Not to mention how shocking and morale it was on the side of the Demonic Dao.

On the other side, Luohang and everyone from Fenxiang Valley have already arrived at Qingyunmen!

Knowing that people from Fenxiang Valley came to support them, the heads of Daoxuan, of course, greeted them! "Amitabha, Elder Luo, please be safe and sound!"

Next to it, Tianyin Temple's support had already arrived, and the leader of the team was Master Pukong, who took the initiative to say hello to Luohang.

"Master Pukong is polite!" Luo Hang nodded and returned the salute! "Elder Shangguan, who are you!?"

Looking at the disciples of Fenxiang Valley, their faces were quite weak, especially many disciples had injuries on their bodies, even Shangguan Ce himself was very pale, Daoxuan asked in surprise.

(bcfj) "On the way here, I encountered the disciples of the Wandu Sect led by the Poison God, who set up a poisonous formation to attack, so I made the head of Daoxuan laugh!" Shangguan Ce replied.

"In the face of a sneak attack, everyone in Fenxiang Valley can still escape, this is luck among misfortunes!" Hearing this, Daoxuan and others suddenly realized! "No, Sect Leader, you seem to have misunderstood. We didn't escape, but the entire attacking Wandu Sect was wiped out!" Shangguan Ce shook his head and corrected after hearing this!

"Oh? The strength of Fenxiang Valley is amazing. Before the person arrives, he has already made a great contribution!"

Hearing what Shangguan Ce said, Pukong and the other Fengmai chiefs next to him all looked at each other in blank dismay, with expressions of shock on their faces!

"This..." It's just that Shangguan Ce's expression became even more embarrassing after hearing Daoxuan and the others' amazed words!

The problem is, the person who took the initiative to turn the world around and wiped out the Wandumen was not me.

It is precisely the Elder Luo Hang of Qingyun Sect, how embarrassing he is to give such credit to himself. "Master, what is the current situation?" Luo Hang spoke at this time, and asked Daoxuan!

"Now the four major sects have united, and they have completely surrounded Qingyun sect!" Daoxuan replied.

"Then, why don't they intend to attack?" Luo Hang asked.

"The Poison God of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect originally handed over to me, and wanted to determine the reality of the Qingyun Sect first, so..." Daoist Cangsong next to him said.

Luo Hang's words suddenly dawned on him!

Master Cangsong used the seven-tailed centipede to hurt Puzhi back then, and his seven-tailed centipede was a pair with the poisonous god.

In the original book, after betraying the Qingyun Sect, Cang Song also joined the Wandu Sect!

Now, because of their own butterfly effect, Qingyunmen asked Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley for help in advance, which caused the God of Poison to ambush people, and failed to connect with Cangsong immediately.

Therefore, without knowing the reality of Qingyun Sect, the four major sects joined forces, so they did not act rashly!

"Master, at this moment, I think I should take the initiative!" After a moment of silence, Luo Hang said!

"Take the initiative!?" Hearing Luo Hang's suggestion, everyone's faces changed!

"Elder Luo, do you know that we have the best chance of winning by relying on Qingyunmen's Zhuxian Sword Formation. If we take the initiative to attack, we will lose the advantage of the geographical advantage!" Master Shuiyue said.

"However, Wan Du Sect is in great trouble now, and the Poison God of Wan Du Sect has already been instigated by me. When their morale is low, we take the initiative to attack, and the chances of winning are still great!" Luo Hang nodded. Said!Speaking of this, after a slight pause, Luo Hang followed up and said: "I'm afraid, if we take the initiative to attack too late, the four major sects of the magic way may have already started to retire and retreat!" Luo Hang's idea is good. The attack on Qingyun Gate failed.

Now, knowing that Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley came to help, and the Wandu Sect was severely injured, do the four major sects of the Demon Dao still have the courage to continue to attack?

This is really hard to say! ?

"You, you actually instigated the God of Poison? How is this possible!?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, everyone present was startled and looked at Luo Hang in disbelief.

"Everyone, I can testify about this matter. What Elder Luo said is indeed true. The Poison God is now ours!" Shangguan Ce who was next to him heard this, and said to Luo Hang to testify.

Now, all the powerhouses present looked at each other, a little moved!

Not only did it completely destroy the power of Wan Poison Sect, but even instigated rebellion and took control of the Poison God?

In this way, it seems to be okay to take the initiative, right?

It's just that Daoxuan of Qingyun Sect feels a lot of emotion in his heart at this moment!

Originally, when the two sides were fighting, Cangsong was the traitor, once he made a move, the consequences would be disastrous!

But now, Cangsong is fine, but is it that the Poison God on the side of Demon Dao has become a traitor?

Under the ebb and flow, the situation is very different!

In this way, Daoxuan, Pukong, Shangguance and others, after discussing each other with each other, finally decided that they will no longer stick to Qingyunmen.

Instead, he took the initiative to attack and challenge the four major sects of the Demonic Dao. .

Chapter 338: Xuanyuan Sword Shows Its Might, Demon Dao Flees

The atmosphere is dignified, the magic way at this time, the atmosphere is indeed dignified!

Although it is said that the four major sects joined forces to attack Qingyun sect, moreover, the four major sects all have many masters.

However, the current Qing Yunmen should not be underestimated!

The eminent monks from Tianyin Temple have arrived, and now, even the support from Fenxiang Valley has come~.

Coupled with the Luo Hang mentioned by the Poison God, the atmosphere of the entire Demonic Dao Sect has become more dignified than ever before!

Now the four major sects of the Demon Dao are fighting against the three major sects of the Righteous Dao. Seeing the current situation of the Wandu Sect, many people in the Demon Dao have lost their morale, and they all have the idea of ​​retreating in their hearts!

It's just that no one has said this word yet!

After all, the first person who speaks out to retreat will be the stain of others' ridicule in the future!

"Everyone, let's sum up now, how should we fight next!"

Yuyangzi looked at the people beside him and said.

The ghost king and the others also nodded, their expressions were quite dignified!

However, before they could speak, suddenly, there was a sharp siren!

All the masters of the magic way looked up, and a large black cloud spread towards us in the distance!

"Those are monks from Qingyun Sect!"

After the dark cloud got a little closer, someone exclaimed!

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of commotion in the Demon Dao Sect!

No one thought that before the four major sects surrounded Qingyunmen, Qingyunmen would take the initiative to attack?

This is like an army battle in the mortal world. The besiegers have not launched a siege battle yet, but the people in the city opened the gates and rushed out?

This is indeed beyond people's expectations!

"Fight, everyone, prepare to fight!"

Although the choice of the orthodox sect is surprising, but of course it is impossible for the demonic side to stand still, Yuyangzi shouted loudly!

Following his shout, people from the four major demon sects cheered up and went up to him!

There is no nonsense, and in this situation, there is no need for nonsense.

With a wave of Daoxuan's hand, the monks under the Qingyun sect, together with those from Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley, rushed towards the Mo Dao sect!

In the same way, when life and death were at stake, the demons did not talk nonsense, and each cast their own spells and magic weapons to meet them.

All of a sudden, in the world of Jade Immortals, the largest war between the righteous way and the evil way began.

The two sides didn't even say a word, they were very decisive!

On Mo Dao's side, the sad flower was in his hand, and the acacia bells were ringing. One by one, the disciples of the Qingyun Sect were injured under Baguio's hands.

Among the disciples of the younger generation, Baguio's cultivation and strength can be regarded as top-notch!

There are also Jin Ping'er from the Hehuan faction, Qin Wuyan who stayed behind and survived from the Wandu sect, and so on.

Among the younger generation, they are all top existences!

However, if we want to talk about the top experts among the younger generation of disciples, we still have to look at Zhang Xiaofan!

Holding the Xuanyuan Sword, swinging the sword energy, combined with the power of the shaking fruit, each sword energy is accompanied by a terrifying vibration force, unstoppable!

Even, seven or eight demon cultivators passed the exam, Zhang Xiaofan was only shocked by Xuanyuan Sword.

The entire space seemed to be shattered, cracks appeared.

Afterwards, seven or eight monks of the Demonic Dao were directly sent flying out, their faces were pale, and they spit blood from their mouths!

Not only the Zhenzhen Fruit, but also the power of the Frost Treasure Box and the Xuanhuojian, which can be used in cross-use.

After a while, the terrible cold air was released, and after a while, the terrible flames were released, making the surrounding magic monks scream again and again.

In terms of strength, Zhang Xiaofan's explosive ability is not weaker than the head of the Qingyunmen's seven peaks!


Just when Zhang Xiaofan was killing all directions, suddenly, the Qinglong messenger of the ghost king appeared behind him like a ghost.

Unable to dodge in time, a blood hole was opened on Zhang Xiaofan's arm.

"Xiao Fan!" Seeing this, Lin Jingyu, who was holding the Dragon Slaying Sword, exclaimed, and released the Ghost Slaying Sword Art, forcing Qinglong back a lot.At the same time, he came to Zhang Xiaofan worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry, Jing Yu, it's fine!" Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan shook his head and said.

At the same time, he raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand!

Afterwards, countless blood lights in the void turned into stars and converged toward Xuanyuan Sword, absorbed by the blood-devouring beads, and Zhang Xiaofan's injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The granulation was growing, but in just a dozen breaths, the blood hole on his arm, which was about as thick as a finger, had completely healed! "This, this is..."

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan's injuries, Lin Jingyu showed shock.

"This is the effect of the Blood-devouring Orb, it can draw strength from the blood to recover my injuries!" Zhang Xiaofan replied.

At the same time, I secretly sighed in my heart!

This Xuanyuan Sword is not only powerful, but also possesses four very magical abilities!

Mr. Luo's sword is truly a divine sword!

For other weapons, if it only has one of the functions, it will be great.

However, his Xuanyuan Sword has gathered these four functions in one.

There are even two grooves that can continue to be inlaid with other two kinds of treasures!

While speaking, Zhang Xiaofan did not move slowly, after spotting the Qinglong envoy, he rushed towards it!

With a wave of the Xuanyuan sword, the power of the shaking fruit was unleashed, instantly shattering the magic weapon of the Azure Dragon Envoy.

Then, a sword stabbed Qinglong's arm!

The Blood-devouring Bead lit up again, and the Qinglong Envoy's arm quickly shriveled like a leaking ball!

Blood-devouring beads can not only absorb the surrounding blood energy to heal wounds.

But whenever it hits the target, the Blood-devouring Orb can crazily absorb the opponent's blood, turning people into mummy!

The ghost king next to him saw this, his expression changed slightly, and he came to Qinglong's side, and cut off Qinglong's shriveled arm with a hand knife.

At the same time, he exchanged palms with Zhang Xiaofan and sent Zhang Xiaofan flying!

"Looking for death!" Looking at the arm that fell on the ground, it was as dry as a dry branch, and the ghost king also looked at the sword in Zhang Xiaofan's hand fearfully.

But looking at Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, it was full of killing intent!

"Father, be careful!"

Baguio in the distance saw this and shouted loudly: "He is Zhang Xiaofan, the black water snake is sealed in his body!"

As soon as these words came out, the ghost king's heart sank!

Possessing such a powerful weapon, as well as a person with a good cultivation base, there is still an ancient beast like the black water snake sealed inside his body?

"Hmph, it's just sealed in his body, nothing to fear!" With a cold snort, the ghost king shouted.

While speaking, raise your hand!

"Is he the father of Miss Baguio? That's the King of Ghosts!" Hearing Baguio's shout in the distance, Zhang Xiaofan also realized the identity of the King of Ghosts. . . .Ask for flowers.

Looking at how the Ghost King is about to attack him, how dare Zhang Xiaofan underestimate him?

With a slight movement in his mind, suddenly, a large black power burst out from Zhang Xiaofan's body.

This breath is full of ancient wildness and violence.

At the same time, one can see an extremely terrifying phantom of a black snake emerging from behind Zhang Xiaofan!

"This, this kid, has actually been able to manipulate the power of the Black Water Profound Snake for his own use!?"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's sudden change, even the ghost king is very serious at this moment, he dare not act rashly!

The power of the black water mysterious snake has been rumored since ancient times!

"Amitabha, head of Daoxuan, you really look like a demon!"

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