularly cheerful!

Originally informed by explorers from the Hungry Kingdom, Luo Hang was surrounded by the entire Tianyin Temple. Everyone thought that Luo Hang had really played off this time!

Unexpectedly, a wave of operations, pretending to be Puhong who traveled from ten years later, was actually turned around by Luo Hang in a desperate situation!

After throwing out the first volume of the Heavenly Book, he immediately proved his identity.

For a moment, the entire Longguo live broadcast room was very cheerful, and even praised Luohang's witty operation.

Arriving at Dripping Blood Cave, Luo Hang just used it as a springboard transit point.

In fact, at this time, Luo Hang also silently gave himself a thumbs up.

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