Optimus Prime's eyes widened, he stared at Yu Tiandi in front of him, and in the same way, Yu Tiandi also looked at himself!

However, before Optimus Prime could speak, suddenly, Yu Tiandi turned around and ran towards the distance!

"Wait..." Seeing this scene, Optimus Prime naturally shouted loudly and chased after him.

Even though he saw him, Yu Tiandi turned around and ran away, this behavior surprised Optimus Prime!

However, now that he saw it, Optimus Prime of course wanted to ask clearly!

Shouting, the two Transformers robots, one behind the other, ran towards the distance, and soon ran into a deserted mountain forest!

"Yu Tiandi, I know you are nearby, come out, you saw me, why are you hiding!"

In the forest, Optimus Prime shouted loudly!

His eyes looked around, but the surrounding trees were very dense. In this dense forest, the natural enemy must be lost!

"Optimus Prime, long time no see!"

After Optimus Prime shouted a few times, immediately, a figure came out from the dense forest, and said hello to Optimus Prime!

"Natural Enemy, it really is you!? Are you really still alive!?"

Looking at the familiar figure deep in his memory, Optimus Prime said!

"No, to be more precise, I have been resurrected!" Hearing what Optimus Prime said, Yu Tiandi said!

"Resurrection (bcfj)!? How did you resurrect!?" Hearing this, Optimus Prime was slightly taken aback!

Optimus Prime knew that the source of the fire was in Luo Hang's hands.

Moreover, as far as I know, Luo Hang has never been in contact with Yu Tiandi, so how did he come back to life?

"As the leader of the Autobots, in addition to the fire source being able to revive me, there is also the leader module!" Yu Tiandi said!

"The leader module? Well, no matter what, it's a good thing that you can be resurrected!" Optimus Prime thought for a while, then said indifferently!

Yes, it would be a good thing if he could be resurrected. It doesn't matter how he was resurrected!

"Optimus Prime, now you are the leader of the Autobots, and I am also the leader of the Autobots, even the leader module has been integrated by me, do you really think it is a good thing if I come back!?"

Yu Tiandi stared at Optimus Prime and asked!

"Of course it's a good thing. If you can come back, I'm willing to hand over the position of leader of the Autobots to you!" Optimus Prime said without the slightest hesitation!


Hearing what Optimus Prime said, Yu Tiandi nodded slightly, and then said: "At this moment, don't you want to ask, who resurrected me with the leader module!?"

"Uh, that's right, who used the leader module to resurrect you!?" After listening to the reminder from Natural Enemy, Optimus Prime followed suit and asked with a nod!

Indeed, the person who can get the leader module and even revive the natural enemy should not be an ordinary person! ?

"He is right behind you now!" Yu Tiandi followed up!

Hearing this, Optimus Prime turned around to look, and another huge figure came out of the dense forest!

And seeing this figure walking out, Optimus Prime was completely dumbfounded: "Megatron!?"

Yes, the person who appeared behind Optimus Prime was actually Megatron.

This shocked Optimus Prime!


At this moment, Optimus Prime's chest was suddenly pierced by a sharp blade.

He looked down at his chest, although only half of it was exposed.

However, Optimus Prime clearly recognized that this sharp blade is exactly the weapon to defend against natural enemies!

"Why, why, you, why..." Optimus Prime's electronic eyes flashed, and the voice in his mouth weakened obviously, he asked in disbelief!

yeah why?

Both himself and Yu Tiandi are Autobots, and they are both the leaders of the Autobots. They have good personal relationships, as well as teachers and friends.

However, at this time, the natural enemy attacked him from behind?

Moreover, Yu Tiandi actually got involved with Megatron?

This made Optimus Prime find it incomprehensible, even incredible!

Why is this so?

Why did Yu Natural Enemy get together with the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron! ?

"Sorry, I am the leader of the Autobots now, but you are also the leader of the Autobots, so you must die, because the Autobots only need to listen to one person's voice!"

Standing behind Optimus Prime, Yu Tiandi said!

As Yu Tiandi's voice fell, his weapon was drawn back again!

And Optimus Prime's figure couldn't support it at all, and fell down.

Then, the breath on his body quickly dissipated!

"Dead, Optimus Prime is finally dead!" Seeing Optimus Prime's death, Megatron was overjoyed and felt very happy!

Of course, he couldn't help being in such a mood!

After all, as the leaders of Autobots and Decepticons, the battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron can be said to be in full swing, and the two sides are even more like fire and water!

Now, seeing Optimus Prime finally killed with his own eyes, Megatron is naturally in a very good mood!

"Alas..." Compared to Megatron, Yu Tiandi sighed silently while looking at Optimus Prime's body.

After all, they are all Autobots, and they have a good personal relationship. Although they did it by themselves, this is indeed what Yu Tiandi wants to see!

It was a commemoration of Optimus Prime's death. Standing beside him, he saw with his own eyes that Optimus Prime's aura had completely disappeared. Yu Tiandi followed suit, digging a big hole beside him, and buried Optimus Prime's body in it!

Megatron next to him watched quietly, didn't say anything, and didn't do anything!

Although he was in the same position as fire and water in his lifetime, he is already dead. If Yu Tiandi wants to bury him properly, Megatron will not stop him!

In this way, after seeing Megatron's body put down with his own eyes, it was slowly buried by the soil.

After stopping for a while, Yu Tiandi reminisced for a while, then cheered up again, and said: "Now, Optimus Prime is dead, and I am the leader of the Autobots, so it's time for us to start the second step of the plan." !"

"Yes, for the future of Cybertron!" Megatron said with a nod.

Immediately, the two left the dense forest and started to carry out the second step of the plan that had been made long ago!

On the other hand, Luo Hang has been staying at his home these days, practicing hard!

Of course, it's impossible to really retreat for several years like in the myths and legends, right?

Therefore, under the extreme stillness, I will still let the bumblebee drive me to buy some necessities of life!

On this day, feeling that a lot of daily necessities were almost ready, Luo Hang sat in the cab of the Hornet again.

Luo Hang didn't need to say anything more, the bumblebee started on its own, and as usual, it sped towards the nearest supermarket!

Because Luohang's house is very remote, even the nearest supermarket takes about an hour to go back and forth!

There is no need to worry about the situation at home. The robot transformed by Tongtian is still at home. Who else would dare to steal at home?

After Luo Hang left, Tongtian also lay quietly on the lawn in the yard, taking a sunbath, feeling very comfortable all over his body!

It was originally transformed by a machine that collects star energy, although Tongtian did not have the ability to activate itself.

However, even so, when the sun's rays shone on his body, Tongtian still felt very comfortable.

A trace of energy is constantly pouring into his body!


However, when Tongtian was lying on the lawn very comfortably, suddenly, Tongtian could clearly hear the sound of heavy footsteps!

Hearing this voice, Tongtian opened his eyes.

I saw a very tall robot walking towards me!

"You are!?"

Looking at the robot walking over, Tong Tian asked in surprise.

"The leader of the Autobots, the natural enemy!" The robot who came over said, directly revealing his identity. .

Chapter 383: Luo Hang's Family Has Been Destroyed

Days passed by day by day.

These days, in the barracks, the cultivation atmosphere of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is getting better and better.

More and more soldiers are able to comprehend the first-level exercises of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!

This also gave great confidence to the soldiers in the barracks, and even the president and ministers!

Sure enough, this practice of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is suitable for all human beings!

Wait and see, waiting for more and more people to cultivate, and the level of cultivation is higher, and nothing will happen.

This practice of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao can be promoted to the whole world!

At that time, a hundred years later, a thousand years later, I will become a super great man who changed the history of mankind!

For such a situation, whether it is the president or the ministers, they secretly yearn for it~!

"Okay, now, there are more than 100 soldiers who have successfully cultivated. Judging from their conditions, this method of cultivation can really be extended to the whole world-!"

After receiving a report from the military instructor on his recent training progress, the president had a joyful smile on his face, and said to the minister next to him-!

"Not only this, Mr. President, but also the results of Hank's blood analysis, take a look!"

The minister next to him took out a document and sent it to the president!

"What does this document say?"

The president took this document by chance, looked at it, and said that he couldn't understand some words about the cycle of synapse and cell decay speed!

"According to the test by the top genetic engineer of the Academy of Sciences, the current Hank's cell lifespan has increased by about 10% compared to the normal time!"

The minister reported the specific situation on this document to the minister in easy-to-understand words!

"That is to say..." Hearing this, the president probably understood what was going on, staring at the minister seriously and asked!

"Yes, in order to verify whether Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao has the effect of prolonging life, all soldiers have collected their blood samples before practicing!"

"After comparing before and after, Hanke's blood test results show that his lifespan has increased by 10%."

"As for other soldiers, as long as they have achieved success in practicing Taiji Xuanqing Dao, depending on the level of their cultivation, their lifespan will increase to a certain extent!"

The minister nodded and said!

"It seems that the cultivation of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, as the cultivation continues to deepen, the life span will become longer and longer. There is nothing wrong with this!"

Hearing this, Mr. President also showed a look of joy on his face!

"Judging from the comparison of the tests of the soldiers, at least this point is correct!" The minister nodded and said.

At this time, the minister and the president are convinced that Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao can really increase life expectancy!

In this way, it is enough to prove that Luo Hang's previous description of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is indeed true!

Relying on cultivation, human beings can obtain supernatural powers, and even prolong their lifespan?

"Mr. President, I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it..."

At this moment, the minister seemed hesitant to speak.

"Say it!" the president nodded.

"Do you think that, looking at the entire history of mankind, the speed of technological development in the past hundred years is really too exaggerated!?" The minister asked!

Hearing this, Mr. President showed a look of hesitation on his face.

So, after pondering for a moment, he nodded and said: "From the perspective of the history of human development, this is indeed the case. In the past hundred years, whether it is energy, genetic engineering, quantum mechanics, spaceflight, etc., the development of science is changing with each passing day. , seems to have completed the process of a scientific big bang!"

"However, from Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, we can see that we humans are a huge treasure. At least if we learn Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, the life span of our human beings can generally be increased several times!?"

The minister followed suit and put forward his own idea again!

These words made the president's face change slightly.

He probably understood what the minister meant!

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