The sword energy that comes out at random has such terrifying power?

It's really hard to imagine what it would be like if this ghost was serious!

If there is such a ghost guarding here, can I really get past him and rescue Ling'er!

Who is Jiang Ming?That was the most outstanding genius in Shu Mountain back then, and even the fierce god who almost wiped out the entire Shu Mountain with his own efforts!

Even though he is just a wisp of dead soul now, his strength is still terrifyingly strong!

Under his pursuit, Li Xiaoyao was like a mouse being chased by a cat, he could only run away desperately!

So, soon, Li Xiaoyao was cornered!

"Li Xiaoyao, he has already met Senior Brother Jiang Ming!"

"Being transformed into a ghost for many years, Senior Brother Jiang Ming's disposition has become even more violent!"

"Then Li Xiaoyao is no match for him at all, he is already in danger!"

In the main hall, the sword master opened his mouth and told Luo Hang and Jiu Jianxian about the situation in the demon lock tower!

As the head of Shushan, he knows the situation in the Demon Suo Tower like the palm of his hand!

"This, this kid, he..." The Jiu Sword Immortal next to him heard the words, his expression was full of eagerness!

Obviously, Jiu Jianxian is anxious about Li Xiaoyao's current situation!

However, Luo Hang still looked like an old god, as if he didn't care about Li Xiaoyao's crisis at all!

Looking at Luo Hang, he still had a calm expression on his face. The Juggernaut didn't say anything, let alone do anything. He continued to pay attention to the situation in the Demon Locking Tower!

"It seems that now is the time to use the scroll left by Master!"

Being forced to the point of menopause by Jiang Ming's soul, Li Xiaoyao secretly thought helplessly in his heart!

If you don't use it anymore, you probably have to die here!

Seeing Jiang Ming's dead soul rushing towards him, Li Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and walked out!

Reaching into his arms, he took out a scroll!

Then, without hesitation, Li Xiaoyao immediately pulled the scroll away!

On the scroll, there is a mysterious formation, which is incomprehensible. On the circular formation, there is a word "beast" written on it!

This made Li Xiaoyao startled, he didn't quite understand what the function of this scroll was, and he didn't understand how to use this scroll!

However, at this moment, a burst of white smoke burst out from the scroll.

Immediately afterwards, the formation on the scroll disappeared.

However, a figure appeared in front of Li Xiaoyao!

This figure looks like a handsome man who is almost bewitching, wearing a very gorgeous silk robe.

However, what surprised Li Xiaoyao the most was that the eyes of this figure were the same as those of his master.

The purple eyes can see the appearance of six concentric circles!

Seeing this, Li Xiaoyao was secretly astonished.

After opening the scroll, a strange person can actually pop out from the scroll!

call out!

Not to mention how surprised Li Xiaoyao was at the moment.

After the figure appeared, Jiang Ming's ghost came to Li Xiaoyao.

Raising his hand at the same time, another shocking sword energy appeared, shooting towards Li Xiaoyao!

The beast god puppet moved sideways, blocking Li Xiaoyao's face.

Looking at the oncoming sword energy, the evil spirit in the lock demon tower gathered under his control, and it also turned into a bunch of horses, and greeted the sword energy!

The sword energy collided with the evil spirit, and a terrible explosion broke out.

Jiang Ming's figure stopped, and his eyes looked at the beast god puppet in front of him vigilantly and solemnly!

He could clearly feel that the beast god puppet in front of him was extraordinary!

But the Beast God's expression was still calm, and the actions just now seemed to be effortless for him, his face could not see the slightest solemnity, and his reincarnation eyes calmly stared at Jiang Ming in front of him!

"Who are you!?" Jiang Liu opened his mouth and asked the beast god puppet!

The beast god puppet didn't answer Jiang Ming's words!

"You, who are you, why did you come out of the scroll!" Li Xiaoyao who was next to him also spoke, and asked the beast god puppet in surprise!

"I'm your master!" Beast God Puppet turned his head and glanced at Li Xiaoyao, and replied.

Chapter 423: Are you crazy? If Luo Hang stands well, will he enter the Tao?


Hearing the words of the beast god puppet, Li Xiaoyao was startled!Immediately, he suddenly realized, and said: "You, you are actually the master!?"

"That's right, this body is a puppet, and it's me who controls this puppet!" Luo Hang replied with a nod!

"It turned out to be like this. If I had known that you were in the scroll, Master, if I could have released you, I should have released you as soon as possible!"

After hearing what the beast god puppet said, and after understanding the situation, Li Xiaoyao said with joy on his face!

Regarding Li Xiaoyao's words, Luo Hang didn't say much, but just rolled his eyes at him!

Then, the eyes of the beast god puppet fell on Jiang Ming!

"I can feel that you have endless evil spirits on your body, and this evil spirits are much stronger than mine!"

Jiang Ming also stared at the beast god puppet seriously, and after sizing it up, he said ~ Dao!

After staying in this demon lock tower for a hundred years, and in the form of a ghost, Jiang Ming is indeed a big murderer now!

However, there is no comparison with the situation of the Beast God. The Beast God was born from the condensed energy of heaven and earth!

If the former witch Linglong hadn't used her own body to reshape his body, the beast god would have a truly immortal body.

Naturally, in terms of vicious aura, the beast god puppet's vicious aura was somewhat stronger than that of Jiang Ming!

"Ghosts are always fierce, so what? Do you want to fight now, or do you want to have a good chat!?" The beast god puppet looked at Jiang Ming and said!

"Talk? Do you want to talk to me about something!?" After a moment of silence, Jiang Ming looked at the beast god puppet and asked!

"I want to chat with you a lot, for example, how to enter the Tao, talk about things about Shushan, and for example, talk about the situation inside the lock demon tower!?"

The beast god puppet said calmly!

Although it was transformed by the hostility of the world, and the endless hostility of the world gathered in him, Luo Hang's divine sense controlled the beast god puppet, and it was not affected at all!

"Entering the Tao? I already look like this. Do you think it's interesting to talk to me about entering the Tao at this time?"

Hearing what the beast god puppet said, Jiang Ming signaled his current form of dead soul, and said with a wry smile!

"Why is there no meaning? Everything in the world is not just people, not just flowers and trees. Similarly, demons and ghosts are all within the Tao, so why can't ghosts enter the Tao!?" Luo Hang asked Jiang Ming back!

"Your words make sense. Everything in the world is within the Tao. Indeed, they can also enter the Tao!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ming's expression became serious, and he nodded immediately.

I agree with the words of the Beast God Puppet!

"It's just that I have obsessions, hatred, and guilt in my heart. It's impossible for me to enter the Tao..."

Although he agreed with the Beast God Puppet's point of view, Jiang Ming showed a self-deprecating look on his face when the topic changed, and shook his head and said!

"If you have obsession, let it go! If you have hatred, let it go, if you have guilt, just make it up..."

"Why do you have to worry about yourself, but you can't change anything?"

The Beast God spoke and said to Jiang Ming's dead soul!

"Let's talk about the relationship between you and Nuyuan first."

"Although she is dead, there is your child in her womb, and the soul of that child is now inside the Demon Locking Tower."

"Could it be? Do you want her to be suppressed forever in this demon-locking tower like you!?"

The beast god puppet asked Jiang Ming!

"I, my child!" Hearing these words, Jiang Ming's eyes became a little complicated! ""My child, is he also in this demon-locking tower?"Me, I don't know at all! "

Looking around, at the same time, Jiang Ming let go of his mind, to feel the existence of his child's dead soul!

Although it was inside the Demon Locking Tower, Jiang Ming never searched for anything.

Because, here, the bones of the brothers and sisters are innumerable.

These were all killed by him in a fit of anger.

Therefore, all these years, Jiang Ming has been living in guilt, and he didn't even dare to look at these corpses.

This time, it was the first time he used his divine sense to scan the situation inside the demon lock tower!

Sure enough, under the traction of blood, Jiang Ming soon found out the whereabouts of his daughter.

Then, the soul of Jiang Ming's daughter also followed the guidance and came over!

"You really look like your mother..."

Looking at the dead soul in front of him, Jiang Ming's eyes softened a lot, and the original ferocity in his body dissipated a lot!

"Also, so many years have passed for the murder you committed back then, have your brothers and sisters forgiven you long ago?"

"The one who can't forgive you is actually only you!" Luo Hang followed up and said again!

This remark, Luo Hang is not talking nonsense.

Because in the original book, Juggernaut also said the same thing to Jiang Ming!

"My brothers and sisters, have you actually forgiven me?"

"For so many years, I have been brooding about it, and I am the only one who can't forgive me!?" Jiang Ming murmured in a low voice.

At the same time, his eyes are also seriously looking around!

In his eyes, some of the swords in the Demon Locking Tower were rusty, and some were broken!

At this time, phantoms of dead souls diffused from the sword body.

These dead souls all give people a sense of tranquility and peace, without that kind of resentment at all!

His eyes became more and more peaceful.

Originally, Jiang Ming had always been obsessed with the original things and felt guilty, so that he formed a demon, which could not be dissipated for a long time!

But today, I found that my brothers and sisters, the dead souls, have left the demon lock tower peacefully.

Their dead souls are also very peaceful, and they have no resentment towards themselves.

This made Jiang Ming's mind relax!

For so many years, the only one who really couldn't let go was himself! ?

At this time, the shackles in his heart were released, and Jiang Ming felt completely relaxed from the inside out!

At the same time, Jiang Ming's mind was completely relaxed.

In his eyes, the whole world seemed different.

Even this originally eerie Locking Demon Tower doesn't look as scary as before!

There is a saying that goes well, when you have a ghost in your heart, everyone looks like a ghost!

And if there is sunshine in your heart, then even in the abyss, you can feel the existence of light!

Now, Jiang Ming's heart is like this!

All the shackles were unlocked, and Jiang Ming felt that the whole world seemed to be different!

Then, in the void, a beam of light suddenly appeared and landed on Jiang Ming's body!

Jiang Ming, who used to have a gloomy aura, has become upright and peaceful now!

Immediately, Jiang Ming stretched out his hand to his daughter's dead soul, the meaning was obvious, self-evident! …ask for flowers.

The female ghost next to her watched her father's movements, and walked forward involuntarily, holding her father's hand together!

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