Farewell to the deceased fairy.

Farewell to the 'ascension' emperor.

The sonorous drum music, the melodious sound of opera, or even human beings thanking the gods and gods who led them to grow stronger, expressing to them...human beings have grown up and are able to walk independently into the future.

Until the curtain fell on the stage.

The immortals in the audience are still immersed in the opera, just like those audiences in the past, they have not left for a long time.


"Looks like it worked."

The heavy curtain covered the figure, and also blocked the sound even more. Luo Wei paced and stopped, met the eyes of the opposite girl who had also stopped performing, and smiled at each other.

'It's not in vain I used a little bit of 'Nightmare' power...'

If it weren't for the nightmare to cover himself, it would be difficult for Luo Wei and Yun Jin to fully cooperate to interpret the chapter of "Emerald Mortals", which is much more difficult than the previous "The Legend of Yunmeng Heroes".

But if you are perfect in your dreams, you can also be perfect in a play.

"Luo Wei's ability is really suitable for acting." Yun Jin blinked her vermilion eyes.

The lights hanging above the stage are hanging down, and the girl's smile is sweet and moving.

Luo Wei was startled, just about to say something...

"But there is one thing, you still guessed wrong."

The girl lifted the fluffy skirt slightly, stood on tiptoes, and leaned forward.

While the phoenix crown pompon is shaking,

The long hair fluttered and brushed down, across Luo Wei's neck.

The raised pretty face was approaching at the same time, and the moist red lips brushed across the young man's face:

"The show isn't over yet, is it?"

Between soft echoes.

A touch of red lips was gently imprinted on his lips.

Luo Wei was stunned, looking directly at the pretty face of the girl who was close at hand, feeling the amazing flexibility hidden under the slightly raised delicate body.

The girl leaned her whole body on him.

The full chest is gently pressed, and the flat abdomen is perfectly clinging.

The raised hand also hooked his neck at the same time.

Lift your hips up.

It also crosses and outlines the sunken place under the skirt at a close distance.

Soft and tight, the eyes were lightly closed, the eyelashes fluttered, and the girl's fair skin was slightly flushed.

The heart is close at this moment.

The temperature of each other is more fiery.

The girl's heart opened up even more at this moment.

At this moment, Luo Wei thought a lot, and Yunjin also thought a lot.

They all thought of the scene when they first met.

Think of the peace of mind of getting along later.

Thinking of the laughter of every day, the joy of every small talk.

Emotional time never comes from accumulation.

After accumulation, it will be a matter of course.

It's a matter of course, and it's a joy to meet.

Parted lips for a moment.

The girl gently embraced the neck of the boy with a gentle expression in front of her, and stuffed herself into his arms:

"This 'competition'... I won it?"

It was she who took the initiative.

It was she who expressed her heart first.

In this 'showdown', after all, Yun Jin seized the opportunity and took the lead in giving back.

After all, it was she who made the most correct feedback at the right time,

They have just performed the ordinary lives of countless people.

now performed,

It should also be the most important moment in their lives.

"Yes, you won." Luo Wei raised his hand and hugged her gently.

"As the winner, should I collect my own spoils?"

"You can do whatever you want."

"Then I want half of your life, the closest position on the stage of your life."

I don't know how many times the four eyes met, but no matter what the figure reflected in the other's eyes, it was hard to get tired of seeing it.


They say life is like this.

Then from now on, your life, your drama stage, should have half of me.

Chapter 120 Who killed the emperor, and who did the emperor kill

Confessing at this moment, Yun Jin had already made preparations when she decided to perform "Emerald Mortals".

"A Hundred Generations of Ordinary People" is about a hundred generations of ordinary people.

Naturally, it also includes her own——

Including this long-desired vision.

"and also..."

"This, is a 'return gift'?"

The girl who leaned over gently met Luo Wei's softer eyes, and the vermilion eyes narrowed slightly, appearing immersed and moving.

She brought her vermilion lips closer again.

Soft to the touch again.

It was 'confession' before.

And now, it's the 'reciprocal gift' agreed upon between Jue Yunjian.

Since it is a gift in return.

Then there is no reason for Luo Wei not to accept it, is there?

After all, the time to come.

There are still many.


The three immortals behind the curtain came back to their senses from the sound of opera echoing in their minds for a long time.

Liu Yun couldn't help snorting coldly: "Is this the purpose of their beating?"

"Speaking of which, this reminds me." Li Shandieshui narrowed his eyes.

Three thousand seven hundred years ago.

The immortals signed a contract with Zhongli to establish Liyue Port.

In this bustling land under our feet, these human beings living here were watched and grown up by their immortal families, and they are indeed equivalent to their 'children'.

In the past, the celestial beings were high above them, but they seldom really paid attention to these mortals.

EMI mortals.

A hundred generations of life.

If human beings who have gone through a long time only rely on the support of immortals, how can they develop to the present level?

of course.

It is also impossible to say that just like this, let the immortals give up investigating the cause of the emperor's death and hand over full power to Liyuegang.

Their will is not so easily shaken.

They also won't back down.

It has existed for thousands of years, even if it is not good at fighting, but if a group of immortals join forces, with such endless means, even the devil will have to hate.

So from the very beginning, they will not retreat because of the powerful martial arts shown by Luo Wei.

Just out of 'respect'.

out of favor.

What really moved Xianjia was the meaning of "farewell" revealed in Yun Jin's opera.

Farewell to Dijun.

Say goodbye to all the immortals who sacrificed to protect Liyue in the past.

Human beings can walk alone.

But... never forget the past.

Everyone is afraid of being forgotten.

Even the high-ranking fairy family, even the powerful demon god will die that day.

They will always have that day.

If it can be remembered, if it can be passed on, it can still be praised by others...

"Three days."

True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building Sun looked sideways at Yuheng Xing Keqing, who followed closely to one side. She had a very low sense of presence along the way, but no one would forget that she was personally selected by the Emperor Yan "before his death" One of the Liyue Seven Stars.


Ke Qing was actually immersed in the opera, and only at this time did she come to her senses,

"Didn't you hear clearly? Hmph, I and all the immortals only give you three days."

Liu Yun took advantage of the wind and raised his head: "In three days, find out the whole story."

"Find out the real murderer of the emperor—"

"Three days later, I will wait for the immortals to come to Liyue Port again."

"You wait and do it yourself!"

The words fell and the green wind blew up, making many mortals in Heyu Teahouse unable to open their eyes. When they came back to their senses, they looked up and saw dust and smoke rising like mist, and the shadow of the fairy family had already disappeared.

Did you make it?

Ke Qing came back to her senses, and exhaled lightly, her chest moved with her breath, showing her nervousness just now.

In order to stabilize the fairy.

She worked really hard - if Keqing hadn't been negotiating with the immortals to delay time, perhaps these immortals would not have waited patiently until Luo Wei came to meet them.

The Xian family is proud, as always.

Then again...

"Luo Wei and Mr. Yun, why haven't they come out yet?"

The girl looked sideways at the place covered by layers of curtains on the stage, and a hint of thought flashed in her red-purple eyes.

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