In addition, the most important thing is that in the state of entering the Tao, oneself and the world seem to be integrated into one.

Mobilizing the power of heaven and earth is completely at your fingertips!

With a slight movement in his mind, Luo Hang raised his hand, trying to use the magic sword to control thunder!

There was no need for Luo Hang to recite the incantation of the sword formula, and the divine sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue was activated.

Countless thick dark clouds floated in the sky, and then, a thick pillar of thunder descended from the sky!

"This feeling, my current cultivation should be comparable to the Beast God in my lifetime, right?"

Sensing the problem of his ability after entering the Tao, Luo Hang muttered to himself in his heart!

The Beast God is transformed by the suffocation between the heaven and the earth, so mobilizing the suffocation between the heaven and the earth for his own use is completely easy to feel!

And what about Luo Hang now?After entering the Tao, I seem to be integrated with everything in the world.

Mobilizing the power of heaven and earth for one's own use is also a feeling of ease.

This situation is the same as that of a beast god.

Therefore, Luo Hang feels that his current strength should be about the same as that of the Beast God when he was alive!

And thinking back in Zhu Xian's world, the power of the beast god was almost invincible, Luo Hang secretly nodded in his heart.

Sure enough, in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, the force value is a level higher than that of Zhu Xian's world!

"Has Brother Hang resurrected the Moon Worshiper?"

"That's good, the Lord of the Moon Worship has lost his cultivation, and the water monster has been sealed in Liu Jinyuan's body. He can study science with peace of mind, and Li Xiaoyao and the others don't have to worry about the Lord of the Moon Worship anymore!"

"Hold the grass, do you feel that Brother Hang's situation is different now!?"

"Yes, this kind of feeling, Brother Hang seems to have completely integrated into the world and become natural!"

"This familiar feeling, this familiar taste, isn't it the case when Brother Hang suddenly entered the Tao when he was in Shushan? So, has Brother Hang entered the Tao again now?"

"Brother Hang is awesome, entering the Tao really means coming as soon as you say it!"

"Is this the Divine Sword and Thunder Control Art? You don't need to chant the incantation of the sword art anymore? You can cast it by raising your hand!?"

"Besides, it seems that my Brother Hang's cultivation has also improved a lot! This Divine Sword and Thunder Control Technique seems to be even stronger!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, originally, watching Luo Hang revive the Moon Worshiper, the viewers were discussing, but they also felt that what Luo Hang did was indeed right, and everyone agreed with it!

However, after the Moon Worshiping Sect Master left, Luo Hang suddenly entered the Tao, and even the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue could give up chanting.

This made the Dragon Kingdom audience even more excited. Obviously, this is Luo Hang's strength increasing again, right?

Successfully entered the Tao, this is the biggest harvest!

In addition, after calculating the time, I still have about two months before I have to leave this world!

Therefore, Luo Hang opened the magic portal and came directly to the Lin Family Fort!

At this time, Liu Jinyuan was still staying in Linjiabao.

Seeing Luo Hang's arrival, he was overjoyed, and then handed over the tome that he had prepared long ago to Luo Hang!

This is the content of the Heavenly Book that Luo Hang had asked Liu Jinyuan to optimize long ago!

Luo Hang looked carefully, and sure enough, the contents of the heavenly book became more concise.

However, in terms of practice, both the speed of growth and the height of growth have improved a lot!

Originally, the third level of the Taiqing Realm, like Taiji Xuanqing Dao, is the final cultivation realm, and if it goes up, there will be no more!

But now, Luo Hang discovered that behind this Taiqing Realm, there is still a follow-up practice!

Although it is not mentioned much, it is only deduced based on the original content of the heavenly book.

However, with Luo Hang's current cultivation base and realm, after a careful look, he found that the idea mentioned later is still very reasonable, and it can be regarded as pointing out a new path of cultivation for Luo Hang at the end of his cultivation!

After confirming with Shushan Sword Cultivator's skills, Luo Hang has a clearer understanding of the next cultivation path!

In short, the most basic way of practice is Qi training, followed by transforming spirit, and then returning to the void!

These three realms correspond to the realms of Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing of Taiji Xuanqing Dao!

But now, the practice of Tianshu has introduced the concept of harmony!

Refining essence to transform qi, refining qi to transform spirit, practicing spirit to return to emptiness, and the last thing is to refine emptiness to join the Tao!

"How? Master? Is there anything wrong with me?"

Seeing Luo Hang holding the optimized Tianshu and carefully looking at it, his brows were full of thoughts, Liu Jinyuan asked!

"There's nothing wrong, it's good, you really are a super genius!" Putting away the heavenly book for now, at the same time, Luo Hang looked at Liu Jinyuan and said with emotion!

"I'm also doing my best for my master!" Liu Jinyuan had an embarrassed smile on his face!

Compared with the master who taught him how to chase his cousin, Liu Jinyuan felt that what he had done was far from enough to repay the master's kindness to him! . …ask for flowers.

"What happened to the water monster?"

Smiling slightly, Luo Hang asked about the situation of the water monster again!

Luo Hang is naturally experienced in terms of human strength!

After discussing the specific situation of the water monster with Liu Jinyuan, Liu Jinyuan also knows how to get along with the water monster in his body!

To put it bluntly, Renzhuli with a sunny heart is actually the easiest to get along with the sealed beast in his body!

It can be seen from the eight-tailed Jinchuriki Rabbi, the nine-tailed Jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto, the one-tailed Jinchuriki Fenfu, the black water snake's Jinchuriki Zhang Xiaofan, and so on!

Among them, Gaara is the most representative!

In the early stage, Shouhe was regarded as a monster, then, there will be a situation of hatred and killing between Shouhe and Shouhe!

Later, after being whitewashed by Uzumaki Naruto's Bie Tianzui, he became a young man with a sunny heart, and the relationship between him and Shuzuru also eased a lot!

And what about Liu Jinyuan?He is truly a gentle man.

Luo Hang believes that as long as Liu Jinyuan gets along well with the water monster, the two sides will have a relatively good way of getting along, and this is not difficult!

After leaving Linjiabao, Luohang went to Shushan again!

What is the difference between the Shushan Sword Master's ruthless approach to Taoism and his current sentimental approach?

The Juggernaut seemed to have been waiting for Luo Hang's arrival a long time ago, as if he had merged into nature, he quietly watched Luo Hang walking over!

Luo Hang didn't speak either, and walked towards the Juggernaut step by step.

At the same time, one's own state of entering the Tao is also opened, and the whole person seems to be integrated into the nature of the world!

There is no earth-shattering scene in the collision of Dao and Dao, it is just the meeting of sea water and river water!

In terms of morality, the Juggernaut's ruthless morality was quickly suppressed by Luo Hang.

When this sentient will was fully displayed in front of the Juggernaut, he could clearly feel the existence of sentient will!

In the state of Ruthless Dao, the Juggernaut can accept his beloved woman to marry someone else, and he can also watch his beloved woman die!

But now, in the state of sentient beings, the Juggernaut thought of what happened back then.

From the corner of his eyes, two lines of tears flowed down involuntarily...

Glancing at the Juggernaut, Luo Hang originally wanted to pretend to be B and imitate Li Xiaoyao in the original book, do you understand?

However, Luo Hang still didn't say these words, but quietly turned around and left the Shushan Great Hall!

In the last two months or so, I have to return.

Luo Hang seized the time, practiced hard, and tried to quickly raise his cultivation level to the third level of the Taiqing Realm, the Kongming Realm!

If one's own Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao has been cultivated to the third level of the Netherworld Realm, it is considered to be in the realm of practicing God Returning to the Void, and he has cultivated to the extreme, right?

In this way, after two months of painstaking training, the optimized version of the heavenly book has improved Luo Hang's cultivation level by a bit!

Seeing that the time limit for the final return was approaching, Luo Hang finally found Li Xiaoyao and the others, and said goodbye to them.

I also invite them all to have a good night of carnival, which can be regarded as the last supper, the last farewell banquet!

On the second day, Luo Hang left quietly, and with the arrival of a year, the door of emptiness arrived as promised!

Luohang led Tongtian, crossed the gate of time and space together, and returned to the real world!corpse.

Chapter 444: Yanjing's First Imperial Equipment Flying Contest

"By the way, this world is the world of all adventures, with the highest force value, right? But, there doesn't seem to be much gain in this world!"

"Yeah, the world with the highest force value doesn't have much to gain, so it's a bit helpless!"

"Who said there is no gain? Brother Hang's cultivation base has been improved, the book of heaven has also been fully optimized, and even Brother Hang has entered the Tao. Aren't these gains? It's just that the improvement of the national fortune is not great!"

"That's right. At most, it's some witchcraft knowledge from the Moon Worshiper, and Shushan Sword Cultivator's skills, which enriched our cultivation system. In fact, the improvement is not great!"

"Shushan Sword Cultivator can cultivate to become an immortal, but the person with the highest cultivation level in the whole country seems to be at the fourth level of the Jade Clear Realm, right? The distance to become an immortal is still too far away!"

"There is no way to do this. I can only say that the previous Brother Hang has gained too much, so the later gains are relatively tasteless!"

"It's like when playing an online game, even ordinary equipment is pretty good in the early stage, but in the later stage, when I wear a magical outfit, even if something good is revealed, it's rather useless!"

"Well, the metaphor upstairs is too appropriate. In this world, many explorers have obtained the power of the cultivation system, and feel that they have gained a lot. The reason why I "two-five-three" feel that there is nothing to gain is mainly because Or is it different from other countries because of the original starting point?"

"However, it's not completely useless, for example, the Eight Gate Dunjia can be opened permanently!"

"Also, the Tianshu has been optimized. It's not just a simple height increase. In fact, the cultivation speed will also be improved!"

"Perhaps for a single individual, a certain degree of improvement doesn't make much difference, but if you look at it across the country, the whole people have improved, which is of extraordinary significance!"

"Huh? Makes sense. If you put it this way, we've actually gained quite a lot!?"

Luo Hang returned, and the screen in the live broadcast room went black.

However, many viewers did not leave immediately, but many people started discussions about the harvest and various situations of this time!

Let's not talk about what these people in the live broadcast room are talking about.

On the other side, after Luo Hang passed through the dimension gate, he returned to the Expedition Department!

As always, Li Limin led the expedition team, and they all lined up to welcome them!

"Luo Hang, you have already entered the Tao!" Li Limin said to Luo Hang.

"Not bad!" Luo Hang nodded, not hiding anything!

"That's amazing. If you look at it this way, you're not far from becoming a fairy, aren't you?" Li Limin then said in amazement!

It's only been through seven worlds, and his cultivation has already improved to this level!

Immortal?This is really a legendary existence!

"No, there is still a long way to go before becoming an immortal!" Luo Hang shook his head and said.

My family knows my own affairs, and I haven't even reached the third level of the Taiqing Realm, so if I want to become a fairy, this possibility is not great!

"After that Jiang Ming entered the Tao, he ascended to immortality. Your current cultivation base and Taoism are not weaker than that Jiang Ming. You should not be far from ascending to immortality, right?"

Li Limin looked at Luo Hang, looking like you are too modest!

Smiling, Luo Hang didn't explain too much!

In terms of practice, this is actually the case. If you go well, you can grow up by leaps and bounds. Li Xiaoyao and Liu Jinyuan are the best examples!

However, if it doesn't go well, a breakthrough in the realm is enough to keep you stuck for a long time!

So, how far is it to become a fairy?

It seems that it is not far away, but how long it will take to succeed, even Luo Hang himself does not have an exact concept of time!

After greeting Li Limin and the others, Luo Hang came to his lounge and sat down.

Then, he threw Shushan Jianxiu's skills, the optimized version of Tianshu, and the optimized version of Bamen Dunjia to Li Limin.

There is no need for Luo Hang to worry about the next promotion issue, these are all things that Li Limin and the others have to be busy with!

So, in the lounge, after resting for a few days, Luo Hang said that he was leaving and went out for a stroll!

"Well, be careful yourself..." Seeing that Luo Hang was about to leave, Li Limin hesitated for a moment, then nodded and gave an answer!

"Oh?" Li Limin's answer made Luo Hang raise his brows slightly.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his face!

In the beginning, it was strictly forbidden to leave the lounge by myself.

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