Fortunately, the fire source's defense is still very strong. Under Kaido's dragon breath, it was not destroyed!

"The source of fire!"

Sensing that Starscream was so dead that there was no body left, and the fire source had fallen, Megatron tensed up.

He wanted to retrieve the fire source, but how could he go while he was running for his life?

After a slight hesitation for half a second, Megatron in the form of a space battleship immediately rose up and flew towards the sky continuously!

Following behind Megatron, Kaido's dragon body also flew up with "Two Two Three" and chased it high into the sky!

Luohang's reincarnation eye, the eyesight is naturally excellent.

Looking at the spark source falling in mid-air, he quickly waved his hand and constructed a small magic portal!

The magic portal in mid-air opened, and the fire source fell directly into it!

The other side of the magic portal happened to be in front of Luo Hang.

Luo Hang stretched out his hand, and firmly caught the source of fire that he dropped every day.

"Hahaha, it's a good thing that these demented Transformers are all alien life forms. Otherwise, if they are really robots, their domineering look is really useless to them!"

"Can fly? Sorry, Kaido transforms into a dragon, he can also fly!"

"Also, the Transformers' attack fell on Kaido's body, it's completely like scratching an itch!"

"In this world of exploration, the technology is really high, but in terms of force value, it's not that high!"

"There is no need to release the beast god's puppet, just Kaido's puppet is invincible!"

"It's done, this source of fire is in hand!"

"Hahaha, this source of fire is very valuable whether it is used for research, or for Brother Hang to use in his own exploration of the world in the future!"

"Ding, get the fire source *1!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, after Kaido was summoned, so many Transformers robots were killed, and the source of fire was finally in the hands of Luo Hang, every audience felt refreshed!

After all, following the perspective of Luohang, watching the live broadcast, these viewers also understood the meaning of the source of fire.

Therefore, seeing that Luo Hang got the fire source, everyone was extremely excited.

Now that the fire source is in hand, doesn't it mean that Transformers can be produced in batches?

More importantly, the energy contained in the fire seed source is almost endless!

So it seems that neither Dragon Kingdom is producing a powerful army of Transformers.

Whether it is Luo Hang who travels with the source of fire seeds himself in the future, this will have a great effect!

Let's not talk about how exciting the Longguo live broadcast room is at the moment.

After getting the fire seed source, Luo Hang put away the fire seed source without any hassle.

"The source of the fire seed is..."

The person in charge of the project at the nearby Hoover Dam saw that Luo Hang had actually put away the fire source, his expression changed slightly, and he opened his mouth to speak.

Such an important thing must never be handed over to others!

However, just as the person in charge wanted to speak, the minister next to him pulled him away, shook his head at him, and signaled not to say anything!

Although the source of fire is important, in the eyes of the minister, what is really important is the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!

However, the minister's attitude made the person in charge secretly surprised!

That is the source of the fire seed. If the source of the fire seed can be studied thoroughly, it can let the United States dominate the world.

But, just give it to the other party?

The minister is more than generous, it is simply unreasonable, right?

"Minister, do you know the importance of that fire source? He is of inestimable value to the entire United States!" The person in charge whispered!

"I know, but the existence of Luohang is of inestimable value to all human beings!" The minister nodded and said seriously!


Well, one is for the whole country and the other is for all mankind, it is clear at a glance which one is higher and which is lower!

After a while, Kaido, who was transforming into a dragon, appeared in the sky and landed from a high altitude!

"Alas..." Seeing Kaido land, Luo Hang shook his head helplessly!

With the visual sharing of the eyes of reincarnation, Luo Hang certainly understands the situation, the Kaido puppet failed in chasing Megatron!

Although Kaido also has the ability to fly after turning into a dragon.

But Megatron flies faster.

More importantly, in the form of a space battleship, Megatron can even fly to outer space!

Naturally, there is no way for Kaido to chase into outer space!

"It seems that Megatron can't kill him completely. The technology of his space battleship is also very important, which is very important to the aerospace industry!" Thinking that Megatron can sail in the universe at will Ability, Luo Hang muttered secretly in his heart!

In any case, it is good news for Luo Hang to kill so many Decepticons robots today and get the fire source.

As for Megatron running away?

This is not a big problem for Luohang!

"Congratulations, Mr. Luo Hang!" As the battle was completely over, the minister came to Luo Hang and congratulated him.

"Well, that's why I said, the Hoover Dam has its own truth, have you seen it now!?" After Luo Hang nodded, he asked the minister!

"I see, Mr. Luo Hang's ability is really true!" Hearing this, the minister nodded seriously and said! "Okay, it's getting late, we still have a lot of things to do, let's say goodbye for the time being, see you again when we have a chance!" After a brief chat with the minister, after a greeting, Luo Hang Say goodbye!

After the words fell, Luo Hang waved his hand, turned around and left.

"Mr. Luo Hang, go slowly!" Seeing Luo Hang turn and leave, the minister even shouted loudly.

Immediately, he watched Luo Hang build the magic portal, followed by cars of various shapes, such as Bumblebee and Optimus Prime, and left through the magic portal!

After all the Autobots disappeared through the magic portal, the smile on the minister's face stopped! "is it necessary!?"

At this time, the person in charge next to him spoke up, and said to the minister angrily: "Although that Luo Hang is powerful, he is just a simple person after all. As a minister, do you need to flatter him?" "You Make it clear, was I flattering just now?" The minister turned his head angrily, and said to the person in charge!

"You feel your conscience and say, isn't that right!?" The person in charge looked at the minister tit-for-tat, and asked back!

"I..." opened his mouth, and the minister wanted to refute.  …

It's just that when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out. In the end, he had to shake his head helplessly and said, "Well, if you think I'm flattering, then it's flattering!" "Why!?"

Seeing that the minister admitted it shamelessly, the person in charge asked incomprehensibly, "Why?" Yes, as a minister, he actually admitted this kind of thing?why is that?

As a top executive in the U.S., there is no need to flatter the other party just because of his strength, right?

"Do you know Luo Hang?" the minister asked back!

"I understand the situation just now. The ability is magical and powerful!" The person in charge nodded.

"Your understanding is too one-sided!" However, after hearing what the person in charge said, the minister shook his head and said!

"Really? Then if you have a more comprehensive understanding, tell me, this is Luo Hang, what else?" The person in charge then asked!

"Let me put it this way, I have tested Luohang's DNA, and he is a [-]% pure human!" said the minister!

"It's human, what's so great about it? I'm also human!" The person in charge said to the minister angrily!

"But the problem is, he still has a lifespan of at least 5000 years!" The minister continued!

"What? There are at least 5000 years of lifespan? How is it possible? How can human lifespan be so long!?"

Now, the person in charge couldn't help but exclaimed!

Yes, if this is the case, then Luo Hang's identity as a human being is a bit scary!

"That's not counting, Luo Hang's strength, as well as his lifespan, are all obtained through cultivation!"

As if feeling that the other party's shock was not enough, the minister broke the news again!

5.9 "This, this, as a human being, relying on cultivation, can obtain such a powerful power and such a long lifespan!?"

Being shocked again, the person in charge almost wondered if his ears heard it wrong!

"In addition, Luo Hang and I have a verbal cooperation agreement. Help him get what he wants. He will exchange human cultivation methods to become stronger and extend lifespan with me!"

Finally, the minister once again threw out the most important news!

Sure enough, after hearing the news, the person in charge was completely stunned!

Is Luo Hang willing to hand over the method of possessing great strength and longevity by relying on cultivation to human beings?

"Now, tell me, is it wrong for me to flatter Luo Hang? Tell me, is it Luo Hang or the source of fire that is more important!?" Seeing that the person in charge looked completely dumbfounded, the minister said Asked rhetorically!

"Of course you were wrong, and it was a big mistake!" After being stunned for a long time, the person in charge said seriously.


The minister asked with three points, and looked at the person in charge with three points of doubt!

"In a situation like this, I just want to say, please take me with you!" The person in charge still said seriously!


Chapter 375: Soldiers of the United States collectively practice Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao

"Mr. President, this is all the information about Luohang..."

The White House in the United States, the minister and the person in charge of the Hoover Dam project each gave a report to the president on the intelligence information about Luohang, as well as the information about the Transformers!

"I didn't expect that there is such an alien hidden under the Hoover Dam, and the president doesn't even know about it!"

"I didn't expect it at all. The reason why our technology has been able to achieve a great leap in the past hundred years is because of the study of alien technology!"

"What's even more unexpected is that we humans are actually a huge treasure."

"Simply relying on cultivation, not only can you obtain powerful strength, but it can even prolong your life, until you can live for thousands of years in the end!"

The president said with emotion in his tone!

However, in the previous words, the main thing was to blame the Hoover Dam project, and even the president himself didn't know about it!

Of course, the last sentence was mainly addressed to the minister, and his tone was full of surprise.

"Mr. President, this is the first four levels of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao that Luo Hang gave us!"

All the work that should be reported was reported. Immediately afterwards, the minister took out the exercises of Taiji Xuanqingdao and sent them to the president.

Then he said: "According to Luo Hang's meaning, if you have reached the fourth level, you will be able to control objects with qi, and even be able to fly with weapons!"

"Immediately, recruit a few soldiers first, practice and see, as long as you can get started and feel aura, it is enough to prove that Luo Hang's words are true!"

After getting 12 of the first four levels of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, the president hurriedly said.

It seems that part of the exercises of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao was taken out mainly because of the source of fire.

The U.S. officials have no intention of competing with Luo Hang for the source of fire seeds, so Luo Hang first came up with some introductory skills, which can be regarded as an expression of gratitude!

"That, Luo Hang said, this method of cultivation, the most important thing is aptitude, if a person with good aptitude, the cultivation speed is very fast."

"If it's a person with poor qualifications, maybe ten or eight years, they can only practice to about the third level!" The minister followed up.

"If that's the case, immediately recruit [-] soldiers to major in this Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, and see how effective it is!"

Hearing this, he thought for a while, and then the president spoke.

Following the president's order, the main purpose of this tentative practice of Taiji Xuanqing Dao is still for the development of all mankind, so this matter will be settled soon!

It's just that, although it is natural for soldiers to obey orders.

However, these soldiers feel very blind to the understanding of many words in this slowly Huaxia style of writing!

What is "people follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature..."

These mysterious and jerky sentences, not to mention the soldiers of the United States, even the people of China themselves, it is very difficult to comprehend them!

In addition, this training is completely different from ordinary training.

Therefore, when the soldiers are practicing, they are quite resistant!

In this way, several months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Regarding the progress of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao's cultivation, it is not smooth!

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