"That's you, in your opinion, money is more important than your parents!"

"How do you curse?"

"Isn't it? Do you think money is more important, or parents are more important!?"

"This is more important than money!"

"Look, look, I'll just say it!"

In the corner of Lin'an City, two Liba looked like they had nothing to do, with their arms bare, watching the fireworks in the sky and chatting, you talk to each other!

Beside, Li Xiaoyao happened to pass by.

Hearing their conversation, his brows slightly raised.

Immediately, the figure continued to rush towards the place where the fireworks bloomed!

Sure enough, following the place where the fireworks were blooming, Li Xiaoyao saw a man about 50 or [-] years old who was setting off fireworks.

There are many piled up in front of him, it seems that these fireworks are all set off by him, and they have indeed been set off for a long time.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged man asked after glancing at Li Xiaoyao, making it clear that he was coming for him!

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, what's wrong with my master and you? You want to insult him like this!?"

Staring at the middle-aged man in front of him, Li Xiaoyao asked in a concentrated voice!

"Master, are you Luo Hang's disciple? When did he accept you as a disciple!?"

Looking at Li Xiaoyao, the middle-aged man looked a little stunned, and asked!

"My master has accepted me as an apprentice for about four months!" Li Xiaoyao replied!

"About four months? This is the right time!" Hearing Li Xiaoyao's answer, the middle-aged man muttered in a low voice!

"What's right? What are you talking about?" Li Xiaoyao frowned slightly and asked!

"Do you know where your master is?" the middle-aged man asked again!

"If you have any grievances with my master, it's the same as telling me, my master's matter is my matter"! "Li Xiaoyao followed up and replied with a serious face.

"You misunderstood, there is no enmity between me and Luo Hang!" The middle-aged man shook his head and replied!

no grudges?No hatred, you set off fireworks for half a month to scold my master! ?

Li Xiaoyao was stunned by the middle-aged man's words, and immediately, his face became very strange!

"You misunderstood. The purpose of my setting off these fireworks is not to insult Luo Hang, but to attract his attention. I have a very important news and I want to inform him!"

The middle-aged man could see that Li Xiaoyao had misunderstood, so he hurriedly said!

"What news!?" Li Xiaoyao asked!

"I'm from Nanzhao Kingdom. If you know where Luohang is, tell him quickly. Just say that Tongtian is at the Lord of Worshiping the Moon. Remember, this news, you say it's an explorer from the Mongolian Kingdom. Ge Dan told him." !"

This middle-aged man hurriedly asked Li Xiaoyao!

"Tongtian? At the Moon Worshiping Sect Master!?" Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Li Xiaoyao was startled.

Although I don't know who Tongtian is, it seems that this guy named Tongtian should be very important to Master, right?

Moreover, it is just a message, whether it is important or not, I have to let the master judge for himself!

"Okay, I got it!" Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao nodded seriously!

"Do you know where Luo Hang is? Of course, if you're busy, I'd rather tell Luo Hang in person!" Ge Dan, the Mongolian explorer, followed suit and asked Li Xiaoyao!

"Then go to Shushan, my master is in Shushan now!" After thinking about it, Li Xiaoyao answered frankly!

"Okay, I understand!" Hearing this, the man nodded heavily.

After asking the direction of Mount Shu, he immediately got up and left, looking impatient!

Seeing that this man was even more nervous than himself, Li Xiaoyao secretly muttered in his heart, this man could not really have a problem with his master, could he?

I told the master's location, wouldn't it be to lure the enemy there?

However, this idea was quickly pushed down by Li Xiaoyao!

There is nothing to worry about. With Master's cultivation base, if you want to threaten him, there are not many people in the world who can do it, right?

Shaking his head, thinking of his master's shocking cultivation, Li Xiaoyao felt that there was nothing to worry about, and turned back to find Zhao Ling'er!

And what about the other side?Luo Hang is still staying in Shushan these days.

All the cultivation classics about Shushan were clearly recorded.

Even some of Shushan's swordsmanship skills have been memorized!

They are all abilities of cultivating immortals, and they are common to each other.

With Luo Hang's current cultivation base, it is naturally not difficult to practice some Shushan Sword Art!

For example, what Luo Hang has been practicing recently is Shushan's Wanjian Jue.

The Wanjian Jue was cast, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand flew directly into the sky, and then, one turned into two, and two turned into four...

In a short while, the sky was densely filled with sword shadows!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang raised his palm, and pressed it down lightly!

Following his movements, those densely packed sword shadows that appeared in the sky immediately fell down fiercely like a violent storm!

"Wan Jian Jue, if this move is a group attack, it's so cool!"

"Shushan Sword Art still has a lot of practical skills!"

"That's right, this Wanjian Jue is really cool!"

"Once this Wanjian Jue is used, no matter how many targets are used, it will be useless!?"

"This is different from Bawang-colored domineering, Bawang-colored domineering just stuns the target, but Wanjianjue is a real group attack skill!"

"Congratulations, Brother Hang, you have learned a powerful and handsome sword art!"

In the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room, many Dragon Kingdom viewers watched Luohang's Wanjian Jue and thousands of sword shadows falling from the sky like a violent storm, and everyone was very excited. Excited!

Not only does this Wan Jian Jue look very powerful, but most importantly, this move also looks very handsome!

With such a trick of Wanjian Jue thrown down, the densely packed swords are really handsome.

This is the romance that a man should have!

While Luo Hang was practicing Wanjian Jue here, the other Shushan disciples looked at Luo Hang in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the top sword art of Shushan was so easily mastered by an outsider!

". "Mr. Luo Hang..." While Luo Hang was cultivating here, suddenly, a disciple rushed over here!

"What's the matter!?" Luo Hang glanced at the disciple who ran over, and asked in surprise!

"Someone is looking for you. He said that he is an explorer from Mongolia and has information about Tongtian!" The disciple replied!

"Tongtian!? An explorer from Mongolia!?" Hearing this, Luo Hang's expression changed slightly!

It has been half a year since I came to the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, but since the original Tongtian disappeared, I have never seen him again.

Unexpectedly, news about Tongtian suddenly came today! ?

"Hurry up, wait, let's go now!" Since it was news related to the sky, Luo Hang said hastily!

Immediately, Luo Hang quickly walked towards the gate of Shushan Mountain.

Sure enough, a man about 50 years old was waiting for him at the mountain gate.

Presumably, this is the explorer from the Mongolian Kingdom!

"Boss Luo Hang, although I have known you for a long time, this is the first time we have met officially!"

Although in terms of age, being Luo Hang's father is enough, but when Ge Dan faced Luo Hang, his posture was still very low!

"You said you have news from heaven? Where is he!?" Luo Hang opened his mouth and asked Ge Dan!

"He is in Nanzhao Kingdom, worshiping the moon!" Ge Dan replied without meaning to talk nonsense!

"Worshiping the Moon? How could he go to the Moon Worshiping Sect!" Hearing what Ge Dan said, Luo Hang was surprised.

"I dare not lie to you about this news, as long as you go to the Moon Worship Sect, you will find out!" Ge Dan replied seeing Luo Hang's puzzled expression.

These words made Luo Hang nod his head.

This is indeed the case, although one must be on guard against the possibility that Ge Dan set a trap and use the Moon Worshiper to deal with himself.

However, in Luo Hang's view, this possibility is not great!

After all, it is impossible for explorers from other countries to know that they have brought Tongtian to travel together, right?

Even if he knew, he didn't know that he and Tongtian were lost, right?

"How did you know that Tongtian was worshiping the moon? Also, how did you know that I was in Shushan!?" So, after a moment of silence, Luo Hang asked Ge Dan again!

"Because I joined the Moon Worship Sect, I also know about the relationship between you and Tongtian, Luo Hang!"

"As for the fact that I know you're in Shushan, it's because I set off fireworks in Lin'an City to attract your attention."

"Unexpectedly, it was your disciple Li Xiaoyao who attracted me. I learned that you are here in Shushan from his mouth!"

"So that's how it is..." Hearing this, Luo Hang suddenly felt stunned!

So, was Tongtian actually taken away by the Moon Worshiper? .

Chapter 427: Can the big iron boat really float?

"Thank you for telling me, I don't know what you call it?" When the enemy comes, there are swords and guns, and when friends come, there are wines!

Although the news has not been confirmed yet, Luo Hang believes that the explorer's words should be true!

"My name is Ge Dan, an explorer from Mongolia!" Hearing this, Ge Dan immediately announced his name! "Meeting is fate. I have an A-level ninjutsu. I hope you don't dislike it!"

Since the other party put so much thought into reporting the news, Luo Hang naturally wouldn't let the other party return empty-handed.

While speaking, Ge Dan was taught the ninjutsu of Helixwan on the spot!

Although Luo Hang has never learned this spiral pill, as a ninjutsu with very detailed training steps in the original Naruto, it is similar to the previous practice of Uzumaki Naruto in the immortal mode. Naturally, Luohang also knows what the cultivation of spiral pill is like!

Although this is already the seventh world of exploration, the value of A-level ninjutsu is still very high.

After all, it's not just that someone like Luo Hang, in the world of ninjas, can come into contact with things at the level of A-level ninjutsu! "Thank you, Boss Luohang!"

Seeing that the ninjutsu that Luohang gave to him is indeed A-level power, the most important thing is that it is a Muji ninjutsu developed by the fourth generation of Naruto!

In short, it is like a magic that can be cast instantly without singing.

This alone is worth a lot, Ge Dan hurriedly thanked him!

Giving Ge Dan this A-level ninjutsu as a reward, Luo Hang didn't intend to stay any longer. He moved, left Shushan, and flew straight to the direction of Nanzhao Kingdom!

In other words, can I be the opponent of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon?

Luo Hang was not sure at all.

After all, as the final boss, the strength of the Moon Worshiper, in Legend of Sword and Fairy 1, is still the same as the Juggernaut, a smallpox 253 board level existence!

However, so what if he is not the opponent of the Moon Worshiper?

The breadth of my own strength, whether it is martial arts, ninjutsu, Taoism, magic, etc., many abilities emerge in endlessly.

The effects of Xuanyuan Sword are also extraordinary, plus Kaido and Beast God Puppet.

Even though the level of cultivation is slightly lower than that of the Moon Worship Sect, Luo Hang believes that he may not have the strength to fight against the Moon Worship Sect Master!

Therefore, after hearing the news that Tongtian was worshiping the Moon, Luo Hang's figure was like lightning, flying with his sword, and headed directly to the direction of Nanzhao Kingdom!

When he came to Nanzhao Kingdom, Luo Hang flew high in the sky and was also attracted by a spectacle!

Fireworks were released in Nanzhao Kingdom, which looked very festive and lively.

Thousands of people gathered in a big river in Nanzhao Kingdom!

These people are all looking forward to it. On the shore, a large iron boat has been built. It seems that it is undergoing a launch test!

Perhaps in the real world, a big steel ship, it seems nothing surprising!

However, in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, Luo Hang was very surprised to see such a large iron boat, which was almost hundreds of meters long by visual inspection.

Did the Nanzhao Kingdom actually build such a huge iron ship?What is this for! ?

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