Moreover, Luo Hang felt very familiar with this figure! "This is!?"

Withdrawing his finger on the baby's brow, Luo Hang showed a look of surprise on his face! "How's it going? Mr. Luo Hang!?"

Bai Suzhen and the others next to her all looked at Luo Hang with searching eyes, and at the same time, asked!

"Wen Qu Xing descends to earth!" Luo Hang said!

"Wen Qu Xing descended to earth?" Hearing this, Fa Hai and the others looked at Bai Suzhen's child in surprise!

Was his child actually descended from Wen Qu Xing?

Who is Wenquxing?Is that one of the 28 constellations?

In the fairy world, he can be regarded as a fairy in the fairy class!But reincarnated as Bai Suzhen's son?

"So that's how it is. No wonder you have been able to withstand the attack of that guardian vajra for so long!" Fa Hai said suddenly after knowing the identity of Bai Suzhen's son! "The White Snake in the TV drama version, it seems that her son is Wenqu Xingxia? I didn't expect that the Green Snake in this movie version has the same setting?" "However, the setting of Bai Suzhen's master is Li Shan's old mother is different. !"

"It seems that some places are the same, some places are different!" Realizing the identity of Bai Suzhen's son, Luo Hang muttered to himself!

Moreover, Wen Quxing, when his primordial spirit went to heaven, he had met once.

I never thought that when we meet again, we will be in such a situation! .

Chapter 473: Arhat Subduing Dragon Strikes

"My son, is Wenquxing descending to earth?"

Even Bai Suzhen was completely dumbfounded at this moment, looking at her son in disbelief!

He De He Neng?This Wenquxing was actually reincarnated as his own child! ?

"It seems that it's because of Xu Xian's difference!"

At this moment, Luo Hang suddenly remembered that when he met Xu Xian before, he had the noble spirit of a scholar, which made Luo Hang mutter in a low voice.

In terms of the importance of Wenquxing to scholars, even if he is reincarnated, he still wants to choose a family with a reading atmosphere?

If so, it makes sense!

"What's different about Xu Xian? Is there anything different about him?" Hearing this, Xiaoqing beside him couldn't help asking!

From her point of view, her brother-in-law is just a nerd, can there be any difference that can make even Luo Hang look at him differently~?

"Xu Xian is good at reading, and he has a great spirit in his chest, so, this is the reason that can attract Wenquxing to come to reincarnate!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and expressed his guess!

These words made Xiaoqing silent.

Although I think he is a nerd and has nothing to show for it, but after all, being able to attract the reincarnation of Wenquxing seems to be enough to prove his extraordinaryness?

I feel nothing, is it just because of my own prejudice?

"Luo Hang, something seems wrong!"

However, at this moment, Fa Hai's face became more serious, and he said: "Generally, there are only two possibilities for the reincarnation of immortals and Buddhas. One is to make a mistake and be reincarnated as punishment, and the other is to He came from the lower realm with some kind of mission!"

"If you make a mistake, you probably won't make a mistake. A few days ago, my Yuanshen went to the Heavenly Court, and I happened to meet Wenquxing, and we had a great conversation. Judging by his appearance, he doesn't seem to have made any mistakes!" Luo Hang Follow up!

Having said this, Luo Hang stopped talking and did not continue.

However, Luo Hang also realized that something was wrong!

Since he didn't make a mistake and be relegated to the mortal world, then there is only one possibility, and that is to come with some kind of mission!

A Wenqu star descended to the earth, and there was also a Dharma protector from the Buddhist sect, King Kong, who deliberately descended to the earth, deliberately targeting Xiaoqing?

Vaguely, it seemed that some major event happened, which I didn't know about!

"Yeah? Wenquxing descended to earth? This is true. Wenquxing descended to earth!"

"I used to describe other people as highly educated, saying that Wen Qu Xing descended to earth, but in this real mythical world, Wen Qu Xing really descended to earth!"

"Wenquxing's reincarnation is actually because of Xu Xian? Holding the grass, is Xu Xian really a boss? Can he attract Wenquxing to reincarnate as his son?"

"Wait, is it just because Xu Xian reads well and has a noble spirit?" "However, what did Brother Hang just say? He has been to the fairy world? Why don't I know?"

"I don't know either. Could it be that Brother Hang went to the Immortal Realm while I was sleeping? Didn't I see the live broadcast?" "So, is Brother Hang really awesome? Before you know it, you can go to the fairy world!"

"I also feel that something is wrong. People from the Buddhist sect went down to earth directly, and Wen Quxing even reincarnated. If there is no inside story in the immortal Buddha? I really don't believe it!"

('Recognized, accurate'! If,,. Water? The first "'fa;?",... Stealing 'books, selling? Money". Die: "; Mom?:) Longguo's live broadcast room, followed by Luo From the perspective of aviation, these audiences also talked a lot.

On the one hand, he marveled at Luo Hang's ability to go to the fairyland.

On the other hand, I also realized that the situation seemed to be very wrong!

There is something wrong with the movements of the immortal Buddha!Aww...

As if to confirm everyone's thoughts, at this moment, suddenly, a loud and clear dragon chant resounded in the sky.

At the same time, Luo Hang and Fa Hai looked towards the sky.

I saw a golden dragon flying over from the sky.

The most important thing is that on the back of this golden dragon, there is also a person wearing cassock with golden light on his body! "Amitabha, I have seen the Dragon Subduing Arhat..."

Seeing the figure that appeared, Fa Hai's expression changed slightly.

Immediately, he bowed his head and saluted to this figure riding a dragon!

As a Buddhist disciple, Fa Hai naturally recognized the famous Dragon Subduing Arhat!

"Amitabha, I have sensed that there is a monster here!" Jianglong stared at Xiaoqing!

What he said made Luo Hang and the others turn dark!

The evil spirit is pervasive, so you just stare at Xiaoqing?Isn't Bai Suzhen next to her a demon?

This was the case with Dharma Protector King Kong before, but what about Jianglong Luohang now?

Is this a joke?Or do you think everyone is an idiot?

"Luohan, let me explain this matter..." Hearing this, Fa Hai's face changed slightly, and he said hastily! "Needless to say, a demon is a demon, gods, men, ghosts and demons, and the levels of the four realms are orderly!"

However, before Fa Hai's words were finished, Subduing Dragon Arhat waved his hand and violently interrupted Fa Hai's words!

Hearing the words of Subduing Dragon Arhat, Fa Hai's face became very ugly.

It was difficult for him to refute the words of Luohan subduing the dragon. After all, when Fa Hai himself subdued the demons before, what he said was similar to what the Luohan subduing the dragon said now.

So, facing Jianglong Luohang, what can Fa Hai say?

"Okay, stop talking so much nonsense, let's do it!" Luo Hang, who was next to him, took a deep breath and said to Fa Hai.

At the same time, Kaido and Beast God were released as well, which showed that Luo Hang was serious about it!

"This..." Hearing this, a hesitant look appeared on Fa Hai's face!

Who is the person in front of me?Subduing Dragon Arhat, he is enshrined in many temples.

As a disciple of Buddhism, did he actually attack the Dragon Subduing Arhat?

Fahai really felt very embarrassed, as if he couldn't let go of this hand at all!

Not to mention what kind of thoughts Hai has, Luo Hang has already made a move at this time!

The previous Dharma Guardian King Kong has been killed, and then came the Dragon Subduing Arhat, so the strength of this Dragon Subduing Arhat must be much stronger than that Dharma Guardian King Kong, right?

Moreover, Luo Hang has also heard of the reputation of the majestic Dragon Subduing Arhat. It seems that this is the head of the Eighteen Arhats in Buddhism?

"Hmph, they're all evil methods!"

Seeing the Beast God and Kaido summoned by Luo Hang, Dragon Subduing Arhat also snorted softly, and said to Luo Hang angrily!

Subduing Dragon Arhat raised his hand, without any nonsense, pinched a seal on his hand, and then slapped it in Xiaoqing's direction.

The golden palm prints descended from the sky, leaving no space for people to dodge at all. Obviously, Xiaoqing is also the target of this Dragon Subduing Arhat!

Although he wants to attack the Dragon Subduing Arhat?Fa Hai felt very embarrassed.

However, seeing that Arhat Subduing Dragon really attacked Xiao Qing, Fa Hai's reaction was very fast, and he came to Xiao Qing in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, his cassock was also removed, turning it into a shield, protecting Xiaoqing under his cassock!

...for flowers.


However, the gap in cultivation is completely crushed!

Can the realm of practicing the spirit and returning to the void be compared with the realm of refining the void and combining the Tao?

With just one move, the golden handprint completely pressed down on Fahai's cassock, and then fell hard on Xiaoqing's body.

The huge palm print pressed down on the cassock and hit Xiaoqing's body. This blow pierced through the entire island, and the sea water poured out from the piercing palm print!

"Xiao Qing!" Seeing this scene, Fa Hai's face changed in horror.

Subduing Dragon Arhat's full blow, his own defense is useless, suffered such an attack, Xiaoqing is sure to die, right?

"It seems that we still have to ask him, what is the goal of the Immortal Buddha!"

Luo Hang stared at Jianglong Luohan, and muttered secretly in his heart!

Yes, the Dragon Subduing Arhats have all descended to earth in person, and Wenquxing has all been reincarnated. If there is no inside story among the immortals and Buddhas, I would not believe it.

Now, in Luo Hang's eyes, this Arhat Subduing Dragon is not only a crisis, but in fact, he is also the one to reveal the truth of all these secrets!

...O "Let's do it together, as long as you can subdue him for a while!" Luo Hang tightened the vibrating gold glove on his left hand, and said to Fa Hai and the others!

After the words fell, Luo Hang swung the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and the power of Xuanhuo Jian turned into a sea of ​​flames, sweeping towards the direction of Dragon Subduing Arhat!


Seeing Luo Hang's attack on him, Dragon Subduing Arhat just let out a cold snort.

Immediately raised his hand, pointed towards Luo Hang!

A bright Buddha's light turned into a horse and shot directly in the direction of Luo Hang!

He raised his left hand to block it, but the powerful force sent Luo Hang flying.

At the same time, his left arm went numb for a while, which made Luo Hang's mind dignified!

Is it really worthy of being the head of the Eighteen Arhats, the Subduing Dragon Arhat?This kind of power is really very powerful.

Practicing casually one at a time, even my vibrating gold gloves can't stop it? "Huh!?"

Luo Hang secretly marveled at the strength of Jianglong Luohan, but in fact, watching his own practice just sent Luo Hang flying, and did not even hurt him, Jianglong Luohan's heart was the most surprised!

After a moment of silence, Subduing Dragon Arhat raised his hand again.

This time, did the palm turn into a huge palm print again, attacking in the direction of Luo Hang!


Seeing the huge palm prints coming down towards him, Luo Hang's Xuanyuan Sword lay in front of him, and at the same time, he silently activated the ability to block in his heart!

Xuanyuan Sword blocked that huge palm print!

Although it seems that the momentum of the palm print is incomparably powerful, Luo Hang's sword is like a moat, making it impossible for Jianglong Luohang's palm print to suppress it at all!

Immediately afterwards, with a wave of Luo Hang's hand, Xuanyuanjian directly bounced the palm print back!

His own strength was bounced back, and he was attacked by his own strength, and Dragon Subduing Arhat couldn't help but take two steps back!

It's now!

Luo Hang seemed to have been prepared for a long time, just when Jianglong Luohang was shocked by his own palm prints, Luo Hang's figure flashed, and he came in front of Jianglong Luohan!

At the same time, the left hand moved towards the chest of Jianglong Luohan.

On the vibrating gold glove, the inlaid soul gem shone brightly... Corpse.

Chapter 474: Mirror Space, Catch a Turtle in an Urn

At the level of Jianglong Arhat, the intuition of danger is already a kind of ability!

It seemed that Luo Hang just stretched out the index finger of his left hand and pointed towards him, and there seemed to be nothing wrong!

However, Dragon Subduing Arhat could clearly feel Luo Hang's finger at this moment, making all the hairs on his body stand on end!

Although his body is now being shaken back, he can't control his figure!

However, seeing Luo Hang's finger pointing at him, Dragon Subduing Arhat still made a quick move and grabbed Luo Hang's wrist, making his finger just two inches in front of him, making it difficult to get an inch in!

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