The sword domain of Jian 23 was also broken!

"The strength is good, but if you want to defeat me, you are still far behind!"

Feeling that the effect of freezing time and space of Sword 23 disappeared, the ghost king said to Luo Hang!

After the words fell, Yuanshen returned to his body, and at the same time, controlled the Fulongding to continue smashing towards Luohang!

Facing the Ghost King, Luo Hang didn't have any targeted power, so defeating him was even more difficult than defeating the Black Water Profound Snake and the Poison God!

Luo Hang raised the vibrating gold glove in his hand again, and the ability to block was activated!

Fulong Ding hit Luo Hang's hand, but was blocked, and it was difficult to enter 5.9 inches.

Immediately afterwards, the second half of the counterattack was launched, and with a flick of the left arm, the Fulongding was directly sent flying!

Seeing this, the ghost king's expression changed!

Just now I thought that Luo Hang's strength was not that good, but in the blink of an eye, he knocked Fulongding away with his bare hands?

Following that, Luo Hang raised his hand, maintaining the posture of calling.

But in a moment, Xuanyuan Sword flew over from the sky!

"This sword is..." Seeing the Xuanyuan Sword in Luo Hang's hand, the Ghost King's expression changed!

During the battle between good and evil just now, the Xuanyuan Sword in Zhang Xiaofan's hand was really brilliant!

There is no nonsense, Luo Hang's figure is suspended in the sky, Xuanyuan Sword is pointing directly below!

The endless cold air turned into a torrent, quickly freezing everything around, and the scope of this freezing is constantly expanding!

Everyone from the Ghost King Sect cheered up, trying to resist the cold!

However, how can they use their own cultivation to resist the cold air that can freeze even a planet?

But after a while, ice sculptures appeared one after another, and the chill continued!

"I admit defeat, I will give you the heavenly book!"

Seeing this, the ghost king shouted loudly.

If it was later, those of the Ghost King Sect would have suffered heavy casualties! .

Chapter 340: Opening the Method of Heavenly Emperor's Treasure in Advance

The purpose of Luo Hang itself is not to kill people.

Therefore, hearing that the ghost king expressed his willingness to hand over the second volume of the heavenly book, the chill in Luohang's Xuanyuan sword receded.

The cold air was put away, and the ghost king then unleashed his cultivation base, melting all the ice that had condensed on these ghost king sect disciples!

After breaking through the ice, these disciples were all frostbitten, and they looked at Luo Hang with a touch of fear in their eyes.

The other party really wasn't bragging, he alone could suppress everyone present!

Looking around, the world with a radius of tens of miles has been frozen, how long has it been?

The endless cold air made people feel even more frightened! "Why is this sword in your hand?"

Seeing that the disciple of the Ghost King Sect was only frostbitten, but not life-threatening, the Ghost King heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately stared at Xuanyuan in Luo Hang's hand in amazement.

"Your words are a bit funny, this Xuanyuan sword itself is mine, before, it was just lent to Zhang Xiaofan for use!" Luo Hang replied.

"So, is this divine sword also his weapon!?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, the ghost king was secretly shocked!

Through the battle just now, the Ghost King could feel that Luo Hang's cultivation was actually slightly inferior to his own.

However, his Taoism and supernatural powers, his magic weapon is much stronger than himself. "This is the second volume of the Heavenly Book!"

Now that he had conceded defeat, the Ghost King had no intention of going back on his word. With a raised hand, he took out the second volume of Heavenly Book and handed it to Luo Hang.

"Thank you!" Without being polite, Luo Hang reached out and took the scroll. 12 chi chi chi chi...

After getting the Heavenly Book, Luo Hang didn't say anything more, turned around and constructed a magic portal leading to Heyang City. "Wait, there are five volumes in the Heavenly Book, have you collected four volumes yet?"

Seeing Luo Hang turn and leave, not in the mood to marvel at his ability of the magic portal, the ghost king suddenly asked.

"Not bad!" With a slight pause in his footsteps, Luo Hang nodded.

"Your next goal is the last book in the Heavenly Emperor's treasury?" Ghost King asked.

"Yes, Ghost King, do you have any clues to provide? For example, to open the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure in advance?" Luo Hang turned around curiously.

"No!" The ghost king shook his head.

This answer made Luo Hang roll his eyes secretly, why didn't you say anything?

"With Mr. Luo's current cultivation base, he is already the best in the world. If you successfully collect all five volumes of heavenly books, this world will be yours from now on! You don't need to worry, Mr. Luo, let's wait for the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house to be opened by yourself!"

Regarding the Ghost King's words, Luo Hang slightly raised his eyebrows!

He persuaded himself to wait for the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House to open by itself?Could it be, does he know anything?

However, seeing that the Ghost King didn't seem to be talking too much, Luo Hang just nodded slightly, and after giving a response, he continued to turn and leave!

"Luo Hang!" However, another shout sounded.

Luo Hang sighed silently in his heart, and turned around.I saw Baguio's beautiful eyes staring at her closely.

"Baguio girl!" Luo Hang said.

"When will we see each other again?" Baguio stared at Luohang and asked.

Of course Luo Hang understood what this sentence meant.

In modern times, it's like a beautiful woman asking you to watch a movie in the middle of the night, remember to bring your ID card, right?

"Let's go with fate, maybe, there will be no chance to meet again in the future!"

Thinking that I have about half a year left before I have to leave this world, it's really hard to say whether I can meet again in the future.

After saying those words, Luo Hang turned and left.

The circular magic portal instantly turned into countless sparks and scattered in all directions.

"Let's go..." Glancing at his daughter, the ghost king wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to comfort him. In the end, he could only say this to Bi Yao.

Immediately, the members of the Ghost King Sect continued to flee far away!

Since then, the largest battle between good and evil in the world of Jade Immortals has come to an end.

And what about Luo Hang?Arrived in Heyang City, looking for the whereabouts of Zhou Xian!

With a movement of his body, Luohang came directly to the center of Heyang City, and then closed his eyes.

The power of the primordial spirit turned into divine thoughts, fully unleashed!

In terms of perception, the search for divine sense is more practical than knowledge and domineering.

Therefore, use Luo Hang to search with divine sense.

In this way, the divine sense quickly swept across the streets and alleys of Heyang City.

It's also fortunate that the current Luohang has already achieved great mastery of the primordial spirit, otherwise, it would be impossible to search for the target all the way by simply relying on the power of divine thoughts!

In this way, after spending a cup of tea, Luo Hang felt Zhou Yixian's familiar aura!

Immediately, he walked towards Zhou Yixian's position!

"Ding, get the heavenly book*1!"

"My Brother Hang is awesome, with the power of one person, he suppressed the entire Ghost King Sect!"

"Don't even mention it, the strength of this Ghost King is terrifying! At least he is much stronger than the God of Poison and Shangguan Ce!" It's an honor to be defeated!"

"However, my brother Hang is even better. Just one volume of heavenly scriptures can establish a sect. Now, my brother Hang has collected four volumes!" I want to see what it would be like to collect all the five volumes of heavenly scriptures!"

"Besides, every time you get the Heavenly Book, Brother Hang comprehends it, and your cultivation level will increase to a certain extent. I don't know what will happen if you get the second volume of Heavenly Book?" I am curious, who is the strongest person in the world?" "Yes, when chatting with the ghost king, Brother Hang said he is the second in the world, who is the number one in the world?" "Daoxuan?" " Impossible, no matter how strong Daoxuan is, he's about the same as the ghost king, right? He can't beat my Brother Hang!"

"That's right, my Brother Hang's strength itself is not bad. After cultivating immortals in this world, his strength has soared a lot!" "Could it be just my brother Hang's modesty?" "I always feel that things are not that simple. !"

"Huh? It seems that this Baguio girl is really interesting to our Brother Hang!" "Come on, come on, don't you want such a beauty to come to your door?"

"You dicks, don't look at my husband with your own thoughts. My husband is really a kind and righteous person. If he can't make others happy, he won't provoke other girls!" "Husband, my husband loves me the most!" Yes, she is so dedicated to me, I am really the happiest woman in the world!" "Okay, Brother Hang has arrived in Heyang City, and I am going to find Zhou Yixian to find a way to enter the Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor!"

The Longguo live broadcast room was still very lively.

After getting the Heavenly Book, these audiences were naturally extremely happy.

And Baguio's feelings for Luo Hang also made many viewers feel that Luo Hang is serious about the relationship.

Of course, Luo Hang said that he is the second best expert in the world, which surprised many viewers even more!

With Luohang's strength, is he still the second best in the world?Who was number one in the world that day?

Let's not talk about how lively the live broadcast room is.

On the other side, Luo Hang's divine sense locked onto Zhou Yixian, and he had already arrived at Zhou Yixian's side.

I saw Zhou Yixian was telling the fortune of a rich middle-aged man.

Judging by the appearance of this man in silk and satin, it is obvious that his family is very wealthy.

Being fooled by Zhou Yixian, he immediately took out a lot of money, begging Zhou Yixian to resolve the bloody disaster for himself!

After a while of talking and flickering, the middle-aged man finally left in a state of shock.

And Zhou Yixian put away a few golden beans with a smile.

"Master Luo!" After putting away the golden beans, Zhou Yixian looked a little embarrassed when he saw Luo Hang!

It is indeed a bit embarrassing to be seen by the people of Qingyunmen at such a greedy scene.

Especially when Luo Hang knew his identity, it was even more embarrassing.

"Senior, now, I have obtained four volumes of the Heavenly Book!" Luo Hang said to Zhou Yixian without any nonsense!

"Oh, congratulations!" Hearing this, Zhou Yixian nodded and said.

Immediately, as if he had just realized it, he stared at Luo Hang with wide eyes: "You, what are you talking about? You, have you collected all four volumes of heavenly scriptures?"

"That's right, I got 207 in the Dripping Blood Cave for the first volume of heavenly book, I just got the second volume of heavenly book from the Ghost King Sect, I got the fourth volume of heavenly book from the wordless jade wall in Tianyin Temple, and the fifth volume of heavenly book It's Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!"

Luo Hang nodded, and took stock of the four volumes of heavenly scriptures he got!

"This, it's only been two months!" Listening to Luo Hang's inventory, Zhou Yixian still looked at him in disbelief!

When they met in Heyang City two months ago, Luo Hang was just about to collect the other three volumes of heavenly scriptures.

It's only been two months, and he has already collected all of them?

It's unbelievable, how many people never read a book from heaven in their whole life, and he collected them so easily?

Why is the gap between anyone so big?

"Senior, can you tell me how to open the Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor?" Luo Hang continued to speak and asked Zhou Yixian.

"Well, since Mr. Luo, you have successfully collected all the Heavenly Books, I will naturally tell you how to open the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury according to the agreement!" Hearing this, Zhou Yixian sighed.

"It's just that this method is too hurtful. I hope Mr. Luo, you don't want to do it!" After a moment of silence, Zhou Yixian said again.

"What exactly is this method of opening the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure in advance, please tell me, senior!" Luo Hang asked with a serious expression, staring at Zhou Xian.

In fact, this method must be very difficult, Luo Hang already knew this.

Otherwise, why didn't anyone in the original work use this method to open the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure in advance?

Moreover, Zhou Yixian said it clearly last time, but stopped at a critical moment. Isn't it too difficult, so he didn't tell himself?

The so-called wait until I have collected all four volumes of heavenly scriptures, is it just to procrastinate?

Presumably, he could really collect all four volumes of heavenly scriptures, which Zhou Yixian did not expect.

"Alas..." With a long sigh, and after earnestly staring at Luo Hang for a while, Zhou Yixian said, "Actually, there is only one way to open the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure in advance, and that is..."

Chapter 341: Immortal Medicine, Longevity

"To open the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House in advance, the lives of 99 human beings are needed, as nourishment, to force the Shenmu to grow for one year in advance, so that the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House can be opened in advance!" Zhou Yixian said to Luo Hang!

"The lives of tens of thousands of people can be brought forward one year!?" Hearing this, Luo Hang also showed a look of horror on his face. "Yes, indeed!"

Seeing Luo Hang's horrified expression, Zhou Yixian heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time, nodded and said!

With Luo Hang's horrified expression, Zhou Yixian felt relieved!

I'm afraid that he is really determined to get the book that day, and he will not hesitate to fill up countless lives, just hoping that the treasure house of the emperor of heaven will be opened in advance. "One year in advance, tens of thousands of lives are needed, and ten years in advance, wouldn't it cost 10 lives!?" Luo Hang whispered.

Thinking about it this way, it's really scary!

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