Struggling to get out of Liu Jinyuan's arms, Lin Yueru hurriedly said such a sentence, then turned and left!

Seeing the figure of his daughter leaving, Lin Tiannan didn't say anything.

It's just that, looking at Liu Jinyuan's eyes, there was a touch of amazement in his eyes.

"I didn't expect, Jin Yuan, besides your literary talent, your martial arts skills have reached such a level! These years, you have been hiding everyone very hard!"

"Forgive me, Uncle Biao. In fact, Jin Yuan only practiced martial arts recently, and he has never dabbled in it before!" Liu Jinyuan replied!

As soon as these words came out, Lin Tiannan was even more dumbfounded.

Liu Jinyuan's martial arts talent is so terrifying?

What I learned recently already possessed such a powerful strength?

"Okay, uncle is here to test you a few tricks, you should see clearly!"

After a moment of silence, Lin Tiannan stood up and jumped into the ring.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and a sword was automatically sucked into Lin Tiannan's palm!

"Uncle, I, how dare I fight with you!" Seeing Lin Tiannan make a move, Liu Jinyuan hurriedly backed away, and at the same time, said in his mouth!

"Stop talking nonsense, watch the move, see it clearly!"

Lin Tiannan didn't give Liu Jinyuan a chance to refuse, so he raised his sword and pointed towards Liu Jinyuan!

It is also the Qijue swordsmanship, but when Lin Tiannan performs it, it feels completely different from Lin Yueru when it is performed!

Under Lin Tiannan's attack, Liu Jinyuan didn't dare to fight back at all, and was forced to retreat!

Then, a sword qi slashed over.

Liu Jinyuan's figure was directly sent flying by this sword energy, and fell beside Luo Hang!

"You idiot, Master Lin wants to test whether your martial arts are good enough to protect Lin Yueru, and secondly, he also wants to teach you Qijue swordsmanship!"

Seeing Liu Jinyuan, who couldn't fight back, fall beside him, Luo Hang said something!

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Jinyuan's face changed slightly, and he was immediately overjoyed!

Mr. Luo's words, don't you mean that my uncle has the intention of agreeing with the marriage between himself and his cousin?

This is just the final test of yourself! ?

Thinking about it just now, my uncle asked me to pay attention to his swordsmanship twice, did he intend to teach him?

What is the true meaning of my uncle teaching me Qijue swordsmanship?Isn't this obvious?

"Master Luo, I'll take your sword and use it!"

After being reminded by Luo Hang, after understanding Lin Tiannan's intentions, Liu Jinyuan was delighted and said to Luo Hang.

At the same time, a Xuanyuan Sword was grabbed towards Luohang!

"Alas..." Seeing Liu Jinyuan's actions, Luo Hang opened his mouth.

Not just anyone is qualified to pick up his own Xuanyuan Sword!

However, before the words came out, Liu Jinyuan had already grabbed Xuanyuan Sword and jumped onto the ring! "Liu Jinyuan, he can actually afford the Xuanyuan Sword!?" Seeing Liu Jinyuan jumping onto the ring, Luo Hang was stunned!

However, think carefully about Liu Jinyuan's character and character.

To put it bluntly, Liu Jinyuan's moral character is no less than that of Captain America.

Therefore, it seems reasonable that he can afford the Xuanyuan Sword! ? "Luo Hang, he, he can actually hold your sword!?"

Mieko also knew the characteristics of Xuanyuan Sword, so seeing Liu Jinyuan come on stage with Xuanyuan Sword, he was shocked! "Well, maybe, in the whole world, he is the only one who can afford the Xuanyuan Sword!"

Luo Hang nodded slightly and said, he didn't know if this was an answer to Mieko's words, or his own muttering!

"I'm so stupid, even Li Xiaoyao couldn't hold Xuanyuan Sword before, but now, this Liu Jinyuan can hold it!?"

"Hold the grass, I now feel that this Liu Jinyuan is God's darling, all the advantages are concentrated in him!"

"That's right, family background, knowledge, wisdom, morality, kindness, gentleness, and even the talent of cultivation are all open. How can there be such a perfect person in the world!" "Wait, we don't like God here, so Say, is this Liu Jinyuan the favorite of Heaven!?"

"No wonder, no wonder Brother Hang is willing to teach Liu Jinyuan. The fact that he can afford the Xuanyuan Sword is enough to prove his character and is worthy of Brother Hang's guidance!"

"Anyone who can afford the Xuanyuan Sword can use the power of the Xuanyuan Sword! Don't say that Liu Jinyuan's current strength is not bad, even if he doesn't have any strength, the Xuanyuan Sword alone is enough to give him great power! "

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers were also excited to see Liu Jinyuan showing good strength.

After all, Brother Hang has been guiding him for a period of time, and Liu Jinyuan has such a strong strength. Does this also prove the strength of Brother Hang? ?

After seeing Liu Jinyuan pick up the Xuanyuan Sword, the audience felt even more shocked!

No one expected that Liu Jinyuan could pick up Xuanyuan Sword!

This represents Liu Jinyuan's heart and character, right?

Not to mention how surprised the people in the live broadcast room and Mieko were.

After jumping onto the ring with the Xuanyuan Sword, Liu Jinyuan looked down at the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand in astonishment, his face showing shock!

With the Xuanyuan sword in hand, Liu Jinyuan could clearly feel that this Xuanyuan sword possessed very powerful power.

He also had a clearer concept of Xuanyuan Sword's power!


However, at this time, there was not so much time for Liu Jinyuan to be shocked, and Lin Tiannan also jumped onto the ring.

One after another Qijue sword energy shot towards Liu Jinyuan!

In the immortal mode, Liu Jinyuan reacted extremely fast, trying his best to dodge these sword moves.

At the same time, his mind was running fast, and he silently memorized all these sword moves!

At this time, the battle between Lin Tiannan and Liu Jinyuan no longer looked like a competition, but like a teaching of martial arts.

Lin Tiannan's main purpose is to simply display Qijue Sword Qi, not to fight against the enemy.

In this way, Liu Jinyuan recorded all these sword skills in his heart with his photographic memory.

Then, I deduced it repeatedly in my heart.

Finally, his Xuanyuan sword was raised!Raising your hand is one move in Qijue Sword Art, followed by the second move, the third move...

It seems that although the sword moves are still a bit jerky, they are almost similar to each other!

This made Lin Tiannan both surprised and delighted!

Qijue swordsmanship, just by watching it a few times, can he learn it well?

Unexpectedly, Liu Jinyuan's martial arts talent was so terrifying!

I only know that he has a very high talent in reading, but I never thought that the talent in martial arts is actually the most terrifying thing?

The Qijue swordsmanship once performed from Liu Jinyuan's hands is only seven or eight points similar!

Then, Liu Jinyuan kept adjusting, and soon, his swordsmanship became more and more handy, and he became more and more proficient!

This made Lin Tiannan even more surprised!

This kind of visible improvement is simply unheard of!

This kind of martial arts talent is something I have never seen before!

However, that's not all!

When Liu Jinyuan mastered Qijue swordsmanship to a certain stage, his sword moves became slower and slower, and the thoughtful look between his brows became more intense!

In this way, after another moment, Liu Jinyuan raised the sword in his hand again!

Sword moves, there are still vague shadows of Qijue swordsmanship.

However, something is different!

Lin Tiannan's eyesight is still good, and because of such a difference of two or three points, the Qijue swordsmanship seems to be improved to a higher level, and it is also more subtle!


Let you imitate and learn, not let you go beyond...

Chapter 421: Wine Sword Immortal: Luo Hang, come and help

"Excellent, is this the correct way for Liu Jinyuan to open it!?"

"Humanoid Kung Fu Optimizer!?"

"Bamen Dunjia has been optimized, and he has successfully mastered the immortal mode with theoretical teachings. He can even quickly complete the optimization of the Qijue Sword Qi!"

"It seems that I can also teach him the exercises about the five volumes of my Heavenly Book, as well as the Sacred Heart Jue..."

Luo Hang muttered secretly in his heart.

To be honest, sometimes it is well said, if you plant flowers intentionally, the flowers will not bloom, but you will plant willows and willows unintentionally to make shade!

Originally, Luo Hang wanted to help Liu Jinyuan, but he simply wanted to change the tragic situation in his original book, that's all!

But now, Luo Hang discovered that his help to Liu Jinyuan was still rewarded.

The exercises you practice can be optimized!

This is of course a huge gain for me!

Soon, after Lin Tiannan's final test of Liu Jinyuan was over, he truly realized Liu Jinyuan's terrifying talent in martial arts!

In this way, he also agrees with Liu Jinyuan, his cousin, who becomes his son-in-law!

After Lin Tiannan's test of Liu Jinyuan ended, this martial arts competition and recruiting relatives conference came to a perfect conclusion!

After that, Liu Jinyuan happily stayed in the Lin Mansion for two days!

Finally, Liu Jinyuan came to Luohang and Mieko again on this day, and expressed his gratitude!

"If you really thank me, help me read both the Heavenly Book and the Sacred Heart Art, and see if there is any improvement!"

Luo Hang had already transcribed the five volumes of the Heavenly Book and the Sacred Heart Jue, and sent them to Liu Jinyuan!

"Mr. Luo's explanation, Jin Yuan naturally did his best!" Liu Jinyuan said seriously after taking the Heavenly Book and Sacred Heart Jue that Luo Hang handed to him with both hands!

"There's no rush, the main thing is to get in touch with Miss Lin Yueru first! I'll pick it up after half a year!"

Estimating that he would not return in eight or nine months, Luo Hang said to Liu Jinyuan!

"Speaking of this matter, I really want to thank Mr. Luo for his teaching, for his kindness and virtue, I will never forget it!"

Thinking of my cousin's attitude towards me recently, there has indeed been a big change.

And my uncle has already regarded himself as a son-in-law, and Liu Jinyuan is also very happy in his heart.

Among them, Luohang is naturally more grateful!

"Let me tell you, while the situation is right now, we should increase some more physical contact! For example, touch the head, hold hands, hug the waist boldly and so on!"

Luo Hang felt that the time was almost up, and it was time for him to go to Shushan to check the situation, so he finally explained something!

"Thank you Mr. Luo for teaching, Jin Yuan will keep it in mind!"

At this time, Liu Jinyuan trusted Luo Hang's words unconditionally, so he nodded heavily and wrote down Luo Hang's words!

Not to mention, thinking about holding his cousin's hand, Liu Jinyuan felt a little shy, nervous, excited and looking forward to it!

"Okay, let's go"! "

He waved his hand, said what needed to be said, and did what needed to be done. Luo Hang was also secretly looking forward to how far Liu Jinyuan could optimize his Heavenly Book and Sacred Heart Jue in half a year's time!

Immediately, Luohang opened the magic portal casually, said goodbye to Liu Jinyuan and Mei Huizi, turned around and left the Linjiabao side!

"999, my brother Hang turned 6!"

"Can both the Sacred Heart Jue and the Book of Heaven be optimized? I'm very looking forward to it. After half a year, how far Liu Jinyuan can optimize it!"

"One step at leisure, after teaching Liu Jinyuan for a few days, Brother Hang will have the opportunity to optimize the exercises of the Sacred Heart Jue and the Heavenly Book. The rate of return is really great!"

"Only our brother Hang has such ability? How can others know Liu Jinyuan's talent!?"

"So, Chollima is common, but Bole is not?"

"By the way, Brother Hang seems to be single, right? He taught Liu Jinyuan how to chase girls?"

"One dares to speak, and the other dares to believe!"

"However, Mei Huizi is staying by Liu Jinyuan's side. Brother Hang gave Liu Jinyuan both the Heavenly Book and the Sacred Heart Jue. Will Mei Huizi have any wrong thoughts!?"

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