Therefore, as long as there are some good things, as long as you think you can use them, prepare them for yourself!

Space storage props, energy shield props, and now this spaceship!

"Okay, maybe it will be useful in the future!" Luo Hang nodded, and put the spaceship away!

Moreover, the super electromagnetic rail gun is also equipped?

(Li Hao) Luo Hang remembers that this is the original technology in the world of Transformers.

Therefore, it is reasonable to carry a super electromagnetic rail gun on this spaceship!

In this way, after accepting it, Luo Hang released it on the open space to have a look.

This spaceship, whether it is big or small, is incomparable to the castle-like spaceships in many movies.

However, it is also comparable to the size of a civil aviation aircraft.

Luo Hang went in and took a look, and sure enough, there was everything inside, food, water, vegetables, even red wine, white wine, and cola.

These substances are enough for ten or eight people to survive for a year!

"It's not bad, it's not bad, let's not talk about the ability to go to the universe, at least, if you are exploring in other worlds, you don't have to sleep in the open air anymore!"

Looking at the layout of his spaceship, Luo Hang nodded, very satisfied!

This spaceship, Luo Hang seems to want to treat it as a mobile villa!

Needless to say, this is quite appropriate!

In this way, he accepted it contentedly, and after a few days, Li Limin found Luo Hang again, holding a document in his hand!

Luo Hang counted the days, and the day before his eighth crossing is not far away!

This should be the data information of the world to be explored below! .

Chapter 447: Is the brain just being lazy?

"This is a world with gods, ghosts, demons, and demons!" "In this world, there is the legendary Nu Wa who created humans!" "There is also the Jade Emperor who rules the Three Realms!"

"The Heaven Realm is dominated by the Jade Emperor, and many immortal officials and generals rule the world!" "The Ghost Realm, Yan Luo rules Fengdu City!"

"There are more monks and Taoist monks in the mortal world, subdue demons and subdue demons, and keep the world peaceful!"

Luo Hang looked at the latest file and the information described in the file, he was dumbfounded!

Then, Luo Hang looked at Li Limin with weird eyes.

"Old Li, did you take the wrong information? This is the information from the previous world, right?" Yes, isn't it the same as the information from the previous Legend of Sword and Fairy World?

What happened to the information given this time?

"No, I got it right, the information given by Zhinao is this!"

Li Limin didn't think it was strange about Luo Hang's weirdness. After all, when he first got this information, Li Limin himself was stunned!

"Then, could it be that the brain has made a mistake?" Luo Hang then asked.

"It's not true. When I got it, I confirmed it with Zhinao again and again. Zhinao said that this is a different world, but the information is correct!" Li Limin followed up and replied! "In addition, there are actually some differences between these two documents. It's better that the one who ruled the Three Realms changed from the Emperor of Heaven to the Jade Emperor, and the one who ruled the ghost world changed from the King of Ghosts to Yama, right?" Li Limin then pointed It refers to the slight difference between the two copies!

Well, that's the end of the story, what else can Luo Hang say?

I can only complain silently in my heart that my brain is being lazy!

Even if the background sets two similar worlds, Zhinao shouldn't use the same copywriting, right?

Similarly, the last world is the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, which cannot be seen from the copywriting.

Now 253, the copywriting is the same again, Luo Hang can't see it either!

I just know that the next world should be a fairy tale world again!

In fact, it wasn't just Luo Hang who was a little dumbfounded. When this information was released, audiences around the world were even more dumbfounded!

At first, some people were discussing whether the brain was wrong!

Later, these audiences also complained, saying that the brain has also learned to be lazy.

In these two different worlds, the copywriting is actually the same!

However, is it a fairy tale world?

Is this Zhinao's plan to let the Xianxia culture on Longguo affect the whole world?

Tucao belongs to Tucao, since this is the arrangement of the brain, it can only be accepted.

Therefore, explorers all over the world cheered up and prepared for the next different world.

From their point of view, there is nothing wrong with the next different world!

With the different world of the Legend of Sword and Fairy just now as a blueprint, if the copywriting is the same, perhaps it is a very similar world.

In this case, there will be a certain degree of familiarity!

Besides, what about the world of Dragon Kingdom mythology twice in a row?

Aren't the first world and the second world still the martial arts world?

Not to mention, there is nothing wrong with the world background of the Dragon Kingdom, at least the connection from martial arts to fairy tales, and then to the world of mythology, the cultivation system is the same!

Let's not talk about what the other explorers are thinking about.

At this time, Luo Hang has already chosen to lie flat!

Since you can't know which world you are in in advance, then you should lie down and wait until you get in, and then investigate slowly!

In this way, in the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

On the day of the official crossing, Luo Hang did not choose to bring Tongtian with him!

With the ability to reach the sky, in the world of fairy tales, it doesn't have much effect, but it will be regarded as a different kind!

Before, the reason why he chose to take him with him was because he was afraid that the people in the scientific research department would try to study Tongtian while he was away.

But recently, after chatting with Li Limin, I learned that the scientific research department would not dare to advocate without my consent!

Moreover, the existence of the Expedition Department is only to serve Luohang. , Therefore, if they stay in the exploration department, Li Limin and the others will not allow the people from the scientific research department to take Tongtian away!

That being the case, Luo Hang naturally has nothing to worry about!

Unless it is the top level of the country that orders the expedition!

However, is it more important to study Tongtian, or is it more important to be an explorer of the Dragon Kingdom?

Luo Hang believes that the people at the top know how to choose!

The Dimensional Gate arrived as promised, Luohang didn't waste any nonsense, stepped through the Dimensional Gate, and started his eighth adventure in another world!

"Come here, I haven't seen my husband for a month, I miss him so much!"

"Brother Hang's live broadcast has started, what is this world like? I'm looking forward to it!"

"Could it be that you have returned to the previous world?"

"Impossible, the titles of Heavenly Emperor and Jade Emperor are still somewhat different! Besides, the titles of Ghost King and Yan Luo are also somewhat different!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just watch carefully. What I'm curious about is that in the last world, Brother Hang's cultivation has improved and he has entered the Tao. In this world, how far Brother Hang's cultivation can be improved!"

"The pinnacle of a mortal monk? Or can he become a fairy at all!?"


"If it really succeeds, my Dragon Kingdom will be the first country with immortals, right?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, there are already many viewers waiting for it!

Although there are quite a few viewers who are still complaining that Zhinao's copywriting is the same as the previous different world, complaining that Zhinao is being lazy.

However, these audiences are still looking forward to what Luo Hang can gain in this different world! .

Not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, (bcfj) what kind of mind is it at the moment.

At this time, Luo Hang stepped through the dimension gate, and found that the other side of the dimension gate was the night.

Moreover, the weather in this dark night is not very good, with strong winds and thunderstorms!

Looking at his surroundings again, the barren mountains and wild mountains made Luo Hang shake his head helplessly.

Well, you need to find people, get information, and determine what kind of world you are in, so don't be in a hurry anymore!

Find a place first, take shelter from the rain, and let's talk about it after practicing for one night!

However, with a slight movement in his mind, Luo Hang patted himself on the head, what was he thinking?

Doesn't that just happen to get a good thing?Need to go somewhere else to shelter from the rain?

Thinking of this, Luo Hang's belief moved slightly, and he raised his hand to take out the model of the spaceship.

Then I found a relatively open place and put the spaceship over there!

This spaceship unlocks the effect of space folding, and it turns into a large spaceship, almost as big as a civilian airliner!

Luohang can walk in, and besides the cockpit, there are also many supplies inside.

When the lights are on, the living area, the north road of the bed, the kitchen and the bathroom are all available!

Luo Hang picked up a tea set, boiled a pot of water, and sat by the glass window.

Bubble tea, look at the rainy night outside, this life is very pleasant!

Needless to say, this spaceship really provided me with great convenience!

"Hold the grass, what is this? A spaceship?"

"It was opened directly, Brother Hang, is this being used as a villa?"

"By the way, when did my brother Hang have such a spaceship?"

"It seems that it is the research result of the scientific research department?"

"Not to mention, the scientific research department is quite powerful sometimes, isn't that what it is?"

"Hahaha, at this time, other live broadcast rooms and other explorers have launched the mode of survival in the wilderness. Only our brother Hang is making tea and watching the scenery on a rainy night. This damn sense of style came out immediately. !"

"Stunning, my Great Dragon Kingdom, hahaha, elegant, timeless!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, watching Luo Hang take out the spaceship and use it as a villa, the audience in these live broadcast rooms were also stunned.

Then, you express your admiration and pride with each word.

After all, sometimes, the sense of pride is such a comparison!

Not to mention, making tea and enjoying the scenery on a rainy night, although it's pretty good.

However, I drank too much tea and my stomach was a little bloated, so I should eat something!

So, what should you eat?

After thinking about it, Luo Hang got up and made himself a bowl of instant noodles!

There are a lot of ingredients in the kitchen. There are all kinds of ingredients. After thinking about it, I cooked two abalones, cut a few slices of beef, eggs, ham, and finally lettuce, and sprinkled with a handful of green onions!

Needless to say, this bowl of instant noodles is really complete in color, fragrance and shape!

"Well, it's not bad!" Picking up the chopsticks, he took a light bite.

It took half an hour to make instant noodles, and the taste is really good!

However, watching Luo Hang eat instant noodles like this, the audience in the live broadcast room was a little bit blown away.

"My Brother Hang, what are you eating? Are you eating instant noodles?"

"It took half an hour for this instant noodle, it's not convenient at all!"

"Shacao, this is the first time I've seen instant noodles more luxurious than the one on the package!"

"Experts told me that eating instant noodles is not nutritious. My previous answer was that the expert knows nothing! Does he know instant noodles? I'm so mixed up that I eat instant noodles, and I don't care if he is nutritious or not?"

"And now? How did you answer?"

"Now I want to bring that dog expert over to have a look, and ask this bowl of instant noodles, is it nutritious enough?"

It was the first time for the people in the live broadcast room to see people eating instant noodles like this, and they all exploded!

And at this time, in the spaceship, Luo Hang just took a bite.

Suddenly, a knock on the spaceship's door was felt. .

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