"'Revealing God'?"

Luo Wei couldn't help chewing on the meaning of these three words.

"This is just a false title, you don't need to care about it."

Seeing that Luo Wei seemed to be a little concerned, Coral Palace Xinhai explained.

She also seems to be accustomed to others chewing on these three words: "The Great God of the Sea... is also the demon god Orobus that outsiders often say. , It is also His will to guard the island."

"Compared to this, in order to welcome all the distinguished guests from Liyue, our Haizhi Island has prepared the best hospitality, and we are just waiting for you to take your seats!"

Xinhai smiled, and that girlish face was full of anticipation: "Of course, there are many other questions, and I want to ask His Excellency Luo Wei."

Do you want to ask how to fight against "General Thunder" and resist the lock-down order?

"It's impossible."

Luo Wei came with the purpose of prying open the door of Dao's wife.

It would be even better if one or two 'Gods of Disobedience' transformed from the remains of most or even complete demon gods could be beheaded.

——So of course he couldn't refuse Xinhai's words,

Because if the rebels are stronger.

On Liyue's side, the more reason to get involved.


"Then I'll take the liberty of asking—"

Xinhai blinked his eyes: "Then can you tell me about the sequel of "Magic God Strange", when will "Human Era" resume publication? This book has been discontinued for nearly seven days..."

"Miss Beidou said that you are the author of this book - I am very interested in the various strategies that have emerged due to human disputes involved in it!"

"This should be the origin of the art of war strategy, and..."

Rowe: "..."

He looked at the excited face of the girl in front of him, who almost clenched her fists to make peace.

"Cough, Mr. Xinhai, please discuss these matters at the banquet later!"

It wasn't until the rebel deployment next to him lowered his head to remind him that Coral Palace Xinhai came back to his senses and apologized quickly.

But it can be seen that what she just said is indeed serious.

"Mr. Luo Wei has so many readers, even Dao's wife." Gan Yu next to him was also a little surprised.

Luo Wei was left speechless.

Obviously, it should be a happy thing to meet someone who likes the book I wrote in another country.

But why is this so, not happy at all?

...and here we are.

He also finally understood the reason why the other party was so excited when he saw him just now.

Feelings are not because of General Thunder.

It's because I can remind you in person! ?

In order to consult the content of the book

Chapter 150 Eighth Art of War

That night.

In the sky above Haizhi Island, the stars are twinkling and bright, and the sky in the outer sea is extremely clear and clean, and the stars that can be gazed at are more and more obvious than those in Liyue.

And in the center of the island, surrounded by land on all sides, in the majestic palace built on the back of huge seashells.

The lights were brightly lit, and a "reception banquet" was also held under heavy curtains.

The outside is a reception for hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

And the inner hall.

It is a high-level meeting.

A banquet for only three people.

"During the day, I'm really rude."

Sitting at the top seat, the girl named Coral Palace Xinhai looked apologetic.

Place the first position here.

Gan Yu remained silent, but tilted her head to look at Luo Wei beside her, her ice-blue hair fluttering slightly.

Luo Wei shook his head, looked at the interior of the palace wrapped in crystals, like the Dragon Palace of the Sea God, and shone brightly on all sides, and just chuckled:

"As a creator, it's a good thing for me to have someone who likes what I write."

He said he didn't mind.

Then Coral Palace Xinhai became really impolite:

"So, I would like to ask, when will the new chapter appear? Also, did human beings really rely on their own efforts to develop so many strategies..."



I always feel that what you said is completely different from what I wrote!

Luo Wei silently raised the wine bottle in front of him and drank a little.

The warmth enters the belly, and spits out again.

Smells of ocean currents and corals.

The chapter titled "The Era of Humanity" is written about the bumpy development of ordinary Liyue people from thousands of years ago under the watchful eyes of the gods.

It is said to be the soil that walks with the gods, but even a supernatural being like the rock king is concerned, in fact, it is the entire group called human beings.

And those stories about people at the bottom climbing to the top step by step that are often overlooked, and the memoirs of pure human heroes, also have their brilliance. This is the main theme of Luo Wei's book.

...This is a human story written by Luo Wei for Yun Jin, in order to fulfill her dream of "singing the hearts of the world to everyone".

It is also another means he uses to digest the 600 years of events in his mind.

Just obviously.

The same book looks completely different to different people.

What the girl named "Coral Palace Heart Sea" in front of her saw was the development of human war strategies, the process of human strategy utilization from embryonic form to gradual perfection.

This is also related to its hobbies.

But in any case, Xinhai really likes the book written by Luo Wei. If it weren't for this, she wouldn't be so excited during the day—and she wouldn't be so excited when she heard from Beidou that the person who once blocked the vast sea Since General Raiden's 'mysterious strongman' is also the author of this book, the anticipation for the meeting at this moment is even more overwhelming.

Of course, although she admires the book written by Luo Wei, she is also the "God Priestess" of Haizhi Island after all.

During the day, he was able to quickly rectify his mood when his subordinates lowered their heads to remind them, and invited Luo Wei and everyone from Liyue to this 'Shengong' located in the center of Haizhi Island to have a banquet.

at this moment.

You can also quickly realize your own indecency once again.

Seeing the weirdness in Luo Wei's eyes, the girl who was sitting couldn't help but blushed slightly, and coughed softly, her raised hands were swaying with ribbons, her kneeling posture, her thighs were slightly intertwined and squeezed, making the hidden deep White tightens a little bit, driving beautiful peristalsis.

She sincerely apologized: "Sorry, I was rude."

"It's ok."

Luo Wei once again expressed that he didn't mind: "The new one is already being conceived."


From the moment you just mentioned.

Yes, the books written by Luo Wei have no outline, let alone a structure.

Naturally, Xinhai would not know about this, and the moment she heard about it, she also looked forward to it: "I used to think that the first edition of Yazhongtang's work was the most perfect interpretation of the art of war, but after reading your book, I also realized You know, the me before was really too superficial.”

"Liyue, which has a history of thousands of years, has a profound historical background, and it really makes people yearn for it!"

However, although.

Yaedo, isn't that the first edition of novels that are more entertaining? ?

Even though he already knew it in the game, after actually hearing it, Luo Wei still couldn't help but look weird.

"Well, thank you Mr. Luo Wei for your answer."


Speaking of this, Coral Palace Xinhai's words paused slightly, and his expression became solemn: "Next, it's time to talk about the serious business."

Even if the previous focus has been slightly wrong, but as Hai Zhidao's "incarnated god maiden", it is impossible for her to invite Luo Wei in this name just to talk about the creation of a literary work.

There are bigger things too.

"Have you ever heard of, 'Spirit'?"

"Is the 'spirit' referring to the 'resentment' left by the Demon God?"

Rowe didn't speak yet.

Gan Yu next to him responded subconsciously: "Well, I read this from a book."

Books about Inazuma that I read during the voyage.

Luo Wei also knew that the "spirit" referred to was the same as Liyue's "karma".

But he didn't speak.

Just looking towards Coral Palace Xinhai.

The priestess who appeared on Haizhi Island nodded: "When people die, they are called ghosts, and when gods die, they are called ghosts."

"We Haizhi Island residents, thousands of years ago, were under the rule of the demon god Orobas - in ancient legends, it was he who rescued our ancestors from the dark abyss of the sea and taught us slash-and-burn farming .”

"However, now, as you can see, although I am called the 'God of Present Man', there is no god behind me."

"The ancient demon god was murdered by the current shogunate General Raiden because of his expedition to Yalu Island thousands of years ago."

"But even though the demon god died, the karma left by him still affects people's normal life from time to time." Luo Wei said, "You want me to help you solve this hidden danger?"


Coral Palace Xinhai nodded solemnly.

But after a short while, that pretty face became helpless again: "My subordinates... they are trying to use the power of foreign countries to destroy the "Spirit God" planted by General Lei Dian thousands of years ago to disperse and dismantle it. ', thus awakening the power of the God of God."


"Everyone knows that the god of evil is not a real god."

"It's just the resentment of the gods—monsters who can't distinguish between friend and foe."

Gan Yu subconsciously wanted to say that since he was your subordinate, why didn't you stop him...but before he could speak, he stopped abruptly.

If you don't want to stop it.

Coral Palace Xinhai would not ask for Luo Wei's help here.

If it wasn't for being unable to stop...

"As you can see."

Xinhai bowed his head slightly: "Although I am the current Goddess, I have been in charge for less than a year. What I can manage is not all the rebels."

Or maybe it's because it's half a year earlier than the original timeline.

Today's Xinhai of the Coral Palace only has the popularity as a living god and witch, but lacks 'prestige',

She is the leader in name only.

Can only control part of the power,

The rebels and forces 'under' the Coral Palace's Xinhai are intricate, and although she knows many things, she is powerless to stop them.

After all, Haizhi Island cannot have civil strife.

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