Yuanshin?God Killer!Author: Los Angeles White Horse


Travel to the continent of Tivat.

But got the ability of 'God Killer'.

As long as you kill the disobedient god, you can plunder its authority and divine power, and become the "devil king" on the ground.

But the problem is...

"It's been more than 1000 years since the demon god war ended, which god should I kill?"

"Barbatos? Morax? Ray Movie?"

"According to common sense, if you want, you can really try it." The man in the tan dress opened his golden eyes: "It's just right."

"I also want to 'retire'." He mentioned the rock gun that once created the majestic thousand-meter "Guyun Pavilion".

Rowe: "..."

ps: Lie Leiwen.

There are two settings in it, so don't look into it carefully.

The heroine Yun Jin.

Chapter 1 The Godslayer Who Comes to the Wrong Place

"It's time to change the guard—"

"Okay, thanks for your hard work."

"They are all colleagues, why are you being polite?"

At dusk, it was almost night, and the sky in Guiliyuan had already half-sunk, and the last rays of the setting sun gradually disappeared under the western mountain.

On the main road guarding Guiliyuan and Liyue Port, the soldiers of the Qianyan Army wearing dark brown armors are undergoing a new round of guard rotation.

"Let's go!"

Luo Wei, the captain of the Qianyan Army squad, waved goodbye to the group of soldiers who replaced him and the others, and then led the Qianyan Army who had replaced him to the direction of Liyue Port.

He looked towards the end of the road.

The economic center of the Tivat continent and the main city of the country with the most prosperous business can be seen clearly.

The majestic palace buildings with scales and steps are scattered and built on the Tianheng Mountain, and the lights are connected like a nebula, bordering the vast sea outside the Tivat continent.

Near the mountains and seas, the clouds and water have the flavor of coming from all directions.

Prosperous and prosperous.

This is Luo Wei's most profound experience during the past six months living in Liyue Port.

As a transit point for all wealth circulation, Liyue Port receives countless merchants and tourists from other countries in the Tivat continent every year, every day, and every moment. country people.

There are flavors from all directions here.

There are a variety of scenery and objects from various places.

Of course, now that he has just finished his shift, he doesn't have the time to experience this kind of prosperity. After two days on duty, he just wants to go back and take a good rest...

Unexpectedly, I have to go to work before crossing.

After crossing, I still have to be so busy from [-] to [-] in the morning.

Luo Wei exhaled, and looked away from a distance, he reached out and patted the dark brown armor on his body, and put his hand on the handle of the long knife at his waist.

The costumes of the Qianyan army have always been neat and solemn as the standard, just like the gods who rule Liyue, the Yanwang Dijun, with a sense of the length and thickness of the earth.

But when it comes to the 'officer' class, you can still choose your own clothing more or less independently, as long as the color conforms to the 'ritual system'.

So different from other Qianyan soldiers, the costumes Luo Wei wears are more similar to the 'flying fish suit' of the Ming Dynasty in his original world, with a round neck and wrists, slim and beautiful, and a black round hat on his head It also has the effect of protecting the head.

Such a dress clearly distinguishes Luo Wei from other guards - not only because of his position, but also because of his strength.

... At any rate, he is considered a time traveler.

After traveling for half a year to reach this level, I am already very sorry for this background identity.

Luo Wei put his hand on the hilt of the long knife at his waist, and looked sideways at the soldiers following him.

Just overheard the conversation of his subordinates: "Go back and take a shower... I'm exhausted!"

"Is this tired? I think the seniors of our Qianyan Army were able to run for three days and three nights on the battlefield dominated by the demon god!"

"Hey, how can I compare with the seniors? The only one who can compare with the seniors is probably the captain?"

"That's true. I remember that the captain seemed to wipe out a Qiuqiu camp by himself last time. Even if it's not much worse than someone with God's Eye, isn't it?"

Perhaps it was because they were already 'off work', their postures seemed quite relaxed.

It's a bunch of young people...well, young people themselves.

Hearing them talking about him, Luo Wei couldn't help thinking and smiled.

And seeing his appearance, the soldiers of the Qianyan Army couldn't help but relax even more - even their immediate superiors relaxed, so why don't they relax?

Soldiers are human too, and it is impossible to be tense all the time.

"Why don't we go have a meal? I heard that Ms. Xiangling from Wanmintang has developed a new dish, and it tastes really good!"

"That's right, it's a rare time...Captain, let's go together?"

"You don't mean to let me treat you secretly, do you?" Luo Wei immediately became vigilant.

"The captain is so rich, what's wrong with the treat?"

"Fuck you, you don't have any money!" Luo Wei finally said, laughing and cursing, "No!"


Amidst the laughter, the last rays of the setting sun dissipated completely, the night covered the world, the bright moon hung brightly high, and the stars scattered around, shining like fireflies.

Facing the evening wind that blew from the earth to the sea, carrying the dusty breath of Guiliyuan, Luo Wei shook his head: "I'm serious, you go, I have something else to do."

"Really...that's really a pity!" Someone made a disappointed voice, it was the young man who wanted Luo Wei to treat him just now: "The captain can't treat him!"

"Be careful if you talk nonsense again, I will deduct your salary." Luo Wei rolled his eyes.

The man smiled and didn't care.

However, some people think it is true: "After all, he is the captain, so he must have worked hard secretly when all of us didn't know it?"

"It's no wonder you were promoted to the team leader so quickly, maybe soon, we should call you the team leader!"

"Let's not talk about it, it's completely dark, and there will be no place in Wanmin Hall if it's later—let's go, see you captain tomorrow!"

While speaking, they had already passed the gate of Liyue Port. Since it is a 'port', the city built by the sea certainly has no city walls. With strong confidence, from the beginning of construction, Emperor Yanwang never thought of setting up obstacles for the city.

Therefore, there is only one door for Liyue to enter and exit. Behind the door, there is a rushing water and a wooden bridge. On the opposite side of the bridge is the city of flowers called Liyue.

Luo Wei and the soldiers of the Qianyan Army parted ways here.

They went to the bustling business district of Liyue Port.

However, Luo Wei stopped at the same place, watching the backs of the group of people leaving, his eyes reflected the flames of the city and the night, and his expression was calm.

He is very familiar with this place.

The city, the buildings in the city, the people living in the buildings... not only because he has been living here for half a year, but also because he has 'visited' here countless times in the 'game'.

The enlarged Liyue Port in the game is the scene in front of you.

He traveled into the game, which he had recognized as early as half a year ago when he just timed out.

But even if you have already recognized it, you have even gotten used to living here.

He still wants to say...

What kind of trouble would it be for me to bring a 'God Slayer' skill to an era where there were not many gods?

There is no doubt that Luo Wei, who traveled here, actually has a special ability—or it should be called 'Gold Finger'.

'Godslayer Reincarnation Art', from the anime "Godslayer! ", is a power system that can reach the sky in one step by killing the "God of Disobedience", plundering the power of the gods, and mastering the "spell power" of the gods.

Of course, this ability is not considered powerful. The great cause of killing gods needs to be forged by oneself, and the majesty of challenging the gods with a mortal body has always been in the category of "miracles"... But if you use this ability that can be freely controlled by him It is not impossible to achieve the power of the "God Slayer Specialized Survival Technique".

God never meant to be truly invincible.

As long as you arrive at the anime world called "God Killer" and you are familiar with the 'plot', even if you only rely on the advantage of the traveler's 'foresight', you may not be able to 'find the leak'.

Not to mention the essence of the "Godslayer Reincarnation Ceremony", it is still aimed at the restraining power of the existence of the "God of Disobedience", which obtains beliefs from myths fabricated by humans, casts personality and self but in turn breaks free from the shackles of myths .

This is equivalent to the "God Killer Blessing", a protection that other God Killers cannot have that can be obtained before the God Killer is achieved!

Luo Wei, who has just crossed, is full of confidence.

But soon, he realized he was wrong.

This is not the world of "God Slayer" at all, but the continent of Tivat.

It's not "God Killer", so there is no such thing as a God of Disobedience. Although there are also demon gods here, let's not care whether the God Killer Ritual is a born powerful elemental life, or a demon god who grew up from an elemental elf. Useful, in fact, there are basically not many demon gods in this world.

The war of demons and gods for the position of the 'Seven Worlds' has already ended thousands of years ago.

The former demon god died and fled, and the demon god after reincarnation can't be called a demon god, he couldn't find a chance to confirm——

Unless it is to challenge the world's seven rulers.

But the consequences of doing that... Luo Wei thought about his small arms and legs, and decisively gave up this idea.

In desperation, he had no choice but to join the Liyue official and become a Qianyan army.

To make a living.

In order to survive in a familiar yet strange world.

It is also to wait for the opportunity...to wait, to confirm whether my ability can be effective against the "demon god" of this world, or even the possible "god killing" opportunity.

"I kept you waiting for a long time. I encountered some miscellaneous matters on the road, and they have been dealt with." The clear and gentle voice fell into my ears,

Luo Wei stretched out his hand and lifted the brim of the round hat on his head. The hem of the flying fish suit fluttered in the wind, and he spoke calmly and helplessly: "It's been too long, Mr. Zhongli."

"Also..." He looked at the people behind the visitor: "Did you buy something without bringing any money?"

Chapter 2 Rock King Dijun and Zhongli and Demon God Zhiyi

Paying for the 'Mola' owed by the visitor out of his own pocket, and sending back the stall owners who came after him, Luo Wei looked at his instantly withered wallet, and couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken: "Did you buy it?" what?"

"Rationally speaking, what I bought is not too much." The man stroked his smooth chin with his black-gloved fingers, and said thoughtfully: "If you need it, I can give it all away."

"No—those were bought with my money in the first place?"

"The so-called coins are originally made for circulation, so don't worry too much about it - next time, make an appointment with Dadalia, how about the three of you and me go to Wanmin Hall to taste a new dish of Xiangling?"

If you can't cheat me, you will cheat another guy, right... Luo Wei is helpless, but he has long been used to it.

After all, this guy in front of him is like this.

Even though he is the source of the currency and 'Mola' that is used in the Tivat continent, he always does not bring any money, and he does not have the slightest concept of money.

This is probably the ultimate 'darkness under the lights', right?

He shook his head and took back his empty wallet.

Think of it as an 'investment'... Luo Wei looked at the person in front of him seriously.

The gentle evening wind was blowing the waves on the coast of Liyue Port, and the moonlight shone on the slender and straight figure of Luo Wei, the young and promising Qianyan army commander, as well as on the figure of the visitor.

It was a tall and thin man in a brown slim-fitting dress. He had black hair and gilt eyes. His handsome face always carried an elegant expression. His hands seemed to be hanging down casually, but they were always placed in the most suitable position. The location is not obtrusive or conspicuous.

The man named 'Zhong Li' is one of Luo Wei's friends in this world.

at the same time...

It is also one of the seven rulers in the world. It created and ruled Liyue for three thousand and 700 years. It single-handedly forged Liyue Port, the commercial center of Tivat mainland, and promoted the mora that it condensed to become a common currency through large-scale commercial activities. The rock god, the embodiment of the rock king 'Morax' in the world.

Morax controls Liyue, under the jurisdiction of the three-eyed and five-manifested true monarch, Liyue's seven stars and eight sects, and is in charge of the two worlds of immortals. An "oracle" will be issued every year to confirm that the general development strategy of Liyue in the next year is correct.

Once a year, there is no doubt that it is hard work for a god with a long life.

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