She seemed to have been thinking about that track for a long time and was very moved, but in the end she was still in a certain state of mind and didn't put it on the stage.

Out of girlish shame.

That is...

"A story about the marriage between a young dramatist and a young general... "The General's Match?"


Has it progressed to this extent?

Chapter 140 Four, the Desperate General Affairs Department

Yun Ning was somewhat surprised, but she, who hadn't stopped from the beginning, was also a little happy at this moment.

Luo Wei, who has now officially grown up, is also a huge boost to the future career development of Yunhan Club.

With those two personalities...

Before actually getting married, I don't think I would do anything too outrageous.

Thinking of this, Yun Ning closed the script in her hand and at the same time locked the door firmly to prevent anyone from entering and disturbing her, and then she left with peace of mind.

Luo Wei in the house separated from the girl who got into his arms after a moment of tenderness.

But they couldn't help laughing at each other.

Really, more and more proficient, so close... But even so, Yun Jin's pretty face is still slightly red, not because of embarrassment, but because of happiness.

"Since it's been agreed." She blinked her eyes: "Then tonight, let's each have a good rest!"

"However, I think that in the next two days, I will start to get busy."

"—Even if you have great talent and ability, you can easily enter the play and reduce the hard work that has been lacking for ten years. However, if you want to easily master a script that you have never touched before in two days, It’s not that easy either.”

While talking, the girl walked off the stage side by side with Luo Wei, her skirt fluttering, her vermilion lips parted slightly, and her voice drifted with the wind:


She looked sideways at Luo Wei, and her vermilion eyes were full of seriousness: "In the past two days, I will go to your side every night to urge you."

"Of course, I will also teach you my acting skills..."

"Don't you want to escape?"

"I've been caught by you, how can I escape?"

Luo Wei listened to the girl's soft voice, looked at the slightly raised phoenix pupils in front of him with beautiful eye shadows, looked at each other's tightly clasped hands, and laughed uncontrollably.

"Well, that's right." Yun Jin blinked, covered her mouth and chuckled, "After all, you've already lost yourself to me?"

"But I think. If you want to teach, it's best to set a title--this will make it easier for you to enter the drama when teaching...well, to enter the state."

"Call me teacher?"

"Am I that old?" Yun Jin rolled her eyes and couldn't help but hum: "Why don't you just call me Senior Sister?"

"How about I call your sister directly?"

"Yeah, brother, don't shame me!"

Mr. Yun smiled softly, saying he was ashamed, but there was no trace of shyness in his brows and eyes. There was only happiness in the raised corners of his mouth and twitching phoenix eyes.

But think carefully.

In the beginning, their status was actually reversed—Luo Wei, who had just arrived in Liyue Port, was just a small Qianyan soldier, and facing the status of Yunhan Society and Miss Yun Family, he was even more indifferent. Can't compare.

So at the beginning, when Mr. Yun faced Luo Wei, he was always caring for him.

It was only because Luo Wei stayed away from his hometown and acted prudently that this pattern was gradually reversed in the subsequent relationship.

However anyway...

"A brother for a day, and a brother for life." Yunjin clasped Luo Wei tightly with one hand, but turned the other hand like a cloud at the same time.

Luo Wei said that Bengbu lived: "I have never heard of this sentence."

"In the future." Mr. Yun took it for granted.

Knowing that the girl was making fun of him, Luo Wei certainly wouldn't be weak, he just put on a look to cooperate with the performance: "Mr. Yun is a famous lady, cough, don't say such false words."

"Besides, one is the first, it is for the husband, I hope that I will respect myself..."

But his sly tone only caused the girl to chuckle.

Being able to live a fun life like this.

Isn't that what she likes too?


She lightly tapped her fingertips on his chest: "Be obediently follow me to the house to rest!"

"Besides, speaking of sir..."

"Aren't you too?"

"Tianshu Xing, Mr. Luo Wei?"

The girl's phoenix eyes turned slightly, and Gu Pansheng pushed her fingertips back in a gesture.

Luo Wei would not resist, he just pretended to be a frail scholar captured by the 'devil head'.

The door clanged behind him.

The fragrance of the girl's boudoir is accompanied by the fragrance of tea all over the building, and then enters the nostrils, bringing a sense of relaxation to the soul.


Rowe did indeed rest well that night.

Although he entered the girl's boudoir, as Yunning knew, Mr. Yun, who grew up with an excellent tutor, would not do such outrageous things before marriage. Although Luo Wei didn't care much about the traditional etiquette People, but he cares about Yunjin's feelings, so of course he doesn't.

Just sleeping in each other's arms and feeling the breath, heartbeat and temperature of each other is already a very peaceful thing.

But after the next day.

Luo Wei still got up early - after Daoming came to receive 'training' again tonight, Luo Wei was ready to go to the Moon Sea Pavilion.

At any rate, she is also an agent of Tianshu, and it is impossible to really leave everything to Miss Gan Yu like the previous generation did.

Uncle Tian is old and lacks energy, a helpless move.

I am different.

In his position, he should seek his position.

"Come back early, Luo Wei." After Yunjin said goodbye softly, Luo Wei left Yunhan Club.

Looking back at the house, wearing a pompom and phoenix crown, the beautiful hands are hanging down, and the appearance is dignified and farewell.

Luo Wei touched his chin.

I always feel... a feeling of living a married life ahead of time?


He suddenly remembered what Tian Quanxing said before.

Maybe even if not immediately.

Should the time be topped up?

No, now is not the time to think about it...

Shaking off the inexplicable thoughts in his mind, Luo Wei walked down Fei Yunpo's three-dimensional street house made of vermilion wood and stones.

Walk slowly towards Yuehai Pavilion.

On Liyuegang Street, as the month-by-month festival approaches, the festive atmosphere becomes more intense. Among the colorful lights, everyone has a happy smile on their faces.

There are wealthy people who say the last sentence to everyone: "After the festival."

Even handed over a red envelope.

Even to a "street management officer" like myself wearing Qianyan Army uniform, I would say "I have troubled you for the past year".

Moon Festival means the night of the first full moon in the new year.

Welcome to send, say goodbye to the old and welcome the new.

That's it.

However, compared with the atmosphere on the street, Yuehai Pavilion, which is the core institution of Liyue Port, is a completely different scene.

People coming and going.

A figure that is untouchable.

Files that are constantly being fed in and then out...

The moment he pushed the door open, what Luo Wei saw was such a scene.

"What should I do with this document?"

"Haven't the new instructions been issued yet?"

"The report from the layer rock abyss has not yet given instructions..."


You can tell at a glance.

At this moment, Yuehai Pavilion is in a state of being about to explode.

The sudden surge in workload made everyone feel overwhelmed.

Helpless words came to Luo Wei's ears: "I never cared about it in the past, but I never thought... the impact of the emperor's departure would be so great."

While the hem of the skirt fluttered, a pair of slender legs came striding forward, and the supporting curved buttocks were slightly agitated. The girl with full horns was full of exhaustion.

"Your Excellency Luo Wei, I'm afraid you will be busy with us for a while, and there is no way to celebrate the festival."

Can't celebrate?

How can that work! ?

Luo Wei was shocked instantly.

Chapter 140 Customization

But the facts are just as Miss Yuhengxing said.

Before the emperor left, they all tried their best to fight for the opportunity of "rule of man" for human beings, so as to get rid of the "constraint" under the rule of the ancient gods.

But now, the Rock King Dijun has really left, and this group of Seven Stars also understand that the difficulty of really managing Liyue is far beyond everyone's imagination.

"Look, here are the files that have been flocking in during this time."

Ke Qing, who brought Luo Wei who had arrived into the archive room deep in the Moon Sea Pavilion, folded her arms and tightened her arms, her pretty face full of helplessness.

Luo Wei looked at the pile of papers that almost filled the entire room in front of him, and felt his scalp tingle just by looking at it.

It has only been four days since the emperor was assassinated,

This means that what is in front of me is actually just four days of Liyue's affairs——

"you misunderstood."

Seeing Luo Wei's solemn expression, Ke Qing reminded: "This is just a job belonging to 'Yu Heng Xing'."

"As for the others, in another room."

The girl raised her green finger and pointed to the other rooms opposite to this room.

From Yuheng, Tianquan, Tianshu, and several other seven stars, there are corresponding rooms.

This also means...

"One seven-star, four days' work, that's all."

Luo Wei's expression became even more frozen.

So what, is it too late for him to resign now?

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