Helpless, Luo Hang could only disarm his ability of multiple shadow clones.

These shadow clones scattered in the sea all dissipated with the white smoke, only Luo Hang's main body was still staying on the deserted island!

After taking back his shadow clone, but still not finding Tongtian's whereabouts, Luo Hang's face became very ugly!

However, a thousand shadow clones scattered around and searched for a long time. Yu Jianfei's search covered a huge area, but he still couldn't find Tongtian's whereabouts.

This made Luo Hang helpless, but also really had the feeling of seeing a ghost!

Yes, even if it is a Transformers robot, it still has the means to fight.

However, someone actually came to this deserted island and directly captured him?

In the original book of Legend of Sword and Fairy, who has such ability! ?

In fact, without a good comparison of the martial value in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, it is difficult for Luo Hang to be sure!

"Master!?" Seeing that the sky was getting dark and the person he should be looking for was still not found, Li Xiaoyao continued to look at Luo Hang with questioning eyes!

"Forget it, let's do this first, let's go back and talk about it first!"

I've tried my best to find it, since I can't find it, there's no point in staying here, Luo Hang shook his head and said!

No matter who shot Tongtian, since he took Tongtian away on purpose, he must have no intention of killing Tongtian, so it can only be considered in the long run!

In addition, even if Tongtian is dead, as long as he is not completely dismembered and smashed, he can use the power of the fire source to resurrect him!

Therefore, the matter of Tongtian has come to an end for the time being, and we will slowly search for it later!

After making up his mind, Luo Hang returned to the inn again from the isolated island overseas.

With a wave of his hand, Luo Hangxuan was about to close the magic portal!

After seeing Luo Hang's methods with her own eyes, Aunt Li naturally believed that Luo Hang was a god!

Therefore, I am very enthusiastic about Luohang's hospitality!

Aunt Li did the cooking herself, prepared a few small dishes, and took out a pot for a long time to entertain Luo Hang!

Aunt Li's attitude reminded Luo Hang of his parents' enthusiasm for tutors in his previous life.

Isn't it just to let the tutors do their best?

Now, I can be regarded as Li Xiaoyao's tutor?

Knowing what Aunt Li meant, Luo Hang didn't want to let Aunt Li's enthusiasm go to waste!

After drinking and eating, Luo Hang came to the small courtyard of the inn and taught Li Xiaoyao about the method of cultivation in person!

The first level of Taiji Xuanqing Dao is entraining qi!

As the name suggests, it directly draws the vitality between the heaven and the earth and blends into itself!

Luo Hang briefly explained to Li Xiaoyao the things to pay attention to in entraining air, and then Li Xiaoyao sat down cross-legged!

Luo Hang's spiritual thoughts moved slightly, arousing the vitality between the heaven and the earth, and gathered beside Li Xiaoyao, which could be regarded as assisting his cultivation!

If the stage of entraining air is compared to the hunting of chicks.

Then, what Luo Hang did was to drive all the food to the chick so that it could master the means of hunting as soon as possible!

With Luo Hang's assistance, coupled with Li Xiaoyao's own aptitude, soon, Luo Hang could feel that a trace of vitality began to integrate into Li Xiaoyao's body!

This made Luo Hang's face reveal a look of astonishment!

Has Li Xiaoyao already mastered the trick so quickly?

Although it has its own auxiliary function, but this is too exaggerated! ?

Although Luo Hang raised his cultivation base to the level of Yin God and Yang God in one breath when he practiced by himself.

But that's because I have a very high starting point after all, but what about Li Xiaoyao?

Got the hang of it so quickly?

Is it difficult to practice Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao?

It can be seen from the fact that Zhang Xiaofan has only reached the fourth level after ten years of training!

"So? What is a genius? This is a real genius!" Seeing that Li Xiaoyao has mastered the trick, he has become more proficient in entraining Qi, Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart!

After practicing overnight, Li Xiaoyao didn't feel tired as the sun rose three poles, on the contrary, he felt energetic!

This method of mobilizing the vitality of the world to feed back to himself made Li Xiaoyao feel very happy all over his body!

"Master, I, have I reached the first level? It seems that the cultivation of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is not difficult!"

Opening his eyes, Li Xiaoyao said to Luo Hang in surprise!

"You can only be regarded as having initially mastered the method of entraining qi, not as having learned it."

"Next, you have to accumulate vitality well. After reaching a certain stage, refine these vitality, and set foot on the second stage of Qi training, and you will be considered to have fully mastered the first layer!"

Luo Hang vetoed it, making Li Xiaoyao not complacent!

"Okay, Master, I understand!" Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao nodded heavily, and the smile on his face faded away!


However, at this point, Li Xiaoyao seemed to have thought of something, and with a smile on his face, he asked Luo Hang, "Master, how did you progress when you practiced Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao?"

"Me? I remember that I was in retreat for half a month, or how long did it take? My cultivation has reached the fourth level of the Yin God Realm of the Upper Purity Realm!" Luo Hang replied casually!


Li Xiaoyao: It's a blow, this is the real blow!

Just now I thought I had mastered the Qi-entraining stage overnight, and thought I was a genius.

Now, hearing that Luo Hang had reached the Yin God Realm in half a month, Li Xiaoyao just felt shocked!

It's like, after a hard day, earning 1000 yuan, I still feel very happy, and then ask the person next to me how it is?

Who would have known that the person next to him said that he made [-] million in half a month?

I was a little happy just now, how can I be happy now, the whole person has been beaten to pieces, right?

"Brother Hang is really kind to Li Xiaoyao, he even helps him gather energy and help him get started!"

"I don't know what Li Xiaoyao's aptitude is? This method of cultivation requires the most aptitude!"

"It took me three months to cultivate to the first level, and it took me a year to reach the third level!"

"Upstairs, I think you broke through the third floor in Versailles in one year? Are you showing off?"

"Sorry, I'm really showing off!"

"Wait, this Li Xiaoyao has already started? This is impossible!?"

"Even with Brother Hang's help, a lot of heaven and earth energy has been gathered around, but it is by no means such an easy task to get started!?" "This is a bit explosive, Li Xiaoyao's qualifications Isn’t it a bit scary!?”

"It's a pity that he is so inflated that he actually asked about Brother Hang's practice. Brother Hang's starting point is different from him. Isn't this looking for abuse?" Do you think you are an idiot?"

"Brother Hang, this is really bad. He's such a top genius, he's blown away his confidence!" Everyone, Li Xiaoyao!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, in fact, many people in the live broadcast room were curious and looking forward to seeing what was so special about Li Xiaoyao that Luo Hang agreed to accept him as his apprentice! ?

Now, the viewers in the live broadcast room all know it.

However, he was also frightened.

In one night, Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao started?

Let me ask, most of the more than one billion people in the Dragon Kingdom are already practicing Tai Chi and Xuan Qing Dao. Is there anyone who can do what Li Xiaoyao did, and get started in one night?

Even with Luo Hang's assistance, this is a bit scary!

Li Xiaoyao's aptitude is not one in a hundred, one in a thousand, one in a thousand! ?

It can be said that one in a billion may not be able to find one, right?

It's no wonder that Luo Hang is willing to accept him as a disciple with this kind of training qualification that seems to be a cheat, and now the audience of the Dragon Kingdom understands!Although Li Xiaoyao is a gangster and a scumbag... But his aptitude is really against the sky! .

Chapter 396: High Alcohol in the Sword World

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed!

It can only be said that he is really a super genius, Tai Chi Xuan Qingdao, Li Xiaoyao is already at the peak of Qi training.

From Luo Hang's point of view, in a few days, maybe Li Xiaoyao will be able to break through to the third floor!

Such a speed of cultivation made Luo Hang secretly sigh with emotion!

If only I had such talent!

It's just that Li Xiaoyao has always aimed at himself. He feels that he is a mediocre talent, and his improvement in strength is too slow!

After all, I haven't broken through to the third floor in half a month, but my master broke through to the Yinshen realm in half a month!

Aunt Li had also been in the world back then, so she also knew that under Luo Hang's teaching, Li Xiaoyao's strength has improved very quickly recently!

In addition to the cultivation methods of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, Luo Hang also taught Li Xiaoyao the Holy Spirit Sword Technique recently, which gave him the means to fight!

After all, Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is just a simple cultivation method, of course there are still means of fighting!

And Li Xiaoyao once again shocked everyone in the Longguo live broadcast room with his aptitude!

The holy spirit sword technique, this is one of the top sword techniques in Fengyun World, especially the last sword 23, which pushes this sword technique to the point where it is the strongest sword technique in Fengyun World!

Of course, not just anyone can practice this top-notch swordsmanship!

However, under Luo Hang's teaching, just watching Luo Hang play it a few times, and explaining the key points of the Holy Spirit Sword Technique, Li Xiaoyao will be able to play it in style!

Moreover, the speed of mastering swordsmanship is very fast!

This kind of growth rate stunned everyone in the Longguo studio!

"So, the existence of Li Xiaoyao is simply born for swordsmanship!?"

Seeing that Li Xiaoyao's swordsmanship of the holy spirit has become impressive in just a few nights, even Luo Hang was secretly shocked in his heart!

Although regarding Li Xiaoyao's qualifications, Luo Hang already had guesses in his heart.

However, watching this scene with my own eyes, I still feel very shocked!

This kind of cultivation aptitude is simply frighteningly high!

In this way, in another short period of about ten days, Li Xiaoyao has completely mastered the sword 22 in the sword technique of the holy spirit.

Only the final sword 23 got stuck.

Perhaps it was because his own mental strength was not enough, so it was difficult to comprehend the move of Jian 23!

In addition, it is worth mentioning that after these ten days or so, Li Xiaoyao's cultivation has already broken through to the third level of the Jade Qing Realm.

The only thing left is to raise the cultivation base to the level of the fourth Jade Qing Realm, and then you will be able to display the sword control technique!

On this day, Li Xiaoyao stepped on mysterious steps, and a fine steel long sword was incomparably flexible in his hand.

Finally, the sword 22 was cast, and when he raised his hand, dozens of sword qi came out.

This dense sword energy swept across and directly smashed a boulder to pieces!

With the long sword back in its sheath, Li Xiaoyao had a happy smile on his face seeing the damage caused by his sword skills!

For Li Xiaoyao, who likes to dream of being a hero since he was a child, he is naturally very happy that his martial arts can reach such a state now!

"Okay, let's stop here for today's practice, come to an end"|! "

Luo Hang looked calm, and said to Li Xiaoyao!

"Okay, master!" Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao's face showed joy, and he nodded!

Aunt Li, who was next to her, came over at this time, shouting for Luo Hang and Li Xiaoyao to eat!

"Auntie, you actually stewed a chicken today, your food has suddenly become so good!"

Sitting at the dinner table, Li Xiaoyao picked up a chicken leg for Luo Hang and Aunt Li respectively, and at the same time, said in amazement!

"A few guests came today, and the price is very generous, so I just stewed a chicken. You are practicing martial arts now, you have to eat well, otherwise, you will hurt your body!"

Aunt Li returned the chicken legs to Li Xiaoyao, and explained earnestly!

"Okay, Auntie, I understand!" Seeing that Auntie returned the chicken leg to him, Li Xiaoyao said without being too polite, nodding his head!

"By the way, there are still guests coming to this inn? How generous?" Luo Hang glanced at Aunt Li and said in surprise!

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