Even if he is the executive officer of the Fools, he will not be willing to conflict with it.

This is not in line with his mission,

So Dadalia raised his hands to show his obedience, and was detained by the Qianyan army and headed towards Yuehai Pavilion.

The moment he brushed past Zhongli, he sighed.

I didn't mean to blame this 'civilian', but just said: "Mr. Zhongli, it seems that I will be able to invite you to Wanmin Hall for dinner next time-hey, I still brought enough money!"

I always feel that Dadalia's tone is somewhat fortunate?

Of course you have to be lucky.

Even Zhidong Country has a not-so-weak financial system, and there are national banks in every country.

But Zhongli's expenses, every time I think about Dadalia, I feel pain in the flesh.

That already took up a large part of his campaign funds!

Zhong Li heard the words, but his eyes were fixed: "It's okay, I will go there by myself later, and then send the bill to the Beiguo Bank opened in Zhidongguo."

"In your name."

Dadalia: "..."

Gan, what am I talking about! ?

If it wasn't for being stared at by the Qianyan army.

Dadalia really wanted to slap himself a few times.


"Mr. Dadalia, right?"

On the side building of Yuehai Pavilion, in the prison room, a candlelight illuminates the dark and narrow room. In the prison cell with iron bars tightly locked, Dadalia, who was brought here by the Qianyan Army all the way, looked helplessly at the sitting outside. figure.

I saw the light and shadow hanging from the window behind him shining on his body. In the dim light, some dust drifted away like fireflies, and the patterns carved on the solemn and simple clothes seemed quite bright in it.

The tall and tall figure sat upright, with his hands folded, his handsome face was solemn and solemn.

Regardless of the context in which it is located.

and the other's clothing.

Dadalia even thought that he was in the church of the Kingdom of Winter, facing the priests who gave spiritual guidance: "I am Dadalia of the Kingdom of Winter."

"But I don't think it's necessary for you to do this—whatever you want to ask, I will tell you everything, and I will talk endlessly!"

Dadalia is completely obedient.

"...Well, is that so? I thought you all liked this set." The man was stunned, as if he hadn't expected it.

"Don't say that we people in the Winter Kingdom like to be imprisoned!" Dadalia felt that he had to defend his country.

The man raised his eyebrows with pale blue eyeshadow, "But, don't you all like to talk in this environment?"

"Well... every once in a while something else happens."


D'Addaria said there was no excuse.

"Forget it, since Mr. Ambassador doesn't like it, just change it!"

The raised hand brought a bright light between the fingertips, and the detention room was instantly illuminated by the light from the gemstone hanging above the head.

It also clearly recorded the figure on the opposite side.

... Deputy Commander of Qianyan Army, acting as Tianshu.

"Your Excellency Luo Wei, I have known you for a long time." Dadalia responded with ease, showing the demeanor that a diplomatic ambassador should have in a polite manner.

But the raised corners of his mouth seemed to be suppressing something...

Suppressing the urge to compete with each other.

Sitting opposite him, of course, was undoubtedly Luo Wei.

Since he ordered the arrest.

He naturally did his part in this step of the interrogation.

But when he raised his eyebrows and wanted to say something, a girl's soft voice sounded next to him: "Luo Wei, what do you think is that?"

Only then did Dadalia notice that there was an elegant girl with a pretty face sitting beside Luo Wei.

Isn't that...Mr. Yun, the opera master of Yunhan Society?

Dadalia, who is a good friend of Mr. Zhongli, once accompanied Zhongli to Heyu Tea House to listen to the opera. He is not very interested in this Liyue culture, but he still knows that there is such a person.

Moreover, according to the legend, this opera master has a very close relationship with Luo Wei, and they seem to be lovers...

It is said that they are couples, but there is no need to be tired of being together in this situation, right?

Why are you still holding hands?

When talking, the faces are almost glued to each other...

Dadalia stared, inexplicably indignant... Isn't this bullying single dogs?

After all, I am also the diplomatic ambassador of the Solstice Winter Kingdom, the 'executive officer' of fools, and a well-known character in this country, a woman or something...

Dadalia thought about the women he knew.

Well, queen, lady, and master...

Forget it.

I'm still single.

Luo Wei over there naturally didn't know the inexplicable thoughts in Dadalia's mind, but just followed Yun Jin's gaze: "That should be a torture tool."

"The current Liyue seems to be stable, but in the past, monsters invaded from time to time, and there were also monsters disguised as adults, mixing in the crowd to destroy, in order to make those monsters spit out the location of their accomplices, the necessary punishment is necessary ..."

A country can always be stable.

A country can always be, and definitely not by rhetoric.

However, Luo Wei didn't intend to talk too much, and Yunjin just nodded thoughtfully.

Instead, Dadalia couldn't help swallowing his saliva while staring at the instruments of torture.

Yun Jin might not know.

She only knows some things from opera, but she doesn't know the whole picture.

But how could Dadalia not recognize it?

What kind of skinning, chopping into pieces... Zhidong Kingdom actually does not lack similar things.


How big of a case is it that you have to prepare this kind of punishment for an ambassador from another country?

There is no fear.

Dadalia, on the contrary, became even more curious.

...that is, at the same time.

"Lord Luo Wei, it's an emergency!"

Gan Yu's voice suddenly came from outside the door: "There are changes in Liyue Port—"

"The three-eyed and five-manifested immortals came to the world, and they are now in the place where thousands of merchants and ships gather. They ask to meet you!"

Luo Wei and Yun Jin exchanged glances, then held hands and got up.

Dadalia: "?"

no.you don't go--

What's the matter with hanging me here?

Chapter 120 Immortal questioning sin, please see the human drama

Regarding Dadalia's disposal, Rowe was very clear.

That is placement.

Lock it up and ignore it.

Of course, Luo Wei would not really punish the diplomatic ambassador of the Zhidong Kingdom, as that would make Liyue's exchanges between countries a failure.

In fact, there is only one purpose for him to do so.

...that's the 'core' that makes Liyue more accessible.

Going out from the detention room can directly enter the Yuehai Pavilion.

What is facing is the data storage room that holds the data of the "Hundred No Taboo Talismans" and the materials of the demon gods suppressed under the "Gu Yun Pavilion".

The no-taboo talisman carries the emperor's consciousness, which can wake up the consciousness of the demon god suppressed by the emperor and release the 'seal'.

In other words.

Rowe is in 'Fish Enforcement'.

Emperor Yanwang wants to use this opportunity to test Liyue, and Luo Wei also uses this opportunity to release the demon god to seize the power of the demon god.

Afterwards, he could even use this as an excuse to demand compensation from Zhidong Kingdom.

He is also very interested in some things in the Winter Kingdom.

This is the reason why he didn't choose to liberate the seal of the Demon God by himself - why waste time and effort when he can kill two birds with one arrow?

Although in the original book, because of the loss of the emperor on the bright side, Liyue had to succumb to the reality due to the lack of support, and only made insignificant and not serious things about the fools of Zhidong Kingdom in Liyue's territory. trigger.

Open one eye and close the other.

But Luo Wei is powerful in battle, so he won't be so timid.

But before leaving, he still said to Dadalia: "Your Excellency, please stay here first!"

"In the next few days, Liyue will not be very stable."

"You can also wash away the suspicion of you, the Winter Kingdom behind you, and the Ice God here."

The speaker appears to be unintentional.

The eyes of the listener sharpened instantly.

What could involve himself, Zhidong Kingdom, and even the Ice God at the same time?

Even Her Majesty the Queen is suspected...

Could it be the Rock God——! ?

Dadalia suddenly raised his head, only to find that the cage was already empty.

Luo Wei and that 'Mr. Yun' had already left hand in hand.

Went to Liyue Port.


——The place where thousands of merchants and ships gather.

Just like the last Sea God attack, this place was once again cleared out of a large corner area. Countless sailboats were moored on the shore. The waves are rippling, and the reflection of Liyue's majestic and prosperous city flows in it like a city hidden under the sea.

Keqing stood here with a solemn expression, and there were traces of electric arcs faintly spreading under the fluttering skirt, which represented that she had just used elemental combat skills and arrived in a rapid burst.

And on top of the head—

"Humph, isn't that guy here yet?" A haughty voice sounded from the top of the towering 'watchtower' in front of the pier.

The white and ice-blue crane gently stretched its wings in the sun, its slender neck swayed slightly, and its drooping eyes showed a bit of impatience.

"Zhenjun Liuyun, please be patient." Ke Qing's exquisite eyebrows were slightly lowered, and she responded like this.

"This kind of thing happened, how do you want us to be patient and calm?"

On the top of another 'tower' opposite to Liuyun Borrowing Wind, another crane-shaped fairy 'Li Shan Dieshui' spoke in a tone that was not as arrogant as Liu Yun Borrowing Wind, but he was obviously very impatient.

And in front of Ke Qing, the deer-shaped immortal who was stepping on the deck of the pier lifted up the antlers that seemed to be able to support the sky: "The emperor was assassinated, no matter what, we immortals must give an explanation."

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