Luo Wei nodded lightly without any surprise.

After submitting the credentials last night, Ke Qing, who was busy until midnight and came back here, of course couldn't hide his arrival.

Just pretend not to know.

There is no worry at all.

So at this moment, Luo Wei just turned his eyes sideways and looked out of the window.

From a distance, you can see another Liyue core adjacent to Yuehai Pavilion, on the high platform in front of the towering 'Yujing Terrace', countless soldiers of Qianyan standing, surrounded by countless Liyue crowds.

Just like Ke Qing said.

Everything is ready.

The so-called Sending Xian Dian Yi is undoubtedly similar to inviting Xian Dian Yi.

And since it's "Sending Immortals", it is naturally impossible to hide the truth from the people of Liyue Port.


"I really planned to keep it a secret." Ke Qing over there noticed Luo Wei's gaze, and shook her head gently: "However, this kind of thing can't be kept hidden for too long, but in two days, There have been rumors everywhere in Liyue Port."

"So yesterday afternoon, Ningguang had already released the news of 'the emperor's return to heaven'."

"It's only natural to attract so many onlookers."

Is it too much?

Of course more.

At a glance, men, women, young and old, crowds are crowded, if it is not limited by the venue, if the time of delivery is not too hasty.

I'm afraid that at this moment, the entire population of Liyue Port will gather on Yujing Terrace.

"However, in the past, although I couldn't get along with Miss Ningguang who regarded everything as 'business' and 'investment', but only this time - I can probably understand her plan."

Ke Qing spoke softly, and the voice drifted in front of the window: "The emperor has passed away. If such news is released, there will definitely be many twists and turns in Liyue Port on this day."

"I think, she probably also wants to take this opportunity to clean inside?"

Pull out those crises that take advantage of the opportunity.

Arrest those 'criminals' who took the opportunity to make trouble in the city.

For Ningguang, this is also a kind of 'risk investment' in advance.

I like to find the right opportunity, pile up the undercurrents, and solve them all at once...

Recycle an opportunity multiple times.


This is similar to Keqing, and also similar to Luo Wei.


Are they all influenced by the rock king?

After all, so is Mr. Zhongli.

"But you don't have to worry about these things." Ke Qing, who didn't know Luo Wei's inner thoughts, continued, "There will be labor over the golden house."

"That's my duty." Luo Wei stood up and patted the handle of the long knife at his waist.

As Keqing said.

Although they are both seven stars, Luo Wei's responsibilities are different from those of Yuheng Star Keqing and Tianquan Star Condensing Light.

Sending Xian Dian Yi and inviting Xian Dian Yi are similar, but they are different after all.

Similar is the "Farewell to People" located in front of Yujing Terrace.

The difference is that it is located in the golden house, in front of the immortal ancestor Fashui, "the fairy's farewell".

From the beginning to the end, this gift ceremony was divided into two simultaneous sessions.

Luo Wei was in charge, without a doubt, the scene in the Golden House.

And it wasn't until Luo Wei stepped away that Miss Yuhengxing exhaled softly and confirmed one thing.


"Is it because you are by his side that you can fall asleep so peacefully?"


Ke Qing, who came here in a hurry yesterday evening, found that Luo Wei was 'sleeping' here, but she, who was planning to continue working here all night, fell into a deep sleep without realizing it while listening to Ro Wei's sleeping breathing.

Peace of mind.

It seems that she has not experienced such a time for a short time, forgetting all her work and falling asleep peacefully.

"Well, it's good to combine work and rest once in a while."

"But in the future, we still have to continue to work!"

Keqing shook her head, gathered her spirits, and then got up to leave.

Go to the position opposite to the direction Rowe left.

Go to 'Yujing Terrace'.


In the northern suburb of Liyue, in front of the Golden House.

The place where the sun was setting and setting was smeared with rubble and clear. Standing in front of the door, Zhongli carried one hand on his back, and rubbed his clean chin with the other hand in a dark glove. He stared at the majestic and towering door of the golden house in front of him, slightly lost in thought.

On the other hand, Dadalia next to him had a weird expression on his face: "You Liyue... are you all so weird?"

It is indeed strange.

The golden house in front of you is another part of the "Ceremony of Sending the Immortals", but it is not a plain funeral, but decorated with lights and festoons on all sides. Even though the lights are black and white, it does not show the solemnity at all. .

Instead, with a little... festive?

"Based on general rationality, this is the plan proposed by Hall Master Hu. Before I read it carefully, she handed it over to the General Affairs Department."

Zhongli responded to Dadalia's words with a calm face, "And in the tradition of Liyue, there is a 'joy and mourning' thing."

"Emperor Yanwang has protected Liyue for 700 years. Perhaps it is a 'happy event' for him to be liberated."

"Ah, the customs of the Liyue people are really complicated." Dadalia scratched his head in confusion.

Even though he has learned Liyue Customs for two full days, he still doesn't understand many things, and it's even so complicated that he feels dizzy and drowsy when he hears it.

But none of these things really matter.

As long as you know that the location in front of you is hidden, and that it is the place where the 'Immortal Ancestor Fashui' is placed, that's enough.

The entrustment that Zhongli accepted and the "Ceremony of Sending Immortals" that Zhongli was going to lead also referred to the ceremony here.

At the same time, a young and clear voice suddenly sounded behind them:

"Mr. Zhongli, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"!?" Hearing this inexplicably familiar voice, Dadalia was instantly startled.

Zhongli, however, seemed much calmer. He turned around and looked at the figure standing behind him facing the morning light: "It's okay, we just arrived."

"Is this the new guest of the Hall of Rebirth?" Luo Wei, who came from Yuehai Pavilion, looked at Dadalia next to him, pretending not to know.

Dadalia smiled. Of course, he has already changed his face and put on makeup when he went out, but he was not sure whether he would be recognized before, but now he is sure.

Mr. Zhongli's make-up skills are really superb... Although it is said that this is the makeup used for corpses, which is somewhat unlucky, but there is really nothing to say about its applicability.

"I'm just an apprentice." Dadalia responded with a smile.

"The accent sounds like someone from the Winter Kingdom?" Luo Wei mused, "It happens that there is also a wanted criminal from the Winter Kingdom recently."


Dadalia's mouth froze instantly.

"Based on universal rationality, no one would throw themselves into a trap." Zhong Li answered casually beside him.

Luo Wei nodded approvingly: "Yes."

Mr. Zhongli, you really helped me a lot... Dadalia breathed a sigh of relief, and decided to invite this well-informed guest of the past life hall to have a few more good meals afterwards.

"It's almost time, it's time to go inside." Zhong Li's gilt eyes were always focused.

Luo Wei looked up at the sky: "It's almost there."

And this moment.

Dadalia's heart also hangs inexplicably.

Want to see you...

Immortal Ancestor Fashui.

Or -

"Rock God, God's Heart" is located.

Chapter 130

In front of Liyue Port and Yujing Terrace.

Except for the Seven Stars who need to guard the rock giant abyss and cannot escape, the rest of Liyue's high-level officials are all present at this moment.

The Qianyan army looked solemn, holding ax spears and spears inlaid with chi beast crystals, forming a solid human wall between neatly arranged, blocking the diversion of Liyue people who were onlookers, and surrounded those who should be used for "inviting immortals" high tower.

On the high platform, the fragrance curls up.

Tianquan stands in front of the incense burner with radiant light, his sleeves are fluttering, and he holds a pipe in his hand to raise his breath, covering his delicate face.

Yuheng Xing Keqing next to her had a serious face, her legs supporting her knee-length skirt stood upright like swords.

The figures surrounded the six sides of the platform.

After a brief period of preparation and silence, there was a sound.

"I would like to tell all the people of Liyue—" Tianquan took a step forward, his gaze surrounded the many people of Liyue below the stage.

The crowd was chattering, but the moment Ning Guang spoke, they all fell silent.

They looked up at the seven stars on the stage,

The 'big men' who were rarely seen in the past gathered together at this moment.

Their expressions are solemn.

Serious attitude.

The ribbons hanging on the stage fluttered, and at this moment, many people finally had to be convinced... It turns out that the emperor has really passed away.

The rock god who established Liyue and protected the people for 700 years.

The ancient who watched the human toddler.

The ruler who made a covenant with the immortals 3000 years ago and gave the people peace and stability.

...has really left them.

"Tell me the people of Liyue." Ningguang repeated, saying: "The current Liyue began in 700 years, when the people of Li were shipwrecked, Lord Yan raised Tianheng..."

Sending immortals, singing and sending.

This is also the case every time I gave Xiandianyi in the past.

Count the merits of the immortals over and over again.

Send his soul back to heaven, and carry his achievements to earth.

But Emperor Yanwang is different.

Because the history of His existence runs through the entire Liyue.

Where since three thousand seven hundred years.

All immortals, heroic souls, and all meritorious deeds will appear in "Ode to the Rock Lord".

"In the past, the emperor made a covenant with the celestial beings to attract the true emperors to enter the world, such as staying clouds to borrow the wind, rationalizing mountains and overlapping waters, cutting the moon to build the sun, and moving the sky to guide the night."

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