For things other than the contract, he never repays favors.

To be fair, he measures himself differently than he measures others.

But do you really owe it?

There is no doubt that it is not owed.

Luo Wei adjusted his breath, chuckled and shook his head: "This is what I owe you, Mr. Zhongli."

It has been nearly a year since I crossed the Tivat continent.

Luo Wei also met a lot of people here, from ordinary soldiers to the aloof Seven Gods.

Among them, Yun Jin, who gave him peace of mind, was undoubtedly the most important and cherished person in Luo Wei's heart, occupying the most core place.

And Zhongli, who he first met in this world, who showed him the way ahead, and gave him a place to stay, is like a mentor.

After the ancient incarnation of the rock god knew Lovina's ambition of "killing the gods", which sounded like a fantasy to others, not only did he not regard him as a lunatic or a lunatic, but gave him help and guided him to join The Thousand Rock Army.

The many teachings and help after that are also countless.

It can be said.

If there is no Zhongli, there will be no Luo Wei at this moment, and there will be no scene of the initial successful killing of gods.

So this is what he owes to the old god.

Although it is a godslayer and a god.

But who said that they will be in opposition because of each other's identities?

"So... that's fine."

Zhong Li looked at Luo Wei whose expression was far more serious than his own, and finally nodded slightly.

No more mention of human affairs.

For a long time, Morax, who has the toughest heart among the gods, has been allocating his own strength to resist wear and tear for other existences. Although he was ultimately unable to do so, he never gave up helping others.

Now, is it finally someone else's turn to help him fight the wear and tear?

"Mr. Zhongli, how do you feel?"

Luo Wei asked suddenly.

"Consciousness is slightly lacking, but it's not bad. After the wear and tear has gone, there is a sense of brightness."

Zhongli murmured: "With time, maybe I can also recover my full strength, which is still unknown."

Full power refers to...

"A Valkyrie during the Demon God War?" Luo Wei understood.

The seven gods of the world can rely on the act of domination to gain power, but for the ancient rock gods, it is just a drop in the bucket to use this power to heal the damage caused by wear and tear.

At this moment, compared to the time of the Demon God War, he is actually much weaker.

But this also made Luo Wei slightly excited: "I hope that one day, I can really fight against Mr. Zhongli—"

"Based on your progress, I also believe that there will be that day."

Zhong Li over there wanted to say something, but was suddenly interrupted.

"I said, two, can you let me down first?"

Dadalia, who was dangling on the wall, finally couldn't help shouting when he saw that the two still didn't pay any attention to him after the battle.

Both Luo Wei and Zhong Li were stunned at the same time.

to be frank...

They did forget.

"Let me go." Zhong Li said, "You still have things to do, don't you?"

Luo Wei nodded, watching Zhongli go to the wall over there, and 'dug' Dadalia off the wall.

After he himself withdrew his gaze, he stepped on the 'ground' piled up with gravel and stepped to the front of the immortal ancestor Fashui.

As Zhong Li just said.

The fairy ancestor Fashui is only the 'one body' of Morax, but it can also be said to be Morax.

Luo Wei has beheaded the immortal ancestor.

Then it is equivalent to beheading one of the incomplete Seven Gods.

After killing God.


"Harvest time."

Yes, at this very moment, the 'Fairy Ancestor of Immortals' is already a God of Disobedience.

He is 'dead'.

The legends and allusions belonging to Lord Yan have already been known and accepted by people along with the ceremony of sending the immortals on this day.

The dead god, break free from fate.

Since the 'not from'.


Fingertips lightly, the dream spread, and among the mottled shadows, there was a continuous flow of power from the completely silent fairy ancestor Fashui, flowing into the depths of Luo Wei's consciousness, and flowing to the "reincarnation" that had been silent for a while. ceremony'.

The ring starts.

Power grab.

Because of being out of contact, Zhongli over there was not affected in the slightest.

At this moment, the power and authority of the seven gods that existed in the 'Father of the Immortals' were swallowed up by rituals from another world... occupied by the 'God Killer'.

Chapter 130: Anyone Can Become a New Godslayer

How much power does 'Morax' have?

In the myths handed down by Liyue, he cast the original 'Mola' and is regarded as the 'God of Wealth'. He has gone through a long time and witnessed all the prosperity and decline in the world. The 'God of History', people in ancient times used rocks to make fire, and Morax, who symbolized rocks, was therefore called the 'God of Fire'.

In addition, He also has the prestige of "War God" which has been passed down from generation to generation.

If legend defines the God of Disobedience, and so on, Morax's power can be described as innumerable.

Wealth, history, fire, martial arts and martial arts...

But these are not Luo Wei's goals at the moment.

The reincarnation ceremony in the consciousness was running at a high speed, but the spreading ring was continuously constricted and cut like a blade, pushing away the core of the god of non-obedience of the 'Immortal Ancestor Fashui' that flowed into it layer by layer.

Wealth was thrown away, history was stripped away, the fire was extinguished, and martial arts and martial arts were all gone.

Until the last remaining, there is only one point.

There is only a touch of majesty and power left at the core.

it is...


Legend has it that at the beginning of the end of Liyue Mountain and Sea, the Emperor Yanwang appeared in the world and made the first contract with the world.

So three thousand seven hundred years ago.

Liyue was created.

The 'Mora' cast by him is also the proof of the original contract.

Luo Wei didn't know what the real power core of Morax's body was.

But in the perception of the world, the most essential point within the "core" that Xianzu Fashui couldn't get rid of, is undoubtedly the "contract" obtained at this moment.

So the power and power are integrated and the power is revealed.

in reality.

Dadalia, who had just been 'dug' from the wall by Zhongli, raised his head suddenly before he had time to catch his breath, and looked at Luo Wei, who was standing in front of the silent fairy ancestor Fashui, who was dressed in a splendid attire with wide wrists. place,

This glance happened to see Luo Wei open his eyes.

At this moment, it seemed that Luo Wei saw a complicated and invisible vein in Luo Wei's eyes. With Luo Wei as the center and extending in all directions, the online world...


The young master suddenly closed his eyes, blood dripped from the corners of his eyes, his face turned pale for a moment, he staggered back and leaned against the wall: "This is... what?"

Zhong Li was thoughtful.

It is no secret in his eyes that Luo Wei can gain the power of gods through killing gods.

But he was still surprised by Luo Wei's choice at the moment.

Rowe's chosen 'contract'.

It is Morax's most powerful ability besides the essential power.

Its abilities are not intended for combat.

Not suitable for combat either.

Because the essence of the contract is the 'connection' built between people.

The god of contract is both the witness and the guardian of this connection.

The rock gods of the ancient times relied on this ability to quickly gain a foothold in the Tivat continent. By establishing a "contract" relationship with others, they gathered many demons, fierce beasts, fairy beasts and elves, and became the "ancestor of all immortals." '.

It can be said that the "contract" is the origin of the "ancestor" among the ancestors of the immortals.

It is the source of all immortal relations.

The Rock God at that time was like this.

The same is true for Luo Wei now.

What Dadalia saw just now is the manifestation of the power that belongs to the 'contract' that Luo Wei unfolded at the first moment when he gathered the power.

He stood here, and the moment he showed his power, he simultaneously opened the 'Mask of the Godhead'.

So the purpose of entry is the birth of silk threads.

Luo Wei felt as if he was standing in a dense network extending from himself.

It is a network of relationships between people.

The closest girl, undoubtedly named 'Yunjin', is the closest person to him.

The thread connecting with the girl is strong and firm, extending from Luo Wei's body to the location of Yunhan Club in Liyue Port.

After that, there is the neighboring 'Zhongli', Yuheng Xing Keqing, the Southern Cross Fleet 'Big Dipper' who fought side by side, and Tianquan Ningguang who has met several times. The first comrades-in-arms I met when I was a soldier officer in the Qianyan Army, and even the 'General Thunderbolt' who was far away in Inazuma...

Every link, every little bit shines.

Knowing each other and exchanging names is the simplest 'contract'.

But at this moment.

Staring with both eyes, between thoughts and thoughts.

Luo Wei also raised his hand at the same time, plucking the invisible thread in front of his eyes.

"Ah - finally freed!"

Dadalia over there had his eyes swollen because he caught a glimpse of something that should not be felt by mortals, but fortunately, he is also considered a strong man who has experienced many battles, so he won't be overwhelmed at a glance.

But this time I didn't dare to look at it, I just asked Zhongli who was next to me: "Mr. should still call him that!"

"What just happened? That guy..."

"Based on universal rationality." Zhong Li rubbed his chin: "He is 'making a covenant'."

Luo Wei is based on himself and establishes a 'contract' with those who are directly related to him.

This is a...

There's a contract about the 'Godslayer'.

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