Chapter 431: Moon Worship Leader: Luo Hang, is our world virtual?

According to Luo Hang's comments, in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy 1, there are two super geniuses.

One is Li Xiaoyao, and the other is Liu Jinyuan!

However, what Luo Hang didn't know was that because of the existence of himself and Liu Jinyuan, Li Xiaoyao actually felt that he was just an ordinary mediocre!Feel deeply hit!

It's also fortunate that Luo Hang didn't know anymore, otherwise, those people in the Long Country who were hit by Li Xiaoyao's talent would be even more blown out of their minds, right?

At this time, Li Xiaoyao and Liu Jinyuan met by chance, let's not talk about how they didn't know each other.

On the other side, the main altar of the Moon Worship Sect in Nanzhao Kingdom was brightly lit, and it looked very lively!

The arrival of Luohang made the Lord of Worshiping the Moon come up with the highest standard welcome ceremony!

Even, in order to welcome Luo Hang's arrival, even the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom attended this event.

It can be seen that the Lord of Worshiping the Moon attaches great importance to Luo Hang!

"Is this the way the script is opened, isn't it?"

Seeing the master of worshiping the moon introducing himself to everyone, Luo Hang secretly murmured in his heart!

Who is the Lord of Worshiping the Moon?

This is the big villain boss in Xianjian 1!

I have prepared myself for a big fight.

However, now that it has developed to such a point, how can I have the nerve to do it! ?

"Mr. Luo Hang, you are really young and promising. You can make the leader value you so much at a young age. This is the first time I have seen the leader value someone so much!"

Next to him, the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom spoke and said to Luo Hang!

At the same time, he also looked at Luo Hang curiously, how could such a young man be so valued by the Moon Worshiper?

"Your Majesty is absurd. Speaking of which, Your Majesty should be ready. It won't be long before your woman has to come back!"

After glancing at the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom, Luo Hang casually reminded him!

"My daughter? Does Mr. Luo Hang know where my daughter is?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, the Emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom was startled, and then asked excitedly!

"I know, your daughter is married now, and now they are on their way from the Central Plains to the Nanzhao Kingdom. Presumably, they will arrive in the Nanzhao Kingdom in a short time!"

Luo Hang nodded, Luo Hang casually explained about Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er!

"Mr. Luo Hang, please say a few words!"

However, just when the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom wanted to ask something, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon turned his head and shouted at Luo Hang!

Immediately, Luo Hang stepped forward and said a few words casually!

Anyway, this high-level banquet was also held to welcome him.

Therefore, at this banquet, Luo Hang should say hello to everyone!

In this way, after Luo Hang said hello, the banquet officially started!

"Mr. Luo Hang, what were you talking about with His Majesty just now?" After Luo Hang retreated, the Master of Worshiping the Moon asked casually!

"It's just a casual greeting"|! "Luo Hang replied!"

Speaking of this, there was a slight pause, and immediately, Luo Hang looked at the leader of worshiping the moon again, and said, "Where is the leader? At this time, just mention it if there is any situation!" "What does Mr. Luo Hang mean!?" Hearing this, The Lord of Worshiping the Moon looked at Luo Hang inquiringly!

"As long as there is high-standard treatment, there must be high-standard requirements. When you and I meet for the first time, you treat me like this. If you have any requirements, you can just say it." "Otherwise, I will never be able to settle down in my heart." !" Luo Hang spoke, very frankly! "Okay, since you asked Mr. Luo Hang, then I'll say it!" Listening to Luo Hang asking himself, the leader of the Moon Worship thought for a while, then nodded and said!Luo Hang nodded slightly, motioning for the Moon Worshiper to continue talking!

I guessed it too, the first time we met, I arranged this high-standard banquet to receive myself, and even let the emperor attend to accompany me.

Luo Hang wouldn't believe it even if he killed him if he said that there was nothing wrong with the move of worshiping the moon leader!

"The situation is like this. I have a question and I want to ask Mr. Luo Hang. I hope you can tell me the truth!" The Master of Worshiping the Moon said to Luo Hang with a serious look! "Question? The purpose of all this is to ask me a question!?"

Luo Hang looked at the Moon Worshiper in surprise. His request was indeed beyond Luo Hang's expectations!

"Yes!" The Moon Worshiper nodded seriously!

"Then let's talk about it first. If you can answer it, I will naturally answer it for you. If you can't answer it, then don't blame me!" In this way, Luo Hang said to the Moon Worshiper!

"Mr. Luohang is the master of Tongtian, presumably astronomy, geography, nature, physics, chemistry, etc., and many other things, you must know it too?" The master of worshiping the moon asked Luo Hang first!

"Yes, I know some fur!" Luo Hang nodded and replied! "Mr. Luo Hang is modest!"

He is now the master of Tongtian. Presumably, he at least knows everything that Tongtian knows. Just like that, he still said that he only knows superficially?

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon felt that Luo Hang was being modest!

It's just that Luo Hang's family knows about his own family affairs. Although he knows it, he only knew a little bit when he was in school.

Compared with those scientists in the real world, of course they are all superficial!

"I have been studying the ecological environment on the earth these days, and found that whether it is light, water, oxygen, etc., they all perfectly constitute an ecosystem,"

"This ecosystem is very exquisite, so exquisite that any point except for problems will lead to a series of natural disasters!" The Lord of the Moon Worship continued and said!

"This, indeed!"

Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded in agreement!

The earth's ecosystem is indeed so exquisite that it is impossible for ordinary people to build a completely closed ecosystem.

It goes without saying how exquisite the ecosystem in this world is!

"Moreover, I also built a model of the solar system, and Mr. Luo Hang saw it with his own eyes!"

As soon as the subject changed, the Moon Worshiping Leader continued, "Actually, a few days ago, I also thought about whether to construct the entire Milky Way, but in the end, it failed!"

"Because, once there are too many planets in all aspects, it will be easy to make mistakes in operation. In the past half a month, there have been several collisions between planets!"

"So, the planet's speed, angle, position, etc. actually need to be very subtle, otherwise, the entire solar system will be a mess!"

Luo Hang didn't speak, and fully played his role as a listener.

First, I talked about the ecosystem on the earth, and then I talked about the situation in the solar system?

Luo Hang was also a little surprised. What is the question that the Moon Worship Sect mainly asked himself?There is still a need to pave the way first! ?

However, the Moon Worship Sect is mainly foreshadowing, so Luo Hang has no intention of stopping him.

According to his own meaning, nodding along with his words, let's see what his last question is!

However, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon did not mean to make Luo Hang wait for too long, his face became more solemn, and he stared at Luo Hang seriously, and asked again: "... "It's as big as the movement of celestial bodies, as small as the earth itself The ecological system, everything in the whole world, is extremely exquisite, and there is almost no room for mistakes, right! ? "

"Yes, you are right!"

Hearing that the Moon Worshiping Master took the initiative to ask his opinion, Luo Hang followed the Moon Worshiping Leader's topic and nodded his head to answer!

"Then, Mr. Luohang, I only have one question, and that is, is this world we live in real or virtual!?"

At this point in the conversation, suddenly, the leader of the Moon Worship opened his mouth and asked the answer to the question he wanted to know!

"Ah!? What!?" Hearing the question from the Moon Worshiper, Luo Hang was slightly startled, and looked at the Moon Worshiper with surprise!

The question he just asked himself, is it true?

"Mr. Luo Hang, the question I want to know is whether the world we live in is real or virtual!"

Seeing Luo Hang's appearance, the Patriarch of the Moon Worship followed suit and asked such a question, repeating what he had just said!

"Hold the grass, what is going on with this question about worshiping the Lord of the Moon!?"

"It's frightening to think about it carefully! Did the Lord of Worshiping the Moon discover some secrets!"

"Didn't Zhinao say that he had discovered a passage to another world, so he let the explorers go to explore? But why did the Moon Worshiper ask whether his world is real or virtual?" In other words, is it possible that these different worlds connected by the brain are virtual?"

"Impossible? (Li Hao) All the achievements of Brother Hang can be directly brought to the real world. How could this be a virtual world!"

"Then, what exactly does worshiping the moon mean? You asked this question for no reason, and, for the answer to this question, you took so much trouble to entertain our Brother Hang!" "Stop talking, everyone, read on, read Let's see what this Moon Worshiper means!"

"What's the point of this? People who are obsessed with scientific research, I feel a little neurotic. The Lord of the Moon Worship is studying science, and he has already broken his brain!?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers were also curious to see what kind of questions the Moon Worship Leader wanted to ask!

And after the question of worshiping the leader of the moon was really said, the audience exploded!

Luo Hang looked at the Lord of Worshiping the Moon in astonishment, and understood him for a moment. He wondered how the idea that the world is virtual came about: "Master, what do you mean by that?" "Think about it, my The ability to make a solar system is almost the limit!" "However, our macrocosmic celestial bodies are running!" "The microcosmic earth ecosystem is used!"

"It's all very subtle and just right!"

"Do you think that the world is so exquisite that it is completely formed naturally? Is this possible?" The Lord of Worshiping the Moon stared at Luo Hang and asked! .

Chapter 432: Wheel Tomb Border Prison

"Hold the grass, I suddenly feel that the words of the worship leader of the moon are very reasonable?"

"It's terrifying to think about it carefully. The rhetorical question of the Lord of the Moon Worship is not only for his different world. In fact, it is also applicable to our world!"

"If someone held a watch and told you that this watch was formed naturally without any artificial ingredients, would you believe it? No one would believe it, right?" "However, the operation of the universe is more reliable than a watch." It's much more subtle, why is it formed naturally?" "This, this question is indeed a bit scary to think about!"

"By the way, is this the way of thinking that a qualified scientist should have?" "No wonder some people say that people who don't understand anything are actually happier!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, following the words of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon, the entire live broadcast room also actively started to discuss!

It is indeed a question worthy of reflection!

The operation of the entire universe, ranging from the movement of celestial bodies and planets to the ecological balance on the earth, these are extremely delicate.

However, is this actually formed naturally?Why can't you justify it?

But if it was not formed naturally, then who created this universe?

Let's not talk about what kind of discussions the audience in the live broadcast room had.

Luo Hang was also silent. Facing the words of the Moon Worshiper, Luo Hang didn't know how to answer for a while!

If he didn't know anything, he was just an ordinary Blue Star person, and he would simply tell the Moon Worshiper that this world is indeed real.

Because Zhinao found these different worlds, I let my explorers come to explore!

However, Luo 253 Hang really doesn't know how to answer after experiencing the film and television dramas in his previous life!

Aren't movies and TV dramas all vain?

However, the world in front of him is real?

"It seems that, Mr. Luo Hang, you have the same doubts as I do?" Seeing that Luo Hang didn't speak for a long time, the Master of Worshiping the Moon probably understood what Luo Hang was thinking, and said! "Actually, Hierarch, it's really good to pursue the truth sometimes, but it's better not to go into a dead end!" So, after a moment of silence, Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to the Hierarch Moon Worshiper!

"Don't go into a dead end?" The Moon Worshiper looked at Luo Hang inquiringly. "A lot of things, in fact, can't think of the answer!"

"Like what's at the end of the universe?" "What's inside a black hole?" "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

"Wait, etc., I can't think of an answer, so it's better not to go into a corner, otherwise, I'm just trapping myself!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to the Moon Worshiper!

"Ah..." Hearing Luo Hang's answer, the Moon Worshiper was obviously very disappointed, and sighed softly!

"Master, are you very dissatisfied with my answer?" Looking at the appearance of the leader of worshiping the moon, Luo Hang asked!

"Zibuyu is strange. In fact, I have always hated this sentence. Does Mr. Luo Hang know why?" The leader of worshiping the moon suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"I don't know!" Luo Hang shook his head and replied!

"Confucius, in fact, that's the case. If you don't know what to say, just don't say it!" The leader of the moon worship replied!

What does this mean, Luo Hang understands.

It's something that I (bcfj) can't understand, so I don't think about it. Is the Lord Worshiping the Moon complaining about his own virtues like Confucius?

"Knowledge is for people to understand everything around them to a greater extent, but it is not an endless pursuit of the truth!" Luo Hang looked at the Moon Worshiper and said seriously!

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then said: "It's like a person, it's a good thing to love cleanliness, but if you really have a cleanliness, it's not good." "Even if you take a bath too much, you will If you hurt your own skin, everything in the world is universal!" "This, perhaps Mr. Luo Hang's words, make sense!"

Hearing Luo Hang's analogy, the Moon Worshiper was silent for a moment, then immediately nodded to Luo Hang!

The relationship between Luo Hang and the Moon Worshiper seemed to be nothing more than a chat, but the content of the conversation was more like a discussion.

Everything you say is expressing your own point of view.

And in the final conclusion of the discussion, Luo Hang was even better!

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon accused Luo Hang of being like Confucius, so don't say anything unclear!

And Luo Hang refuted the truth that what he said was too late, so that the Lord of Worshiping the Moon also recognized Luo Hang's words!

The emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom next to him didn't interrupt from the beginning to the end, but just listened quietly!

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