However, the person in charge shouted loudly, although the people in the base knew that Megatron should be stopped, how could they stop it! ?

Even a military base can't stop a Transformer like Starscream.

Now, it is only a research-based base, how can it stop a despot robot leader like Megatron?

However, seeing Megatron killing all directions and no one could resist, suddenly, a heavy vehicle came over.

From the sound of the rumbling engine, it can be seen that this is another big guy!

Then, under the astonished eyes of the person in charge, this large car also turned into a huge robot.

It was Optimus Prime!

After the transformation was completed, Optimus Prime rushed in the direction of Megatron!

"Optimus Prime, it's you!" Looking at Optimus Prime in front of him, Megatron shouted loudly!

"Stop, the fire source is not yours!" Optimus Prime shouted, showing his weapon!

"Hmph, then, isn't this fire seed source yours!?" Hearing this, Wei Zhentian snorted coldly and said!

Then, Megatron and Optimus Prime scuffled together fiercely!

One is the leader of the Autobots, and the other is the leader of the Decepticons. The battle between the two sides is completely a king vs. king situation at this moment!

"Here, there is actually a robot lurking here? I don't even know it!"

Seeing that a car in the base turned into a robot, the person in charge of the Hoover Dam project widened his eyes, and his eyes were full of shock!

"Is this Optimus Prime? The leader of the Autobot Transformers?"

Thanks to the previous conversation between Max and Luo Hang, the minister next to him understood the meaning of the name Optimus Prime, and said in surprise after hearing this!

"Autobot? Transformers!?" The person in charge of the Hoover Dam project next to him looked at the minister with surprised eyes.

Thought he was asking himself, the minister explained: "Transformers, these two robots in front of me, they are actually alien life forms, silicon-based life forms, from the planet Cybertron, these aliens are divided into Autobots and Decepticons..."

"Wait, I didn't want to know this information!" Hearing the minister's explanation to himself, the person in charge shook his head and said!

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then said: "Actually, what I'm really surprised about is that I don't know these things, but you are so clear!".

Chapter 372: Luohang Rescue, Portal

No wonder the person in charge of the Hoover Dam project was surprised!

I have been in charge of this project for many years, and I think that no one has a deeper understanding of large robots than myself.

However, the current minister, he actually knows much better than himself!

What planet Cybertron, what Autobots and Decepticons, what names Optimus Prime and Megatron...

I don't even know about these things, but the minister is so familiar with him?

You can believe it! ?


Not to mention how surprised the person in charge of the Hoover Dam project was at the moment.

At this moment, suddenly, another series of explosions sounded.

The gate of the dam base was directly blasted open.

Then, led by Starscream, four or five Decepticons from the Decepticons rushed in!

"Megatron, I'm here to help you!"

Seeing that Megatron was fighting Optimus Prime, Starscream yelled!

Although it is very important to obtain the source of fire seeds, but also, if you can kill Optimus Prime, this is also a great achievement!

"Others, get the fire source!"

Regarding Starscream's words, Megatron did not refuse, but just shouted to the other Decepticons around!

Naturally, no one dared to object to Megatron's order.

Starscream stayed behind, and the other Decepticons went to collect the fire source in the direction of the fire source!

"Starscream, is he called Starscream? He attacked the previous base!"

The minister next to him recognized the Starscream at a glance as the Transformers who attacked the base earlier!

Sure enough, the Transformers who attacked the base were really Decepticons' robots!

"Damn it, my two fists are no match for four hands!"

In the battle with Megatron, Optimus Prime could not gain the upper hand, but now that the red 223 spider has come to help, the pressure on Optimus Prime is of course even more terrifying!

This made his mind a lot more dignified!

Immediately, send out your own signal and ask other Autobots for help!

In just a few days, apart from the fact that he had successfully sneaked into this base recently, Tie Po and the others were not qualified to enter yet.

Therefore, now I am alone in the base, unable to support myself!

Outside the base of the Hoover Dam, the Autobots such as Ironhide and the ambulance also received messages from Optimus Prime one after another.

Immediately acted, transformed into a giant robot, and rushed towards the direction of the Hoover Dam machine!

"Luo Hang, something happened!"

On the other side, Luohang was still waiting for Max, when he could bring him the information about the fallen king kong, when suddenly, he heard the shout from the hornet!

"What's the matter?" Luo Hang moved, came to the front of Bumblebee, and asked.

"Optimus Prime was attacked, and now they are being besieged by Megatron and the others, and members of the Decepticons have also gone to snatch the fire source!" Bumblebee replied!

"Where is the Hoover Dam? Can Megatron send a video of the scene?" Hearing this, Luo Hang asked!

"You, the image you want is..."

Now, Optimus Prime is in great danger, why distract him with a picture?

Bumblebee doesn't quite understand the significance of Luo Hang's operation!

"I don't know what the Hoover Dam looks like. I need an image map, so I can build a portal and go directly there!" Luo Hang explained patiently!

"Understood!" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Bumblebee nodded heavily.

Immediately, I told Optimus Prime about Luo Hang's (bcfj)!

In the underground base of the Hoover Dam, after receiving the information from the Bumblebee, Optimus Prime was kicked on the chest by Starscream, kicked out directly, and turned on the function of image transmission.

He passed the scene he saw directly to the bumblebee!

Naturally, the Bumblebee reacted quickly, and directly displayed the image of the fallen Optimus Prime in front of Luo Hang!

Looking at the image in front of him, Luo Hang raised his hand, and quickly constructed a magic portal, which happened to be on the top of the Hoover Dam base.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang passed through the magic portal and fell straight down.

Following behind Luo Hang, the bumblebee also came out of the magic portal!

"Go away!"

Seeing Luo Hang jumping down, Megatron, who was about to give Optimus Prime a fatal attack, raised a sharp blade in his hand, and slashed at Luo Hang.

With such a huge gap in size, this sharp blade was slashing towards Luo Hang, giving people the impression that it was like a tiger pounced directly on a little mouse!

However, facing Megatron's attack, Luo Hang did not dodge, but raised his hand.

The left hand wearing the vibrating gold glove grabbed the huge sharp blade!

The difference in size, this sharp blade is very huge.

However, Luo Hang's palm directly grabbed her!

"This, this is impossible..."

Seeing that his attack was caught by such a small earthling, Megatron couldn't believe it!

Not only Megatron, but even the person in charge of the Hoover Dam project next to him was dumbfounded seeing this!

Such a huge steel robot body, with such a fierce attack, can it be caught with bare hands?

Who is this guy who jumped out?

Or, is he still human?

"Here we come, Luo Hang is here, this wave, calm down..."

He deeply understood Luo Hang's strength, so when he saw Luo Hang appearing at this moment, the minister next to him let out a long sigh of relief, and whispered in his mouth.

"Luo Hang? Do you know this person!?" Hearing this, the person in charge of the Hoover Dam project next to him turned his head dumbfounded, and looked at the minister beside him!

"Of course I do. With Luo Hang's strength, it's easy to defeat these Transformers. Well, don't watch. Since Luo Hang has appeared like this, there is no need to watch this battle!" Hearing this, The minister still looked relaxed and freehand, and said to the person in charge beside him. "I, am I really a qualified person!?"

Seeing that the minister is very familiar with everything, but I don't know anyone, and I don't know anything about it.

But I have been in charge of researching this Transformer robot for so many years, which made the person in charge secretly complain to himself!

At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart.

No wonder, someone else can be a minister, look, this is the gap!

Not to mention how the minister and person in charge next to him chatted.

On the other side, several Decepticons robots have come to the fire source!

On the surface, this fire source is very huge, it looks like a big house.

However, when the Decepticon robot came over to operate it, it saw the huge cube of fire source continuously folded.

Until the end, it turned into a small one!

Putting it in the hands of Transformers is like holding a diamond ring in the hands of ordinary people!

On Luo Hang's side, after grabbing Megatron's sharp blade, Luo Hang flicked Megatron back several steps!

In terms of strength, the strength displayed by Luo Hang turned out to be directly superior to Megatron.

Without the ability to block and counterattack, Luo Hang's move was purely based on his own cultivation.

With more than 500 years of cultivation, this burst of power is not something Megatron can resist!

After Shocking Megatron back, Luo Hang's figure moved, and rushed towards Megatron again.

At the same time, raising his hand, Xuanyuan Sword appeared in Luo Hang's hand!

The figure and Megatron's huge figure staggered past, only to see a sharp and bleak sword light flashing past.

Then, Luo Hang appeared behind Megatron.

Looking at Megatron's arm again, under the slash that was blessed with the ability of the Zhenzhen Fruit, Megatron's steel arm was actually directly shattered by Luo Hang! "Megatron, we've got the fire source!"

Several members of the Decepticons had stepped back, and one of them shouted at Megatron.

Megatron raised his hand and pinched the Fire Seed Source in his hand, and then, under his control, the power of the Fire Seed Source exploded without reservation.

It can be seen that on the fire source, it seems that there are countless lightning bolts, and they are densely swept out!

In the base below, whether it is a computer, or a car, or even a small induction cooker, radio and so on.

After being radiated by the power of this fire source, all technological products came alive and became robots one by one.

Moreover, these robots are pure Decepticons members of Decepticons!

Just like Luo Hang's previous chat, because the technologies such as circuit boards on the earth are all obtained from Megatron.

Therefore, these electrical products have all become hotbeds for deranged Transformers.

After these electrical appliances came to life, under the leadership of Megatron, they continued to attack Luo Hang and the others.

Obviously, Megatron wanted to completely surround and kill Luo Hang and the others here!

"It's over, it's over, this cube is in their hands, and their Decepticon Transformers are endless!"

Seeing that all the electrical appliances in the base have become Transformers under Megatron's hands; the person in charge turned pale, and at the same time, secretly said in despair! ?

"Don't worry, these problems are not big!" The minister next to him heard the words and comforted the person in charge!

"Don't worry, don't you know? We..." Hearing what the minister said, the person in charge shook his head.

"I know, isn't it that all technologies are developed on this Megatron, so if Megatron uses the fire source, will there be a lot of deranged Transformers?" Looks like you don't care!

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