His eyes were like fire, staring down at the Beast God!

At this time, two dragons were circling in the sky.

One is Kaido in the physical form, and the other is the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon in the spirit form!

The two dragons hovered in mid-air for a moment, and then, they rushed towards the beast god!

At this time, everyone's eyes are on this side!

The power of the beast god is indeed terrifyingly strong.

But now, Luo Hang has summoned two dragons to launch an attack on the beast god. I wonder if it will work?

The power of the beast god is indeed terrifyingly strong. Even if two dragons appear, everyone is not absolutely sure that Luo Hang can really succeed!

After all, the power displayed by the beast god is really unfathomable!

That is to say, if Luo Hang joins forces with Shenlong, there are still a few tricks left.

Others, even Daoxuan who holds the Zhuxian sword, must not be opponents!

Unless, it is possible to defeat the Beast God by setting up the Jade Immortal Sword Formation and exerting the power of the Jade Immortal Sword to the extreme.

After all, no matter how unfathomable the power of the Beast God is, in Daoxuan's view, the power of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation is truly invincible!

Not to mention what other people were thinking, as the two dragons attacked the beast god.

Luo Hang didn't stay idle either, he also flew up into the sky, stepping on gossip steps, muttering words: Nine Heavens Profound Brake, turned into divine thunder, brilliant heavenly power, lead it with a sword!

There was a loud rumbling noise, and the extremely thick thunder pillar also attracted down with Luo Hang's movements!

Eight wild fire dragons, Kaido's dragon's breath, and Luohang's divine sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue.

The three powerful attacks all headed in the direction of the Beast God!

The loud bang made the ground tremble.

The terrible explosion was almost no different from a nuclear bomb explosion.

Within a radius of one kilometer, no matter what it was, it was completely turned into powder under the shock wave of the explosion!

At this moment, everyone stopped their fighting, their eyes widened, and they stared at the explosion area seriously.

At the same time, my heart was secretly shaking!

Can such an attack, this kind of power that is almost destructive, be able to kill the beast god successfully?

After a long time, the shock wave of the explosion finally dissipated completely.

Then, everyone looked towards the center of the explosion.

A tiankeng appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the appearance of the beast god looked extremely miserable.

There were scorched marks on his body, and there were also traces of lightning strikes. The originally gorgeous silk robe was already tattered, and there were many bloodstains on his body, bit by bit, looking extremely miserable! "Great, he's hurt!"

Seeing the miserable appearance of the Beast God, everyone around felt their spirits shake!

Yes, since it can be injured, it means that the beast god can be killed, right?This is great news! "How is it possible? Beast God, how could he be injured? He is immortal!"

Yun Yilan, who was looking at the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon in shock, now also stared at the Beast God in disbelief!

According to the records he knew, the Beast God was an immortal existence, even because he was transformed by the hostility of heaven and earth, it was impossible for him to be injured!

But now?The beast god was actually bleeding! ?

This is impossible! ?

"My brother Hang, in the spirit of humanitarianism, is he helping Qingyunmen to resist the beast god?" "Yes, my brother Hang has nothing to gain from this battle!" Is Brother Hang fighting the Beast God alone?"

"Brother Hang, nothing will happen, right? This beast god is really powerful, whether it is Yun Yilan or Zhang Xiaofan, they have all been caught in one move!" "The most powerful beast god, in the end, is actually My Hang brother is singled out?"

"Come on, Kaido has transformed into a dragon, and the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon has also been summoned, as well as Brother Hang's Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, I don't know what the result will be?" "Hiss, this beast god is not dead yet? It's a little too much!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, everyone was watching the battle nervously, especially watching Luohang single out the Beast God, which made them even more nervous! .

Chapter 353: Reincarnation of Dirty Earth, Linglong Priestess

At the same time, after being attacked by the divine sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, Kaido's dragon's breath and the fire dragon of the wilderness, even the beast god was injured at this moment!

However, it was precisely because of this injury that the Beast God became much more serious.

There is no longer the relaxed and freehand look before!

"Come again!" With a slight thought, the Shenlong transformed by Kaido and the summoned Fire Dragon started to act again!

However, the beast god's figure flashed, and he came in front of the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon.

Then, the endless hostility of heaven and earth was aroused.

The Beast God slashed down in the direction of the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon with his palm-shaped knife!

The shocking sword slashed at the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon. The momentum of this sword seemed to be able to cut the whole world open!

The Eight Desolation Fire Dragon also erupted with monstrous flames, and greeted it~ go!

However, those flames couldn't resist this shocking knife, and were split open!

Then, with the undiminished strength of the saber, it slammed on the body of the Eight-Wild Fire Dragon.

A scream sounded, and the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon in spirit form was cut into two pieces.

Then, the huge dragon body turned into endless flames and disappeared in all directions!

"Hiss, unexpectedly, even the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon..."

Seeing this scene, Yun Yilan next to him gasped!

However, considering that it was not a human being who made the move, but a beast god transformed by the hostility of heaven and earth, it seems that there is nothing surprising about this?

The action didn't stop, and after destroying the eight wild fire dragon in spirit form with one knife, the beast god followed his figure and came to the dragon-formed Kaido.

Then, another knife fell fiercely towards Kaido!

Lowering his head slightly, Kaido used his strongest dragon horns to push up against the huge sword!

There was a loud bang, and then, Kaido's huge dragon body fell from the sky!

No opponent, obviously, Kaido is no longer the opponent of this beast god, he fell to the ground with a knife!

Take a deep breath, I will kill you while you are sick!

After seeing Kaido being slashed to the ground by himself, the Beast God continued to raise his hand.

In the same way, the huge hostility of heaven and earth gathered together again.

Another knife appeared and slashed towards Kaido fiercely!

This knife slashed on Kaido's body fiercely, leaving a terrifying knife mark on his dragon body!

He was severely injured, although Kaido's body is known as an immortal body.

However, in front of the beast god, it doesn't have much effect!

"It can't be done, relying on my strength alone, it is really impossible to defeat the Beast God!"

Seeing that even Kaido's defense couldn't hold back the power of the Beast God, Luo Hang's heart secretly became serious!

The power of the beast god is indeed the ceiling of Zhu Xian's world!

At this time, Luo Hang took a glance and happened to see Yun Yilan.

Yun Yilan, who was fighting Master Puhong, seemed dumbfounded seeing that the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon was chopped into pieces!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Hang's figure rushed towards Yun Yilan, and at the same time, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Extreme Divine Tribulation!"

The last move of the Four Sacred Heart Tribulations, the Extreme God Tribulation, is the means of attacking by the Primordial Spirit.

The huge primordial power directly charged towards Yun Yilan!

Although Yun Yilan's cultivation is at the same level as Luo Hang's.

However, being caught off guard by Luo Hang's sneak attack, Yun Yilan only felt her mind go blank.

It was as if his head had been hit hard with a sledgehammer!

Then, Luo Hang came in front of Yun Yilan, but did not kill him.

Instead, he stretched out his fingers and touched Yun Yilan's chest. At the same time, the pitch-black rune spells covered Yun Yilan's body like tadpoles that had come to life!

"You, what are you doing!?"

Feeling that these pitch-black rune formulas were suppressing her cultivation and body movement, Yun Yilan shouted loudly.

At the same time, struggling crazily!

The beast god next to him heard the shout here, and turned his head to take a look.

Immediately abandoning the seriously injured Kaido, he rushed towards this side!

It's not that the Beast God attaches so much importance to Yun Yilan, but that Luo Hang seems to be preparing some powerful tricks!

That being the case, then I can't make him fully prepared.

Under Yun Yilan's body, a huge formation is also forming rapidly!

"Do not move Ming Wang!"

Corresponding to the idea of ​​the Beast God, although Abbot Puhong didn't know what trick Luo Hang was preparing.

However, it is right to buy time for him.

The golden Buddha's light erupted from Puhong's body again, and then Puhong went up to the beast god!

From the situation just now, Puhong knew that he was no match for this beast god.

However, as long as I can delay Luo Hang for one second, then I will try to delay him for one second as much as possible!

This is what Abbot Puhong thinks now!

"Go away, I'm not interested in you!"

Transformed by the hostile energy of heaven and earth, although he has now become a human being, the current Beast God is still very violent.

Looking at Puhong standing in front of him, he waved his sleeves!

Gritting his teeth, Puhong completely unleashed all his strength to resist the Beast God!

"Huh?" At first, I thought that with a wave of my sleeve, Pu Hong would be blown away by me.

But, how could he still grit his teeth and persevere?

This made the Beast God look at Puhong in surprise.

Then, he raised his hand and pressed towards Puhong again!

Gritting his steel teeth tightly, Puhong persisted desperately.

With a click, the leg bone was broken!

However, Puhong still did not retreat!

"Fortunately, I got the expanded version of the Wuzi Yubi technique, otherwise, even if I want to stick to my present appearance, it will not be enough!"

Although all the leg bones were broken, Pu Hong felt very lucky.

Fortunately, my cultivation has improved compared to before!


After the leg bone was broken, the other arm was broken again...

Glancing at the situation at Puhong, Luo Hang's mind became more serious.

Then, he quickly formed seals with both hands, and finally slapped the ground hard: "The dirty soil reincarnates!"

"The power of this beast god is too terrifying, right? Brother Hang, Kaido and the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon jointly attacked, but they couldn't kill him?"

"Oops, the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon was beheaded!"

"Even Kaido was seriously injured? This seems to be the first time to see Kaido being seriously injured?"

"Too bad, Brother Hang is no match for this beast god at all!"

"Oh? At this time, why did Brother Hang attack Yun Yilan? Besides, he could have killed him, but instead of killing him, he was imprisoned with a sealing technique?"

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