"I, did I hear something wrong just now? This world actually has the ability to travel through time and space!?"

"I also thought I heard it wrong, but I didn't expect it to be true!?"

"Although I have known for a long time that in this world with gods and demons, the force value must be very high, but traveling through time and space, this is a bit scary!"

"I completely understand now! No wonder Brother Hang is willing to spend a month in Yuhang Town after accepting Li Xiaoyao, teaching Li Xiaoyao to practice here. It turns out that Li Xiaoyao actually shoulders the burden of time travel Is it the secret of time and space!?"

"If Brother Hang can obtain such abilities, whether it is to hand over such abilities to the country or keep Brother Hang himself, this will be a great gain!?"

"Brother Hang, other resources are not important, this ability to travel through time and space must be firmly held in your hands!"

"The ability to travel through time and space has already appeared, my aviation brother is awesome!"

Longguo live broadcast room, this time is really bombed!

It had been a month since Luo Hang stayed in Yuhang Town and taught Li Xiaoyao to practice, but the old god was still with him, and he had no intention of collecting resources at all.

This made many viewers secretly whisper in their hearts!

Could it be that Luo Hang has forgotten his original purpose? ?

But now, these viewers understand that they are thinking too much.

Luo Hang never forgot.

Moreover, he stayed in Yuhang Town, beside Li Xiaoyao, must be because of his ability to travel through time and space! 12?

Although I don't know what form the so-called time travel is.

However, no matter what, any other gains are not worth mentioning in front of the ability to travel through time and space!

Not to mention at this time, the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room were all blown up.

At this time, in the Yun Lai Yun Qu restaurant, Li Xiaoyao and Jiu Jianxian were equally dumbfounded when they heard Luo Hang's time-traveling words!

They looked at each other, with expressions of disbelief and astonishment on their faces!

"Master, you, tell me carefully, what did you just say? You said time travel!?"

In this way, after being silent for a while, Li Xiaoyao couldn't help it anymore, his eyes widened, and he asked Luo Hang in surprise!

"That's right, it's time travel!" Luo Hang nodded and admitted!

"Master, do you mean that I can travel through time and space? In the future, I will have such an ability!?"

Li Xiaoyao followed suit and asked Luo Hang in surprise!

"No, this is not your ability, more precisely, it should be the ability of Empress Nuwa!" Luo Hang shook his head, then said seriously!

"Nuwa Empress..." Li Xiaoyao and Jiu Jianxian were even more surprised when they heard Luo Hang throw out the name of Nuwa Empress!

real or fake?What kind of existence is Nuwa Empress?This is the real ancient god, right?

"So it's like this!?" At this time, Jiu Jianxian also suddenly realized.

Looking at Li Xiaoyao, he said, "It turns out that the masked guy was actually you!"

"Hey, travel through time and space, you believe such shocking news so easily!?" Hearing Jiu Jianxian's words, Li Xiaoyao looked at him strangely!

"Yes, I do believe it!" Jiu Jianxian nodded decisively!

"Why!?" Li Xiaoyao asked strangely!

yeah why?

When normal people hear such news, shouldn't they be skeptical at the first time, right? ?

"Because, I feel disgusted by the looks of you kid, and this feeling can't be fooled!" Jiu Jianxian replied, telling his own reasons!

When these words came out, Li Xiaoyao's face became a little ugly.

What kind of reason is this?Just because I didn't like myself and felt that I was a little annoying, so I believed what Master said! ?

In any case, regarding the reason why Sword Immortal Jiu knew himself in advance, the master explained it.

At this time, Li Daoyao looked at Luo Hang again and said, "I already know the reason why he knew me in advance, but what about you? Master, how did you know me in advance?" existence!?"

"and many more……"

Before Luo Hang could answer, the Sword Immortal Jiu interrupted, and said, "I still don't quite understand, since that guy from back then was this brat, then why did this brat specifically tell me to stop at this time? Don't teach him martial arts!?"

Jiu Jianxian doesn't quite understand, or in other words, seeing Li Xiaoyao in front of him has become Luo Hang's disciple, Jiu Jianxian feels that he can't understand! "It's actually the same as your imagination!"

Glancing at Jiu Jianxian, Luo Hang probably understood what he meant, and then said, "Actually, the person who became Li Xiaoyao's master should have been you, but because I appeared, it affected me. The development of things!"

"There's something wrong with what you said!"

Hearing this, Jiu Jianxian stared at Luo Hang strangely, and said, "If you are this brat's master now, then he won't specifically tell me not to come here in the future!" "So, this is The famous grandfather paradox!"

"So, from the fact that you will appear here, it can be seen that the so-called time travel should be a parallel universe, not time travel in the true sense!" Luo Hang nodded in agreement!

"Parallel universes!?" Jiu Jianxian looked at Luo Hang in surprise, with a look of exploration in his eyes.

Obviously, I don't quite understand what this so-called parallel universe means!

Luo Hang didn't intend to explain any more. After all, for a cultivator, explaining the concept of parallel universes is indeed a bit difficult to understand!

There is a good saying, don't talk to Xia Chong about ice, probably this is what it means! ? "Master..."

At this time, Li Xiaoyao also interjected, with a look of amazement on his face, pointing to Jiu Jianxian and asked: "You mean, my original master should be him!?" "That's right!" Luo Hang nodded, agree!

"This is really scary!" Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao's face became very ugly! "Hey, brat, what do you mean by that!?"

Seeing Li Xiaoyao's reaction, Jiu Jianxian next to him couldn't take it anymore, and said to Li Xiaoyao angrily! "Don't you want to know why I knew about your existence in advance?"

Not intending to entangle this topic, Luo Hang followed suit and said to Li Xiaoyao as if changing the subject!

"Yes, Master, why did you know about my existence in advance!?" Nodding his head, Li Xiaoyao also asked Luo Hang curiously!

"It's very simple, because I have the ability to calculate the past and future. I have already calculated your past and future!" Luo Hang followed suit.

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky!

From the first world, pretending to be a physicist, Luo Hang is now very familiar with this trick!

"Ah!? Calculate the past and the future!?" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Li Xiaoyao looked at him in surprise!

Immediately, he nodded in agreement: "Indeed, master, you are a god, with such abilities, it makes sense!" "Master!?"

Not to mention what kind of thoughts Li Xiaoyao had in mind, at this time, Jiu Jianxian looked at Luo Hang in surprise, and said, "You kid, you are actually proficient in physiognomy?" "Well, you know something!" Hang nodded, not denying it!

"Is it so powerful? No wonder this kid said that your sword control skills are just the tip of the iceberg of your many abilities!" Hearing this, Jiu Jianxian said to Luo Hang with some doubts and some amazement!

"How? Daoist Mo Yixi, is there anything you want to know?" Luo Hang looked at Jiu Jianxian and asked!

"Listen to you, it seems like you can answer me whatever I ask casually!" Luo Hang's words made Jiu Jianxian a little bit dumbfounded.

I just think his words are a little too arrogant.

"I can only say that there are really not many things I don't know!" Luo Hang nodded, but he didn't mean to be modest.

237 At the same time, continue to look at Jiu Jianxian with searching eyes!

"Me? I don't have much to worry about. I don't seem to want to know anything!"

Seeing Luo Hang's really confident appearance, Jiu Jianxian pondered for a moment, shook his head and said!

"Wait..." It's just that, when he said this, he seemed to think of something.

Jiu Jianxian then asked Luo Hang: "Since you know the future, can you tell me whether the future me can enter the Tao!?" After thinking about it, Jiu Jianxian felt that he really had nothing to know something!

The only thing I still have some concerns about is the concern about entering the Tao!

Back then, after the Juggernaut achieved Taoism, he pushed his beloved woman into the arms of others just for the sake of the so-called Tao.

This made Jiu Jianxian always brood, it was hard to understand!

Taking this opportunity, Jiu Jianxian also wanted to ask if his future self would enter the Tao?

Moreover, after entering the Tao, can I understand what Brother Juggernaut did?

"You!?" Hearing what Jiu Jianxian said, Luo Hang stared at him.

Immediately, he shook his head and said: "According to my calculation, it is impossible for you to enter the Tao!"

"So, am I doomed not to enter Taoism in this life!?" Hearing Luo Hang's answer, Jiu Jianxian looked a little disappointed, and whispered in his mouth!

Originally, I was very much looking forward to attaining the Tao and the state of being as good as water.

Didn't expect that what I finally waited for was such a result? ?

"Then I have nothing to know!" So, after a moment of silence, Jiu Jianxian shook his head and said! "No, I think you should have something to ask!"

However, Jianjiu Sword Immortal didn't seem to want to know anything, but Luo Hang said it!

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, Luo Hang continued: "At least, you should ask carefully about your daughter, and ask clearly!"

Chapter 401: Li Xiaoyao: Why didn't I know I was married?


Hearing this, Jiu Jianxian looked at Luo Hang in astonishment, shook his head, and said, "Are you talking nonsense? I am a cultivator, and I am all alone. How can I have any children!?"

"On the wedding night of the Witch Queen, you got drunk and had sex, that night..."

Luo Hang didn't explain too much, just quietly looked at Jiu Jianxian and said!

As soon as these words came out, Jiu Jianxian's face changed drastically!

What happened that night, only I and that woman know!

Does Luo Hang in front of him actually know such a secret?

"Luo Hang, you, your calculation ability is too scary!"

It seems that his secret is not a secret anymore, Jiu Jianxian said to Luo Hang in surprise!

"How, do you want to know about your daughter's news!?" With a slight smile, Luo Hang followed up and asked Jiu Jianxian, bringing the topic back to Jiu Jianxian's daughter!

"You mean, at the beginning, at the beginning, so, I had a daughter!?"

Now that the conversation has reached this point, how could Jiu Jianxian not understand Luo Hang's thoughts?Asked Luo Hang in surprise!

"Not bad!" Luo Hang nodded, admitting it!

Although Jiu Jianxian's soul is unrestrained and unrestrained!

However, when he suddenly heard that he had a daughter, Jiu Jianxian still felt very surprised.

For a moment, the whole person was stupid!

I actually have a daughter?

For so many years, I really didn't know anything about it!

What is your own daughter like?

What do you look like?

How is your personality?

Most importantly, has she been happy all these years?are you happy?

Alas, she hasn't had a father for so many years, so she must not be happy, right?

Jiu Jianxian's soul is unrestrained, but now that he has learned that he has a daughter, Jiu Jianxian has experienced the feeling of worrying for the first time!

This kind of worry is not the same worry about the love between men and women as he had for Queen Wu back then.

It's about worrying about your relatives and your children!

"Luo Hang, do you know about my daughter's situation? Please tell me!" So, after a moment of silence, Jiu Jianxian asked Luo Hang seriously!

Hearing what Jiu Jianxian said, Luo Hang was not surprised.

After all, any normal person would want to know what happened to his daughter after hearing the news, right?

Wine Sword Immortal is of course no exception!

"That woman back then, you should know who it is, right? The holy lady of Nanzhao Kingdom!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to Jiu Jianxian!

Although Jiu Jianxian didn't want to talk about this topic, but since the conversation got to this point, of course he couldn't escape, so he nodded! "You also know what it's like for this woman to get pregnant out of wedlock."

"When Aunt Sheng became pregnant, she didn't think about killing her child, but decided to give birth to her!"

"However, a woman who is not married and is a holy aunt of Nanzhao Kingdom, if she tells the world that she has a child, how can she survive! |?" "Therefore, the holy aunt secretly gave birth to the child After that, he announced to the outside world that he had picked up an abandoned baby." "Then, in the name of master and apprentice, he kept this girl by his side!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and told Jiu Jianxian about the situation!

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