"Who is it!?" The more correct the answer, the more frightened Max was.

Being attacked on the moon?Was attacked by whom?

Can anyone else attack a few astronauts on the moon? ?

"I don't know either!" Luo Hang shook his head and replied!

This answer made Max's face ugly!

Even Mr. Luo Hang doesn't know?That is to say?Is this thread broken?

I only know that someone attacked these astronauts, but I don't know who attacked them?

"Oh..." Max sighed.

Well, although the clues are broken, it is also a good choice to be able to bring the body back to Earth after death!

"Don't be too busy sighing, I brought these corpses back not simply to let them return to their roots!" Seeing Max's sigh, Luo Hang could guess what he was thinking, and said.

"Then, Mr. Luo Hang, what is your purpose?" Hearing this, Max looked at Luo Hang in surprise.

"I'm going to let them say what the murderer is like!" Luo Hang said! "They said it themselves? Aren't they all dead?" "Resurrected, isn't it all right?"

"Resurrection!? Mr. Luo Hang, you can still resurrect the dead!?"

Chapter 380: Luo Hang Beyond Versailles

Is Luo Hang strong?There is no doubt about it!

And is Luo Hang's abilities emerging endlessly?Same thing!

According to Max's own knowledge, he can summon powerful monsters, control lightning, fly weapons...even open space channels and so on.

These capabilities really emerge in endlessly.

But now, it is said that it can be brought back to life! ?

This horrified Max!

Even a fool can understand the meaning of the ability to bring the dead back to life!

There is a saying in Huaxia that a person cannot be resurrected after death.

Doesn't it mean that it is impossible to bring the dead back to life?

However, Mr. Luo Hang can actually do it! ?

Ignoring how shocked Max was at the moment, Luo Hang came in front of one of the astronauts.

Immediately, the technique of the Sacred Heart Jue was cast.

The true essence full of vitality was quickly poured into the dead man's body!

As Luo Hang's true energy poured down, the dead man's body began to function like a dead tree in spring!

Max didn't speak, his eyes widened, and he stared carefully at the scene in front of him.

I really dare not blink, for fear of missing any moment!

People who have died, come back to life.

Maybe this is the first time in history?

In such a situation, it is natural to see clearly!

As Luo Hang's cultivation has reached the current state, the exercises of the Sacred Heart Jue have also been mastered.

Even compared to Di Shitian, the creator of the Sacred Heart Jue, he is no different.

Using the technique of Sacred Heart Jue to bring the dead back to life, this kind of thing is already a familiar thing for Luo Hang!

It didn't take long. In just 10 minutes or so, the long-dead astronaut regained his breathing and heartbeat.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly opened his eyes, looking around in a daze!

"Where am I? By the way, am I not on the moon?" Looking around blankly, the astronaut murmured!

"Unexpectedly, it really succeeded!? This, this is too, too, too..."

Seeing with his own eyes that the long-dead astronaut actually came back to life, Max next to him widened his eyes and looked at him in shock!

Back to life, Luo Hang actually brought this dead person back to life?

"Mr. Luo Hang, could it be? Taiji Xuanqingdao also has the ability to revive the dead!?"

In front of such ability, everything else seemed to be unimportant, Max stared at Luo Hang seriously and asked with his eyes wide open!

"This ability is not possessed by Taiji Xuanqing Dao, but other abilities!" Luo Hang shook his head and said!

Although I am willing to hand over Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao to them, there will be a wave of cultural invasion.

However, when necessary, it still shows a more unfathomable image.

The Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao that I taught them is only part of it, and the ability I understand is not just Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!

Hearing this, Max's face became even more shocked.

He obviously understood what Luo Hang meant!

Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, is it just part of Luo Hang's means?

In addition to Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, does he have many abilities?

"Mr. Luo Hang, you, your ability is really unfathomable!" Max said with emotion!

"It's nothing, that's all, it's not too much..." Luo Hang said indifferently with a calm look!

"Mr. Luo Hang, you, how many abilities have you mastered?" Seeing that Luo Hang didn't seem to be opposed to continuing the conversation on this issue, Max asked along the way!

"My ability?"

Hearing this, Luo Hang thought for a while and said, "This, it's really hard to take stock..."

"For example, Taiji Xuanqing Dao is transformed from a volume of heavenly scriptures! But what about heavenly scriptures like this? I have mastered five kinds!"

Luo Hang first stretched out a finger and said!

Wang fried!

Luo Hang's words, to Max, are like a king bomb!

The ability of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is actually only one of the five volumes of heavenly scriptures that Luo Hang has mastered! ?

In other words, is Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao just one of the five powers that Luo Hang masters?

"In addition? There is also the power of the ninja system, which can control the water escape, and in the Jifu mode, it can release the tail beast jade. This is another system's power."

"This system includes but is not limited to many abilities such as the technique of shadow clone, substitute technique, and transformation technique!"

Luo Hang then stretched out his second finger and continued to count!

"What's more, it's martial arts, including but not limited to Tianshan Zhemeishou, Lingboweibu, Liumai Excalibur, Holy Spirit swordsmanship and so on!"

Luo Hang then stretched out his third finger!

"There are also methods such as armed domineering. This ability seems a bit useless now. After all, the increase in attack power and defense power is just like that!" "Of course, there is also the power of the magic system, such as Mirror space, magic portal, etc.!" "By the way, there are many treasures!"

"For example, the mind gem contains endless power, and it can also control the will of others!" "The frost treasure box contains endless cold air, and can even freeze a planet!"

"There is also the Xuanhuo Jian, which is just the opposite. It is the power of the essence of all fires. It can even summon the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon. Unfortunately, if it is coordinated with the Eight Fiends Xuanhuo Formation, the real ability is maximized!" The shaking fruit has the power of shaking, which can increase its own attack power, and even create abilities such as earthquakes and sea shocks!" "Blood-devouring beads can absorb the blood of the target, and can also rely on the power of absorbing blood Recover my injuries!" "Xuanyuan Sword itself is also very sharp!" "There are also vibration gold gloves that can be used as a small shield!"

"There are also instruments of technological products that can use infinite gems as energy sources to provide a strong protective barrier!" "Let me think about it, is there anything missing."

"By the way, there are also spirit stones that don't know what to do in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury, and dragon veins that gather the power of luck?"

Luo Hang stretched out his fingers one by one, taking stock of the abilities he possessed, chattering non-stop!

However, Max next to him was already dumbfounded.

Looking at Luo Hang in astonishment, his eyes were already dumbstruck!

Originally, I thought that the five volumes of heavenly scriptures were scary enough, but I didn't expect that Luo Hang's inventory would be endless?

It's like, a just-needed person who hasn't bought a house yet, just sighed how big your villa is!

Then what?He will give you an inventory, there are four other villas next to it!

Then went on to take inventory, there were several suites there, and there was an office building here, and the endless inventory was endless!

Let me ask you, what is the mood of this listener?

That's how Max feels now!

Versailles! ?

If it is really just a simple inventory, it can really be said that the other party is in Versailles!

But now, after talking about so many places, the idea of ​​Versailles really can't rise!

After all, the gap is too big, the gap between heaven and earth makes people feel like they don't even have the qualifications for Versailles!

"Okay, Mr. Luo Hang, don't talk about it, what kind of ability you have mastered, I guess you can't count it yourself."

"Maybe you have to meet a certain time before you can remember that you have such an ability?"

"For example, when you need to resurrect people now, did you realize that you still have the ability to resurrect others?"

Waving his hand, he stopped Luo Hang's thoughts of continuing to take inventory, Max said dumbfoundedly!

Yes, there are too many real estate properties, and I can't even take stock of them?

You have to wait until you pass by a certain neighborhood before you suddenly remember that you still have real estate here! ?

"No, you're wrong, I have mastered three ways to revive others!" Luo Hang said to Max with a serious look on his face!


Hearing Luo Hang's words, Max was speechless, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly!

Sorry, I have no experience!

I said you walked to the community 223 and found that you still have a property in this community, right?

But in fact, there are three places! ?

Does poverty limit my imagination?

This is really a sense of sight that poverty limits my imagination!

"Stop chatting, today, we can't continue chatting, the gap is too big!" Shaking his head, Max felt that he couldn't continue chatting!

If we continue talking, my heart will not be able to take it anymore!

Bringing the dead back to life, with such an ability, I was already dumbfounded, but?With such abilities, Luo Hang said that he has three kinds?

How can we continue talking today?

Hearing Max's words, the corners of Luo Hang's mouth raised slightly!

I have three abilities to bring the dead back to life, which is actually not bragging!

The resurrection ability of the Sacred Heart Art is a kind of resurrection ability; the eye of reincarnation itself also has the ability of resurrection; finally, the reincarnation of the dirty soil is also a kind of resurrection ability!

From this point of view, the ability to bring the dead back to life itself has three kinds, isn't it a very honest answer?

However, at this time, Max had already made up his mind not to pay attention to Luo Hang, and looked at the astronaut next to him!

At this time, the astronaut next to him has also recovered his mind.

At this moment, he was looking at Luo Hang in a daze.

He also heard the conversation between Luo Hang and Max just now, and he naturally listened to Luo Hang's inventory!

"Hello, sir, I'm an agent of the national security department, Max, I want to ask, did you die in an attack on the moon!?" Focusing on the astronauts, Max Open your mouth and ask!

"Yes, we were indeed attacked!" Hearing this, the astronaut nodded!

"So, who is the murderer?" Then, Max continued to ask!

"It's a transforming robot. It originally looked like a spaceship, flew directly to the moon, and then turned into a huge robot!" When the astronaut spoke, his face was still full of shock!

"It's Megatron!" Luo Hang's heart skipped a beat when he heard that Transformers' original form was a spaceship.

Chapter 381: Resurrecting the Natural Enemy

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