Then there was a creak.

The door opened slowly, revealing a clear golden light.

Luo Wei left the other guards outside, stepped across the threshold alone, stepped into it, and could see the spacious and magnificent hall head-on, the towering holy figure on the high platform surrounded by eight pillars standing on all sides.

Immortal Ancestor Fashui.

Although 'dead', the sacred still exists.

In the eyes of outsiders, this may indeed be the corpse of the Emperor Yanwang, and it is also the carrier used by him to come to the world every year.

Of course, Luo Wei is different from others, he knows that the emperor is not dead, he just feigned death to escape.

He knew better that the 'corpse' in front of him was not entirely false.

The gods on the Tivat continent are not the same as the creations of the elements, but they are not fixed entities, but some kind of imagination.

Just like the Demon God of Dreams that Luo Wei encountered is essentially woven from fragments of dreams, and the Demon God of the Sea is a 'dragon' formed by the flow of the sea.

The demon god relies on authority to condense the form, but entrusts the power to the form.

The form is only the shell.

Seems unimportant.

But for most demon gods, there is only one body, because only a suitable one can carry the huge power and consciousness of the demon god essence.

Morax was similar, but different.

His reign over the earth is extremely long.

The time of existence is longer.

The 700 years have already allowed him to manifest different forms and travel in very different appearances.

'Zhongli' is him.

'Immortal Ancestor Fashe' is him.

But only a part of him.

A broken body is not important to it.

But the damaged body is indeed him, and it also contains part of the will of the rock god.

But at this moment.

Luo Wei will also be here to evoke the dream and induce part of the will of the rock god in the "Immortal Ancestor Fashui" to enter the dream.

Then, under the premise of Mr. Zhongli's acquiescence, explore the essence of the power of the ancient rock god.

...Yes, of course it is impossible for Zhongli not to know about such a thing.

But he didn't discourage it in the slightest.

This represents tacit consent.

Allowing Luo Wei to use this body to explore the profound knowledge of the oldest surviving god, to explore those mysteries that are difficult to comprehend only in words.

Rowe will be able to enrich himself with this.

Accumulate the 'foundation' of being a godslayer.

This is the real purpose of his trip.

He has and will be at this moment, in this house——

Invite the ancestors to sleep.

Chapter 120 The Lady Reached Liyue Again

Just like every time he used the power of the 'Nightmare Tapir' in the past, Luo Wei stood in the resplendent palace hall of the golden house, raised his hand slightly, and aimed at the fairy ancestor Fashui on the high steps.

Then lightly tapped the fingertips, and the phantom of the 'Nightmare Tapir' immediately appeared behind Luo Wei, and the stretched slender nose was also rolling the fingertips, spreading the hazy dream and covering the surroundings.

this moment.

The originally silent eyes of the immortal ancestor Fahui seemed to light up a little light.

Like a 'resurrection'...

He looked at Luo Weisha standing on the steps below.

At the same moment when they looked at each other, Luo Wei's brain buzzed and trembled.

Countless scenarios emerged in his mind.

As if seeing it with my own eyes...

Hundreds of years ago, Yasha Shura dispelled the resentment of the demon god under the moon.

Thousands of years ago, the experience of fighting the Dragon King Ruo Tuo at the Nantian Gate.

2000 years ago, the War of Demon Gods had not yet come to an end.

At this moment, Luo Wei seemed to have passed through the consciousness of endless time and space. He saw the long past from the eyes of 'Fairy Ancestor of Immortal'.

He saw Liyue Port when he saw it for the first time, saw the tranquility and loneliness when Morax was still dormant, and saw the bright stars of a certain day, falling on the east coast of Tevat Continent.

He even saw the cold and lonely shadow of the moon, a towering shrine like a jade carving...


A burst of severe pain surged up, and endless information and memories were intertwined in the consciousness and mind, colliding and rubbing against each other, rapidly expanding as if touching a forbidden place, and would explode at any time.

As a human being, Luo Wei's background is not enough after all, even if he is a godslayer, even if he has killed multiple demon gods and holds multiple powers.

However, it is ultimately beyond our capabilities to undertake a historical length of more than 700 years.

The demon god came from outside the sky.

Who knows how long they have survived outside the sky?

...under such long years.

Even if this is not all of Morax's memories, but just some important events and some important secrets, it still seems huge.

If it is forcibly accepted, Luo Wei's consciousness may be forcibly assimilated directly.

Become another 'Morax'.

Or it is the representative of 'Morax'.

However, he was already prepared for this.

While the huge amount of information was surging, the 'Nightmare Tapir' stretched behind Luo Wei rolled its nose at the same time.

The falling smoky dreamland folded the influx of information.

And then into a fog.

Locked into the depths of Luo Wei's dream, the second layer of consciousness.

turned into a book.

Or rather, an ancient library.

It is certainly impossible for Luo Wei to bear such a huge memory at one time, but the dreams presented by the mind are always illusory and infinite.

As long as you don't go to 'read' and 'browse' all at once.

Instead, store it in the dream and absorb it slowly, it will have little effect on Luo Wei at this moment.

Here, the mottled dream shadow fades away, and the phantom shadow of the 'Nightmare Tapir' dissipates.

The room for gathering power.

The white eyeshadow that spread out from the corners of Luo Wei's eyes also faded away at the same time, leaving only the thin blue light at the bottom.

The fairy ancestor Fashui in front of him also returned to silence.

He shook his head, feeling the extra, seemingly absent "weight" in his consciousness. Although he knew it was just his own psychological reaction, he couldn't help but cheer up.

Fully accept the ancient knowledge mastered by 'Morax'.

Even if it still needs to be digested slowly.

But for a godslayer.

It is still no less than holding the key to the pinnacle throne.

The new powers obtained in the future only need to be 'searched' in the mind, and perhaps enough information can be obtained, instead of slowly accumulating.

But sure enough...

"It's a bit mentally exhausting."

Feeling the exhaustion emerging from his consciousness, Luo Wei did not leave at all, but just sat on the ground in the hall of the Golden House, facing the silent ancestor Fashui.

He wants to rest here for a while.

The guards of the golden house are enough to protect the safety.

In a trance, with a slightly silent consciousness, he also seemed to hear the melodious sound of opera, and 'dream' saw Mr. Yun singing softly in front of him, and his swaying tone and figure were like a breeze, bringing comfort to the soul. ..

"Lord Luo Wei—"

The sound made the dream come to an abrupt end, and Luo Wei opened his eyes.

Although waking up from a dream,

But the pupils were still clear and sharp, and they looked straight out of the door as if they had never rested.

"come in!"

He said.


The door of the golden house was pushed open, and a figure stepped in.

There is light and shadow behind him.

The sun is rising.

At this time, Luo Wei suddenly realized that the whole night had passed.

And that man...

"A person from the General Affairs Department?"

"Yes!" The woman in Liyue's classical gown leaned slightly and stood respectfully outside the threshold, not daring to enter: "Master Yuhengxing asked me to invite you."

"...Regarding the previous matter that the ambassador of the Zhidong Kingdom escaped from the Yuehai Pavilion, stole our important items in Liyue and caused many casualties, Lord Keqing formally protested to the Zhidong Kingdom yesterday. "


"The new envoy of the Winter Solstice Kingdom, [Lady], has arrived in Liyue!"


"Ha, he is really an old acquaintance."

Luo Wei stood up holding the handle of the knife.

Now that Winter's new 'diplomatic ambassador' has arrived.

Then, as the 'Tianshu Star', it is only natural for him to come forward to entertain him.

It is even more appropriate to "knock a bamboo pole" well.

This is probably the reason why Keqing sent people to come to him, right?

...then again.

"I really have to thank that Lord Dadalia."

If he hadn't impulsively reported out of the detention room and attacked Yuehai Pavilion, then Liyue would probably be the one who should be condemned at this moment.

But if Dadalia is not such a character.

Luo Wei might not catch him either.

"Speaking of which, did Dadalia catch it?"


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