Luo Hang remembered this clearly!

Whether it was about Queen Wu Qing'er or Zhao Ling'er, the Juggernaut chose to stand by and watch, because this was the Tao!

but?In the original book, Li Xiaoyao successfully entered the Tao with love, and killed the leader of worshiping the moon with infinite love!

The tactic of entering the Tao with love even guided the desire for feelings in the heart of the Moon Worshiper!

Later, when Li Xiaoyao was walking on the road with his daughter in his arms, he met the Juggernaut!

Li Xiaoyao didn't say much, just said four words: "Do you understand?"

What does it mean?

In fact, Li Xiaoyao wanted to tell the Juggernaut that ruthless Taoism is Taoism, but love can also be Taoism. It is not necessary to sit by and watch the one you love die like him!

At that time, even the Juggernaut was infected by Li Xiaoyao's Tao, with tears in his eyes.

Yes, the Juggernaut understood, but it was too late to regret it!

It can be seen that sentient beings can enter the Tao.

Even, Li Xiaoyao's way can also affect the Lord of Worshiping the Moon and the Juggernaut!It's obvious!

If there was a choice, even if Luo Hang entered the Tao, he would choose Li Xiaoyao's kindness to enter the Tao!

The Juggernaut didn't speak, obviously Luo Hang's words had a big impact on him!

Since he practiced in Shushan, the idea of ​​entering Taoism has been deeply rooted in his mind!

Moreover, entering the Tao is the state of being good like water, and the principle of water benefiting all things without fighting is deeply imprinted in his bone marrow!

In the end, he succeeded, and he always believed that the way he pursued was correct!

But now, someone told me, in fact, besides my own way, is there any other way?Your own way of entering the Tao is not the only one! ?

The most important thing is that after it was his turn, the Juggernaut still felt that Luo Hang's words were reasonable!

This made the Juggernaut feel shocked for a moment, Jiujiu 237 didn't know what to say!

Looking at the appearance of the Juggernaut, Luo Hang understood in his heart that perhaps at this moment, he still believed that his ruthless way was the absolutely correct choice.

After all, he has never seen the so-called sentient way!

It's as if he's an adult and won't be obsessed with a candy anymore.

Therefore, I also believe that other adults will not be entangled in the same situation as a candy!

It can only be said that the limitations of a person's cognition prevent the Juggernaut from understanding what he said!

Looking at the Juggernaut's appearance, Luo Hang can roughly understand his current situation!

Therefore, after a moment of silence, Luo Hang asked, "You should still remember the catastrophe in Shushan that year, right? It was between Jiang Ming and Nu Yuan!"

"Of course I know!" Glancing at Luo Hang, although the Juggernaut was amazed that he knew about Shushan's century-old catastrophe, he still nodded and said!

"Jiang Ming's dead soul has actually been in the Demon Locking Tower all along, you know it too?" Luo Hang asked again!

"Yes, I know!" Juggernaut continued to nod!

"Then, how about I make a bet for you!?" Having said this, Luo Hang followed up!

"Bet? Tell me?" Hearing this, the Juggernaut looked at Luo Hang in surprise and asked!

"My bet is that from the beginning to the end, Jiang Ming's feelings for Nuyuan will not change a little bit, but in the end, he will be able to ascend to the Dao!"

"This..." Hearing what Luo Hang said, the Juggernaut's expression changed slightly!

Got Tao and ascended?Can Senior Brother Jiang Ming attain the Dao and Ascension?

Moreover, why can he still keep his feelings for Nuyuan in his heart?How can this be?

"How? Do you want to gamble?" Seeing that the Juggernaut didn't reply for a long time, Luo Hang asked!

"Then, what do you want!?" After a moment of silence, the Juggernaut asked!

"Everything, let's wait until our bet is decided!" Luo Hang continued.

So, after thinking for a moment, the Juggernaut nodded heavily: "That's all right, I bet you!".

Chapter 416: Eight Gates Dunjia Begins Permanently


The chakra visible to the naked eye erupted from Liu Jinyuan's body!

The powerful chakra made Liu Jinyuan's originally handsome and gentle face look fierce and violent!

Eight Dunjia, after a period of practice, Liu Jinyuan actually raised the Eight Dunjia to the level of the third door in one breath!

Mieko next to her was secretly surprised when she felt the chakra erupting from Liu Jinyuan's body!

Is this eight-door dunjia also the ability that Luo Hang obtained in the ninja world?

To be able to raise one's own chakra to such a level! ?

More importantly, Liu Jinyuan's cultivation speed was so fast that Mieko was dumbfounded!

After less than a month of practice, Liu Jinyuan's current strength has actually reached such a point?

If the eight doors of dunjia are opened, even I am not sure that I can defeat him!

His current chakra level is really shocking!

It's just that I have traveled through several worlds, and I have practiced for six or seven years, but I can't compare to others' one-month cultivation?

This situation really made Mieko feel like she was about to cry!

Is this genius?Is this true genius?

Hard work seems worthless in front of talent!

"Not bad, the eight doors of Dunjia can be opened to the third door, this kind of cultivation speed is really ridiculously fast!"

The shadow clone of Luo Hang next to him, seeing the chakra erupting from Liu Jinyuan, also nodded and said in admiration!

"Master Luo, the explosion of Chakra on this body is completely a sign that you can't fully control Chakra, and it just looks powerful." "Actually, this Chakra is wasting too much!"

"I still need to continue to work hard to control these violent chakras as soon as possible!"

"In addition, I think there is still a possibility of further optimization of these eight Dunjias!"

The blue chakra on his body burst out, and at the same time, Liu Jinyuan said!

Okay, so this is the high IQ type of genius?

Someone else's Eight Doors Dunjia has been opened to this point, maybe he is intoxicated by the sudden increase in strength and feels happy!

However, what Liu Jinyuan is concerned about is that in this state, the waste of chakra is too great!

In addition, is there any possibility of further optimization of the cultivation of Bamen Dunjia?

I have been practicing step by step, at least I have never thought about how to optimize the move of Bamen Dunjia!

"I'll think about it for the past two days, and if there's any progress, I'll let Mr. Luo know!"

In this way, after maintaining the open state of the third disciple's door for a while, Liu Jinyuan dissipated the eight-door Dunjia on his body and said!

Next, Liu Jinyuan continued his research.

Neither Luo Hang nor Mieko intended to disturb him!

To be honest, what kind of optimization will Liu Jinyuan, a high-IQ type of cultivation genius, have in his hands with Bamen Dunjia?

Luo Hang was also very curious and looking forward to it!

This kind of genius who seems to be a hacker, I don't know how far he will optimize the Bamen Dunjia?

So, after two days.

In the past two days, when Liu Jinyuan went to the place of fireworks, he just took a shadow clone to go!

Then, in the middle of the night, Liu Jinyuan found Luo Hang excitedly!

"Master Luo, I succeeded!" "Liu Jinyuan shouted excitedly to Luo Hang!

"Bamen Dunjia, you succeeded? How did you optimize it?" Luo Hang also understood Liu Jinyuan's meaning, and stared at him curiously and asked.

"Mr. Luo, you'd better come and feel it yourself, so that you can understand it better!" Liu Jinyuan said!

"Hey? Do you want to compete with me? It's pretty good, so give it a try!"

Hearing Liu Jinyuan's words, Luo Hang became even more interested, staring at Liu Jinyuan curiously and said!

Immediately, the two walked to an open space next to them, and stood facing each other!

"It's time to start, you should at least open the state of the eight-door dunjia first!? Otherwise, if you start, maybe you won't even have the chance to open it!"

Seeing that Liu Jinyuan was just standing there, and didn't mean to open the Eight Door Dunjia, Luo Hang reminded him!

"My Bamen Dunjia has always been open!" Hearing this, Liu Jinyuan replied!

"Ah!? It's been turned on all the time!?" Luo Hang was slightly taken aback, and looked at Liu Jinyuan in astonishment!

However, at this moment, Liu Jinyuan's figure moved, and he rushed towards Luo Hang at an extremely fast speed!

Luo Hang raised his hand to block Liu Jinyuan's punch!

The strength of this punch made Luo Hang's face change slightly!

From the strength of this punch, Luo Hang could clearly feel that Liu Jinyuan's punch was very powerful, definitely not the power he should have.

Moreover, in terms of speed, it is not what he should have now!

Without waiting for Luo Hang to think about anything else, Liu Jinyuan flashed his figure, came behind Luo Hang, and kicked Luo Hang again!

Luo Hang's shadow clone cheered up, facing Liu Jinyuan's attack, and responded seriously.

Whether it is strength or old enemy, Liu Jinyuan has reached a very advanced level!

Another kick landed on Luo Hang's blocking arms, and then Liu Jinyuan took the opportunity to do a backflip.

At the same time, when the person is still in mid-air, he has already made a mudra with both hands!

Then, he opened his mouth and blew towards Luo Hang: "Fire escape, the skill of fireball!"

A large area of ​​flames turned into a huge fireball, and pressed fiercely towards Luo Hang!

Seeing this, Luo Hang's shadow clone stepped back and hid!

When the flames dissipated, Luo Hang saw that a large pit with a diameter of six to seven meters had been burned on the ground, and his expression became much more serious.

At the same time, his face suddenly realized!

"Now, have you been able to fully control the chakra in the open state of the life gate!?" Luo Hang asked Liu Jinyuan!

Liu Jinyuan said before that the chakra explosion on his body can be seen by the naked eye, which is actually a sign that it is difficult to control the chakra, which will waste a lot of chakra!

And now?Liu Jinyuan looks no different from ordinary people. Obviously, the chakra in the open state of the life gate has been restrained, and there is no waste to explode again!

Moreover, at this time, Luo Hang understood what it meant that Liu Jinyuan's eight-door Dunjia had already been opened!

If he hadn't opened the Eight Door Dunjia, Liu Jinyuan's chakra amount would not have been so large.

Moreover, it is impossible for his strength and speed to be improved to this level!

"That's right, I've gotten used to Chakra in the open state of the life gate. After all, I'm in the open state of the life gate all the time now."

"It's like a person who can't swim. If you stay in the water all the time, it will be easier to learn to swim!"

Listening to Luo Hang's words, Liu Jinyuan nodded and said in agreement!

Luo Hang was shocked once again by saying this!

"Wait, what do you mean by opening the Eight-door Dunjia all the time!?"

Luo Hang looked at Liu Jinyuan in surprise, and probably understood what he meant, but he couldn't believe it!

"That's right, Mr. Luo, just as you imagined, I have already completed the optimization of the Bamen Dunjia."

"." Not only is the eight-door dunjia open, but the degree of damage to the body has become smaller. The most important thing is that the eight-door dunjia can always be open now, and there is no need to close it! "

Nodding his head, Liu Jinyuan's words confirmed Luo Hang's conjecture!

"This, is this an IQ-type cultivation genius? Bamen Dunjia has been optimized to this point!?"

From Liu Jinyuan's mouth, knowing the optimization of Bamen Dunjia clearly, Luo Hang was dumbfounded!

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